EARTH FEDERATION NEWS                                    









September 4, 2024

UN Summit of the Future Needs the Earth Constitution

Roger Kotila                         DWF NEWS


For world federalists like Einstein, it would be no surprise that the United Nations has been unable to do its primary job which is to end war. In this regard the UN has been a spectacular failure. Why? The UN Charter is wrong. 


The Charter is treaty-based which is one of the core weaknesses. Treaty agreements are too easily broken. The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR, Brussels) points out that what is needed for the UN is a world constitution. CUNCR originated the movement for Article 109 to launch a legally required Charter Review, not yet conducted by the UN. 


Will the upcoming UN Summit of the Future fix the UN so it can do its job? Most likely, no. Why? The Summit features over 50 "action items" none of which address the underlying fatal flaws in the Charter.


The World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) has analyzed the Charter and drafted over a period of 30 years a democratic world constitution, designed to correct the problems found in the outdated, Charter.


The UN is decidedly undemocratic with only 5 nations given meaningful voting rights. The UN Security Council P-5 have failed miserably because of their veto power, while there are 187 nations denied voting rights. The House of Nations from the Earth Constitution corrects that flaw.


The UN General Assembly lacks the vote except to make "recommendations" to the UN Security Council. If the General Assembly turns to the Earth Constitution (EC), the UNGA can give itself voting rights utilizing the authority of the EC.


The UN Charter lacks enforceable world law. There are no world federal marshals or police to enforce UN standards and conventions.  As a result, Bully nations mock international law, and routinely commit world crimes. The leaders responsible for the crimes are above the Law and openly defy and ignore the International Criminal Court.


I would like to see the UN General Assembly move away from the Future Summit "action" items which mostly are a distraction which avoids the real problem -- the UN Charter. The General Assembly should instead launch a special 109 review which compares the UN Charter to the Earth Constitution. Which governing model is more democratic? Which one could end war? Eliminate nuclear weapons? Which one has a well thought-out world judiciary system with enforcement, thus able to end global anarchy?


Finally, should you and I have a vote on global affairs? One path underway is by the Earth Constitution Institute which is establishing a House of Peoples to give democratic representation to the Earth's 7.5 billion people. There will be 1000 electoral districts. Representatives are now being sought in these districts with a meeting of a Provisional World Parliament to be held in India in December, 2025. 

-- R. Kotila, PhD

July 26,2024

UN Needs the Earth Constitution to Deal with World Criminals

Roger Kotila Earth Federation News & Views

As we watch helplessly, violators of international law go free, unable to be arrested by the UN, the International Court of Justice (ICJ, "World Court"), or the International Criminal Court (ICC.  Leaders of Bully nations break the Law with impunity. There is no world federal enforcement to protect the citizenry.


We are all world citizens by birth with certain inalienable rights per the Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Constitution.


The leaders of Bully nations have too often felt free to overthrow weaker governments, or invade militarily. They have used illegal sanctions to pressure weaker governments to submit. Sanctions are a form of indirect murder when a nation's population is denied needed products and services for survival -- such as needed medical supplies, etc.


The leaders of the US, NATO and Israel are on the top of the list for many of these deadly violations of Law and Order.  But other countries such as Russia, China and Iran, too, have mocked international law and violated universal basic human rights.


The Earth Constitution's World Judiciary System should be reviewed by the UN General Assembly and compared to the UN Charter which lacks adequate means for enforceable world law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot be enforced due to the inadequate UN Charter.


What to do?  The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), a leading think tank based out of Brussels, has pointed out that the UN has yet to conduct a legally required Charter Review under Article 109. According to CUNCR the UN Charter is treaty-based, hence unreliable; a more reliable geopolitical system will require a world constitution.


The World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), via the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI), offers a Two Track strategy to create a new world federal governing structure designed to end global anarchy and war itself. A Provisional World Parliament is being developed with 1000 Electoral Districts to represent "we, the people" (House of Peoples). Simultaneously an attempt is being made to join forces with the UN General Assembly (House of Nations) using the authority of the Earth Constitution for a "new UN".


It is hard to imagine ending war or eliminating the nuclear nightmare until the geopolitical system adopts a new judiciary and enforcement system such as outlined in the Earth Constitution. Leaders of Bully nations currently mock the Law, and are unlikely to change their aggressive patterns until there is the equivalent of world federal marshal or police services to uphold the Law. No one, not even the leader of a nation, should be above the Law.  ~ R. Kotila, PhD

Invoke Article 6 of the United Nations Charter:

Expel the US to Rescue the UN

Fritz Pointer

         Article 6 of the UN Charter states:

A member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.

The invocation of Article 6 to expel the United States from the United Nations is a concrete action that should be taken by the 192 member states of the UN General Assembly as well as NGOs and political activists and groups globally.  This action involves the removal of the single most malignant, cancerous, force in that organization. Once that malignant force is removed then the UN has some chance of being reformed or rehabilitated; to become a genuinely representative global international consultative council of countries an insurer of states, which is what it is purported to want to be, what it’s supposed to be.

The aim of the UN Charter is to save humanity from war; to reaffirm human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person (Palestinian, Jewish, African, European, Asian, Latin. Etc.). To proclaim the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small; and to promote the prosperity of all humankind.  The UN Charter is the foundation of international peace and security. 

The United States is the Greatest Threat to Global Peace and Security; the U.S. has consistently broken the principles of the UN Charter since the United Nations Security Council’s inception. For example, in October 2001, George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan, even thought Afghanistan had not attacked the United States. Two years later, Bush invaded Iraq to change its regime.  Both of Bush’s wars – oin Afghanistan and Iraq – violated the UN Charter.

John Bolton, then Bush’s temporary ambassador to the United Nations admitted that the U.S. government considered the UN to be a tool of its foreign policy. Bolton declared: “There is no United Nations. There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world, and that is the United States, when it suits our interest and when we can get others to go along.” Bolton added, consistent with U.S. arrogance, racism, hubris and stupidity, “When the United States leads, the United Nations will follow. When it suits our interest to do so, we will do so.” 

Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton’s secretary of state called the UN “a tool of American foreign policy.”  It was Albright who oversaw the US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, which also violated the UN Charter.

Barack Obama and his counterparts in France and Britain engaged in forcible regime change and murdered Libyan president Muammar Qaddafi. Here the US hid behind the doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect.” In accordance with Chapters VI and VIII of the UN Charter, this doctrine is intended to help protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic-cleansing, and crimes against humanity. It is not surprising that the US and its allies have not utilized the Responsibility to Protect doctrine to protect the people of Palestine from massacres and a genocide in progress by the United States /Israeli - Christian /Zionists (2023-2024).

 Donald Trump followed suit by bombing Syria and Iraq and threatening to attack North Korea. In 2017 Trump sent 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles to attack Syria.  Syria had not attacked the United States. The Security Council had not approved Trump’s use of force.  It therefore violated the UN Charter. Invoking Article 6 of the UN Charter to expel the United States is a practical and expedient solution to pursue World Peace.

March 12, 2024
The Earth Constitution Could
Transform the UN General Assembly

Roger Kotila, PhD
President of Democratic World Federalists
If both Russia and the US had not wielded Security Council vetoes in the last few years, the ugly wars in Ukraine and Gaza might never have happened. Anyone who has paid attention to such calamities knows that the UN Charter’s grant of the veto to the P5 powers (U.S., Russia, China, the UK, and France) is a mockery of the rule of law and democratic ideals. 

Why should the five victors of a far-distant war hold so much power over the other 187 member nations of the UN—even including India, the world’s most populous country? Many now believe the P5 veto is grossly undemocratic, archaic, and too often destructive. Under the Earth Constitution (EC), this travesty would end. The EC, if adopted from within the UN system, would grant voting rights to all nations by the simple act of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) becoming the House of Nations, as further explained below.   

Our Two-Track Strategy for Success

In light of our current global governance dilemma, the WCPA/ECI has recently adopted a two-track strategy to save the planet. Track 1 calls for a new world organization under the Earth Constitution that operates parallel to the United Nations. This grassroots strategy is necessary in the event that the UN is unwilling to transform itself into a democratic global organization. We can’t rule out this latter possibility of self-transformation, so WCPA’s Track 2 strategy aims to do just that by invoking Article 109 of the UN Charter for the purposes of bringing about a complete review of the charter. Several major steps are involved:

1. According to paragraph 3 of Article 109, a majority vote of both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council can mandate a formal review conference. No veto can be applied to this decision.

2. Upon holding the comprehensive review, the UNGA may adopt structural changes to the charter by a two-thirds favorable vote; once again, the P5 can’t veto this outcome.

3. In the last step, the UN’s member states must ratify the adopted measures. At this stage, the P5 can potentially veto any decision made by the members. But many scholars believe that an exercise of the veto after such a lengthy process of the entire body of the UNGA would be unlikely. The great news is that the outcome of a review conference, once adopted and ratified, becomes binding on all member states.   

The EC as Ideal Model for UN Restructuring

Consider this possibility: If and when the charter review process gets underway, ECI would be present at such a historic meeting. We would present our plan to merge the UN system with a genuine democratic world government operating under the authority of the Earth Constitution. We believe the EC is compelling enough that the UNGA may indeed use part, or all of it, as a guide, model, and authority for creating a “new UN.”

Under this scenario, the UNGA invokes Charter review, then turns to us for specific provisions. For example, it might adopt the EC’s plan for a House of Peoples so that “we, the people of Earth” gain voting rights. Or, the UNGA could borrow from the EC’s well-crafted articles on creating a World Judiciary. This alteration may be very compelling because most member nations are frustrated by the lack of enforceable global law in a world that is literally going up in flames. Or perhaps the EC could be used as the model for granting binding voting rights to all nations, thus turning the UN General Assembly into what the EC calls the House of Nations.
I realize that all this may sound visionary or impractical, but how practical is the current method of global governance under the antiquated UN Charter?  -- R. Kotila, PhD
January 14, 2024
Israel 'Owns' the US Congress & President, UN Falls Short 
Roger Kotila
The undemocratic United Nations is unable to protect the Palestinians from Israeli Zionist mass murder unfortunately also supported by the U.S. Congress and the President. Gaza genocide is ongoing in full view.  South Africa is asking the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have Israel cease and desist.  Israel will most likely ignore the ICJ -- which will illustrate why the UN Charter is too flawed to get the job done.
We need a "new UN" equipped to deal with world crimes committed by leaders of rogue nations.  The UN Charter needs to be reviewed and replaced by utilizing the Earth Constitution which provides a well designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement as well as a democratic World Parliament.   
A world federalist colleague, Fritz Pointer,  rejects the notion that Israeli Zionists have a sacred, God-given right to the Promised Land. He  points out that The Torah (first 5 book in the Bible) "is not proof of a deed to historic Palestine", nor "is it a real estate document thus making God (Yahweh) a real estate agent!"
Netanyahu and his generals (& possibly Biden) may eventually be found to be guilty of war crimes and genocide.  However, in the current UN geopolitical system they will never go to jail, even if found guilty as charged.  We need a new global system such as possible with the Earth Constitution.  -- R. Kotila, PhD, editor, DWF NEWS
Ray McGovern (former analyst with the CIA) ...    "Well, you can’t get elected in the United States if the Israel lobby puts its money for your opponent. ... So, money is getting people elected. It’s getting people removed from Congress. Money is funding what remains of the mainstream media are heavily influenced by Zionism. And of course, if you go to our government, our president brags about being a Zionist. Does he know what that means?  ...  He’s got his head screwed on wrong on this, and it’s not going to be long before there’s a flare up in the Middle East, whether it’s in the Red Sea or whether it’s a false flag attack, blaming the Iranians ... The other people who are in this frame of mind, Secretary Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken. They’re all Zionists, and they’re going to try to persuade Biden well, okay, you said you’d defend Israel. You got to defend it against Iran. ... What I fear is there will be a false flag attack blamed on Iran against the carrier that we have now still in the area, the USS Eisenhower. That would be blamed on Iran and the impulse will be okay, Joe Biden, you said that you’d support Israel for as long as it takes. Now, we’ve got to go in with ground troops. We got to go in real big and defend Israel because they’re entitled to their own state and blah, blah, blah. ...  From Ray McGovern:  "The Imprisonment of the Palestinian People Was Not an Act of God"               
Norman Solomon (author, anti-war activist, ran for Congress):  The vast majority of Congress members have refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza during three months of slaughter by Israel’s military. Capitol Hill remains a friendly place for the Israeli government as it keeps receiving massive arms shipments courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. ...  The impunity enjoyed by Israeli leaders is enabled by President Biden, who clearly does not want a ceasefire. The same can be said of the vast majority of Congress, with silences and equivocations if not outright zeal to voice support for the wholesale killing of civilians in the name of Israel’s “right to defend itself.”  From Norman Solomon: "The Abject Failure of Nearly Every Member of Congress on Gaza"

December 14, 2023

Gazan Catastrophe Shows Why the UN Needs the Earth Constitution

Roger Kotila  DWF NEWS

The United Nations has been unable to free the Palestinians from Israeli occupation, and now it has been unable to stop the mass destruction and mass murder now underway in Gaza. Israel, with weapons and money supplied by the U.S. government, keeps on bombing Gaza and its Palestinians residents to death. 


Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) votes by a wide margin calling for a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. But Israel ignores the UNGA.  Because the UN is undemocratic, Israel has the "protection" of the U.S. which uses its permanent veto power from the UN Security Council to prevent UN intervention.  


What must be done? The UN Charter should be replaced by the Earth Constitution (EC) drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association. The EC waits in the wings, ready to go. Unlike the current UN which time and time again is helpless when it counts the most, UN decisions under the EC would have real authority. No longer could Israel and the U.S. ignore the will of the world community. Moreover, this "new UN" under the Earth Constitution would contain enforceable law and order which is another fatal flaw of the current UN. No longer could the leaders of Bully nations ignore world law and commit world crimes with impunity.    


In short, the EC brings to a "new UN" democratic rule by establishing a World Parliament, and has a well-designed world judiciary system with enforceable law and order.  

- Roger Kotila, PhD, Editor DWF NEWS

October 18, 2023
Israel's Gaza Massacre: Are We Witnessing the DEMONIC?
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Are we witnessing the unleashing of unimaginable evil as Israel attempts to completely eliminate Hamas by violently making Gaza unlivable?  Trapped Palestinian civilians plea for outside intervention, but the U.S. and European governments look the other way proclaiming full "support" for Israel no matter what.  
About 40% of the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are children.  Death and destruction are everywhere.  Has Israel's rage and grief over the Hamas attack on civilians opened the door to revenge and to the DEMONIC?  President Biden announces he is going to Israel.  Will meeting with Israel's Zionist leadership cause him to change his mind and to break the (evil) spell?
The irrational lust for the death and destruction of all things Gazan perhaps can be understood as the unconscious influence of an almost supernatural (demonic) force wherein good people accept and call for unimaginable evil telling themselves it is necessary and justified.
In "Truths about Evil, Sin, & the Demonic" (Byron Belitsos, 2023) we are warned by theologian David Ray Griffin that the demonic may be a real power which is driving the world in a direction "diametrically opposed to divine purposes." 
It may seem strange to say that severe global crises may be due to the influence of  "demonic power."   Despite being a highly educated, smart people, Griffin argues that we may be possessed by a "demonic power that is leading us, trancelike, into self-destruction."  What surprises me is Griffin's statement that we can experience the demonic both when hate leads to destructive actions, but also when "indifference" leads to a failure to take action against evil.     
The seemingly senseless, immoral, violent catastrophes we are experiencing in Gaza/Palestine/Israel and Ukraine could erupt to WWIII dimensions, or to a nuclear war.  Meanwhile, poverty, migrant misery, homelessness haunt even rich nations like the U.S. and Europe.  Climate change adds another global threat.  
Israel has announced its intention to bury Gaza to eliminate Hamas which it says is a "terrorist" organization.  Yet for Palestinians Hamas militants may be seen as freedom fighters.  
It occurs to me that the devil (Satan), if it exists, is the great trickster.  Israel thinks it is morally justified to use collective punishment. How else can we understand Israel's stated intention to destroy all things Gaza in order to destroy Hamas ("terrorists") when Gaza has 2 million innocent civilians trapped in what is described as an "open air prison"?
Beware Israel:  The Bible (2 Corinthians 11: 14-15) warns us of Satan as the great deceiver:  "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. "
Israel's spokespersons, with a wink and a nod, will claim they are doing their best to avoid killing civilians, while explaining  that they must completely wipe out Gaza to wipe out Hamas.  Hamas will argue that they had no choice but to attack Israel's civilians who are complicit in years of Israeli oppression, apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people.
Ironically, both Israel and the U.S. government have a lengthy documented history of extreme terrorism:  Israel's ongoing forceful stealing of Palestinian lands and homes.  The U.S. "shock & awe" military invasion of Iraq.  Covert operations by the CIA and/or Mossad (e.g., 9/11 false flag operation, overthrowing legally elected governments, assassinations, and illegal economic warfare a form of indirect murder).     
Later, after the widespread excitement of death and destruction (the demonic in action) has worn off, the gravity and sin of collective punishment (mass murder) will penetrate the mind and hearts of even some of the most ardent supporters of war, and then there will be demands for Nuremberg-like trials or the International Criminal Court to bring to justice the political and military leadership of both Israel and Hamas.
The wars in Israel and Ukraine could not be prevented (or stopped) by the United Nations.
Why?  The UN Charter is wrong. The UN is frustrated, unable to carry out its most important task, ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons.  World federalists have an intriguing solution: 
The UN General Assembly can launch Charter Review under Article 109(c) and use the Earth Constitution as its guide, model and authority to transform to a "new UN" forming a democratic world federation (world union) with a governing design with the capacity to end war itself.    
R. Kotila, Ph.D.
Psychologist (ret.)
World Public Interest Journalism 
Earth Constitution advocate
July 24, 2023 
Reduce Migration by Ending Economic Sanctions
Roger Kotila 
In a recent book Sanctions, A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy (2022, World View Forum) we are informed that US sanctions "affect a third of humanity" impacting more than 40 countries.  The sanctions, conclude the Forum, are a form of economic warfare and amount to Crimes Against Humanity.   Meanwhile, both Europe and the United States struggle with excessive migration, immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families as they flee their impoverished home countries. 
In the USA we find a large number of migrants from countries that the US government doesn't like -- nations preferring a socialist economic model.  Their domestic economies have been devastated, not because of socialism, but because of sanctions -- a form of economic warfare which happens to be illegal under international law.  But US foreign policy refuses to accept international law for itself, and continues to try to destroy targeted nations both by sanctions and by covert operations to overthrow these governments.  
Targeted nations suffer immensely as the means to a healthy domestic economy are blocked.  The US propaganda machine blames the targeted nation, not the sanctions which are the real cause.  Countries under attack in Latin America include Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.  Remove sanctions, and these countries would likely prosper like China prospers. 
We see the same dynamic in Europe where migration appears out of control.  Nations under sanctions include Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Syria.  Because of the economic blockade they are unable to uplift their economies, and as a result desperate citizens, mired in poverty, flee to Europe or the USA.  
The underlying intention of US foreign policy according to Sanctions is to "choke the economies of developing nations."  Specific conditions are described for Ethiopia, Eritrea, Chad, Zimbabwe, Yemen and more.  We learn that millions are suffering and dying due to the illegal actions by the US and Europe. 
What should be done?  The United Nations is unable to enforce international laws, and hence the leaders of Bully nations routinely break the Law with impunity.  The solution is for the UN General Assembly to replace the outdated UN Charter with the Earth Constitution, a modern world constitution/charter which has been designed with the capacity to end war in all of its forms, cope in an united way with climate change, and better protect human rights for all. 
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Psychologist (ret.)
Editor, DWF NEWS
President, Democratic World Federalists      
May 11. 2023
Subject: Call for UN Charter Review - THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE

Editor: THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for Charter Review has unexpectedly emerged in mainstream foreign policy circles as reported in DWF NEWS ("Important Omen for Leadership India, UN Charter Review, and a 'New UN' " 4/27/23).   A review of the Charter, legally required since 1945 under UN Article 109, has yet to be conducted.  The obsolete Charter is a major reason why the world continues to suffer war after war.
The PROMISE is a "save the world" strategy advanced by three NGO think tanks:  The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), and Democratic World Federalists (DWF).  World federalists have recognized that the UN can't do its primary job (ending war) because the Charter itself is wrong.  WCPA's brilliantly drafted Earth Constitution waits in the wings, ready to go. 
Watch carefully the reaction in the UN General Assembly. There are 188 nations without voting rights. Will they join forces with the PROMISE think tanks to launch a review?      
--Roger Kotila, PhD,  DWF NEWS, San Francisco 
[I have permission to share the following CUNCR email sent to supporters. - RK]                            
Getting Attention- Article 109 Charter Review for UN Transformation! Thanks to the San Francisco Promise Team

ShahrYar Sharei


[Dateline Brussels:  May 6, 2023]

 Dear CUNCR Supporters & Strivers for Peace:

A hearty congratulations to Professor Tim Murithi on his recent article in Foreign AffairsOrder of Oppression, Africa’s Quest for a New International System is a superb article about Africa and the UN and great proposition to transform the UN with Charter Review.

One of our board members, Roger Kotila, gave me the news and of course Tim and Roger were two of our about 12 dozen members of our San Francisco Promise team where we presented Charter Review concept at the first Paris Peace Forum (PPF) in 2019. Global Challenges Foundation had generously sponsored our work group for the event. Anyway being able to publish in Foreign Affairs, a relatively conservative but widely read publication, and still saying what he said deserves a hearty congratulations. Interestingly, Foreign Affairs had another article from the former Foreign Minister of India, Narasimha Rao, also calling for an overhaul of the Security Council and UN’s constitutional review. We had an amazing team in Paris that year, including honorable, Sukehiro Hasegawa, who is quietly but consistently working with the Diet, Japan Parliament, for transformational Security Council reform. Not to mention the young and energetic CUNCR fellows who were with us at the PPF Conference.

With the chaotic world since 2019 getting worse. With more wars and climate and human rights perils, it is time for us to get attention needed for system change. The Board has decided for us to start a citizens diplomacy with the countries that want UN constitutional change. I will be discussing feasibility with our partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and depending on funding and our human resources we might start this peace and justice journey soon.

With Very Best Wishes,

ShahrYar Sharei, PhD International Law                                                                                                             Executive Director                                                                                                                                                Center for UN Constitutional Research, Brussels   Twitter: @Sharei_SM

 A REPLY FROM MEXICO:                                                                                                           

Thank you very much for such important information and I would like to add that I had the honor to be part of CUNCR’s team, but also important is to mention that we were neighbors at the First Paris Peace Forum, Nov. 2018 with CEMERG from Mexico, which has been promoting as well the UN Charter Review Conference,(Art.109) since 2005 in NYC, and our fórmula, that instead of any proposals to “reform”, we have been insisting  since then, to “transform the entity”, into a World Parliament with the same right used in 1945 by the Founders of the United Nations Organization.  -- Francisco P. (Attorney at law)


Big News! Just a few days ago Ruchira Kamboj, India’s UN ambassador called for urgent UN Charter review.  (Reported in the Hindustan Times, an Indian English language newspaper.) 

April 13, 2023
Ready to die for Taiwan?
Mark Thompson   Project On Government Oversight 

EXCERPTS from POGO's The Bunker, April 12, 2023
War drums are getting louder. For 40 years, the U.S. tried to deter a Chinese move against the island by brandishing “strategic ambiguity” — resolutely refusing to declare if the U.S. military would join Taiwan in beating back a Chinese invasion. But President Biden has repeatedly said that the U.S. would come to Taiwan’s aid if China attacks. ...

... “If Washington policymakers are determined to defend Taiwan, they must be prepared to back their promises with Americans’ lives,” Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute wrote April 6. “Any conflict would be terrible at best and most likely catastrophic, setting East Asia aflame, triggering decades of strife, roiling the global economy, and endangering the U.S. homeland.”

EDITOR'S Commentary:
This troubling assessment by Mark Thompson from the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), raises a good question:  Will American soldiers be willing to die for Taiwan?
The US government appears to be willing to have both Ukraine and Taiwan completely destroyed by pretending the fight is for "democracy," but with the real goal to weaken or overthrow the Russian and Chinese governments.  (Ironically, the U.S. itself is not a real democracy. Big money is the primary governing factor for political office. The U.S. since post 1945 has become in reality an authoritarian oligarchy which thrives on the War Business.)   
Anti-war protest and networking strategies are very important, but inadequate. Activists should seek a working relationship with the UN General Assembly where there are 188 nations denied voting rights. These nations may be open to joining forces with peace activists. World federalists such as myself ( have explained that the UN Charter is obsolete and fatally flawed. It needs to be replaced if we are to have any hope to end perpetual war and to eliminate nuclear weapons. We must establish a democratic world federation.  
The World Constitution & Parliament Association's  Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka EARTH CONSTITUTION) would be ideal for peace-seeking nations to rally around, -- using the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and authority to establish a "new UN" using Article 109-3 to launch Charter Review. The goal? A World Parliament and a new world judiciary system with enforcement. Good government.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D.  DWF NEWS
March 16, 2023
WCPA's Two Track Strategy for Earth Federation Government or a "New UN"
Roger Kotila    DWF NEWS
The World Constitution & Parliament Association has adopted a plan for a global citizenship movement which they believe can "change the world."  The goal is the establishment of a new geopolitical peace system to replace the failing United Nations global (war) system.
Since the signing of the UN Charter in 1945 world federalists have warned that the Charter's design was wrong, and that the UN would be unable to end war.  So what is the solution?  Only world government could do the job explains Albert Einstein in "Einstein on Peace."
Einstein and other world federalists noted, among other defects, the absence of enforceable world law in the UN Charter.  Bully nations routinely violate international law with impunity.  Leaders of countries who are responsible for world crimes, especially those among the UN Security Council P-5 veto powers (U.S., Russia, China, UK, France), are never held accountable for what they've done.  They are untouchable, even by the International Criminal Court or the World Court.   
WCPA activists worldwide (India, Europe, US, South America, etc.) have adopted a Two Track Strategy to establish a democratic world federation with a charter/constitution (the Earth Constitution) which corrects the fatal defects in the present UN Charter:  
Track A: Fulfillment of  THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.  Under Article 109-3 the UN General Assembly is legally required to review the obsolete Charter.  Such a review by the UNGA could open the door for introduction of the Earth Constitution as a model, guide and authority in actually forming a "new UN," one with the tools needed to end "the scourge of war."      
Track BIf the UN is unable, or unwilling, to fix itself, then the building blocks for Earth Federation government are already being put in place.  Adopting the Earth Constitution, activists are building an alternative world organization which is parallel to, but independent of, the UN.
Already Earth Federation activists have hosted Sessions of a Provisional World Parliament, and are developing a House of Peoples with 1000 electoral districts.  At long last the world's 8 billion people would get democratic representation in a World Parliament. 
WCPA's Two Track Strategy insures that if the UN fails to reform itself, then peace and human rights activists will already have in place an alternative, independent world organization with growing popular support for a global system change with the potential to end war.     
Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
US Vice President,  WCPA
February 16, 2023
Einstein & Freud Agree: Ending War Requires World Government
Roger Kotila   DWF NEWS
A new form of global governance will be needed to end war between nations according to Einstein and Freud in their exchange of letters in 1932.  They describe a governing system consistent with what world federalists describe as world government.
The United Nations is not a world government.  It would be no surprise to Einstein and Freud that the UN has failed spectacularly to prevent wars.  The UN is not constitution-based according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), but instead is based upon treaties between the nations. Unfortunately, treaty agreements lack reliability, and are too readily broken. 
The solution to ending wars between nations goes beyond establishing a world government with a world constitution.  It cannot be just any world government.  It must be a well-designed world constitution such as the Earth Constitution from the World Constitution & Parliament Association.
The UN system has been under criticism from world federalists who note the lack of enforceable Law in the UN Charter.  Illegal covert and overt military invasions (eg, US/NATO) and economic warfare (eg, US) but also other Bully nations such as Israel and Russia), go without consequence to the leaders responsible. They remain above international Law no matter how bad their war crimes and crimes against humanity. 
Psychopathic leaders and the role of paranoia 
The importance of the Earth Constitution includes the fact that it has a well-designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement, something absent in the UN Charter.  Lacking law and order on the global stage,  psychopathic leaders feel free to illegally invade or otherwise attack other nations without fear of criminal arrest and prosecution. 
The UN Charter's "sovereignty" principle inherently produces paranoia in a global system which gives nations the right to hide their military preparations and covert operations. As a result of such secrecy, countries cannot trust each other and paranoia is widespread.   
The combination of paranoia and psychopathic leaders produce fear of war, threats of war, and war itself. The UN stands by helplessly as national sovereignty blocks preventative action.  
Psychopaths and sociopaths are a reality
There is always some nation or multinational corporation, somewhere, ruled by a psychopath or sociopaths.  Psychopaths lack conscience and remorse, while  excessive secrecy is used by these potential predators to gain advantage "by any means necessary" in order to dominate other nations or to take advantage of the world's citizenry. 
Removing psychopaths and reducing global paranoia does not require psychotherapy (although it might help), it requires a new geopolitical (UN) system. The UN General Assembly should work with the World Constitution & Parliament Association to introduce its Earth Constitution which can provide the UNGA with a guide and model to establish the urgently needed world federal government -- a "new UN."  
Trust but verify. That's why "open inspections everywhere" is a must for successful global  disarmament, and which can be accomplished by establishing world federal government.  The Earth Constitution is waiting in the wings, ready to go.  
-- Roger Kotila, PhD
    Psychologist (ret.)
    President, Democratic World Federalists
    Editor, DWF NEWS and Earth Federation News & Views 
December 22, 2022
Roger Kotila
Mr. Jeffrey Sachs offers a well-reasoned approach to end the war in Ukraine (see "Mediator's Guide to Ukraine"). Ideally, a peace deal should be accomplished in early year 2023. Winter hardships in Ukraine will only worsen as its infrastructure is increasingly destroyed by Russia.  Likewise, Europe's economy, missing Russian energy and natural resources, faces shortages and a crushing inflationary blow. 
OK, but what if a peace deal in Ukraine occurs?  Then what? Unfortunately the U.S. is already at war elsewhere.  For example, deadly U.S. economic sanctions , a form of warfare, are underway, currently applied illegally against 40 nations (see the SanctionsKill Campaign at
The United Nations stands by, helpless to prevent this economic form of indirect murder/warfare despite fatally harming civilian populations as is well documented, for example in Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, and Iraq to name just a few of its victims.   
The UN will also be unable to prevent the U.S. and China from going to war over Taiwan. (The U.S. has repeatedly made it clear that it intends to prepare to fight China over Taiwan.)
Earth Constitution to end the global war system
Even before Ukraine/Russia/US finally make a peace deal, activists should consider the movement to form a "new UN" as inspired and organized by the World Constitution & Parliament Association's EARTH CONSTITUTION movement.  The goal?  A change from our current global war system to a peace system.  The world community  needs a democratic world federation with a constitution that corrects the fatal flaws found in the UN Charter, the reason the UN can't do its primary job.
THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE activist strategy leans on Article 109-3 in the UN Charter in order for the UN General Assembly to launch an urgently needed review of the obsolete UN Charter.  This procedure if used by the 188 nations denied UN voting rights could potentially open the door to the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and authority to replace the Charter and to establish a democratic World Parliament including enforceable world law absent in the present UN Charter.   
Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist (ret.) and the President of Democratic World Federalists.  He is a V.P. of WCPA and a Board member of the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR).  Contact - 
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October 27, 2022
Strategy to Open the Door for a New UN and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, PhD 
The United Nation's primary job is to end war. It hasn't worked. It could not prevent the devastating criminal invasion of Iraq by the US, and now it's Russia against US/Ukraine. To add to the frustrating madness, US/NATO promises a future war against China over Taiwan. And despite the new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, nuclear war is feared over the Ukraine crisis. 
The articles selected for DWF NEWS in this edition illustrate serious problems that the UN cannot fix. Take the Cuba story. Despite years and years of the UN majority declaring that the US economic blockade is illegal and wrong, nothing has changed and the people of Cuba continue to suffer. The same situation with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. 
Despite a new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, a number of nations refuse to comply. And multinational corporations/Big Money greed appears to be one of the causes of inflation hurting people around the world. Shutting off Russian gas and oil to Europe is another factor. The UN lacks the authority to supervise and regulate opportunistic private capitalism taking advantage of the Ukraine situation.  
The current UN geopolitical system has reached crisis levels
What is the solution to these dilemmas? A small core of world federalist think tanks has developed a strategy which evaluates the flawed UN Charter and compares it to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution).  
THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE is the strategy now underway which draws upon the fact that the UN has yet to fulfill the legal requirement of Article 109-3 which requires a review of the UN Charter (see the Center for UN Constitutional Research). 
The launching of a General Review Conference can occur in two different ways:  (1) A handful of nations informally begin evaluating the Charter by comparing it to the Earth Constitution; or (2) postponing a Review until a 2/3s majority is reached in both the General Assembly (128 needed out of 193 nations) and also the Security Council (9 out of 15).  
A serious flaw in the Charter includes the fact that there is no enforceable world law. When nations are in conflict the final arbiter is war, not the UN. In a world federal union, nations in conflict resolve the problem nonviolently by going either to a World Court or to an elected UN World Parliament. For countries plagued by criminal leaders, under the Earth Constitution they can be held accountable as individuals. No longer will the leaders of Bully nations remain free to plunder, kill and overthrow other governments. 
The chaos and paranoia caused by covert agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6, FSB and the ilk should become illegal. These secret agencies should no longer be allowed to function above international law. In a UN world federal union, these intelligence agencies can be utilized for universal inspections to ensure disarmament.
The World Constitution & Parliament Association, working with Democratic World Federalists, are educating government officials and politicians on the need for a review of the Charter. WCPA's brilliant Constitution for the Federation of Earth is being proposed as a guide and model for a "new UN" once the Charter review is launched.  

The Ukraine crisis would have never happened if we had a different United Nations Charter. The UN needs a world federal constitution. 
-- Roger Kotila, PhD -- DWF NEWS 

September 27, 2022

A New UN to Prevent the Sacrifice of Europe to the Nuclear Gods

Roger Kotila, Ph.D.    Earth Federation News & Views  5/23/16 (Update 9/27/22)

Would the US/NATO military establishment risk sacrificing Europe to the nuclear gods if a conventional armed conflict broke out with Russia, and local North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commanders believed that tactical nuclear weapons would be required to win?  [Year 2022:  Russia, alarmed by US/NATO in Ukraine, threatens to use nuclear weapons.  The USA over the past few years has increased its nuclear weapons budget, by billions of dollars.]

Europe faces the possibility of such a regional conflict.  Tensions have risen.  Russia is getting suspicious of US/NATO’s intentions, feeling encircled as NATO expands militarily into Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.

It seems unthinkable, but if a tactical nuclear war erupts, the European nations would be the ones sacrificed, not America, -- the United States lies thousands of ocean miles away.

The world community watches in frustration as the United Nations, supposedly in existence to prevent wars, is unable to do its job.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, and Palestine are all subject to violent military aggression with the vast majority of victims being civilians and families.  Could Europe be added to the list, a victim of its own involvement with NATO?

The European Union already struggles with the multitudes of refugees fleeing the fighting in the Middle East, wars that the US/NATO or allies started in the first place, and which the UN was unable to prevent.

The UN is stymied by its fatally flawed Charter.  Despite the fact that the original purpose of the UN is to end “the scourge of war,” it has failed time and time again.  While the UN has done much good, the world has seen over 250 wars since the Charter was signed.  [The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) offers a legal opening for the UN General Assembly to launch Charter review.]


Despite reassurances by President Obama, nuclear disarmament is nowhere in sight.  For US military contractors, present and future funding for nuclear weapons systems is “full speed ahead.”  [President Biden, like Obama, is supporting the Pentagon's big budget nuclear "modernization" Life Extinction Program.]

“Despite committing the US to ‘seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,’ Obama’s record on nuclear disarmament is dismal, having supported spending $1 trillion over the next 3 decades to modernize the US nuclear arsenal.” (Cabasso, United for Peace & Justice, 5/22/16) [While the Pentagon has described its nuclear weapons program as a modernization Life Extension Program, it is actually a Life Extinction Program.]

A recent survey of the American public (Wall Street Journal, 5/21/16) asks “Would We Drop the Bomb Again?”  “Yes,” according to the professors who did the study:  “When provoked, we don’t seem to consider the use of nuclear weapons a taboo, and our commitment to the immunity of civilians from deliberate attack in wartime, even with vast casualties, is shallow.”

The US Congress refuses to admit the obvious fact that militarism and nuclear weaponry are a dead end. Moreover, they treat the UN as if it was of secondary importance, even though without a UN (or a new world organization) with the power to outlaw nukes and war, we will never be safe.


Frustrated by the American government’s obstructionism and its worship of all things military, a small contingent of NGO world federalists from the US and Canada is traveling to Brussels in early June, 2016 to meet with select members of the European Parliament.  [Outreach to European politicians so far has failed. Rather than opposing US/NATO especially in Ukraine, Europe has made the tragic mistake of expanding NATO on behalf of American Empire. Ironically, the economic sanctions against Russia will weaken, if not destroy, Germany's economy, and possibly other European nations.]

Led by the NGO nonpartisan CUNCR (Brussels) and Democratic World Federalists (San Francisco), an international campaign is being launched to demand a review of the UN Charter.  It’s called “The San Francisco Promise” and describes the legal fact that at the original signing of the Charter a review was promised, even written into the Charter itself, but never carried out.  

Currently the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is being foiled by the nuclear powers who are saying “no” to nuclear disarmament.  But UNGA’s “Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on nuclear disarmament” is not taking “no” for an answer, and appears determined to find a way to ban nuclear weapons. [On 1/22/22 the UN's Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - TPNW, went into legal force.  But the nuclear powers refuse to abide by this new international law.  The UN Charter lacks an enforcement mechanism.]

In Europe OEWG has information revealing that NATO has nukes in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey.  According to documentation by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), these countries host from 160 – 200 nuclear weapons (OEWG Report, Vol. 2, No. 9, 4 May 2016).

OEWG’s efforts are vitally important but they remain stuck within the parameters of the outdated UN Charter. The UN General Assembly must find a way to break free of the Charter’s restrictions that prevent the UN from ending the nuclear nightmare.


World federalists like Einstein and many other top thinkers have concluded that the only way to end the danger of nuclear annihilation is to form a democratic world federal union government with enforceable world law.  These critical features are missing in the present UN Charter.

That is why the Earth Constitution drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association takes on such importance.  It is ready to go, designed to shut down the nuclear gods once and for all.  The nations and the world community must make the decision that they want world peace more than they want a world in perpetual war. 

There is an urgent need to reverse the downward course of militarism that is destroying the Middle East and endangering the European Union.  The European Parliament could play a crucial role by supporting Charter Review.  The Parliament could also challenge NATO’s ever expanding military posture, a policy that is stirring up fears in both Russia and China and causing an arms build-up.

UN Charter Review opens the door to compare the present Charter to the Earth Constitution.  The Earth Constitution brings an inspired yet practical democratic governing structure that includes a democratically elected World Parliament, a well-designed judiciary system with enforcement powers, and the opportunity for world federal union.

Will the upcoming meetings in Brussels between world federalists and members of the European Parliament mark a turning point which ends the death spiral caused by misplaced faith in the nuclear gods? [No.  Europe continues to cling to US/NATO which is militarily encircling Russia.  Like the Russians, US military policy includes first strike.]

-Roger Kotila, Ph.D.,   Editor - Earth Federation News & Views,  9/27/22

Strategy to Open the Door for a New UN and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila
The United Nation's primary job is to end war. It hasn't worked. It could not prevent the devastating criminal invasion of Iraq by the US, and now it's Russia against US/Ukraine. To add to the frustrating madness, US/NATO promises a future war against China over Taiwan. And despite the new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, nuclear war is feared over the Ukraine crisis. 
The articles selected for DWF NEWS in this edition illustrate serious problems that the UN cannot fix. Take the Cuba story. Despite years and years of the UN majority declaring that the US economic blockade is illegal and wrong, nothing has changed and the people of Cuba continue to suffer. The same situation with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. 
Despite a new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, a number of nations refuse to comply. And multinational corporations/Big Money greed appears to be one of the causes of inflation hurting people around the world. Shutting off Russian gas and oil to Europe is another factor. The UN lacks the authority to supervise and regulate opportunistic private capitalism taking advantage of the Ukraine situation.  
The current UN geopolitical system has reached crisis levels
What is the solution to these dilemmas? A small core of world federalist think tanks has developed a strategy which evaluates the flawed UN Charter and compares it to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution).  
THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE is the strategy now underway which draws upon the fact that the UN has yet to fulfill the legal requirement of Article 109-3 which requires a review of the UN Charter (see the Center for UN Constitutional Research). 
The launching of a General Review Conference can occur in two different ways:  (1) A handful of nations informally begin evaluating the Charter by comparing it to the Earth Constitution; or (2) postponing a Review until a 2/3s majority is reached in both the General Assembly (128 needed out of 193 nations) and also the Security Council (9 out of 15).  
A serious flaw in the Charter includes the fact that there is no enforceable world law. When nations are in conflict the final arbiter is war, not the UN. In a world federal union, nations in conflict resolve the problem nonviolently by going either to a World Court or to an elected UN World Parliament. For countries plagued by criminal leaders, under the Earth Constitution they can be held accountable as individuals. No longer will the leaders of Bully nations remain free to plunder, kill and overthrow other governments. 
The chaos and paranoia caused by covert agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6, FSB and the ilk should become illegal. These secret agencies should no longer be allowed to function above international law. In a UN world federal union, these intelligence agencies can be utilized for universal inspections to ensure disarmament.
The World Constitution & Parliament Association, working with Democratic World Federalists, are educating government officials and politicians on the need for a review of the Charter. WCPA's brilliant Constitution for the Federation of Earth is being proposed as a guide and model for a "new UN" once the Charter review is launched.  

The Ukraine crisis would have never happened if we had a different United Nations Charter. The UN needs a world federal constitution. 
-- Roger Kotila, PhD -- DWF NEWS 
Why the U.S. Is the Main Obstacle to Nuclear Disarmament
Roger Kotila, PhD     DWF NEWS  August 18, 2022
With the most powerful and dangerous military/industrial/covert operations complex on earth, it seems likely that, until the U.S. changes its foreign policy, all other nations must be on alert.  The Pentagon has made no secret of its goal of military "full spectrum dominance," with the added delusional claim by American politicians that the U.S. is "exceptional" and justified in its quest to establish and maintain American Empire. 
What's wrong with this picture?  What's wrong is that the U.S. shows no interest whatsoever in world peace. Instead, the U.S. is the leading weapons dealer in the world. It is in the War Business.  Furthermore, it can be argued that, since 1945, the U.S. government is also the leading international criminal offender, guilty of more world crimes than any other nation on earth.
America's criminal behavior includes frequent use of illegal sanctions, military invasions via US/NATO, covert invasions, black sites, torture, overthrowing governments, domestic propaganda to demonize adversaries, and the incarceration of journalists and whistleblowers for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes and crimes against humanity.   
U.S. violations of international law have been ongoing and well documented (Zuesse, America's Empire of Evil, 2022). The United Nations is afraid to talk about it, or to hold the U.S. accountable.  Why?  One reason is that the U.S. is a major financial benefactor for the UN. 
The American military/industrial/propaganda/covert operations complex has virtually an unlimited budget with over 800 military bases worldwide, and an expanded, bloated budget for so-called nuclear modernization (Life Extinction Program) for tactical nuclear warfare, first strike capability and more. 
The U.S. government religiously insists that MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) is a rational and sane military policy.  Deterrence.  But in this delusional mindset the U.S. refuses to support laws to outlaw nuclear weapons. In fact, the U.S. vigorously opposes the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) now in force via the United Nations. 
To top it off, the U.S. has expanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and has placed nuclear weapons in Europe and elsewhere. Russia fears having NATO in Ukraine.  China eyes AUKUS (a military pact with Australia, United Kingdom and the U.S. against China) with alarm. It is no wonder that Russia (and China) feel threatened.  They fear military encirclement.
The U.S. continues to expand its military and nuclear arsenal. It brazenly threatens Russia and China.  The U.S. openly increases its nuclear war budget instead of supporting the new law passed at the UN which outlaws nuclear weapons.
U.S. clings to nuclear weapons, even if against International Law.  The report from Reaching Critical Will (RCW) sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, reflects deep frustration and disappointment, a view shared by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
The U.S. clings to the absurd Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine to justify nukes, arguing that more nuclear weapons means more security!  It ignores the obvious fact that elimination of all nukes is the only real insurance policy to keep the world safe.  See the report by RCW's Rae Acheson at:
Nothing will change if the U.S. refuses to abandon its bad guy ways (international crime, secret operations, bullying, etc.) and become an honest and sincere good guy on the world's geopolitical stage.
If the all powerful U.S. refuses to outlaw nuclear weapons, we can be sure the other nuclear nations will also refuse. Once the U.S. decides to support the life protecting Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the other nuclear nations will follow.
That is why I argue that the U.S. is the main obstacle to eliminating the danger of a nuclear nightmare, but also offers hope if it adopts a radically different foreign policy.
Because the U.S. and other nuke nations continue to say "no" to disarmament treaties or anything else sensible, it is time for a new, unique strategy.   A review of the UN Charter (Article 109-3) should be launched at once by the UN General Assembly.   Calling for a "new UN"  will get the attention of the MAD nuclear powers who are psychologically fixated in a dance of death.
The UN General Assembly in its Charter review should use the authority of the EARTH CONSTITUTION developed by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.  The General Assembly, using the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and model, can start the process for a democratic UN World Parliament, and to establish a well designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement.
Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, Democratic World Federalists
Co-editor - DWF NEWS
July 7, 2022
Quotes on War and Peace, the UN, and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, PhD      DWF NEWS 
>You can smell it.  US Empire doubling down on war preparations.
>Ukraine is now armed with over 40 billion US dollars (and more) in order for Ukrainians to die to the last man to weaken Russia.  American promises for military support to Taiwan so they too, can die for weaken China.
>Hitler's Nazis wanted to conquer the world, and the US ruling regime, claiming to be the "Exceptional" nation, has picked up where Hitler left off.
>Throughout history there are nations whose (sociopathic) leadership out of greed or lust for power, attempt to take advantage of the Other.  We saw this with Hitler and the Nazis. The US deep state government has a long history of criminal aggression by direct military invasion, by illegal economic warfare (sanctions), or by covert operations to overthrow governments it doesn't like, often aimed at countries that prefer a socialist economic model.
What to do to avert World War?
>Peace activists should consider joining forces with the United Nations General Assembly which needs outside help to be empowered.  HOW?  They could follow the Earth Constitution's design which would for the first time give voting rights to the 188 nations in the UN who have been deprived of this basic democratic process.
>A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution would give the world hope for avoiding wars and nuclear war. While many nations are not really "democratic" (including the USA which is an oligarchy where money rules), under the Earth Constitution there would be democratic voting on global issues where all nations get a vote (House of Nations) on global affairs. 
Coping with paranoia and sociopaths on the world stage
>Because of the "sovereign equality" principle in the UN Charter (Article 2-1), each nation has the right of control within its borders including privacy and secrecy.  Such extreme sovereignty is a natural breeding ground for paranoia, justified and unjustified.  Although most nations live peacefully with each other, there are always a "few bad apples."  In the UN system if a nation happens to be ruled by sociopaths or psychopaths, other nations become understandably fearful. They are not sure such a nation can be trusted, and so the nations spy on each other and build up their armed forces.  
>Only in a democratic world federation will the nations accept open inspections everywhere with no exceptions.  Hence, a world federal union governing structure is an absolute necessity.  Psychologically we need to dissolve paranoia and build trust.  This will require abolishing intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and FSB whose secret operations cause havoc and fear rather than trust. 
>We must constitutionalize the UN.  The Charter's Article 109-3 opens that door by requiring a review of the UN Charter according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research.  The legally required review which has yet to be conducted can be launched by the UN General Assembly. 
Demanding an end to endless wars (Where's the UN?)
>Why cannot the United Nations intervene when U.S. foreign policy (or any other government) violates international law?   The generals at the Pentagon, the President, and the CIA are not held accountable for illegally overthrowing governments, or for military invasions of other nations. They are above the law even when responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.  Why?  The problem lies in the obsolete and defective UN Charter.                                                                     
>The Permanent-5 nations who hold veto voting power on the UN Security Council (which includes the U.S. and Russia) are able to veto any attempt to legally prosecute them for world crimes.  In addition, the P-5 avoid prosecution for themselves by refusing to participate in the International Criminal Court.
>The UN General Assembly must be honest about this disgraceful situation with the P-5.  It is long past time for the UNGA to launch a review of the Charter to identify what's wrong.  Democratic World Federalists, a peace activist think tank, calls the strategy demanding UN Charter Review THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE. 
The Earth Constitution provides a wisely designed World Judiciary with Enforcement Powers, a critical feature the UN Charter lacks.  Let the UN  compare the features of the Earth Constitution to those in the present UN Charter.  A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution could be born, one with the tools needed to end war and eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare.
-- R. Kotila, PhD  (Quotes lightly edited from and reflect the views of the author.)
June 9, 2022
Legendary E P Menon to Go to UN with Earth Constitution
by Roger Kotila
LEGENDARY E P MENON OF 8000 MILE PEACE WALK FAME                                  

The President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, Dr. Glen T. Martin, is meeting E. P. Menon  in New York City on June 15, 2022.  Menon plans to go to the United Nations with the EARTH CONSTITUTION.  
WCPA visionaries spent 30 years to draft the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka EARTH CONSTITUTION) which is being proposed to replace the defective UN Charter in order to form a "new UN" with the capacity to end war between nations,  eliminate nuclear weapons, and retire militarism.    
Menon, along with his friend Shri Satish Kumar, walked 8000 miles for world peace and nuclear disarmament between 1962-1964.  Obviously, more is needed to accomplish peace, so Menon will make a stop at the United Nations carrying with him copies of the EARTH CONSTITUTION.  
In Kuensel (India newspaper, 9/18/21) we offer from
"Pilgrimage for Peace: The Long Walk from India to Washington: Some Personal Reflection" a few EXCERPTS regarding the amazing 8000 mile peace walk.  
>It was an ordinary 1961-afternoon in Bangalore when two friends decided to go for a cup of coffee that led them to a discussion on the most monumental challenge facing the world then – nuclear weapons. Ninety-year old Nobel Laureate Lord Bertrand Russell had been imprisoned for protesting against the bomb and refusing to pay the fine ‘for disturbing the peace!’
>Deeply unsettled by the incident, E P Menon and Satish Kumar resolved to do the craziest thing in the world – walk from Delhi to Washington to urge the nuclear powers to undertake a complete ban on nuclear weapons and work for peace instead!
[Pilgrimage for Peace: The Long Walk from India to Washington (2021), written by devout Gandhian, founder of the iconic Schumacher College in Devon, England, and the foremost holistic education global thought-leader today, Shri Satish Kumar, is an incredible account of the 8000-mile peace-mission that would be forbidding beyond words for ordinary mortals.]
>What is more? The pilgrims vowed not to touch money or carry any food with them throughout the entire journey. Acharya Vinobha Bhave had assured them that human goodwill and native generosity would see them through from end to end.  

>On 1st June 1962, my friend E P Menon and I stood at Mahatma Gandhi’s grave in New Delhi. We had decided to walk to Moscow, Paris, London and finally to Washington DC, hoping to meet the ‘peace president’, John F Kennedy. 


>On 6th January [1964], we arrived in Washington and, instead of stopping at the White House, we walked on to Arlington Cemetery and concluded our long walk to Washington. It was a walk from Gandhi’s grave to Kennedy’s.

>Finally, on 2nd October 1964, we arrived in Delhi and went to Gandhi’s grave at Rajghat. Again, a big crowd of Delhites joined us to celebrate the final moment of our 28-month-long journey of ‘Jai Jagat’, long live the world.  READ MORE...

May 28, 2022
US Empire Doubles Down On War Preparations
Roger Kotila, PhD
You can smell it.  US Empire doubling down on war preparations.
Ukraine is now armed with over 40 billion US dollars in order for Ukrainians to die to the last man to weaken Russia.  American promises for military support to Taiwan so they too, can die for weaken China. 
Hitler's Nazis wanted to conquer the world, and the US ruling regime, claiming to be the "Exceptional" nation, has picked up where Hitler left off.
Colonel (ret.) Ann Wright's extensive analysis (see the attached URL) on the "Abolition of Foreign Military Bases"  concludes:  
"While global attention is focused on the horrific war destruction of Ukraine by Russia, the western Pacific continues to be a very dangerous place for global peace with the U.S. using military war exercises to inflame the hot spots of North Korea and Taiwan."
What to do to avert World War?
Peace activists should consider joining forces with the United Nations General Assembly which needs our help to be "empowered."  HOW?  They could follow the EARTH CONSTITUTION'S design which would for the first time give voting rights to the 188 nations in the UN who have been deprived of this basic democratic process.
India, the second most populated country in the world, could help lead the way for the urgently needed UN transformation to a democratic world federal union where all nations get a vote, and where "we, the people" also get voting rights.  India is in an ideal situation to lead at the UN as it is independent of US Empire and Russia, and is highly supportive of One World and democratic ideals.    
I truly believe that if the UN General Assembly had power, they would reject the war ambitions of US/NATO Empire.  Military invasions, economic warfare and covert operations to overthrow governments would be outlawed as crimes against peace.  No longer would leaders of bully nations be above the Law. 
A "new UN" under the EARTH CONSTITUTION would give the world hope for avoiding wars and nuclear war. While many nations are not really "democratic" (including the USA which is an oligarchy where money rules), under the EARTH CONSTITUTION there would be democratic voting on global issues where all nations get a vote (House of Nations), not just the P-5 veto nations. 
In addition, "we, the people" will be included in this new democracy. There will be 1000 Electoral Districts to represent the world's 7.8 billion population. The EARTH CONSTITUTION'S plan for this "House of Peoples" is being prepared by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.
I am convinced that we can find daylight if only activists look to join forces with the UN General Assembly and use the EARTH CONSTITUTION as its model and guide -- a living symbol to inspire for good government and a safe and prosperous world. 
Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist (ret.), peace activist, and the President of Democratic World Federalists. He is the editor of DWF NEWS, and an advocate for the establishment of a democratic world federal government. 
For Colonel Wright's analysis go to: 
March 3, 2022
The Curse of NATO
Roger Kotila
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is getting adoration from Western media for bravely leading his nation in the war against Russia, rather than accepting that Russia absolutely does not want NATO in its neighborhood. 

Instead of neutrality, Zelensky opted for the "right" for eventual admittance to NATO, a position that Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear was unacceptable.  Putin was also tired of the Russian speaking separatists getting routinely attacked by an alleged Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalion.    As a result, a frustrated Putin chose to invade Ukraine.  Putin accuses the US as being an "Empire of Lies." 

What Zelensky, a political neophyte, may not have known, is that the U.S. has a history of using other governments to further its own aims, and that America's oligarchy rulers appear to want to weaken Russia and achieve regime change. 
The war over Ukraine is an example of the curse of NATO.  Russia reacted to the possibility of Ukraine being in NATO.  This is not irrational in that  US/NATO has over 750 military bases around the world, and many of these bases appear to be there to militarily encircle Russia (and China).
Journalist John Pilger writes: 
"Since the first Cold War, NATO has effectively marched right up to Russia’s most sensitive border having demonstrated its bloody aggression in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and broken solemn promises to pull back. Having dragged European “allies” into American wars that do not concern them, the great unspoken is that NATO itself is the real threat to European security." [From "War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda" John Pilger, 2/26/22. ]
Too bad that it is too late for Zelensky to realize that his beloved country is being sacrificed to further the goals of the U.S. deep state government. Ukraine and its people have been sold out. 
Zelensky, probably believing that he's doing the right thing to protect his country's freedom and honor, is leading them to a horrible, bloody ending, not realizing that his country is another sacrificial victim of the U.S. ruling oligarchy and that Russia has good reason to fear NATO.
 US/NATO has a proven history of military invasion against nations it doesn't like.  There are signs that the US, like the Nazi's of WWII, seek to conquer the world.  Why else maintain over 750 military bases around the world, and why else appear to be encircling Russia and China, perceived as America's main "adversaries" (i.e., "enemies")?   
Most Americans and Europeans have been conditioned by mainstream media to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a good thing, protecting "democracies."  Few see US/NATO as a threat to world peace, or as a leading criminal organization on the world stage, one which routinely violates international law and intends to rule the world.  Unthinkable!  Or is it? 
Students of U.S. foreign policy, for example, frequently quote American authorities and politicians who openly brag about U.S. "exceptionalism" as justification for its status as the world's "hegemon."   
"Hegemony" is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over other states.  -- Wikipedia 
U.S. and US/NATO is so powerful that the United Nations and the International Criminal Court keep hands off.  The UN is hostage to US government funding.  The US government, like Russia, has refused to submit itself to the ICC -- knowing that its frequent violations of international law would land many U.S. generals and other government officials in the criminal court, prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity (see Gordon, American Nuremberg, 2016).
The unnecessary war in the Ukraine will one day in the future be followed by a US/NATO war against China over Taiwan.  Unfortunately for the world community which really only wants peace, again and again they get war.
Want to end war?  Think World Union Now, Earth Constitution, and a "new UN".  Think THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for UN Charter Review to launch the development of a geopolitical peace system to replace the present global war system.  
Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist, peace activist, co-editor of DWF NEWS and editor of Earth Federation News & Views at  Contact Dr. Kotila at

January 20, 2022                                                                                                                    UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons Now Needs the Earth Constitution

Roger Kotila, PhD  1/20/22  Earth Federation News & Views 

The Earth Constitution, drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), is the next step forward from the activation at the United Nations of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Frustration mounts among peace loving people as the nuclear war powers refuse to heed this new international law prohibiting nukes.  Worse yet, some of these nuclear weapons-possessed countries are increasing(!) their budgets in support of a nuclear arms race.
To succeed in eliminating nukes, we will have to consider both geopolitical system change (a "new UN"), and powerful psychological factors.  For the nations to give up their weapons of mass destruction it will require a geopolitical system with the capability to end war itself.  World federalists like the famous physicist Albert Einstein concluded that only world government could do the job.      
Ending war will require transforming the UN into a democratic world federal union government -- precisely what the Earth Constitution is designed to accomplish.  Since wars are almost perpetual under the UN system, nations take measures to protect themselves ("national security"), while some nations attempt to gain advantage over the Other.  Nations and their leaders are trapped in a global war system and locked in extra tight when we add the potency of important psychological issues which can only be resolved with a new geopolitical system (i.e., a "new UN").   
Coping with paranoia and psychopaths on the world stage
Because of the "sovereign equality" principle in the UN Charter (Article 2-1), each nation has the right of control, including privacy and secrecy within its borders.  Such extreme sovereignty is a natural breeding ground for paranoia, justified and unjustified.  Although most nations live peacefully with each other, there are always a "few bad apples."  In our UN system if a nation happens to be ruled by sociopaths or psychopaths, other nations become understandably fearful. They are not sure such a nation can be trusted, and so the nations spy on each other and build up their armed forces.  
Only in a democratic world federation will the nations accept open inspections everywhere with no exceptions.  Hence, a world federal union is an absolute necessity if we are to end war between nations since  psychologically we need to dissolve paranoia and build trust.   
The likelihood of toxic conflict somewhere between sovereign nations in our current world is almost 100%.  The good news?  If the nations Federate under a well-written constitution, there will no longer be a need for large militaries. 
We see how it works in nations that have federal constitutions like the USA.  When states like Texas and California have a conflict, they don't go to war, they go to Court or to Congress to nonviolently resolve the problem.  In the newly proposed world system being advocated, if for example Russia and the USA have a conflict, they resolve it peacefully through the Court system or a UN World Parliament, with no need for war. 
Throughout history there are nations whose (psychopathic) leadership out of greed or lust for power, attempt to take advantage of the Other.  We saw this with Hitler and the Nazis. The US deep state government has a long history of illegal aggression by direct military invasion, by economic warfare (sanctions), or by covert operations to overthrow governments it doesn't like, often aimed at countries that prefer a socialist economy. 
Treaty-based agreements are a first step
Treaty-based agreements between nations, like the UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons,  are useful as a first step.  But the whole history of treaties is a history of broken treaties.  Unfortunately, the UN Charter itself is not a world constitution, but is only a multilateral treaty-based agreement, hence subject to nations violating the agreements in the Charter.    
In the present system Bully nations may at any time withhold funding if the UN doesn't do what they want. Another problem is that the most powerful nations routinely violate international laws knowing that they are above the UN and the International Criminal Court.  The rulers of nations responsible for world crimes do so with impunity, knowing they will never be held accountable -- especially if they are part of the Security Council's P-5 veto powers.  The UN governing system lacks a World Judiciary System with Enforcement, a fatal flaw which is corrected in the Earth Constitution.  
UN General Assembly needs to turn to the Earth Constitution 
The UN General Assembly must take more responsibility for saving the world.  It cannot depend upon the UN Security Council's P-5  who are the leading weapons dealers in the world.  I would argue that the UN Security Council is not only illegitimate, it is a proven failure.  It is not democratic, and it has not been able, or willing, to eliminate nuclear weapons, end wars, or bring world peace.  
It is time for the world community and the UN to turn to the Earth Constitution. If we had a "new UN" under the Earth Constitution, I believe that Ukraine and Russia would not go to war; the European Union would not have to fear a NATO-caused nuclear war radiating over Europe.  China would not go to war against the US.  India and China would not go to war.  Taiwan and China could exist in peace.   
BUT HOW DO WE GET THERE?   I would like to see the UN General Assembly get directly involved with Earth Constitution advocates.  It is obvious that the Security Council is not interested in world peace.  The 188 nations denied voting rights in the General Assembly should work with WCPA peace activists and bring in the Earth Constitution as a potential replacement for the Charter.  They would find that under the Earth Constitution, unlike the Charter, they would have voting rights. 
The Center for UN Constitutional Research indicates that under UN Article 109-3 the General Assembly could launch the long legally overdue Review of the Charter.  I believe that comparing the benefits of the Earth Constitution to the obsolete Charter could be launched by the General Assembly at any time, nor does it need "permission" from the Security Council.   
-- Roger Kotila, PhD
    Psychologist (ret.)
    Editor, Earth Federation News & Views 
    President, Democratic World Federalists 
December 28, 2021
Learning Something New About Desmond Tutu
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.   Earth Federation News & Views 
You are unlikely to learn about it in the media tributes to Archbishop Rev. Desmond Tutu who died recently at 90 y/o (1931-2021). But Tutu, like the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., was morally and spiritually a true world citizen -- better yet, a World Patriot.  Tutu was among a large list of VIP's who supported the drafting of a new world constitution - what is now known as the Earth Constitution
Archbishop Tutu must have known that the United Nations could not fulfill its promise for world peace due to its defective Charter, and hence became a supporter for the drafting of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (now known simply as the Earth Constitution).  
Approached by the indefatigable and brilliant Philip Isely of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, Archbishop of Cape Town Desmond M.B. Tutu on  October 11, 1989 signed on as an Honorary Sponsor to support the World Constituent Assembly convened to finalize the drafting of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution), and also to support subsequent Sessions of its Provisional World Parliament. 
Rev. Tutu, a Nobel Prize winner, was joined as Honorary Sponsors of the Earth Constitution by nine other Nobel Prize winners in a WCPA document I have in my possession dated 12th December 1990.  Other notables offering their support for the creation of the Earth Constitution included Ramsey Clark, a famous human rights lawyer;  Ed Asner, well known Hollywood actor;  Dr. Max Habicht, advisor to the League of Nations;  Dr. Benjamin Ferencz, a Nuremberg  war crimes prosecutor;  and Dennis Brutus, poet in exile from South Africa. 
There is a long list of Honorary Sponsors from all over the world, VIP's such as the former Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Egil Aarvik; a former leader of the U.K. Labor party, Tony Benn;  former Speaker of India's Lok Sahba, Bal Ram Jakhar;  Israel's famous novelist, Amoz Oz;  and former publisher/editor of the Scientific American, Gerard Piel.  
The Provisional World Parliament just completed its 15th Session which was held in New Delhi, India in early December, 2021.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was forced to meet virtually but with over 100 participants from around the world.  
There is a growing movement to expand the Provisional World Parliament with the assumption that the United Nations may be unable, or unwilling, to significantly change and hence will continue to fail to end war, eliminate nuclear weapons, restore the environment, or adequately protect human rights -- Tutu spoke out not only about South African apartheid, but also Israel's apartheid and oppression of the Palestinians. 
Democratic World Federalists are popularizing THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE which calls for the UN General Assembly to launch a review of the outdated UN Charter as legally required and promised under Article 109-3.  Such a review could open the door for the Earth Constitution -- our world's best, perhaps only, hope to save the world.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist, peace activist, and President of Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco.  He is the co-editor of DWF NEWS and editor of Earth Federation News & Views.
   December 10-12, 2021  INVITATION 15th  Provisional World Parliament
Honorable Peace Partner:

You are cordially invited to the 15th Session of the Provisional World Parliament, sponsored by the Earth Constitution Institute and the World Constitution and Parliament Association.

This historic event will open on Human Rights Day and take place December 10-12, 2021 in  New Delhi at the historic United Service Institution of India.

The event also will be broadcast virtually and accessible remotely for those unable to attend in person.


United Service Institution of India - FINAL


The Provisional World Parliament (PWP) is an international body that meets under the authority of Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, .

The Earth Constitution is a completed framework that incorporates world democracy, ensures global human rights, ends corruption and war, and preserves our precious planet.

It is a holistic document based on systems theory, and it will serve to unify the people of Earth and meet the unprecedented challenges of the 21st Century.


National representatives, NGOs, and advocacy groups are welcome to attend the PWP, either as Delegates or Observers.

Delegates must be signatories to the Earth Constitution and represent a nation, an embassy, an NGO or other non-profit constituency, and they are authorized to vote on World Law proposals at the PWP.

In addition, Delegates are qualified to become members of the World Electoral District in which they reside.

Observers may participate as moderated by the Chairperson of the PWP.


2021 - Peace Pentagon pic with logo


The Peace Pentagon is the U.S. headquarters for WCPA and the Earth Constitution Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity dedicated to ratifying the Earth Constitution.

We support global democracy and the right of the people to help solve planetary problems such as climate change.

The Earth Constitution also mandates the peaceful settlement of international disputes through a binding world court system.

In sum, we believe humanity is ready to federate the nations of Earth, codify universal rights to all people, and celebrate Unity in Diversity.


You can REGISTER HERE for the 15th Provisional World Parliament.

If you have questions, please contact me or Dr. Glen T. Martin, President of the Earth Constitution Institute:

I hope you will join me at the PWP, vote as a World Citizen, and become an active supporter of the Earth Constitution Movement!


In Truth, Love, and Light,


Rev. Laura M. George, J.D.,

Executive Director of The Oracle Institute & Peace Pentagon HUB

Director of the Earth Constitution Institute

October 28, 2021
The New Generation as World Patriots:  Climate Change, Nukes & War
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.      Earth Federation News & Views
Young people are increasingly becoming world citizens and World Patriots. They want to save the world
We are all world citizens with certain inalienable rights.  The Earth Constitution and the UN's Declaration of Human Rights list these basic rights which  are for everybody, everywhere.  They are universal.
We consider ourselves to be a global family.
World Patriots know that what's good for the world is good for them, because they are part of the world.  Similarly, what's good for the world is good for their country because their country is part of the world.
We see their national patriotism (love of country) elevated to world patriotism as they urge all nations at the COP26 climate change meetings to act quickly and responsibly to deal with climate change.  Some of these leading activist groups include: Extinction Rebellion,  Climate Justice Alliance, Sunrise Movement, Indigenous Environmental Network, and CUNCR's Youth Climate Ambassadors.
COP26 is a United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31 through November 12, 2021.  (COP stands for Conference of the Parties.)
The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) brings the most advanced message to COP26.   Its youth climate ambassadors will spread the word that a global system change must be part of the solution.  This means opening up the obsolete UN Charter to a review under Article 109.  Democratic World Federalists call it THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE. 
CUNCR youth ambassadors in a Climate Democracy Declaration seek a "UN Parliament representing everyone," and a "world court prosecute environmental crimes."  The Declaration calls for the SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE to be upheld, meaning that the UN is legally required to convene a review of the Charter, but has yet to do so.
Currently the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) and Earth Constitution Institute are the organizers of the 15th Provisional World Parliament (PWP) which offers model world legislative acts using the Earth Constitution (which is the first green constitution ever drafted) as its foundation.  WCPA-India is hosting the PWP (December 10-12, 2021) in New Delhi.  

While the Earth Constitution is designed to end war between nations, the UN's defective Charter has prevented the UN from performing its primary mission -- "ending the scourge of war."  
The biggest mistake by climate change activists is a failure to demand an end to war as one of its top priorities. US/NATO with over 700 foreign military bases is one of the largest polluters in the world while also illegally attacking a number of nations.  Nations destroyed, or with the threat of invasion, will not be able to have climate change as a top priority. For example, nations like Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya -- victims of illegal aggression, will not have the time, money or resources to worry about climate change. 
Fear of military aggression will also reduce the ability of key major nations to respond adequately to climate change.  China and Russia, fearful that the US military is attempting to encircle them, will prioritize military needs over climate change.
The US, attempting to establish "full spectrum military dominance" over all other nations, has an almost unlimited budget for conducting war and has increased spending on its nuclear modernization Life Extinction Program.  The massive US military budget will make it difficult for the US to do its share to deal with climate change. 
UNFOLD ZERO (10/24/21) states that "Climate change and nuclear weapons pose two existential threats to humanity and are two key issues for the UN." "The impacts of both climate change and nuclear explosions are trans-border..."
"The Psychology of Nuclear Disarmament: Only A Democratic World Federal Union Is Realistic" (Kotila, 2/2/21 explains why to eliminate nuclear weapons we must also end war.  To end war we must Federate. In a Federation the nations will no longer have to be paranoid -- worried that the Other is secretly preparing to attack.   
Nukes are too dangerous and must be eliminated, but nations will not give up their weapons of mass destruction until a United Federation of Nations is formed -- a "new UN" established by replacing the fatally flawed UN Charter with the Earth Constitution as a model and guide to form a democratic world federation with a World Parliament and World Judiciary System with Enforcement powers.  
In summary, the new generation of climate change activists, by also addressing war and the nuclear nightmare, will rise to the level of World Patriot. 
Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, Democratic World Federalists
    *****                  *****           *****          *****             *****          *****      *****         *****
[*This is an original article written for the Great Transition Initiative program titled  "An Earth Constitution:  Has Its Time Come?"]
September 16, 2021
Breakthrough Strategy: The Earth Constitution & the United Nations*
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
The public is largely unaware that forming a world federal union government is the solution to critical world problems, or that the EARTH CONSTITUTION is the key to the needed changes. The United Nations, hampered by its fatally flawed Charter, is trying to resolve global problems with one hand tied behind its back.  
The drawbacks in the UN Charter are similar to those found in the original US Articles of Confederation.  Conflicts grew between the 13 states.  In response, the founding framers abruptly abandoned the Articles and replaced them with a federal constitution.  Although not all of the states immediately accepted this new type of governance, eventually they all joined the federal union. 
Much like the Articles of Confederation failed, the UN Charter has failed.  The UN has not been able to save the world from wars, weapons of mass destruction, climate change, or human and environmental injustices.
The Charter's defects have been no mystery to world federalists who know what's wrong, and  know what changes are necessary.  And YES, the time for the EARTH CONSTITUTION is NOW.  It can serve as a guide and model for the UN General Assembly to transform the UN to a democratic world federal union with enforceable world law.     
The Earth Constitution is specifically designed to correct the defects which prevent the UN from doing what is needed to resolve life threatening global problems.  It represents a "fast track" strategy similar to the adoption of the US federal constitution.  Some world federalists prefer a "slow track" which models its strategy after the gradual development of the European Union. 
A breakthrough strategy is already underway thanks to the visionary work of the World Constitution & Parliament Association.  WCPA's  Earth Constitution is waiting in the wings, ready to go.  I have described Glen T. Martin's "The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet" as the 'Big Idea' and have argued that the book "rivals the famous Federalist Papers drafted to gain support for the US Constitution."
The Earth Constitution represents a potentially powerful living symbol to inspire, lead, and guide our troubled world out of danger.  A real breakthrough is possible.  It will be possible to explain concretely how global challenges can be handled by the UN under the Earth Constitution compared to the UN Charter.
The potential breakthrough comes through Article 109-3 which legally requires Charter review, but which has yet to be completed according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR).   The UN General Assembly could launch Charter review opening the door for the Earth Constitution. Democratic World Federalists call this strategy THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE. 
Despite the urgency of a world out of control, many world federalist organizations have held back from fully embracing the Earth Constitution.  Part of this reluctance may have to do with insecurity caused by unproven assumptions, what I believe are "myths."
Myth 1: We don't need to change. We can handle the world's problems with the present UN and its 193 sovereign, independent nations. [Wishful thinking.]
Myth 2: We cannot succeed until we have "unity."  [But there will always be doubters.]
Myth 3: We must first gain a large membership before we can hope to make the necessary changes.  [The history of revolutions (change) is full of the unexpected, of surprise, of the unlikely often brought about by a small group of people.]
Myth 4: "The process that leads to a constitution is no less important than the constitution itself."  [The quality of a (world) constitution must be judged on its own merits regardless if an individual drafted it, a group drafted it, or a drunk wrote it.  Even a well designed constitutional convention could write a bad constitution.]
Myth 5: "World federal government according to a 'Theory of Change' is not possible until the Year 2045."  [We can't wait this long. The psychological error here is the danger of a self-fulfilling prophecy.]
The Earth Constitution strategy allows us to move quickly.  We cannot wait 25 to 50 years for the UN to become a world federal government as proponents of the European Union model advocate.  That is unrealistic.  The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has the doomsday clock close to midnight.
During the signing of the Charter the US government made a mockery of the UN's ideals by dropping the horrendous atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  The other Permanent 5 veto powers on the UN Security Council have also betrayed the UN's core mission, and like the US, have refused to accept international law for themselves.    
The US is the leading weapons dealer in the world.  Its foreign policy is based on militarism, secret operations, economic warfare and nuclear weapons rather than on cooperation, respect, and true caring.  The P-5 powers all have used threats of violence or violence and refuse to accept for themselves the International Criminal Court and international law. 
The world community and the UN General Assembly must take over from the Security Council P-5 whose undemocratic status lacks legitimacy.  The P-5 should no longer be allowed to remain above the Law and to commit world crimes with impunity.   
There comes a time when the dangers to our beloved world become too much for the existing UN geopolitical system, -- it's time for system change.  decisive and bold strategy highlighting the Earth Constitution could make the difference and become the inspiration for a worldwide peace and justice movement for a "new UN" and the establishment of a democratic world federal union. 
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist and the President of Democratic World Federalists.  He is the co-editor of DWF NEWS, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views.
 August 24, 2021
         New ICC Prosecutor on Afghanistan and the Holy Quran 
  EARTH FEDERATION NEWS & VIEWS: The new International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan quotes the Holy Quran in an appeal for "all parties to the hostilities" for restraint and justice and peaceful reconciliation.  Unfortunately, the ICC lacks the full authority and resources it would need to have more of an impact.


The ICC, a product of the Rome Statute which is treaty based, has been under attack by the US government which refuses to place itself under international law, as do some other major nations. The EARTH CONSTITUTION to replace the UN Charter could change that, as such a "new UN" would have a well designed, complete World Judiciary System with actual Enforcement capabilities which would greatly strengthen the ICC.  Enforceable world law, which is lacking in the UN's Charter, is one of the vital elements for a fully successful ICC and democratic world federation. -- R. Kotila, PhD, editor


Statement by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Karim AA Khan QC, on the escalation of violence in the situation in Afghanistan


August 19, 2021 by archyde

Mr. Karim AA Khan QC, Prosecutor of the ICC.


I am following events in Afghanistan closely and am particularly concerned by recent reports of escalating violence in the country.


In particular, I join in the feelings expressed by the Security Council of the United Nations vis-à-vis the events which have occurred on the territory of Afghanistan which could constitute violations of international humanitarian law under the Rome Statute. These reports include allegations of extrajudicial killings in reprisal for detainees and surrendered individuals, persecution of women and girls, crimes against children and crimes committed against children. other crimes affecting the civilian population as a whole.


I recall that, by virtue of the Decision of the Appeals Chamber of March 5, 2020, my Office can exercise its jurisdiction with regard to any act of genocide, crime against humanity or war crime committed in the territory of Afghanistan since 1is May 2003 and investigate these crimes.


Afghanistan has been beset by instability and insecurity for too long. I call for the widest possible mobilization to avoid further loss of life and end the suffering of the Afghan people.


I urge all parties to hostilities to fully respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, including ensuring the protection of civilians. To this end, I am ready to enter into a dialogue with all the parties.

I end by recalling the words of Sura Al-Maidah of the Holy Quran: “He who has killed a man (…) is considered as if he had killed all men; and he who saves one man is considered to have saved all men. Our prophets had come to them with irrefutable proof, but subsequently many of them began to commit excesses on the earth. (Sura 5, v. 32).

This warning and this injunction of the Holy Quran find a particular echo today. These values are also those advocated by the Rome Statute – and I hope that the message of this verse and many other Islamic precepts will touch the hearts of all concerned and I pray that in this time of change and he uncertainties in Afghanistan, restraint and justice are in order to pave the way for peaceful reconciliation.

My Office will continue to monitor the situation in Afghanistan and take appropriate action, in accordance with its responsibilities under the Rome Statute.[16 June 2021 Press Release...Mr Karim Asad Ahmad Khan QC gave his solemn undertaking and formally took office as the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or the "Court") during a ceremony held at the Seat of the Court in The Hague, The Netherlands. Mr Khan, a national of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was elected as ICC Prosecutor on 12 February 2021, for a nine-year term.].... [For further information, please contact Fadi El Abdallah, Spokesperson and Head of Public Affairs Unit, International Criminal Court, by telephone at: +31 (0)70 515-9152 or +31 (0)6 46448938 or by e-mail at:    You can also follow the Court's activities on TwitterFacebookTumblrYouTubeInstagram and Flickr]



June 11, 2021

 [The following recommendations for the upcoming Summit Meeting with Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden are the product of discussions among a core group of international think tanks specializing in world peace, disarmament, and a federal geopolitical system change to transform the United Nations. -- R. Kotila, Ph.D.]



New Direction for Biden & Putin at the June 16, 2021 Summit


Dear Presidents Putin & Biden:


There is an urgent need for an inspiring, new direction at the upcoming June 16, 2021 Summit Meeting -- a different path that up until now most foreign policy experts have thought to be impossible -- until attention to the UN Charter's Article 109(3) opened new possibilities and the introduction of the Earth Constitution.    


Factually US/NATO and Russia appear to be gravitating toward war either by accident or design.  Tactical nuclear warfare is not out of the question. The Livermore Lab in California, for example, is suspected of working on first strike and tactical nuclear missiles/warheads.


The United Nations is unable to stop the emerging nuclear arms race, sidelined by its defective Charter and thus helpless when it counts the most -- a world in extreme danger if war breaks out between US/NATO and Russia.   Article 109(3) is a legal requirement for a review of the UN Charter, opening the door to establish a "new UN" and introducing the Earth Constitution.  


Under the present United Nations global system Presidents Biden and Putin are themselves victims, trapped by a geopolitical system which forces them to defend their country against secret operations by the Other, and requires them to prepare militarily in the event of war, or a surprise,  first strike nuclear attack.   


There appears to be an inexorable drift to war as each side demonizes the Other.  US/NATO with its 800 foreign military bases appears to be encircling Russia and China.  Instead of a peace race, an arms race is underway.  Our leaders know of no other alternative.  They are stuck in the old geopolitical paradigm where the final arbiter of conflict between nations is not a World Court, a democratically elected World Parliament, or the United Nations, but war. 


As reported in my lecture to the Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS, 6/20) to end war and achieve complete nuclear disarmament only a democratic federal world union is realistic.  A new geopolitical system is what is required.  This means a new UN Charter and a "new UN."


The needed governing structure has been drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.  It is the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (also known as the Earth Constitution), designed to serve as a model and guide to replace the fatally flawed UN Charter.  


Federating the 193 nations at the UN using the Earth Constitution has the capacity to resolve the underlying geopolitical system defects which even at the signing of the Charter in 1945 have prevented the UN from stopping war or eliminating nukes. The UN Charter has done some good things, but failed where it counts the most -- "ending the scourge of war."   


With a "new UN" under the Earth Constitution there is no longer a need for national military forces or for secret agencies which breed paranoia and undermine trust.  The June 16 Summit in Geneva is an opportunity for the leaders of two superpowers to radically change paths.  Calling for a "new UN" will change the current narrative from name calling which is lethal to constructive communication and counter-productive.   


Track II Diplomacy

The intention of this OPEN LETTER is to invite Presidents Putin and Biden to take seriously the world federalist think tank proposals described herein.  It is the practical alternative to having more wars, and sooner or later, suffering a nuclear nightmare.   


For world peace and humanity,


Roger Kotila, Ph.D.


President, Democratic World Federalists 

San Francisco

May 15, 2021
U.S. Warmongering Includes U.S. Support of Israel
I find the current Israeli Zionist slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza sickening.  The US mainstream media describes Hamas as “terrorists” while a good case could be made to describe them as “freedom fighters" resisting occupation and apartheid.  These courageous Palestinians  take seriously “Give me Liberty, or give me Death” just like in America’s 1776 revolution.
The following article by Fernando Garcia Bielsa ("Can US Warmongering be Reined in by U.S. Society") on US arrogance and warmongering made me want to say something about the US government's ongoing financial and military support of Israel which is just one of many conflict areas that the U.S. military and its covert operations arm participate in directly and indirectly.  It's a long list:  Iraq, Israel/Palestine,  Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Taiwan, Columbia, Russia, China, Libya,  etc.  
Anti-war, peace, environmental, and human rights activists are doing their best to protest the U.S. and its war business and lust for world dominance.  Perhaps the U.S. should follow China's example and switch away from militarism to something positive and constructive like the Belt and Road Initiative.   
The United Nations may eventually play an important role for change if the UN General Assembly can unite those nations wanting global law and order and social justice, and then finding ways to apply sanctions to the U.S. and other nations that refuse to abide by world law and order.  Hopefully, the Earth Constitution can provide a leadership role for a "new UN" with enforceable world law and order, and an end to militarism. 
-- R. Kotila, PhD    Earth Federation News & Views

Can Warmongering be Reined in by U.S. Society?

By Fernando M. García Bielsa on May 6, 2021

Although the United States continues to be the world’s leading power, for several decades and in various fields the country has been experiencing a growing decline and deterioration of its industrial base, which among other consequences is manifested in greater inequalities and social fractures, including at the heart of the oligarchic power groups.

The goal set at the end of World War II of maintaining broad military superiority to deter its adversaries soon became an end in itself that has conditioned the arms race for more than seventy years, even after the end of the Soviet Union called it into question. Soon, other supposed threats to national security were articulated and inflated and served as the basis for shaping a broadly bipartisan will for military spending. Every year, resources and figures in excess of $1 trillion are allocated for such purposes while the country’s own economic infrastructure crumbles and the public debt outstrips the nation’s massive Gross Domestic Product.

Following this seemingly illogical course really responds to the enormous economic, political, media and cultural weight of the so-called Military Industrial Complex, an extensive network of private entities and corporations which, fed with public funds, is ramified throughout the country, and on which thousands of subcontractors and millions of jobs depend. This is reflected in the willingness of politicians associated with that network to enthusiastically support increased military spending, aggressive foreign policy and war adventures. The arms industry and the intricate world of associated entities, think tanks and media complexes have a major influence on the country’s power centers.

This situation is compounded by the effect on the country’s politics of its imperialist nature, its arrogance and reluctance to accommodate to the geopolitical changes underway, and the economic and financial interests at stake in various corners of the planet. Note also that in the policy-making structures, both in the Pentagon, the State Department and the National Security Council, there has been an increased presence of neoconservative elements, as well as militaristic approaches. full article (copy & paste):

March 23, 2021
Journalist Eric Zuesse explains why US/NATO cannot be trusted.  Rather than NATO being a vehicle for world peace and justice, he sees NATO as part of a violent plan to conquer Russia even if it sparks WWIII and nuclear war.  Because the United Nations Charter is defective, the UN is unable to protect Russia, Europe or the world community.  A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution would put the UN in a position to intervene before it is too late. -- R. Kotila, PhD  Earth Federation News & Views  

Why It’s Especially Necessary to End NATO Now

MILITARISM, 15 Mar 2021

Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service

13 Mar 2021 – In a previous article I argued “Why It’s Necessary to End NATO”. However, recent events are making clear that the urgency of this need is increasing, instead of decreasing.

In 2011, the U.S. Government started planning a take-over of Ukraine, which, at that time, was a neutral country that has a 1,625-mile border with Russia. At its nearest point to Moscow, that border is only 5 minutes flight-time away from Moscow, via the fastest missiles. Obviously, that’s far too little time for Russia’s Government to be able to evacuate themselves from Moscow and to launch a retaliation against a U.S. blitz-attack. The U.S. goal is to get Ukraine into NATO, so that America can position its missiles there and really achieve “Nuclear Primacy” (which I discussed in that earlier article as being America’s meta-strategy since at least 2006 — safely to destroy Russia, even though that won’t actually be possible).

On February 1st of 2021, Ukraine’s President, Volodmyr Zelenskyy, made undeniably clear his intention to fulfill on Obama’s plan, for Ukraine to become a NATO member. Whether Joe Biden is going to push for that will be the most important decision of his Presidency, because it would be a commitment to World War III. It would, in effect, be a U.S. declaration of war against Russia. Whether the blitz-invasion would come from the U.S. (presumably assisted by missiles placed in Ukraine), or instead from Russia (in order to wipe out those and all other U.S. missiles), would be the only remaining question. Who will try the blitz-attack first? Either way, the world — at least the biosphere that sustains human life — would end.

Zelenskyy said:

We are grateful for everything, but Ukraine is not just saying in words that it wants to be an equal member of the Alliance, an equal member of NATO, because this is one of the most important security points – the same security that President Biden is speaking about. How should we further state the desire to accede [join], if it is enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine – the movement towards the European Union, European integration, as well as accession to NATO? Therefore, I have a very simple question – why is Ukraine still not in NATO? Putting away these phrases that we will all contemplate and communicate, the first simple question from me would be: “Mr. President, why are we not in NATO yet”?

If Ukraine becomes a NATO-member, then Ukraine will have the right to demand that America join its war to grab back the former Donbass region and also the former region of Crimea. The U.S. Government would then be put into the position of having to either fulfill its NATO commitment to the new NATO member (presuming that restoration of both Crimea and Donbass to Ukraine would be accepted as being a part of that commitment to what then would be a fellow-NATO-member) or else become very embarrassed by not doing so. If such a NATO commitment would be fulfilled, the world as it has always been known would end very fast — less than an hour.

The way that WW III would then start is that Ukraine would become more heavily armed by the U.S. and then would invade both Donbass and Crimea, Russia would then attack Ukraine for doing that, and the U.S. would then launch a blitz-attack against Moscow from Ukraine, and, simultaneously launch against all other command-and-control targets in Russia, so that before those have become hit, Russia would already have been decapitated.

The United States Government is fortunately not obliged to allow Ukraine into NATO and has many ways to prevent it from joining NATO. Some of these ways wouldn’t at all embarrass the U.S. Government, and the reason for this is that if any one NATO-member nation refuses to okay Ukraine as becoming a member, then Ukraine won’t become a member, and the scenario that has been described won’t then happen. The U.S. Government has enormous clout with each existing NATO member-nation, because NATO was created by the North Atlantic Treaty (also called the “Washington Treaty”) in Washington, DC, on 4 April 1949, at a conference that was chaired by U.S. diplomat Theodore Achiles, who subsequently retired to become a Director of the Atlantic Council, which also is in Washington, and which is the PR arm of NATO. The U.S. Government could easily get at least one NATO-member country to say no to Ukraine’s joining. However, if U.S. President Biden announces that the U.S. endorses NATO-membership for Ukraine, then that’s, in itself, virtually a U.S. declaration of war against Russia, and Russia might not wait for it to be made official before responding to it — blitz-invading the U.S. and its allies.

According to Achilles’s account of the creation of NATO:

The NATO spirit was born in that Working Group. Derick Hoyer-Millar, the British Minister, started it. One day he made a proposal which was obviously nonsense. Several of us told him so in no uncertain terms, and a much better formulation emerged from the discussion. Derick said, and I quote, “Those are my instructions. All right, I’ll tell the foreign office I made my pitch, was shot down and try to get them changed.” He did. From then on we all followed the same system. If our instructions were sound, and agreement could be reached, fine. If not, we worked out something we all, or most of us, considered sound, and whoever had the instructions undertook to get them changed. It always worked, although sometimes it took time. That spirit has continued to this day, I believe, although the size to which NATO has grown makes it far less easy. Two years later we began in London to put the “O” on the NAT by creating the organization. Some of the members of the delegations had been members of the Working Group, some had not. 

Was that the beginning of the end of the world? Perhaps Biden will decide whether it is, or not.

However, if he does decide to do it, then I doubt he’d do the attack prior to getting Ukraine into NATO — if he can do that. On March 10th, The Saker headlined “Is the Ukraine on the brink of war (again)?” and speculated whether Biden will provide now the backing that the Obama-installed stooge-regime there wants. Though the stooge-regime might re-invade Donbass (and maybe even attack Crimea), I doubt that Biden will provide the type of assistance that the U.S.-stooge regime in Kiev would need in order to retake that land (and certainly not Crimea). I would expect that Biden is therefore informing Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy not to try. So, I would expect that, instead, the crucial decision will be whether or not the regime in Washington will decide that it really does want Ukraine to become a member of NATO.

On March 10th, Sweden’s Defense Research Agency issued in two different parts, a 300-page report, “Western Military Capability in Northern Europe 2020,” which concluded that Russia would likely win WW III in Europe, and which analyzed only conventional war and virtually totally ignored even the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons in WW III — the presumption was instead that the meta-strategy “MAD” still would prevent that, and they ignored the U.S. regime’s actual abandonment of “MAD” and switch to “Nuclear Primacy”. They also simply presumed that the U.S. is their ally and non-aggressive and that Russia is their enemy and is aggressive. In other words: it is fantasyland, at least in the Swedish Government.

Furthermore: the core strategic question, of whether the loser in a conventional WW III would accept defeat instead of blitz-nuclear-attack the opponent so as to ‘win’ the war, was simply ignored, as if there would be a 100% likelihood that the conventional-war loser would just surrender and not escalate to a blitz nuclear attack against the opposite side in order to ‘win’ and would leave its enormous nuclear stockpile unused. They ignored the fact that NATO, after the Warsaw Pact ended in 1991, is the trip-wire to an all-out nuclear war — the exact opposite of an asset to its participants’ national security. NATO-participation makes all of them inevitably a part of the battlefield, and forces Russia to target them. Sweden’s Defense Research Agency produced there an insanely stupid study, and one which shows that Europeans, at least in Sweden, are being ‘defended’ by a government that is either in the pocket of the U.S., or else is simply idiotic.

That study is shockingly stupid; it makes some of the craziest assumptions imaginable — assumptions that are tragically at variance with established facts (facts such as that America is, by far, the world’s most aggressive nation, and perpetrates far more coups, sanctions, and invasions, than does any other nation). At least regarding foreign relations, Sweden’s Government is monstrously disserving its public, and yet Swedes aren’t enraged against it. Are their news-media really that bad, so as for Swedes to tolerate a military alliance with the world’s most aggressive nation?

The only sane path forward for the nations that currently are NATO members (or “Partners” as Sweden is) is to withdraw and to urge other members (and Partners) likewise to withdraw, so that NATO will end — as it should have ended when the Soviet Union’s NATO-mirror organization the Warsaw Pact ended in 1991. End the Cold War, finally. NATO — the American military alliance against Russia — is simply the trip-wire to WW III. End it. Now. Even 30 years after 1991 isn’t, yet, too late to do it. But, maybe, 31 years would  be. That’s why it must be done now, delayed no further. Either NATO will end, or it will end all of us.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, of Christ’s Ventriloquists: The Event that Created Christianity, and of Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics.

January 25, 2021 (lightly revised/updated February 2, 2021) Earth Federation News & Views
The Psychology of Nuclear Disarmament: Only A Democratic Federal World Union Is Realistic
By Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
SUMMARY and EXCERPTS revised and updated  from a lecture on psychological factors to the Annual Meeting (June, 2020) of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS):  The United Nations Charter is part of a geopolitical system which breeds paranoia.  Paranoia, coupled with character defects among some leaders of nations, produces perpetual conflicts, wars, and a dangerous nuclear arms race.  Core masculinity issues, racism, greed, sexism and lust for power frustrate diplomatic UN solutions.  Powerful psychopathic leaders mock the UN and international law;  the undemocratic and defective Charter allows them to be above the Law. 
The Earth Constitution addresses these shortcomings in the outdated Charter while evoking alarm bells and psychological resistance by those fearful of change, but also raises a sense of excitement and anticipation at the vision of a "new UN."  Will the 188 nations in the UN General Assembly, all denied voting rights,  launch Charter Review as required by Article 109-3) using the Earth Constitution as their model and guide for a "new UN" which transforms into a democratic world federal union government?   Such a new governing structure for the nations must be established if we are to end wars between nations and to permanently eliminate the ever present danger of a nuclear nightmare.  
Treaties are a mixed blessing
In international relations, multilateralism refers to an alliance of multiple countries pursuing a common goal.     Unfortunately, history shows that agreements based upon treaties are eventually broken or ignored.  Time and time again, particularly with the more powerful, treaties are discarded when seen as inconvenient (just ask indigenous/native Americans).

Although the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) appears to be a positive step in reducing the nuclear arsenals of the United States and Russia, in reality it will do little to change the fundamental problem of an UN geopolitical system which is so badly designed that militarization, wars, and maintaining nuclear weapons is virtually inevitable.  
Similarly the now activated Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will hit a brick wall.  The nuclear powers are refusing to disarm.  The fact that possession of nukes will now be illegal is helpful.  It will put public pressure on the Bully nations to abandon the nuclear arms race now underway.  "Pressure" is not enough we must END the very existence of nuclear weapons, or they will end us.
When nations sign treaties, it gives us a false sense of security.  Treaties, therefore, must be understood as only an interim step.  Nevertheless, by addressing issues such as nuclear weapons (and war) via treaties, nations are acknowledging problems of broad concern and importance despite differences in culture and tradition. We can reasonably conclude, then, that there are areas of ethics and conduct which the majority of people worldwide accept as valid -- universal standards that can be applied to all.
Because we cannot rely on a multilateral approach for nuclear disarmament (treaties), we must think in terms of a stronger type of governance between the nations.  The next step from multilateral agreements are constitutional, as outlined by the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) based in Brussels.  CUNCR has provided a legal basis to open up the fatally flawed UN Charter for a long overdue review, the beginning step to revise or replace the outdated Charter.  
The UN, like the League of Nations, is not Constitution-based, but instead is a multilateral treaty agreement which makes it too vulnerable to the whims of powerful, Bully nations.  Fortunately, the World Constitution & Parliament Association's Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution) anticipated the problem, and is ready to serve as a model and guide for the UN General Assembly to create the urgently needed "new UN." 
With the U.S. (Federal) Constitution, if Texas and California have a conflict they don't go to war, they go to Court or to Congress.  Similarly, France and Germany are unlikely to go to war since they belong to a semi-federal government -- the European Union.
The United Nations must federate.  The Earth Constitution can be the foundation for a "new UN."
Institutionalized paranoia and character defects
What do psychological factors have to do with achieving complete nuclear disarmament and ending war?

The key psychological dynamic associated with national sovereignty is institutionalized paranoia.  A paranoia grounded in the myths, stereotypes, and deliberate lies about the dreaded "Other." 
To understand this type of paranoia, one only needs to examine prison gangs, an opportunity I had professionally while working as a psychologist within the California prison system. 
Like nations, these racially or territorially constructed gangs are "sovereign," and like nations, gangs fear that the other side is seeking an advantage.  Hence, even when prison authorities do a complete, clean sweep of weapons, within weeks the various gangs are rearming themselves.  

Why?  Paranoia.  This is the psychiatric disorder which the current geopolitical system of sovereign nations cannot overcome.  It is an inherent response to the system of national sovereignty and secret operations... Nations routinely spy on each other in a world flooded with a winner take all, survival of the fittest mentality.   

Institutionalized paranoia between nations originates primarily from fear that the Other will get the upper hand in terms of use of force or military might, and fear that the other will gain economic advantage and control.  
This type of paranoia in our current UN system will never be resolved no matter how many disarmament treaties are signed. It is a hard psychological fact among sovereign states -- always a fear that perhaps the other nation is cheating or gaining advantage.  Such a fear is not unrealistic when we see that some nations are ruled by sociopaths or psychopaths. 
In Kathleen Barry's "Unmaking War, Remaking Men" the danger of leaders with "core masculinity" issues is very real.  "We are number one!" they proudly proclaim.  Such leaders  brag about having a powerful military and feel more important because they possess nuclear weapons.  To make matters worse, such sociopathic and/or psychopathic leaders are characterized by dishonesty, sexism, racism, lying, being greedy with a lust for power, and lacking conscience or empathy.  
Every nation therefore, whether or not fully in the Federation (i.e.,"new UN"), must accept open inspections at anytime, anywhere.  Only a world federal union government ("new UN") can eliminate the paranoia which fuels militarization and a nuclear arms race.    

President Ronald Reagan's famous quote regarding disarmament "trust but verify," was absolutely correct, but incomplete.  Because some leaders are psychopaths, there must also be serious consequences (jail or prison) for criminal acts.  No one should be above the Law.        
Good medicine for a mentally ill world and a means to control psychopaths
In a federal world union governing system, laws would be enforceable on all individuals no matter what their level of authority.  This rule of law is absolutely necessary.  Whereas people with a normal, healthy conscience will do the right thing without threat of punishment,  those who are sociopaths or psychopaths must be restrained by knowing they will face real punishment for wrongdoing.           
Put bluntly, there is no shortcut except to establish a constitution-based democratic world federation -- just as world federalists have been saying for over sixty years.    
The psychology of full nuclear disarmament and world peace requires a global structure which can eliminate the mental illness of paranoia, and control the dangerous behaviors of psychopathic leaders.  The Earth Constitution/Earth Federation government ("new UN") is the required medicine to treat paranoia and to simultaneously create a healthy and positive world -- free from the tyranny of fear, greed, lies, dogma, and lust for power. 

A federated democratic world union under the Earth Constitution has the potential to end paranoia, and a democratic designed World Parliament with a World Judicial/Enforcement system will provide a means to control the handful of sociopaths and psychopaths who destroy and impoverish our world. 
With the healthy foundation of the Earth Constitution to start anew, the world can free itself from the undemocratic roots which were incorporated into the UN Charter, and begin an era where "we, the people" have a true voice regarding global affairs.  
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist (ret.) and President of Democratic World Federalists.  He is co-editor of DWF NEWS, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views. 
November 20, 2020   Earth Federation News & Views
UN Charter's "Sovereignty" Gives Brazil the Legal Right to Destroy the Lungs of the Earth 

Roger Kotila, PhD

The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) based in Brussels is a leading edge think tank challenging the notion that the United Nations Charter  cannot be revised or replaced.  The Charter's flaws are serious.

CUNCR along with Democratic World Federalists (DWF), the World Constitution & Parliament Association - India (WCPA-India), and the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI) have launched THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE, a plan to have the UN General Assembly review the defective, obsolete UN Charter.  The goal?  A "new UN" using the Earth Constitution as a guide and model to fix the Charter, or replace it.     

Destructive sovereignty
The principle of national sovereignty in the Charter gives any national government the legal right to destroy Mother Earth and perhaps, humanity itself.  This is not an exaggeration.   From climate change to war to nuclear weapons, the UN has been frustrated and unable to get the job done as self-centered governments defy the common good.

We routinely see the effects of climate change with its extreme weather conditions.  We are horrified by the growing nuclear arms race which the UN is trying to stop, but has no means to enforce the new international legal ban against nuclear weapons.  The USA and other nuclear states are brazenly defying the UN's new legal ban.  The Pentagon is leading a dangerous nuclear arms race which it calls a "modernization" Life Extension Program, but which is better described as a Life Extinction Program.

Professor Glen T. Martin (*Martin, 2020) warns about the sovereignty principle in the UN Charter which allows governments to endanger the Earth and humanity itself, and to do so legally.

Here are EXCERPTS from Dr. Martin's eye opening critique of the UN with its Sustainable Development Goals obstructed by "sovereignty".  Martin writes:

"Consider the implications of this dogma of sovereignty. The government of Brazil happens to host “the lungs of the Earth” that produce nearly 50% of the world’s oxygen and moderate the global climate in a variety of ways as explained in detail by climate scientists.  Under this system, the government of Brazil has the legal right to destroy the lungs of the earth through development by its private, profit-making corporations. The United States has the legal right not to sign the Law of the Sea convention and to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord, even though that withdrawal by the world’s largest polluter could mean bringing down the global climate for the entire Earth." (Martin, 2020)*

Martin makes it clear that the UN system has a fundamental defect:

"Under the UN system, China has the legal right to produce all the CO2 it wants and send this into a global atmosphere that is daily increasing the greenhouse effect of overheating our entire planet.  All the nations of the world have these same rights, including the legal right to militarize themselves to the teeth, wasting resources badly needed to protect and restore our planetary environment. To understand this is to discern how absurd these Sustainable Development Goals and the UN system that supports them really are." (Martin, 2020)*

Finding a solution
Dr. Martin believes the answer can be found in the Earth Constitution:

"The Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution) does not abolish the nations but unites them within the World Parliament that represents the common good of everyone on Earth. The people of Earth are sovereign and the Earth Federation government representing them is designed to address precisely these global problems that the UN system is not designed to effectively address...." (Martin, 2020)*

Democratic World Federalists, seeking a peaceful, just and prosperous world, has adopted THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE as its primary strategy;  it calls for the UN General Assembly to launch a review of the Charter, butressed by CUNCR's legal analysis.  

[Charter review opens the door to identify what's wrong with the Charter and what is needed to fix or replace its fatal defects.  Article 109(3), according to CUNCR,  provides the legal mandate for the review, a promise made in 1945 but never fulfilled. -- Editor]

CUNCR's young climate ambassadors are spreading the word all the way up to the UN itself that climate change will require more than appealing to nations to cooperate, it will require a change in the UN's governing system itself. 
Peace activists, moreover, understand that forming a world federal union governing structure ("new UN") is necessary to end wars between the nation-states, but also the only practical way to eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare. 

The 193 nations making up the UN, like the original 13 colonies of the US, must unite under a federal constitution.  This is the only practical, realistic way to have a safe world to live in.  There is no shortcut.

The World Parliament &  Constitution Association - India (WCPA-India) will reach out for support from nations.  The Earth Constitution Institute (ECI) provides the visionary Earth Constitution as a model and guide for the UN General Assembly to revise or replace the outdated UN Charter.  

A "new UN" is therefore possible, one given the tools it will need to actually save the world from the harm allowed by selfish sovereignty.  After all, why should Brazil, or China, or the USA, or any country have the legal sovereign right to endanger humanity?

Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, DWF

*(Martin, 2020) -- EXCERPTS from Dr. Glen T. Martin's Tour de force: "The UN Sustainable Development Goals as World System Ideology"
October 18, 2020         Rolling Stone magazine / the Dalai Lama / and the Earth Constitution
Earth Federation News & Views
by R. Kotila 
"A Message of Hope from the Dalai Lama" reads the title of an article in Rolling Stone magazine (Oct., 2020) complete with a full page picture of this spiritual guru who stated that his "number-one commitment" is to "try to promote a sense of oneness of 7 billion human beings."
Move over, Rolling Stone, the wise one has already been introduced to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution) by a member of the World Constitution & Parliament Association-India.  []

U.S. Government Should Be Supporting International Law - Not Undermining It  
by Bob Flax  9/20/20

It’s a sad day when the U.S. government openly assails the international law it helped to create. But that day came on September 2, 2020 when the U.S. government announced economic sanctions against top officials of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The reason? The officials were engaged in an ICC investigation of possible war crimes committed during the long war in Afghanistan by representatives of all sides of the conflict, including U.S. military personnel and agencies.  
The ICC was established by the United Nations in 1998. It has become the international community's recognized legal authority on the defense of human rights and is tasked with investigating and trying individuals accused of the gravest of crimes, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.  
Unfortunately, after first signing the Rome Statute that established the Court, the United States has become one of just four signatories to subsequently withdraw under the George W. Bush administration in 2002. The reason offered was that the US troops would be subject to international law—even though the ability of any country to prosecute foreign nationals who commit crimes on their sovereign soil is a well established legal practice and the ICC treaty merely allows the ICC to carry out that prosecution.  
An executive order earlier this year essentially declares anyone who works with the ICC a criminal, opening the way for lawyers, judges, researchers, and staff to have their bank accounts frozen, U.S. visas revoked, and travel to the U.S. denied. Even U.S. citizens risk sanctions if they "materially support" the ICC.  
ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda -- who has been investigating possible war crimes by all parties in the Afghanistan conflict--is now the first to face such sanctions, with the U.S. accusing her and the ICC of attempting "to subject Americans to its jurisdiction"-that is, for expecting the world's most powerful democracy to follow international law.  
Human rights attorney Katherine Gallagher declared that the U.S. government's action against Bensouda was an "unprecedented" deployment of "sanctions against an international prosecutor seeking to enforce international law." Balkees Jarrah of Human Rights Watch called the move a "stunning perversion of U.S. sanctions, devised to penalize rights abusers and kleptocrats, to target those prosecuting war crimes."  
What the ICC is looking at in Afghanistan is holding the Taliban accountable for many crimes and the US to account for its violations of international law that the US signed and ratified, including “serious abuses, particularly against people in custody.”  
The U.S. government has championed ICC investigations into abuses in Burma and Syria, and even recently used human rights as a cudgel against China, Iran, and North Korea. But when the investigators' eyes turned towards America, cooperation ends.  
The United States can and should do better.   
Bob Flax, Ph.D. is Executive Director of Citizens for Global Solutions and an Adjunct Faculty Member in the Transformative Social Change Program at Saybrook University.
August 19, 2020  Earth Federation News & Views
War Crime: Did Israel Attack Beirut With A Modified Nuclear Missile?

There is growing evidence that the attack on Beirut was conducted by Israel.  Meanwhile, Beirut politicians are sending out confusing messages as to what happened, and why.  Beirut officials may be afraid to admit that Israel is responsible for this (world) crime because Lebanon would lose desperately needed funds from the US and Israel to rebuild Beirut.
If it turns out that Israel was behind the deadly attack, there is little that the United Nations can do about it.  Israel is protected by the U.S. government no matter what international crimes it commits. Just ask the Palestinians who keep having their lands and homes stolen by the Israeli regimes.
The popular narrative being promoted by the Western mainstream press is that the explosion was caused by fertilizer (ammonium nitrate). There is little mention of Israel in media reports -- except to deny that Israel had anything to do with this horrendous attack.
But one cannot easily dismiss the arguments presented on the website of Veterans Today ( which debunks the narrative that fertilizer caused the blast, and offers eyewitness reports consistent with a missile attack.
In an Associated Press report (8/16/20, San Francisco Chronicle), we are told that U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs, David Hale, calls for a "thorough and transparent" investigation.  He said that the FBI, "at the invitation of the Lebanese authorities,"  was being brought in to figure out what caused the August 4 explosion.  President Trump stated on August 5 that his generals told him the blast was most likely caused by "a bomb of some kind."
US blackmail without shame
Hale went on to explain how the U.S. intended to insist that Lebanon does the bidding of US/Israel.  Hale didn't call it blackmail, yet announces that "there can be no financial bailout for Lebanon" without a change in the government, -- which he claims is suffering from "endemic corruption."  The change Hale wants is what Israel wants -- to get rid of Hezbollah, whether or not the majority of people in Lebanon favor Hezbollah.
It is no secret that the US and Israel find Hezbollah annoying.  While many see Hezbollah as "freedom fighters" to protect Palestinians from Israeli genocide and criminal expansionism, the US has declared Hezbollah to be a "terrorist" organization.  
But what if it turns out that Israel did indeed bomb Beirut?  If it used a tactical mini-nuke or some modified version, some new type of warhead?  This would amount to a crime against humanity, a war crime.  If the facts implicate Israel, should the US declare Israel to be a terrorist state? 
Project Thor
The possibility that the Beirut bombing used a modified nuclear weapon is feasible. The US military and Israel have been known to work closely together on such weapons programs.  The US military under Project Thor worked to develop a special warhead that "would have the effect of a nuclear bomb, but leave no residual radiation."  Who knows what secret projects are underway at the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Lab in California?
If Beirut can find only limited radiation readings, it may be because Israel used a special warhead with almost no residual radiation, a possibility documented by researchers for Veterans Today, and buttressed by a secret report they found from the International Atomic Energy Agency  (Veterans Today, 11/2/19):
The “standard” SADM [Special Atomic Demolition Munition] that evolved would eventually have a core of Plutonium 239 encased in a thin shell of non-fissile Uranium 238 known as a “neutron reflector”.  "The new Dimona micro nuke was the very first critical weapon that could be used in “stealth” mode. Gone was the dirty Uranium 238 reflector, and up went the purity of the smaller Plutonium 239 core."

The history of violent lawlessness by Israel (and others) demonstrates both the ineffectiveness of the current United Nations due to its defective Charter, and the urgent need for a new UN framework such as the EARTH CONSTITUTION provides for dealing with such international crises. 

Roger Kotila, PhD
President, Democratic World Federalists - San Francisco
VP, World Constitution & Parliament Association
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views
August 5, 2020
                                                          The Failed United Nations at 75!
                                                                          by Rich Scheck

The failed mission of the UN to protect the world from the "scourge of war" is once again on full display.
75 years after the Charter was signed as an instrument of peace and security following WWII, today we
are once again witnessing endless conflicts, skirmishes and proxy wars all over the planet.
The dramatic scene of the Beirut explosion that has the signature of a nuclear weapon underscores the 
failures of this unique body which was deeply flawed in its conception by the predictable "institutionalization 
of paranoia" embodied in the sovereign state model of global governance.

Those providing an alternative format for achieving perpetual peace such as the Democratic World Federalists
are traditionally ignored, marginalized or worse, characterized as naive idealists.
Not only has the UN been unable to stop wars, it has failed to comply with the mandates of its own founding
document including periodic Charter review, reliance on the Military Staff Committee to resolve mini-wars or
hold accountable war-makers who violate the Nuremberg principles due to a weak ICC and feeble enforcement 
mechanisms relating to crimes against humanity.
With the upcoming plans to celebrate the organization's 75th anniversary, it is far past time for world leaders to
take a long hard look at the mess we have in international relations as the Big Powers continue to vie for global
dominance and face-off in various alliances reminiscent of 1914 and 1939.
If we are to avoid WWIII, vast improvements in the way humanity governs itself are imperative.  The sense of anxiety
and urgency sweeping the planet accentuated by health issues, concerns about the environment, endless wars
and the impact of technology on cultures and religions requires an elevated approach that has so far escaped the
ability of those undertaking the difficult role of running planet Earth.
We can and must do better.  Being open to a new methodology as suggested by the DWF and others is a great
way to begin the conversation.
Rich Scheck has a doctorate from Harvard Law School who writes articles on the ills of government and society.
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June 26, 2020  Earth Federation News & Views
Psychological Factors in UN Charter Review and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Summary presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) in commemoration of the UN 75th signing of the UN Charter in San Francisco on June 26, 1945.

The UN Charter is part of a geopolitical system which breeds paranoia. Paranoia, coupled with character defects among some leaders of nations, produces perpetual conflicts, wars, and a dangerous nuclear arms race.  Core masculinity issues, greed, and lust for power frustrate diplomatic UN solutions.  Powerful psychopathic leaders mock the UN and international law;  the undemocratic Charter allows them to be above the Law.   The Earth Constitution addresses these shortcomings while evoking alarm bells and psychological resistance, but also raises a sense of excitement and anticipation.  Will the 188 nations in the UN General Assembly who have been denied voting rights launch Charter Review and compare the Charter to the Earth Constitution?  Can the sociopathic behaviors of the UN Security Council's P-5 be overcome?
Dr. Roger Kotila is a psychologist and peace activist.  President of  Democratic World Federalists (DWF), Vice President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) and Board member of  the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR).  His  Ph.D.  (1969) includes an internship at Palo Alto Veterans Hospital in association with Stanford Psychiatry.  He has  extensive experience with sociopathic and psychopathic personality disorders.  For peace activists he recommends "Einstein on Peace" and to support the "San Francisco Promise," a strategy to activate  the long overdue review of the UN Charter, and to introduce the Earth Constitution as a potential governing model for a "new UN."
[Psychology of World Peace: Updated with minor revisions June 26, 2020.  First published 7/26/2014]
Although the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) appears to be a positive step in reducing the nuclear arsenals of the United States and Russia, in reality it will do little to change the fundamental problem of a global system which is so badly designed that militarization and war are virtually inevitable.
Despite the great hopes for the United Nations starting after 1945, wars have proliferated and more and more nations have weapons of mass destruction.   This tragic failure of the UN global system is no surprise to world federalists who from the very signing of the UN Charter predicted that the UN would be unable to function effectively.      
In the current global system of treaty-based agreements of which START is a good example, nations under the UN Charter maintain an excessive degree of sovereignty.  This fact means that nations, particularly the stronger ones, cannot be prevented from violating a treaty if they believe it is in their self-interest to do so -- whether or not it is in the world public interest.
We know from history that treaties are like building on quicksand.  The reason for this is both political and psychological.  Politically nations abandon treaties with shifting perceptions of self-interest.   But the psychological factor is ultimately more powerful in a global system relying on treaties.
 The key psychological dynamic associated with national sovereignty in a world of nations is one of institutionalized paranoia.  Greed is another factor which needs to be taken into account.
The lack of true union between nations causes them, weak or strong, to conduct secret operations which further fuels paranoia.
Institutional paranoia, for example, is a typical by-product of our global sovereign nation state system embellished in the defective United Nations Charter.
The psychological dynamics of such factors require an entirely new way of thinking, indeed a new political paradigm as seen in the EARTH CONSTITUTION.   Otherwise, the world will never see significant disarmament and world peace.
Until these powerful psychological  factors are considered, the world will continue to be in grave danger with or without a START treaty.
The list includes the Start Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT),  and conventions to ban cluster munitions and land mines.   Also there are UN conventions against torture (1987), conventions on the rights of children (1990) and the disabled (2008), and other important agreements.   

Treaties are a mixed blessing

When nations sign treaties which relate to global issues,  it gives us a false sense of security.  Nevertheless, by addressing issues such as nuclear weapons and the like, nations are acknowledging problems of universal concern and importance despite differences in culture and tradition. 

We can reasonably conclude, then,  that there are areas of ethics and conduct which the majority of people worldwide accept as valid -- universal standards to be applied to all.

Unfortunately however, history shows that agreements based upon treaties are eventually broken or ignored.  Time and time again, particularly with the more powerful, treaties are discarded when seen as inconvenient -- either with regard to national self-interest, private business interests, or religious dogmas.   
Psychology of world peace and institutionalized paranoia

So where does the "Psychology of World Peace" enter this picture, and what does psychology have to do with treaties, conventions, and other agreements between nations?

The key psychological dynamic associated with national sovereignty in a world of nations is one of institutionalized paranoia.  Greed and lust for power is another factor which needs to be taken into account.   

To understand the psychological dynamic of paranoia (and greed), one only needs to examine prison gangs.   Like nations, they are sovereign, and like nations, gangs fear that the other side is seeking an advantage.   Hence, even when prison authorities do a complete, clean sweep of weapons, within weeks the various gangs are rearming themselves.  

Why?   Paranoia.   This is the psychiatric dynamic which the current global system of sovereign nations cannot overcome.  It is an inherent response to the system of national sovereignty in a world flooded with a winner take all, survival of the fittest mentality.   

Institutionalized paranoia between nations originates primarily from fear that the other will get the upper hand in terms of use of force or military might, and fear that the other will gain economic advantage and control.          

In the current global system of treaty-based agreements, usually nations maintain a high degree of sovereignty.  This fact means that nations cannot be prevented from violating treaties if they believe it is in their self-interest to do so.   The lack of true union between nations causes them, weak or strong, to conduct secret operations which further fuels paranoia. 

The European Union has made some progress convincing nations to give up some aspects of absolute sovereignty.   But some of these nations continue to be quite reluctant (i.e., paranoid) about moving toward full union and federation. 

It can be argued that partial union is better than no union at all.   This idea has some merit.   However, the ultimate psychological dynamic to achieve a genuine, permanent world peace free of war will require an almost complete world federation and democratic union with only minor exceptions.    

This is a hard psychological fact from which there is no shortcut.   Institutionalized paranoia will never be cured no matter how many treaties are signed by sovereign nation states.   Every nation, whether or not fully in the federation, will have to agree to open inspections at anytime, anywhere.    

President Ronald Reagan's famous quote regarding disarmament "trust but verify," was partially correct, but incomplete.   Because of  many sociopathic and psychopathic leaders in governments, there must also be criminal consequences to individual leaders who violate the Law.   

Otherwise there is no guarantee of open inspection, investigation, and prosecution.  In the present global system, individual leaders from nations who violate treaties and commit international crimes usually suffer no consequences, particularly if their nation is powerful.  They are protected by their "sovereign" nation.  

But in a federal union system world laws by a democratic world parliament would be enforceable on all individuals no matter what their level of authority.  This rule of law is necessary because whereas people with a normal, healthy conscience will do the right thing without threat of punishment,  those leaders of nations who are sociopaths or psychopaths must be restrained by knowing they will face punishment if they commit crimes.           

It is wishful thinking to believe that treaties or agreements alone can result in permanent  full disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, prevent wars, or eliminate predatory economic behaviors.  The psychiatric dynamic of paranoia (and greed), just like with prison gangs, will eventually sabotage any treaty-based agreements between sovereign nations.

Treaties are not strong enough medicine

Those who argue for a treaty-based global system to obtain world peace, justice and prosperity are stuck in Establishment thinking.  There exist powerful psychological factors associated with traditional sovereignty which simply cannot be ignored.  

Put bluntly, there is no shortcut except to establish a democratic federation and world union -- just as world federalists have been saying for over sixty years.  We must look to the EARTH CONSTITUTION (aka Constitution for the Federation of Earth) for a model for federal world government -- a "new UN".  It is designed to replace the outdated and fatally flawed UN Charter. 

The psychology of world peace demands a new global structure which can eliminate the mental illness of paranoia, and restrain the sociopathic condition of greed and lust for power.   The "medicine" needed to eliminate theses homicidal/suicidal symptoms has been known by world federalists for many, many years.  

The nations must federate in a democratic world union.      

Good medicine for a mentally ill world and a means to control sociopaths and psychopaths

The EARTH CONSTITUTION/Earth Federation, not treaties,  is the right medicine to end the paranoia, and to create a healthy and positive world -- free from the tyranny of fear, greed, lies, and dogma.    

A federated democratic world union under the EARTH CONSTITUTION has the potential to end paranoia, and the Earth Federation's World Parliament and Judicial/Human Rights system will provide a means to control the handful of sociopaths and psychopaths who destroy and impoverish our world. 

By establishing a "new UN" nations will no longer need to tolerate the second class citizenship imposed upon them by the design of the UN Security Council which makes a mockery of democracy and of equality.   

It is time for the United Nations, whose sovereign nations breed a constant dynamic of  paranoia, to break free from this psychiatric dysfunction.  With the healthy foundation of the EARTH CONSTITUTION to start anew, the world can free itself from the undemocratic roots which were incorporated into the UN Charter, and begin an era where "we, the people" has real meaning.

The EARTH CONSTITUTION can open the door to a world that works for all humanity, not just the few. 

-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. and


The USA in Crisis


Glen T. Martin

16 June 2020

The US was founded on contradictory principles, and these contradictions are manifest in today’s social rebellion ignited by the police murder of African-American George Floyd. The first principle includes the 18th century idea of human rights, human equality, and human dignity which animated some of the rhetoric of the founding fathers. The second principle, falsely embodied within the list of “inalienable rights” that the founders affirmed, was the principle of private property and the “right” to use that property to exploit others for one’s own personal gain. This is the fundamental principle of capitalism.
This latter principle in the 19th century led not only to the dehumanization of vast armies of workers in horrible factories, being forced to work 14 hours per day with nominal wages while their children as young as 7 and 8 years of age were forced to labor along side the workers in the “satanic mills” of the implacable capitalist system.  It also led to the kidnapping and enslavement of millions of black Africans in tribute to this same satanic system: not only can private property make wage-slaves of penniless workers but it can turn human beings themselves into “private property,” the actual ownership and enslavement of other persons.

The worship of unlimited ownership of private property  
The institutionalized racism of the law enforcement system of the United States that the current rebellion within the US is protesting today, is the legacy of the system that idolatrously worships private property as more fundamental than human equality and dignity. Across much of the world there are protests in solidarity with the US rebellion, but the solidarity is not only with respect to institutionalized racism but also to a nation subjected to the criminal whims of President Donald Trump.  Trump, who began his presidency by giving a huge tax break to the super-rich corporations and bankers in the US, is not only the worst President in the history of a country that has had many terrible presidents. Rather, he has simply and clearly underlined the stark contradiction at the heart of the US system.


Are police protecting the rich from the poor?
Trump does not care about people, but about his own and others private accumulation of wealth. He understands “domination” because that is what is necessary in a capitalist society. Despite the rhetoric about “equality and dignity” of citizens, the true function of law enforcement in the US is to protect the property of the rich from the poor.  The institutionalized racism of law enforcement is only a legacy of the notion that even human beings can be enslaved as private property. The slaves were freed, but the worship of private property was never seriously questioned.
That is why during the coronavirus epidemic the US government is not forcing the big meat-packing plants and other industry giants to enforce social distancing and protection of their workers. In many cases workers are required to work in unsafe conditions, unprotected from virus exposure, or else lose their jobs.  Private profit is more important than worker’s lives. And in many of these plants it is black and brown skinned people who are forced to take these wage-slave jobs.

The Constitution for the Federation of Earth transcends these contradictions because its fundamental principle is precisely the freedom, equality, and dignity of every person on Earth. It constructs the Earth Federation government on these principles and explicitly prohibits all forms of discrimination by class, sex, race, or religion.   If the moral foundation of a system is correct, then its practical consequences will be correct. Our human condition around the planet is premised on contradictions rather than fundamentally correct principles.


 Off track USA and nation-state value system can be fixed under the Earth Constitution

One contradiction is between the worship of private property and the affirmation of human dignity.  The two cannot go successfully together.  Another contradiction is between the idea that the world can be divided into some 193 “sovereign” nation-states, recognizing no enforceable laws above themselves and the idea that we are all human beings with the same equality and dignity. These two concepts also cannot go successfully together. Either we are fragmented into “sovereign” lawless states, or we are one human family. We cannot be both. The Earth Constitution transcends the contradiction between so-called “sovereign nation-states” and our universal human dignity, just as it transcends the contradiction between the worship of the private accumulation of wealth and the equal dignity of citizens.
Global democracy, and a decent world for everyone on the planet, a world of peace, justice, and environmental sustainability flows from the fundamental principle that all people are brothers and sisters, with equality and dignity.  The Earth Constitution, for the first time in history, gives us a set of governmental institutions not based on inherent contradictions. Uniting the world under this clear, single moral principle, is the only thing that can make possible a flourishing human future for our children. From this moral principle then flows pragmatic forms of politics and economics that empower and dignify people, rather than dehumanizing them.
The immense contradictions at the heart of the US system, exacerbated and manifested by Donald Trump and institutionalized racism, will never be solved as long as the contradictions are not dealt with.  The US is a failed system precisely because it is founded on explicit contradictions. Our principle must be human dignity, not perverted and not adulterated by the irrational worship of private property and the unlimited accumulation of private wealth. The principle of unity in diversity behind the Earth Constitution gives us the fundamental model for true human liberation.


Professor Glen T. Martin

President, World Constitution & Parliament Association

Board member, Democratic World Federalists


Dr. Martin's latest book "Design for a Living Planet: From Extinction Rebellion to Transformative Praxis"  will soon be published.

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Demanding an End to Endless Wars (Where's the UN?)
May 19, 2020 Editor's note Why cannot the United Nations intervene when U.S. foreign policy (or any other nation) violates international law?   The generals at the Pentagon, the President, and the CIA are not held accountable for illegally overthrowing governments, or for military invasions of other nations. They are above the law even when responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.  Why?  The problem lies in the obsolete and defective UN Charter. The Earth Constitution provides a wisely designed World Judiciary with Enforcement Powers. 
The Permanent-5 nations who hold veto voting power on the UN Security Council are able to veto any attempt to legally prosecute for world crimes. P-5 members will also protect their allies from prosecution.  They also avoid prosecution for their crimes by refusing to participate in the International Criminal Court.  
The UN General Assembly must be honest about this disgraceful situation and launch a review of the Charter.  Let us compare the features of the EARTH CONSTITUTION to those in the present UN Charter.  A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution could be born, one with the tools needed to end war and eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare.   -- R. Kotila, PhD  Earth Federation News & Views

'Time for a Major Shift': Groups Demand Biden Vow End to Endless Wars and Destructive US Foreign Policy

Published on

A joint letter urges the presidential candidate to oppose regime-change interventions and broad-based sanctions, engage with Iran and North Korea, and support a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden on Jan. 7, 2020 delivers remarks about the Trump administration's recent actions in Iraq at Current, Chelsea Piers in New York City.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden on Jan. 7, 2020 delivers remarks about the Trump administration's recent actions in Iraq at Current, Chelsea Piers in New York City. (Photo: Ron Adar / Echoes Wire / Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

In a letter Monday to former Vice President Joe Biden, over 50 groups urged the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for president to embrace "a principled foreign policy, one that prioritizes diplomacy and multilateralism over militarism."

"The American people are looking for a leader who will turn the page on 9/11 policies that have resulted in an endless cycle of war, countless lives lost, increased global instability, large-scale refugee flows of the displaced, and the violation of Americans' civil liberties and human rights," explains the letter (pdf), first reported by HuffPost.

"Americans... aren't falling for fear mongering or calls for nation-building abroad at a time when the challenges facing our nation and world need peaceful and cooperative solutions."
—Erik Sperling, Just Foreign Policy

"It's time to turn the page on the disastrous war and regime change policies that have only led to destabilization and suffering abroad," Erik Sperling, executive director of Just Foreign Policy, said in a statement. "Our policymakers must come to terms with the irreversible trend of public opinion away from interventionism."

"Americans—and particularly millennials—aren't falling for fear mongering or calls for nation-building abroad at a time when the challenges facing our nation and world need peaceful and cooperative solutions," added Sperling, whose group signed on to the letter.

"It is time to end our endless wars and adopt a new approach to international relations, one in which the U.S. abides by international law, encourages others to do the same, and utilizes our military solely for the defense of the people of our country," the letter says. "We hope that in the months ahead you will engage with the American people and groups like ours in a broad discussion on what a more just and progressive U.S. foreign policy should look like."

Biden spent over three decades as a U.S. senator—a career which included stints as chair of the upper chamber's Foreign Relations Committee—before serving as former President Barack Obama's vice president for two terms. Throughout the 2020 primary process, the presumptive Democratic nominee has faced intense criticism from progressives for his long record on international issues, including his support for the Iraq War.

"We can no longer afford to militarize our approach to foreign policy problems—and we have seen first hand how these misguided national security spending priorities have left us ill-equipped to deal with the crisis we now face."
—Dan Kalik, MoveOn

Signatories of the letter to Biden include the Center for Economic and Policy Research, CodePink, Greenpeace US, Indivisible, International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), Jewish Voice for Peace Action, MoveOn, Our Revolution, Peace Action, the Quincy Institute,, and Win Without War.

"The United States is in dire need of a fundamental reorientation of its foreign policy, away from the goal of dominating the globe militarily, which has mired America in endless wars, and towards a national security strategy centered on diplomatic engagement and military restraint," said Trita Parsi of the Quincy Institute. "The Covid pandemic has made it abundantly clear that our excessive focus on foreign military threats—real and imagined—have left us naked and vulnerable for the real challenges of this century—pandemics and climate chaos."

Dan Kalik, senior political adviser at MoveOn, concurred. "The coronavirus has changed everything, and our foreign policy priorities must change to reflect the fundamentally new world that we are living in," he said. "We can no longer afford to militarize our approach to foreign policy problems—and we have seen first hand how these misguided national security spending priorities have left us ill-equipped to deal with the crisis we now face."

The letter was reportedly spearheaded by Demand Progress. Yasmine Taeb, the civil liberties group's senior policy counsel, told HuffPost that if Biden "wants to be successful in November and wants to galvanize and energize the grassroots, then we need to get better clarity and stronger commitments from Vice President Biden on many of these progressive foreign policy issues that the left cares about."

In addition to the broad call for "extraordinarily bold leadership" to "aggressively" reform U.S. foreign policy, the letter includes a list of key measures the groups believe Biden should support:

  • Repealing the 2001 AUMF and respecting congressional war powers;
  • Reducing the Pentagon budget;
  • Engaging with Iran;
  • Engaging with North Korea;
  • Supporting a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict;
  • Opposing regime-change interventions and broad-based sanctions;
  • Rejecting discriminatory immigration policies and supporting refugees;
  • Closing the detention center at the U.S. Guantánamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba;
  • Ending support for governments that violate human rights; and
  • Prioritizing diplomacy and avoid militarizing our relations with other powers such as Russia and China.

Under each priority listed, the letter details current conditions and what Biden should do if he officially becomes the nominee and wins the election in November. The groups also take aim at some policies implemented by President Donald Trump and his predecessors.

"The military and political campaigns aimed at regime change have borne disaster in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere in the past two decades," says the section on interventions and sanctions. "Meanwhile, broad-based sanctions against countries like Iran and Venezuela have served to impoverish the population at large while not having positive political outcomes—and at times empowering ruling elites."

"The pandemic has shown as clearly as possible that so many of our country's security priorities and investments over the past two decades have been not just wrong but counterproductive, and it's time for a major shift."
—Matt Duss, Sanders adviser

"The U.S. should stop seeking to transform other countries through destructive policies," the letter says, "and instead work through the United Nations Security Council and other multilateral fora to build global consensus and international legal backing for peaceful, diplomatic solutions to internal and international conflicts."

Biden's campaign has recently had "encouraging" talks about foreign policy with supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who suspended his presidential campaign last month, according to Foreign Policy, which cited Sanders adviser Matt Duss.

"Progressives just need to keep organizing and mobilizing behind the goal of ending the forever wars and strengthening nonmilitary elements of our foreign policy," Duss told the outlet. "I think we already had a strong case, but the pandemic has shown as clearly as possible that so many of our country's security priorities and investments over the past two decades have been not just wrong but counterproductive, and it's time for a major shift.

This post has been updated with additional comment from signatories to the letter.

April 19, 2020
Subject:  Daring to Speak Truth to the "Lords of the Earth"
Dear fellow world federalists and friends,
Although Professor Martin titles this paper "After the Pandemic -- A Return to MAD?" I prefer to title it "Daring to Speak Truth to the Lords of the Earth".  Dr. Martin, like Philip Isely before him, speaks his mind.  Mr. Islely, who co-founded the World Constitution & Parliament Association, was seen as outspoken.  WCPA's Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka EARTH CONSTITUTION) was generally ignored by establishment world federalists despite having been endorsed by over ten Nobel prize winners, and a long list of world citizens worldwide.  (For transparency, both Dr. Martin and myself have personally ratified this World Constitution.) 
The world is changing, and world federalists with it.  The idea of slow and gradual change to the obsolete United Nations Charter and the UN system, is being challenged.  Why?  The Pandemic makes it clear that the geopolitical UN (war) system is failing the world community.  The growing nuclear arms race adds a sense of urgency:  MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction as military policy has become too dangerous. 
Let's have an open and public debate in the UN General Assembly comparing the UN Charter to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.  Which can end war?  End a war in space?  Which can eliminate nuclear weapons?  Which can reduce and end poverty worldwide?  Which is more democratic?
Which can regulate and control Big Money and multinational corporations?  Which can end the fact that leaders of rogue, superpower nations are above international law?  Which can better protect human and nature's rights? 
-- R. Kotila, PhD, Earth Federation News & Views.
To read Dr. Martin's article please copy and paste:

After the Pandemic, A Return to MAD?

Dr. Glen T. Martin
Globalization and New World Order
People everywhere are talking about how things must be different after the pandemic. But most, including so-called "world federalists," want to go slow and ask the ruling class for incremental changes. The World Constitution and …read more
April 2, 2020    Earth Federation News & Views

Finally some GOOD NEWS as reported to us by the Center for Citizen Initiatives: The German government has canceled its support of "Defender Europe 20" which is US/NATO's euphemism for war games.  These military exercises pretend that Russia is a danger to Europe. The War Business requires "enemies," even if they have to be invented so the public remains paranoid.  

While the coronavirus takes up most of the public's attention, we continue to have the crime of militarism which is a main reason that the world is ill prepared for COVID-19, cannot deal adequately with climate change,  drains resources that should go for the poor and homeless, and forces peace-seeking nations to build armies instead of hospitals and schools.   

A "new UN" is needed
Wars and regime change plots suck up resources and destroy families. The UN is frustrated.  There is an answer:  Replace the obsolete UN Charter with the EARTH CONSTITUTION in order to establish a world federal union government (a "new UN") with rule of law and a World Parliament.  It is long overdue to give "we, the people" decision-making authority and a voice in global affairs. 

We are a global family.  By birth we are all world citizens with certain inalienable rights.  All people everywhere have a fundamental right to world peace, security, and protection of individual rights.  Our basic rights include adequate medical care for everyone, everywhere.  Health care for all is impossible if the money and people resources go to building bombs, missiles, war ships, and F-35's.   

European watch
Europeans should keep an eye on the new W80-4 being developed by scientists, engineers, and war planners.  Or the B61-12.  Or the W76-2.  CITIZEN'S WATCH ( is a good resource for following the Pentagon's nuclear "modernization" Life Extinction Program underway at Lawrence Livermore Lab near San Francisco. 

The fact that a European country finally said "no" to US/NATO is an important development.  The refugees fleeing to Europe from the Middle East were caused by illegal military invasions -- their lives and families destroyed by militarism.  Governments lack future plans for peace, instead continue to perform "defensive" measures which amount to preparing for the likelihood of more wars.

Economic sanctions in my opinion, like militarism, are another form of "murder."  Countries like Iran and Venezuela cannot get medical supplies to defeat the COVID-19 virus or treat those with other illnesses.  Innocent people die for lack of medical care caused by these illegal sanctions.  Will there be Nuremberg trials one day for those responsible?

-- R. Kotila, PhD
    Psychologist (ret.)
    President, Democratic World Federalists
    VP, World Constitution & Parliament Association

Sent: 3/30/2020 


The German government has declared a complete stopping «Defender Europe 20»

The Duran
By Edgars Palladis
March 28, 2020


According to the official Bundestag representative, the the U.S.-led multinational Exercise «Defender Europe 20» has been cancelled.

At the meeting of the Defense Committee, Inspector General Zorn and Bernd Schütt, Head of the Strategy and Deployment Department at the Federal Ministry of Defense commented on the manoeuvre:

«All the exercises in Poland, Lithuania and Germany have been cancelled. The US soldiers and the equipment currently in Poland are to be transferred back to Germany «at some point». The US personnel and equipment currently in Germany are to be transferred back by the summer, if Corona allows it.»

Thus, the German government has now finally clarified that this senseless and dangerous manoeuvre has been stopped.

It is reported on the site of the member of the German politician, member of the of the defense committee at Bundestag, Alexander Neu.

Alexander Neu highlights the importance of the ending of this senseless and dangerous manoeuvre. Also he rejects future manoeuvres, whatever they are called and by whomever they are carried out.

Unfortunately, in fact the «Defender Europe 20» is going on. There are a lot of proofs of it in the media.

Two days ago 150 american personell arrived in Poland from the USA in support of «Defender Europe 20».

Poland and USA military continue practicing allied interoperability in Drawsko Pomorskie at Training Area.

Thus, while the WHO declares the global pandemic and Europeans are facing increasing containment measures, thousands of American soldiers are staying in Europe to demonstrate the NATO strength putting at risk national military personnel and locals.

I call upon you to support the petition against «Defender Europe 20». We demand a complete stopping of manoeuvres.

The United States now has the highest number of known cases of coronavirus in the world with more than 82,000, according to health officials. But in spite of this fact American military is still coming from the |USA to Europe.

Stop «Defender Europe 20» and all the military exercises in fact.

For more information about the Center for Citizen Initiatives, visit

March 7, 2020 San Francisco

Editor's note: The so-called "nuclear modernization" scheme documented here is euphemistically described for the public as a Life Extension Program. Don't kid yourself. President Trump's budget request for nuclear weaponry signals plans for nuclear warfare. It's an extremely dangerous Life Extinction Program that is sparking a nuclear arms race, exactly what isn't needed. What's needed for world peace is for the United Nations to transform into a "new UN" -- a world federal union government under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka, Earth Constitution).

-- R. Kotila, PhD Earth Federation News & Views


Exploding Nuclear Budget: 

The Just-Released Numbers for New Bombs 

By Joseph Rodgers, Tri-Valley CAREs’ Policy Analyst • February 27, 2020


National Nuclear Security Administration’s Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request:

The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) has just released its detailed budget request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, which starts on October 1st of this year. The NNSA will use the requested funding to “modernize,” or redesign,  U.S. nuclear warheads. The NNSA request is 20% higher than last year’s request and more than 50% higher than the annual funding level when President Trump took office in 2016.


This is the President’s funding request, yet the power of the purse ultimately lies with Congress. Therefore, it is important to note that the money request has to be authorized and appropriated. The budget will go through “markups” in the Senate and House Energy and Water Appropriations subcommittees. Then, it will be marked up in the full Senate and House Appropriations committees. The House and the Senate will seek to resolve differences between their two versions of the bill. Then, each chamber will vote on the resultant bill. A similar process happens in the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, which authorize nuclear spending limits. When final bills are passed by both chambers, they will be sent to the President to sign into law. 


This process will likely take most of the year, and in some years a stalemate has resulted in a “continuing resolution” to fund the government. Expeditiously passing a budget during an election year - particularly one in which the President has been impeached – may prove difficult. This also means that the budget request can be altered substantially by Congress before it goes to the President to sign it into law. 


Throughout the coming year, Tri-Valley CAREs and allies will be working to curb this dangerous escalation in nuclear weapons spending. 


Troubling Trends Behind the FY21 Budget Request:

This budget request represents three dangerous trends in U.S. nuclear weapons policy. First, every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal is undergoing modifications, lifetime extensions, or alterations. The U.S. is also seeking to expand the arsenal by building two novel warheads, unlike anything in the existing stockpile. 


Second, NNSA wants to build a new nuclear weapons production infrastructure, including plutonium pit production and a uranium processing facility. The U.S. does not currently possess all of the capabilities required to build wholly new nuclear warheads on a large scale, an activity that we have not done since 1989. Re-establishing these capabilities will enable the U.S. to speed the pace of a new global arms race.


Third, the NNSA is steadily devoting more and more money to nuclear weapons testing capabilities. While the FY21 budget does not state that the NNSA is seeking to resume full scale nuclear explosive testing in Nevada, additional money is being directed toward enhancing hydrodynamic and subcritical explosive testing, and computational modeling of nuclear explosions.


Five Nuclear Warhead Development Programs:

The current scope of the US warhead “modernization” is immense. The NNSA has 5 major warhead programs occurring simultaneously. This workload is unprecedented since the end of the Cold War. In 2019, the NNSA concluded work on two warheads, the W76-1 and the W76-2, which is the “low yield” weapon called for in the Trump nuclear posture review. 


The United States nuclear force structure consists of three “legs” - sea, air, and land. The sea leg includes the aforementioned W76-1 and W76-2. These warheads sit atop Trident submarine launched ballistic missiles, launched out of the Navy’s Ohio Class subs. 


The 2021 budget request reveals an additional sea based warhead that is in the initial development stages, the W93. This warhead will sit atop a new submarine launched ballistic missile that will replace the Trident. Additionally, the Navy’s W88 “refresh” (alteration) is in the FY21 budget request. 


The air leg consists of a new W80-4 and an upgraded B61-12 warhead. The W80-4 warhead, which is presently being designed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), will be launched on a new long-range standoff air-launched cruise missile. The B61-12 is a gravity bomb with new “smart” capabilities, to be dropped out of an airplane.


The land leg of the U.S. nuclear arsenal currently consists of the W87 and the W78. Both of these warheads now sit atop the minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile. The NNSA plans on building a fully-new warhead to replace the W78, called the W87-1. This W87-1, also being designed by LLNL, will sit atop the next generation intercontinental ballistic missile, called the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.


FY 2021 NNSA Budget Request for Warheads

(In Thousands of Dollars)


B61-12 LEP


W76-2 Mod

W88 Alt

W80-4 LEP

W87-1 Mod


Requested in  FY 2021








Approved in FY 2020








Approved in FY 2019








Corresponding Weapon

B61-12 Gravity bomb

D5 Trident Sea launched ballistic missile

Low-Yield D5 Trident Sea launched ballistic missile

LGM-30 Minuteman Intercontinental ballistic missile

Long Range Standoff Weapon Air launched cruise missile

New warhead for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent

Follow-on Trident Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile


Nuclear Infrastructure – Pits (Primaries) and H-bombs (Secondaries):

In addition to expanding work on nuclear warheads, the budget request also greatly increases investment in nuclear weapons infrastructure, which is the name NNSA gives to what are, in fact, new bomb plants. The increases for infrastructure development are startling. Plutonium pit operations, the program that is intended to annually produce 80 or more new bomb cores (also called primaries), is pegged at $1.4 billion, a twofold increase from FY2020. 


Los Alamos National Laboratory is slated to produce 30 or more plutonium pits annually at its PF4 facility, while the Savannah River Site, which has never made plutonium pits, is supposed to make 50 or more plutonium pits per year by renovating its trouble-plagued, unfinished Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility. This industrial-scale pit production is supposed to be fully operational at both sites by 2030. 


NNSA’s uranium operations also get an increase of $140 million in the request. Much of this money will go to the Uranium Processing Facility at Y12, intended to build new secondaries (the H-bomb component) for U.S. nuclear weapons at essentially the same planned production rate as for the plutonium primaries. If you are picturing these twin capabilities as enabling wholly new U.S. nuclear weapons, you are correct.


These programs are bound to miss deadlines, blow up budget projections and compromise worker and public safety, in part because the goals are unrealistic. A Department of Defense-funded study by the Institute for Defense Analyses on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s plutonium pit production plans concluded that “no available option can be expected to provide 80 [plutonium pits per year] by 2030.” Yet the NNSA FY 2021 budget request blithely assumes otherwise.


Another alarming addition in the FY 2021 budget is an increase of $70 million for subcritical experiments. These tests simulate aspects of nuclear explosions using chemical compounds. They involve nuclear material (i.e, plutonium) in an underground chamber but stop just short of producing a nuclear yield. These tests have resulted in radioactive contamination. Last year, a subcritical test in Nevada cracked a fastener in a containment vessel and blew out plutonium.


Much of the $215 million that is slated for subcritical nuclear testing will be spent designing and assembling new experimental devices at the Ua1 testing complex in Nevada. These diagnostic materials will help inform future manufacturing choices for nuclear weapons modifications, new designs, and lifetime extension programs. 


FY 2021 Energy and Water Appropriations

(In Thousands of Dollars)

Infrastructure Programs

Plutonium Pit Operations

Uranium Secondary Operations

Expanded Capabilities for Subcritical Experiments

Requested in 2021




Approved in 2020




Approved in 2019






In this budget request, NNSA seeks $15.6 billion in nuclear weapons activities, a $3.1 billion (25%) increase from the 2020 request. Much of this increase is going toward building new nuclear weapons capabilities, increasing nuclear weapons production infrastructure, and enhancing U.S. ability to conduct subcritical nuclear weapons tests. 


The NNSA is establishing pit production capabilities and a uranium processing facility in order to build new types of nuclear weapons. Taken together, these budget figures and trends reveal that the United States is engaging in a global nuclear arms race. 


This new arms race will be enormously costly, easily exceeding a trillion dollars over the next decade alone. What is $1 trillion? Imagine taking $100 bills and stacking them in a tower that is 631 miles high. (Now imagine doing that again the following decade.) 


All U.S. taxpayers should remember that this is their money. Are new nuclear weapons and bomb plants how you would like to see it spent? 

Tri-Valley CAREs

Stopping nuclear weapons where they start.

4049 First Street, Suite 243, Livermore, CA 94551. Ph. 925-443-7148

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February 24, 2020 A BIG IDEA EMERGES! Putin Will Call for P-5 (Emergency) Summit Meeting
Dear CCI Colleagues,

Following months of dangerous rumors and news about NATO-led War Games, U.S. Nukes on submarines in our oceans, in addition to the usual demonizing of Russia and China … finally a BIG idea emerges!

Sharon Tennison
Center for Citizen Initiatives


MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 25th January, 2020) A meeting of the leaders of RussiaChina, the United StatesFrance and the United Kingdom, the permanent members of the UN Security Council, which was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, can be helpful and even necessary in light of the changing international situation, experts told Sputnik.

On Thursday, Speaking at the fifth edition of the World Holocaust Forum in JerusalemPutin proposed to hold a meeting of the heads of state of the UN Security Council's permanent members this year and said that Moscow intended, without delay, to send the appropriate letters to each country's leader.

Following the president's proposal, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Friday that Moscow would send messages to the leaders of the Big Five with specific details on the essence of Putin's initiative in the first half of next week. He added that the five leaders must rise above disagreements in order to find ways for detente in the world and address the current challenges facing humanity.


The idea of holding such a meeting to discuss global issues was welcomed by the United Nations that advocates for friendly relations among all member states and hails efforts to encourage discussions among the five permanent members, UN spokesperson Farhan Haq told Sputnik on Thursday.

China has also voiced its support for Putin's proposal to hold the P5 summit as, according to the leadership, these countries had a special responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. A spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, pointed out that the meeting was considered to be important amid "rising instability and uncertainty in the international landscape and emerging regional hotspot issues," which challenged multilateralism and the role of the UN.

"I believe that is necessary - in such a very particular moment like the one we are going through, marked by changing international dynamics - that the permanent members of the Security Council meet each other," Tiberio Graziani, the chairman of Vision and Global Trends, International Institute for Global Analyses, told Sputnik.

Though the chairman expressed doubts regarding the results of the meeting, he pointed out that there were pressing issues for the permanent members to discuss, including the Libyan crisis and issues related to power shifts between the various nations.

Another expert, Wyn Grant, a professor of international politics at Warwick University, told Sputnik that the meeting could be helpful "if it is approached in a spirit of constructive dialogue without too many preconditions."

"There is clearly a wide range of issues that could be discussed, but creating a focused agenda will be important, in particular, identifying issues where substantive progress can be made," he added.

According to the professor, summits in a suitable atmosphere can complement rather than disrupt discussions within the UN Security Council, which are featured by "a tendency to adhere to predetermined positions for public consumption."


This year, the world marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and the founding of the United Nations as a symbol of multilateralism and preserving post-war order. With this regard, meetings between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council focusing on the international situation and major international issues to strengthen their coordination and cooperation are crucial for protecting the authority of the UN and the Security Council and maintaining global and regional peace and stability.

"As I understand it, the meeting would be held in the context of the 75th anniversary of the Second World War. It is perhaps important to remind the allied powers of their collaboration to defeat fascism, while I understand that Germany has also been invited," professor Grant told Sputnik.


The UN Security Council, which is considered to be the core mechanism of international collective security, has five permanent members � ChinaFranceRussia, the United Kingdom and the United States � all of which have veto power, as well as 10 non-permanent members. However, politicians from a number of countries have repeatedly called for the institution to be reformed in order to better reflect the current balance of power in the world. Though the need to reshape the UN Security Council was first voiced in 1993, a consensus on the matter has not been reached so far.

"I hope that during the summit there will be discussions or at least the beginning of discussion devoted to the need of a self-reform by the Council itself," Graziani told Sputnik.

According to the chairman, the council's current mechanism is not sufficient to respond quickly to the numerous ongoing conflicts across the world and poses a risk of an intensification of these conflicts on a global scale.

"The Council, however, in its P5 format or enlarged, needs to be reformed, as it has not succeeded so far in limiting the intensity of the conflicts," he concluded.

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February 2, 2020
Editor's note:  A "new UN" under the EARTH CONSTITUTION could bring arrogant, psychopathic leaders like Trump and Netanyahu under the rule of enforceable World Law, now nonexistent. - Carter's criticism of the Israel-Palestine plan from Trump brought forth this shameful truth from one reader:   "As long as Trump and Netanyahu hold power, there is pretty much nothing that can be done. Neither of them respect the UN or any international tribunal."  - R. Kotila, PhD
Jimmy Carter: Trump's Mideast Plan Violates International Law

By Agence France-Presse  [republished in Reader Supported News]

01 February 20

immy Carter said Thursday that President Donald Trump's Middle East plan would violate international law and urged the United Nations to stop Israel from annexing Palestinian land."The new US plan undercuts prospects for a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians," the former US president said in a statement.


"If implemented, the plan will doom the only viable solution to this long-running conflict, the two-state solution," said Carter, who brokered the landmark 1978 Camp David Accords that brought peace between Israel and Egypt.

He urged UN member-states "to adhere to UN Security Council resolutions and to reject any unilateral Israeli implementation of the proposal by grabbing more Palestinian land."

His office said in a statement that Trump's plan, unveiled Tuesday, "breaches international law regarding self-determination, the acquisition of land by force, and annexation of occupied territories."

"By calling Israel 'the nation-state of the Jewish people,' the plan also encourages the denial of equal rights to the Palestinian citizens of Israel," it said.

Trump presented his long-awaited plan Tuesday alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his close ally, who shortly afterward signalled he would seek to annex a large part of the West Bank.

Trump's plan recognizes Israeli sovereignty over most of its West Bank settlements and the Jordan Valley, as well as an undivided Jerusalem.

The plan also backs a Palestinian state with a capital on the outskirts of Jerusalem but says the Palestinian leadership must recognize Israel as a Jewish homeland and agree to a demilitarized state.

The 95-year-old Carter, the longest-living president in US history, has frequently spoken out since losing re-election in 1980 and has won the Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work.

In his recent years, he has frequently faced criticism from pro-Israel supporters for his views on the conflict, especially his use of the word "apartheid" to describe the Jewish state's potential future without a peace deal.


+37# Rodion Raskolnikov 2020-02-01 13:28
Yes, Carter is right. This plan violates international law. It also asks Palestinians to give up their rights under international law; that is, they will not seek the protection of international law any longer. 

This "disgrace of the century" is very depressing. As long as Trump and Netanyahoo hold power, there is pretty much nothing that can be done. Neither of them respect the UN or any international tribunal. When they are both gone, maybe the damage they have done can be reversed. Start with moving the US embassy out of Jerusalem, the legal capitol of Palestine. And returning the Golan Heights to Syria and cancelling Netanyahoo's contract with Genie Energy, the US company with all the oil and water rights in the Golan Heights. Genie's board includes Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Richardson, Larry Summers, and more from the criminal class in the US.
     *****            *****           *****          *****          *****
January 21, 2020
Editor's Note:  Rogue nations such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US have refused the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. They have rejected the ICC for themselves in order to avoid their leaders from going to jail when committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.  China and Russia have also avoided the ICC.  It will take a "new UN" with a World Judiciary system such as found in the EARTH CONSTITUTION to insure that no leader of a nation who commits world crimes can continue to be above the law.  -- R. Kotila, PhD  Earth Federation News & Views  

“Panic” in Israel as the ICC Takes “Momentous Step” in the Right Direction

Justice at Last?

by Ramzy Baroud / January 7th, 2020  Dissident Voice

At long last, Fatou Bensouda, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has uttered the long-anticipated conclusion that “all the statutory criteria under the Rome statute for the opening of an investigation (into alleged war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territories) have been met”.

Bensouda’s verdict has been in the making for a long time and should, frankly, have arrived much earlier. The ICC preliminary investigations into Israeli war crimes began back in 2015. Since then, many more such war crimes have been committed, while the international community persisted in its moral inertia.

The ICC statement, issued on December 20, asserted that the court saw “no substantial reasons to believe that an investigation would not serve the interests of justice”.

But can the “interest of justice” be served while the United States government continues to wield a massive stick, using its diplomatic, political and financial clout to ensure Israel emerges unscathed from its latest legal scuffle?

There is little doubt that Michael Lynk, the United Nations Special Rapporteur for the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory, is absolutely right: A formal ICC criminal investigation into war crimes in Palestine is a “momentous step forward in the quest for accountability”.

He is also correct in his assessment, published in the United Nations Human Rights Officer of the High Commissioner website, that “accountability has, until now, been largely missing in action throughout the 52-year-old occupation.”

I would go even further and expand the timeline of the missing accountability to include the two decades prior to the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Otherwise, how is one to account for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1947-48, the numerous massacres and other wanton killings that accompanied and followed those defining years, or the fact that Israel was never held accountable for its violations of international and humanitarian laws between 1948 and 1967?

That issue notwithstanding, the Palestinian Authority and all political parties in Palestine should exploit this unprecedented opportunity of holding Israel accountable.

As soon as the ICC issued its statement, news reports surfaced conveying a sense of “panic” in Israel. The Times of Israel reported that an Israeli government meeting to discuss the ICC decision was held shortly after, with the aim of considering a proper response, including the possibility of preventing ICC investigators from reaching Israel.

This is eerily familiar. Israel has denied entry to — or refused to cooperate with — international investigators and observers on many occasions in the past.

Following a UN planned investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes in the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin in 2002, the Israeli government quickly moved, and, sadly, succeeded in blocking the investigation altogether.

It has done so time and again, often demonizing the very individuals entrusted with the mission of examining the illegality of Israel’s behavior in the context of international law. Well-respected judges and international law experts, such as Richard Goldstone, Richard Falk, and John Dugard, were vehemently attacked by Israeli officials and media and, by extension, by the US government and media as well.

Israel has managed to survive dozens of United Nations Resolutions and countless legal reports and indictments by the UN and all UN-affiliated organizations, largely because of blind and unequivocal American support, which has shielded Israeli war criminals from ever answering to their horrific actions in Palestine.

“Remember, it was (then-Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton who took pride in the fact that she personally killed the Goldstone Report,” said US author, Norman Finkelstein, in a recent interview with the news website Mondoweiss.

The Goldstone report was issued in the wake of the Israeli war on Gaza in 2009, dubbed ‘Operation Cast Lead’. The campaign of intimidation and pressure on Goldstone, personally, has forced the once respected judge to retract his accusations of Israeli war crimes and the deliberate targeting of civilians.

While Clinton did her part in torpedoing the Goldstone Report, former US President, Barack Obama, according to Finkelstein, went to great lengths to “neutralize international law against settlements and other Israeli crimes in the occupied territories”.

Worse still, on September 14, 2016, Obama handed Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, himself accused of carrying out numerous war crimes against Palestinians, the largest US aid package to a foreign country in modern history, a whopping $38 billion over the course of ten years.

This is not a new phenomenon, where the US enables Israeli crimes and simultaneously shields Tel Aviv from any accountability for these crimes before the international community. All US administrations, whether Republican or Democrat, have honored the same sinister maxim, thus ensuring Israel, literally, gets away with murder.

A particular case in point was in 2001, when 28 Palestinian and Lebanese survivors of the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre attempted to try, in a Belgian court, late Israeli leader and accused war criminal, Ariel Sharon. Intense American pressures and a brazen intimidation campaign, targeting the Belgian government and the judicial system, resulted in the dismissal of the case in 2003. To deny Israel’s victims the opportunity to seek justice everywhere in the country, Belgium revised its very law, to the satisfaction of Israel and the United States.

The high level of the ICC investigations places the legal push against Israel at a whole new level. This is uncharted territory for Israel, the United States, Palestine, the ICC and the international community as a whole. There is little doubt that some joint Israeli-American effort is already underway to develop strategies aimed at countering, if not altogether dismissing, the ICC investigation.

It is clear that justice for Palestinians in the face of Israeli aggression, itself fueled by unconditional American support, is not at all possible if it is not accompanied by regional and international unity, and a clear and decisive decision by all parties concerned that Israel, once and for all, must pay for its military occupation, racist apartheid laws, protracted siege on Gaza, and the many massacres in between.

Without this kind of international will, the ICC investigation could become another sad case of justice denied, a non-acceptable option for any justice-seeking individual, organization, and government anywhere in the world.


By FRITZ POINTER    Earth Federation News & Views 




San Francisco, January 1, 2020 -- Young people, everywhere around the world, must be shown that there are solutions for the bleak future many of them foresee of endless war.  One solution is a more effective United Nations capable of settling conflicts between nations by judicial means rather than war. When California and Texas have a dispute they don't go to war, they go to Court or they go to Congress.  

Young people, globally, overwhelmed by student debt must be made aware of the over $800 billion being spent annually for armaments and the military by nations of the world.  Young people, worldwide, should be aware of the 1.7 trillion the US has budgeted, over the next 30 years, on nuclear weapons modernization. Euphemistically labeled a nuclear “Life Extension Program” it should more aptly be labeled a “Life Extinction Program.”  

Amoral, extremely egocentric madmen?

I imagine that there are psychopathic, amoral, extremely egocentric madmen, who giggle and gloat with glee, held spellbound by the notion that they can destroy all life on planet earth.  To these so-called scientists, it’s some sort of ultimate scientific superiority, a zero-sum-game. That is, having the means of, literally, destroying, annihilating, and extinguishing the future.  And, there is, of course, obscene and vulgar pride in this capacity. Young people, globally, must demand abolishing all nuclear weapons.

It’s hard to believe that President Obama’s 2009 Prague speech, where he declared “America’s commitment to the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,” was just ten years ago. But it was a lie.

Young people need to know this

It is time for a change.  It is time to settle conflicts between nations in the same way as disputes within nations – not by war, but through law.  If the peoples of the world can abolish slavery, and polio, and can land on the moon, we can leave war behind us.  An alternative system can be created, but only if supported by laws defining prohibited international conduct by nations or individuals, and institutions capable of enforcing them.  Young people need to know this: That the United Nations lacks the authority to enforce the Law.  At the global level there is no sheriff in town.  Leaders of nations responsible for world crimes know they are above the law. 


In order to overcome the war syndrome and the continued ability of autocrats to commit crimes against other human beings in many parts of the world, whether American, Russian, Asian, European, Latin, African, Arab, or Israeli:  (I) The United Nations must be transformed into an effective global government appropriate to the needs of the world community of the 21st Century and the Third Millennium (C.E.).  (II) Viable democracy must be promoted in countries where it is lacking. These goals may be achieved through a participatory democratic world federationa "new UN" by means of a revised or new Charter such as seen in the World Constitution & Parliament Association's Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka, Earth Constitution).  

Oppressors, whether from Europe, Asia, Africa, South or North America, who commit crimes against humanity must be held personally accountable, and U.N. peace-enforcing or peace-making forces must have the authority, the personnel, and other means necessary to apprehend them and restore peace. The International Criminal Court must be empowered to try such criminals under codified laws. 

In The Anatomy of Peace, Emery Reves says that for human beings to become responsible members of a civilized society, they need methods more effective than prayer, sermons and ritual. Reves observed that “...history demonstrates indisputably that there is only one method to make man accept moral principles and standards of social conduct. That method is:  LAW.”

As we are a “Nation of Laws” we must become a “World of Laws.”

Fritz Pointer is a retired professor of English and African American Studies.  He is the Vice President of Democratic World Federalists ( He has published numerous scholarly and creative works and articles such as “African Oral Epic Poetry: Praising the Deeds of a Mythic Hero” (2013).  The older brother of the internationally known singing group, The Pointer Sisters, he has co-authored a soon to be released book “Fairytale: the Pointer Sisters’ Family History.”  Prof. Pointer’s main interests include combating racism, advancing human rights, ending war, eliminating nuclear weapons, and nonviolent solutions to global problems.

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November 11, 2019
Editor's note:  Mikhail Gorbachev, a long time advocate for world government, is sounding the alarm about the nuclear arms race. Citizens Watch's investigative reports on the Livermore Laboratory reveal military research underway to develop new nuclear weaponry designed for first strike and for use in conventional warfare.  This is the Pentagon's nuclear "modernization" Life Extension Program which is better described as its Life Extinction Program.  -- R. Kotila, Ph.D.  

Gorbachev: Nuclear Weapons Putting World In 'Colossal Danger'

Mikhail Gorbachev speaks during the presentation of his book at a bookstore in Moscow in October 2017. (Vasily Maksimov AFP)
November 4, 2019
 Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has warned that the current standoff between Russia and the West is putting the world in "colossal danger" due to the threat from nuclear weapons.

In an interview with the BBC published on November 4, Gorbachev called for all countries to declare that nuclear weapons "must be destroyed" in order to "save ourselves and our planet."

"As far as weapons of mass destruction exist, primarily nuclear weapons, the danger is colossal," he said.

The 88 year-old Gorbachev sat down slowly at the start of the interview and spoke deliberately at times in the handful of brief clips that were interspersed with other material in the BBC's video report.

The interview comes three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, amid hints of a return of the Cold War.

Asked to describe the current tensions between Moscow and the West, Gorbachev said, "Chilly, but still a war."

Fears of a renewed nuclear arms race have heightened since both the United States and Russian this year withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty that was signed by Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1987.

Based on reporting by the BBC

Copyright (c) 2019. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste 400, Washington DC 20036.
September 24, 2019 Announcement for Registration & Papers:  International Conference BUILDING THE WORLD PARLIAMENT  December 10-12, 2019
Call for registration and papers at the WCPA “Building the World Parliament” conference.  The deadline for paper abstracts is October 15.  (Please send these to Dr. Patricia Murphy at   

The deadline for early registration is October 30.  Be sure to register now so that you reserve a good place on the program for your presentation.  The conference theme is “Climate Change and the Earth Constitution.”  This will be an exciting event for WCPA. I hope to be meeting you soon at OPJU!


December 10-12, 2019
Sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA)
The World Parliament University (WPU)
International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO)

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India (venue and host)
Conference theme:
“Climate Change and the Emerging World Parliament”

This conference recognizes the Earth Constitution as a universal model and blueprint for a transformed world system:  
We have spaces for 25 thirty minute presentations and matching spaces for 25 session chairpersons.
All participants will have a full 30 minutes.  Observers and non-presenter participants welcome.
O.P. Jindal Global University
Room, board, and conference materials are generously hosted by O.P. Jindal Global University
University campus: Sonepat Narela Road. Near Jagdishpur Viallage, Sonipat, Haryana – 131001, India
Arrival and sign in: December 9, 2019, afternoon
Conference dates: Dec. 10, 11, and 12
Departure: December 13, morning

Conference Early Registration fee: 

2000 rupees (28 dollars) for paper presenters and 1000 rupees (14 dollars)
for all other participants.
Students or hardship 600 rs (8 dollars) and 300 rs (4 dollars)
Deadline for early registration is October 30, 2019.
You can register, and pay the fee in advance of the deadline at:


Please send in your registration fee to the “Eventbrite” website, and, send your
Name, address, position, phone numbers, email address and the category for which you are registering (“presenter,” “participant,” etc.) to:

Dr. Glen T. Martin, President, WCPA at

After October 30, the registration fee for participants is
2500 rupees (35 dollars) for presenters and 1500 (17.50) for participants.
Students or hardship 800 rs (11 dollars) and 400 rs (5.50 dollars).

Please send paper proposals and submissions to: 

Dr. Patricia Murphy, Chairperson, Submissions Committee:

Deadline for paper title and abstract: October 15, 2019
Deadline for completed paper: November 15, 2019

Please note: free membership in WCPA to all at:

 In 1958, the World Constitution and Parliament Association was founded to promote the principles of global democratic governance — a peaceful federation of all the nations and people of the world, with human rights, freedom and justice for all.  We work for ratification of theConstitution for the Federation of Earth.

The Earth Federation Movement and the Constitution embodying its principles have attracted support from thousands of people around the world, including many leaders and luminaries. We have held meetings of our Provisional World Parliament in eight countries, and we have National Councils established and active in over 50 countries.


 Be part of a truly planetary solution! Join our global movement for world peace, justice, and environmental sustainability.

September 17, 2019
Declare Homelessness An Emergency:  Embrace the Earth Constitution
U.S. taxpayer money mostly goes to the war business, leaving too many of our citizens forced to live in the streets while the War Corporations and the Pentagon drain the Treasury.   The U.S. manages 800 foreign military bases and provokes a nuclear arms race, but can't take care of its own citizens at home.  It's a disgrace.    
Homelessness is also found anywhere there are violent conflicts such as in the Middle East, Latin America, Myanmar, India , and elsewhere.  Citizens become refugees by being forced to flee their homes to try to keep their families safe.  Climate change is another factor causing people to lose their homes.   
It is time to embrace the world federalist vision.  A key answer lies in recognizing that the UN Charter is obsolete, and not up to the task.  UPHOLDING THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE  demands a review of the UN Charter.  The Earth Constitution (a "new UN") is ready to go, and declares having a home a universal human right.  The Earth Constitution provides a guide to develop a model democratic world federation (a "new UN") designed to end wars and the deadly stench of militarism, thus freeing up resources for domestic needs such as homelessness, infrastructure needs,  health care, education and more.  
- Roger Kotila. Ph.D. 
  September 17, 2019
Earth Constitution on universal human rights to replace the obsolete UN Charter and create a "new UN":  Article 13 (from the Earth Constitution) Directive Principles for the Earth Federation ("new UN") 13.11 "Assurance for everyone of adequate housing, of adequate food supplies, of safe and adequate water..." 

To:  Governor Gavin Newsom                                          21 August 2019

        State of California, USA


Dear Governor Newsom:

I chose to quit my private practice for two years in the mid-Eighties to live and work with the homeless while living out of a station wagon.  I had observed elderly bag ladies showing up on the streets of Marin County where I lived, and also saw a growing population of other homeless people.  I wanted to know why, and wanted to help. 

The factors causing a growing homeless population of the mentally ill back in those days had to do with a cut back in Federal funding, closing down California State Hospitals (I worked for 3 years at Camarillo State Hospital), a lack of adequate local community resources, and the mistake of making it legally too difficult for clinicians to hospitalize for a long enough time to be able to effectively treat the mentally ill, drug addicts, and alcoholics.

Of course there was also a population of homeless people who weren’t that different from you or me, individuals who had fallen on hard times through illness, divorce, a felony arrest, or job loss.

AS WE APPROACH WINTER, I BELIEVE IT IS TIME TO DECLARE HOMELESSNESS A STATEWIDE EMERGENCY.   Your Homeless Council should examine calling out the CALIFORNIA NATIONAL GUARD like we would do if there were a severe earthquake causing massive homelessness.  The National Guard has the resources available to (literally) set up safe site camps (like a small city or village).

An EMERGENCY DECLARATION will clear up red tape.  Make it easier to find location sites.  National Guard armories can also be utilized 24/7/365 as coordination centers.  Safe site camps should be set up near areas where the homeless already live, as much as possible.  Recommend this plan be implemented first on a trial basis (demonstration project) in LA and Oakland/Bkly, assuming these cities would be willing to work with the National Guard to test the viability of this approach to clear up their streets by providing larger scale transitional “housing.” 

[See attachment for added details.]

Thank you, Gov. Newsom, for what you have already done to deal with homelessness.  I’m suggesting we need to go even further as I doubt that we’ll get much help from the U.S. government under Donald Trump. 

Best regards,

Roger Kotila, Ph.D.  Psychologist (ret.)

*President, Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco (*for identification purposes only)                              1-415-328-2341 mobile


1. State of California declares homelessness an emergency.  Transitional sheltering plan.

2.      All counties required to provide “safe sites” for the homeless with adequate space for vans, cars, and tents-for-shelter particularly where housing is unavailable or insufficient.

3.       “Safe sites” to be set up by California National Guard with the help of other State, County and City agencies, and the homeless themselves. Safe sites must include portable toilets and showers, and a place to securely store personal belongings.

4.       Safe sites to include a “mess tent” or equivalent for food preparation, a “Red Cross” tent or equivalent for medical care, and a large tent for meetings of 25 or more people.

5.       Safe sites, when possible, to include WPA and CCC-like job programs and opportunities for both part- and full-time paid work.  A phone number and mailing address will be needed for each person – a central main office tent or trailer house might serve this purpose.

6.       All helping agencies (eg, Social Services and Welfare, SSI Disability, Employment Development, Housing, Mental Health, Public Health, etc.) should be required to send personnel to the sites so that services are readily available.

7.       Recommend that the homeless themselves be recruited to help design and manage the safe sites; when possible, the homeless should be paid for certain type of work at the site.   

8.       Safe sites should be run initially by California National Guard with the assistance of social service professionals and capable individuals from the homeless community.

-- R. Kotila, Ph.D.

August 14, 2019  
[Editor's note: The U.S. government's embargoes are illegal acts of war which indirectly kill innocent  people in the targeted nation.  Author Peter Koenig calls it murder, yet those American leaders who are responsible for these international crimes will never go to jail, protected by a badly designed UN Charter.   Achieving real justice will require the UN to embrace the Earth Constitution.  -- R. Kotila, Ph.D., Earth Federation News & Views]

Criminal Embargoes: Venezuela and Iran in the Crosshairs of Murderers Inc – Who Is Next?

Imagine just for a moment, the World would stand up in unison, sick and tired of the aggressive killer arrogance of the United States and her vassals – and their joint war-force called NATO – and this World, our World, what’s left of it when you deduct Washington and its Brussels allies, would at once block every shipment of everything destined for the ports of the United States of America; every sea port, airport and road port. Hermetically. Nothing would enter. Nothing, no food, no medicine, no electronics, no cars – no nothing. And nothing could leave. No exports, no petrol, no grains, no meat, no pharmaceuticals and foremost, no weapons. Nothing.

And now, take your mind a step further – and imagine the same – exactly the same, a total and full blockage of Israel – nothing would enter, no food, no fuel, no medication, no machinery and especially no weapons – and nothing would leave; a full and total blockage.

This would of course be totally illegal; illegal and unacceptable, by any international law, by the standards of the UN Charter, by the Human Rights Laws and Directives – by any ethical values of human morals. Wouldn’t it? – Yet, this is exactly what these countries are doing, have been doing for decades, sanctioning to strangle and murder entire populations into death or submission. The US with Cuba; Israel with Palestine. And the coercion and strangulation go on, unabated.

The longest embargo – illegal, inhuman and outright criminal – Washington imposed on Cuba – 60 years. Because Cuba has chosen socialism as her form of state and government. Cuba survived and will never give in to the tyrant of the north.

Now the US is expanding her palette of killing by impunity to dominate and subjugate nation after nation which they do not consider bending sufficiently to the dictate of their masters. Venezuela has been targeted for two decades, ever since former President Hugo Chavez was democratically elected in 1998; and Iran, ever since the US-imposed Shah was deposed in 1979 – exactly 40 years ago – by Iran’s Islamic Revolution. Both Venezuela and Iran are rich in natural resources, especially hydrocarbons but also in gold, rare earths and other precious metals and stones.

Contrary to what one would like to imagine, international world bodies, like the United Nations and her sister and associated organizations remain just about silent. When a high-level official utters some benign criticism of the US or Israel – it flairs up for a moment in the ‘news’, then it disappears again, as if it never happened. And indeed, nothing happens. They – the US and Israel – go on with their crimes in impunity.

The latest is an open declaration of economic warfare by Washington, a total embargo on Venezuela; the embargo is now being turned into a naval blockade. Similar steps are to be taken for Iran. That literally means that no merchandise – no matter how vital for survival, like food and medication, is allowed into Venezuela. Three days ago, the US seized, totally illegally, a cargo ship attempting to deliver food and medication to Venezuela – in the Panama Canal, territory which the US does not own or control anymore.

The ship was carrying soy cakes, from which Venezuela was to produce food. Never mind, that the cargoes are fully paid for by Venezuela. And this seems to be just the beginning. Vessels leaving Venezuela with petrol deliveries to client countries are also targeted for blockage, thus confiscating, or rather stealing, Venezuela’s main source of income on which she intends to survive and feed and provide health care for her people. This, in addition to the more than 130 billion dollars total Venezuelan assets confiscated – stolen – by the US worldwide.

And nobody says beep. Almost. Yes, there are some collective protests by countries in solidarity – like key members of the Sao Paulo Forum, as well as more than 60 members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM – total 120 members) that have become especially active in recent years in defense of Venezuela within the United Nations. Protests and protest declarations also take place by ALBA members, a Latin American trade alliance (ALBA – Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, 11 members [Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Dominica, Ecuador, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Grenada and the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis]).

>But most interesting are the hypocrites, those who write and scream that Venezuelans are starving to death, that the Maduro government neglects its people – yet these accusers-in-falsehood – let the US and her vassals strangle Venezuela and steal her foreign assets, including foreign reserves and gold, food and medical imports – they are saying zilch, nada, nothing. Just watching.

To top it all off, the Human Rights Commissioner, Madame Michelle Bachelet, Hypocrite-in-chief, who recently visited Venezuela, at the invitation of President Nicolas Maduro, on a Human Rights mission, and who delivered a devastating report about Venezuela’s HR, full of lies, half-truths and outright omissions, not mentioning with one word the US inspired coup attempts, the US-funded opposition and its bloody atrocities perpetrated on the Chavista population, and the strangulating and starving by the US and US-dictated European sanctions – Madame Bachelet now came forward condemning the naval blockade. Great. But she did not stand up against the deadly embargo by the US and the European Union. – What credibility remains for the Human Rights Commission? – The world can see it – it’s all bought, coerced into submission, like so many other UN agencies by the Murderers Inc.

If we are not careful, they are soon going to rule the globe. Thanks god, for Russia and China – which are also subjects of US-EU sanctioning and targeted for take-over. But they are a tiny little bit too big and too strong for this sort of games by the decaying US empire and her obedient rats on the sinking ship.

Similarly, the European Union – despots as they have been for hundreds of years as colonialists in Africa, Asia and Latin America – and continue in a modern colonial role through economic control of much of Africa – this very EU, has been sanctioning Venezuela for years on the orders of Washington, naturally, who else? – Now they condemn the naval blockade, but continue their routine sanctions regime.

According to a study carried out by the Washington DC based Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), under guidance of Mark Weisbrot, CEPR co-director and Jeffrey Sachs, economics professor, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, US and EU sanctions have cost some 40,000 Venezuelan lives. This mainly since August 2017, when Washington escalated its unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela and her state oil company, PDVSA, cutting them off international financial markets.

Yes, the world would have plenty of reasons to stand up and dish out similar naval and air blockades against the US and Israel. Just as a teaser to begin with, and if that doesn’t send a strong enough wake-up message, perhaps such embargoes should be considered on a longer-term indefinite scale. It’s illegal. But we are living in a world where international laws don’t count – where laws are made, as we go, by the self-declared hegemon, the US of A, and her symbiotic Middle East ally, Israel. – So, why not nudging the legal, moral and ethical order back into balance?

*Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

July 5, 2019
Urgent Call for UN Charter Review: THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE
Will San Francisco lead the way for UN Charter Review? The following proposed Resolution has gone out to the SF Board of Supervisors.  In view of the U.S. government's dim-witted insistence on a militaristic foreign policy, and the inability of the United Nations to prevent these endless wars and nuclear threats, it is time to evaluate what's wrong that renders the UN unable to do its primary job?  

This in part means giving the United Nations the tools it needs to deal with war mongering nations, and to put an end to the nuclear nightmare which the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warns is upon us.  Charter review opens the door to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka "Earth Constitution").  It is in the wings ready to go, a gift to a suffering humanity waiting to be embraced.  

The nuclear arms race is a reality.  Russia and China are aware of the Pentagon's nuclear "modernization" program which the Livermore Laboratory terms a Life Extension Program and which we call a Life Extinction Program.  There are chicken hawks in Congress and in the Trump regime who would not hesitate to use tactical nuclear weapons even in a conventional military conflict, and who support a nuclear "first strike" as an active option.

The public and  politicians are unaware that there is a better way, but it requires us to transform the United Nations Charter.  It must be fixed or replaced.   
When Texas and California are in conflict, they don't go to war, they go to the courts or to Congress.  When Russia and the U.S. have a conflict, we don't want them to go to war, we want them to go to a world court or to a World Parliament and peacefully resolve their differences.   That's the essence of the world federalist vision, and the key to a "new UN."
-- Dr. Roger Kotila, Prof. Fritz Pointer (Democratic World Federalists)

San Francisco Board of Supervisors
 Appeal for United Nations Charter Review 
Whereas an out of control nuclear arms race threatens the world including our beloved San Francisco, and the policy of nuclear deterrence can no longer be trusted;
Whereas in our own neighborhood the Livermore Laboratory is an active part of the Pentagon's aggressive nuclear weapons Life Extinction Program;
Whereas perpetual wars, future superweapons, and climate change also threaten the very existence of human life on this planet;    
Whereas the United Nations, although it has done much good,  has been frustrated in its ability to adequately deal with these dangers due to known, critical flaws in the design of the UN's Charter;
Whereas the public is largely unaware that there is a potentially viable solution to these crises; 
Whereas the UN has failed to review the Charter despite a legal requirement and promise to do so when the Charter was originally adopted in San Francisco in 1945, and despite the obvious urgency to identify the flaws in the Charter so that they can be fixed;   
Whereas  the UN Charter under Article 109-3 legally promises a charter review conference, yet this has not yet happened in 75 years; 
THEREFORE, in honor of the UN's 75th anniversary in 2020 we call for the UN General Assembly to UPHOLD THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE by co-sponsoring with the City and County of San Francisco and our partner NGO's a  Preparatory UN Charter Review Summit to be held in San Francisco.
1.  San Francisco Board of Supervisors
2. Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco (Initiator)
3. Center for UN Constitutional Research, Brussels
4. World Constitution & Parliament Association, Radford, VA
5. Campaign for UN Parliamentary Assembly (Germany, Europe)
6. Citizens' Watch by Tri-Valley Cares (Livermore, CA)
7.  to be announced...
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OUR RESOLUTION's explanatory notes to the SF Board of Supervisors (if needed):
This Resolution originates from Democratic World Federalists (DWF)* based in San Francisco, in consultation with the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (CUNCR) in Brussels, and the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), Radford, VA.   
DEMOCRATIC WORLD FEDERALISTS is a UN NGO.  DWF is a primarily volunteer nonprofit, nonpartisan educational and think tank organization.  Our history goes back to 1983 as part of the World Federalist Association.  In 2004 we became independent as Democratic World Federalists.  We helped sponsor the SF Hearings of the U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations (1993), and the World Congress of the World Federalist Movement (1995).  Over the years we have sponsored talks on various topics related to world peace, human rights, the environment, and more, and publish articles related to the world federalist vision.
Some world federalists include Einstein, Freud, Walter Cronkite, Martin Luther King, Jr., Indira Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Lucile Green,  Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama, Bertrand Russel, and many others.
*DWF officers:  Dr. Roger Kotila, President  (415) 328-2341
                              Prof. Fritz Pointer, Vice President  (415) 279-9282
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San Francisco Board of Supervisors
 Appeal for United Nations Charter Review
Background briefing: Why the UN's 75th anniversary celebration in San Francisco in June, 2020 should be more than a "celebration" at a fancy hotel with a speaker from the UN.
We ask the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to take a leadership role to help launch a new strategy to eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare, as well as a better means to end wars and cope with climate change.
The Trump administration degrades the UN rather than giving it the tools it needs to do its primary job to protect the world community from wars, nuclear annihilation, and climate change.
A "new strategy" means thinking and acting "outside the box" with the UN.  We can see that traditional approaches to world peace and security such as Mayors for Peace (to which San Francisco is a member), the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), Beyond Nuclear, Nuclear Zero, Reaching Critical Will, and others are doing their best -- but continue to operate from the old geopolitical paradigm which aims for international treaty agreements... despite the unfortunate fact that treaties are essentially built on quicksand -- broken at the whim of a President or some dictator as seen for example when the U.S. dismissively quit the Paris Climate Treaty and Obama's Iran agreement.       
San Francisco and the world community urgently need a world organization that can be effective.  The present UN system of 196 separate nation-states are like the Confederate States of America -- the Confederacy failed as the 13 colonies were in growing conflict.  Their solution?  The Articles of Confederation were dropped in favor of forming a federal government -- the U.S. Constitution.   The Constitution for the Federation of Earth is ready to go, and like the U.S. Constitution, can provide a model for a new UN Charter,one given the tools it needs so that the UN can end "the scourge of war" and eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare.

June 11, 2019  Dr. Edward Lozansky is unusually well-qualified to assess the risk of nuclear war.  He is a physicist with high level contacts with nuclear scientists from both the U.S. and Russia.  Like world federalist activists, he is an advocate for diplomacy over militarism and war; he knows that all it takes is one mistake and the nuclear nightmare will be upon us.  What to do?  I recommend a special Global Peace Summit to be attended by the designated leaders of Russia, the U.S., the European Union, China, India, Latin America, Africa, and the United Nations...the Summit to be designed and conducted not by traditional diplomats, but by an international team of psychologists.   - Roger Kotila, Ph.D., Psychologist, Earth Federation activist.

Are We Sleepwalking Into Nuclear Disaster?


By Edward Lozansky  February 26, 2019

If anyone needed proof that former Sen. Sam Nunn, Georgia Democrat, and former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz were right when they recently wrote in Politico that the U.S. and Russia are sleepwalking toward nuclear disaster, it came last week during Vladimir Putin’s annual address to the Russian parliament.

Mr. Putin warned Washington against deploying new missiles in Europe after the collapse of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, saying Moscow would install its own weapons targeting not only European missile installations but “decision-making centers” in the United States as well. He said that Russia’s reaction to any deployment would be resolute and that U.S. policymakers should calculate the risks before taking any such steps.

Washington and NATO condemned these threats as “unacceptable” and in turn called on Russia to focus on “returning to compliance” with the INF treaty.

However, Ted Postol of MIT presented a more balanced opinion in The New York Times, saying that the Russians have some valid reasons to accuse U.S. of non-compliance as well. This began 10 years back, when the Obama administration started deploying the “Aegis ashore” defense system in Europe, supposedly to shoot down Iranian missiles. Mr. Postol argued that those systems actually would be useless as defense against ballistic missiles but are capable of firing offensive U.S. cruise missiles. Because these Aegis systems are located in Eastern Europe and close to Russia, those offensive capabilities are rightly worrying Moscow.

Without going into technical details, one obvious point made by Messrs. Nunn and Moniz is that when we have the crisis of this magnitude “re-engagement with Russia is too important to wait for the Mueller probe to end. That means it’s time for Congress to take the lead.”

That is easier said than done since in this highly divided and partisan Congress one can hardly find more than two or three members who would listen to these smart gentlemen. Republicans and Democrats disagree on practically every issue except when they vote to condemn Russia and introduce yet more punitive measures, including a “sanctions bill from hell,” whatever that means.

Moreover, when anyone who dares to say that there is an urgent need for the resumption of U.S.-Russia dialogue is called a Putin stooge even Messrs. Nunn and Moniz, perhaps in the hopes of avoiding such label, took care to blame Moscow for aggression.

Still, in the current atmosphere of hatred those few American “dissidents” who dare to continue expressing their belief that without such dialogue we are moving to the brink deserve credit. One such individual is the distinguished history professor from NYU and Princeton Stephen F. Cohen, despite undergoing continuous attacks in the media and even from an academia which in the not too distant past was in the anti-war mood but now turns against one of their own because of what he says in his book “War with Russia.”

According to Mr. Cohen, this new Cold War was instigated in Washington, not in Moscow and is more dangerous, and more fraught with the peril of a hot war. He calls for a new detente and sees both Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin as potential partners. He criticizes “mainstream media malpractice” in their coverage and commentary on Russia, Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump, Russiagate, and many foreign policy issues.

Mr. Cohen reminds us of the Soviet dissident and nuclear physicist Andrei Sakharov, who accused his government and the Soviet media (compare today’s CNN and MSNBC) for their malpractice and called for dialogue with the United States.

Accepting the bitter reality that Congress with its dismal approval rating is not ready to listen to Messrs. Nunn, Moniz and Cohen, it is left for American people to follow the example of Soviet dissidents to speak out clearly and defiantly against the march toward a nuclear holocaust.

In 2016, Mr. Trump was elected on the pledge to concentrate on domestic problems, extricate the country from the endless wars and end America’s role as the “world policemen.” Unfortunately, so far he has not delivered, but as 2020 approaches, his base needs reassurance that these pledges are not dead.

The reality is belatedly sinking into sober minds that we live in a world where America, despite its economic and military might, can no longer be a hegemon and dictate the rules to the rest of the world. Whether U.S. policymakers like it or not, multipolarity is a reality. The question is whether they are willing to risk extinction of the U.S., and the rest of mankind, in a futile bid to hold onto a “unipolar moment” that has passed, and which brought Americans nothing but debt and danger while it lasted.

A good start would be a trilateral summit of the leaders of U.S., Russia and China — or better yet, a quartet that includes India — to start work on parameters of a new, constructive international consensus. Everything depends on Mr. Trump, because the other troika members have already met and they would definitely accept his invitation. Such a move by Mr. Trump could not only turn around the sleepwalk toward nuclear war but would help solidify his 2020 win by reminding us why he was elected in the first place.


 Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow.  Dr. Lozansky has granted permission to publish this article which first appeared in The Washington Times. 

Copyright © 2019 The Washington Times, LLC

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May 19, 2019
Standing Against Evil Men Running U.S. Foreign Policy
Glen T. Martin
World Constitution and Parliament Association

May 15, 2019

Our planet, our children, and the future of the entire Earth face immense peril!

The extraction and use of fossil fuels is growing globally, placing the entire future of humanity in grave danger. The U.S. Department of Transportation has actually abolished restrictions on vehicle emissions in that country. The giant fossil fuel companies dominate government policy in country after country worldwide. The four largest nations on our planet (China, Russia, U.S., and India) all base their economic competition on the extraction and burning of fossil fuels.

Simultaneously, the militarized sovereign nation-states of the world have unleashed a nuclear arms race of unprecedented scale. Today, 9 nations worldwide continue to develop and deploy nuclear weapons. The United States has abandoned treaty after treaty designed to reduce the risk of Armageddon. The famous DOOMSDAY CLOCK has been placed at 2 minutes to midnight.

The triumvirate of evil men that run U.S. foreign policy (Donald Trump, John Bolton, and Mike Pompeo) recklessly threaten and antagonize country after country with their militarized imperialism, thereby placing our entire planet in deadly peril. Simultaneously, the triumvirate of the world’s most imperial governments (the U.S., Israel, and Saudi Arabia) conspire to destabilize and destroy whatever lawfulness the UN system and international law provided in past decades.

It is time for the PEOPLE OF EARTH to stand together against this evil nexus of giant corporations and militarized nation-states that are destroying our planet and our future. It is time for the PEOPLE OF EARTH to ratify the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and take back our planet on behalf of its citizens and future generations.



The Constitution establishes a World Parliament representing the common good of all peoples everywhere. The Earth Constitution is found at and in many other places and languages. The Earth Constitution is our only practical course of action for democratically taking back control of our planet. We need to act now on behalf of global democracy and human freedom.

April 2, 2019
December 10-12, 2019
Sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA),
The World Parliament University (WPU),
 International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO), and
O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat, India (venue and host)
Conference Theme: 

“Climate Change and the Emerging World Parliament”
This conference recognizes the Earth Constitution as a universal model and blueprint for a transformed World System:

O.P. Jindal Global University
We have spaces for 25 thirty-minute presentations and matching spaces for 25 session chairpersons.
In addition, we have 5 spaces on the last day for unscheduled presentations and many spaces for non-paper presenting participants.
All participants will have a full 30 minutes.
Room, board, and conference materials are
generously hosted by
O.P. Jindal Global University
University Campus: Sonipat Narela Road,
Near Jagdishpur Village, Sonipat, Haryana - 131 001, India.
Participants are responsible for their own transportation costs
Arrival and registration: December 9, 2019, afternoon.
Conference dates: Dec. 10, 11, and 12. 
Departure: December 13, morning.
Participants are responsible to cover the costs of their transportation.
Conference Early Registration fee:
2000 rupees (28 dollars) for paper presenters and 1000 rupees (14 dollars)
for all other participants.
Students or hardship 600 rs (8 dollars) and 300 rs (4 dollars)
Deadline for early registration is October 30, 2019.
You can register, and pay the fee in advance of the deadline at:
Please send in your registration fee to the “Eventbrite” website, and, send your
Name, address, position, phone numbers, email address and the category for which you are registering (“presenter,” “participant,” etc.) to:
Dr. Glen T. Martin, President, WCPA at
After October 30, registration fee for participants is
 2500 rupees (35 dollars) for presenters and 1500 (17.50) for paticipants.
Students or hardship 800 rs (11 dollars) and 400 rs (5.50 dollars).
Please send paper proposals and submissions to:
Dr. Patricia Murphy, Chairperson, Submissions Committee:
Deadline for paper title and abstract: October 15, 2019
Deadline for completed paper: November 15, 2019
Please note: free membership in WCPA to all at:

Sent: 3/3/2019 
Subject: Venezuela Target of US Gangster Style Foreign Policy

[Friends -- If the illegal coup attempt orchestrated gangster style by the US leads to a disastrous civil war in Venezuela, the leaders of the US responsible for these international crimes will never be prosecuted.  The UN Charter lacks a sheriff to enforce international law.  The veto power given the P-5 nations on the UN Security Council insures that their leaders, when responsible for world crimes (eg, economic war;  military invasion), will never be prosecuted and sent to jail.   It's a key reason for UN Charter review to examine the defective Charter and compare it to the forward looking Earth Constitution. 

-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D., Earth Federation News & Views]

Hands Off Venezuela: Foreign Minister Arreaza Holds UN Marathon for Peace: Usurper Guaido Urges Military Intervention and War

By Carla Stea
Global Research


Updated on March 1, 2019

In a herculean effort to prevent war, and protect the integrity of his country, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza held a breathtaking schedule of events at the United Nations, including a meeting with the Secretary-General, consultations with the envoys of 60 member states supporting Venezuela’s sovereignty,  a press conference the evening of February 22, speaking at a Security Council meeting February 26,  and presenting an address at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on February 27.

Arreaza’s encyclopedic knowledge of history is one of his powerful assets,  as he patiently clarified to reporters, at last Friday’s press conference, the reality of US instigated economic warfare underlying Venezuela’s current crisis.  At one bizarre moment, a European reporter, asked, Mussolini-style, about a report that Venezuelan armed forces shot an unarmed indigenous person, and compared the incident to “what happened in China.”  Arreaza asked whether the reporter had seen the incident, and, evading Arreaza’s question the reporter continued:  “Is your government giving specific orders to shoot unarmed people, and what will happen to those who refuse to comply with these orders?”  The stupefying question, less a query, and more unsubstantiated innuendo, was asked with such arrogance and grandiosity that Arriaza, fully aware of the insinuation intended, replied:  

“Your question is full of venom and very poisonous.  The army of Bolivar has never had orders to fire on the civilian population, and you should be the first to assess the reliability of false ‘reports,’ and false flag operations. It is your responsibility as a reporter to be smart, astute, and delve into the truth, and recognize propaganda.”

What was unmistakable, throughout last week, and again at Tuesday’s Security Council meeting, is Arreaza’s passionate effort to prevent the bloodbath of military confrontation,  reiterating the historic context of the Venezuelan crisis to reporters and diplomats who may have a stunted recognition of  the barbarous – but often ingenious – methods used by Washington to impose domination and de facto slavery on nations in Latin America.  Theirs is virtually a scientific formula – economic destabilization, a relentless media disinformation campaign, and if the current target – in this case Venezuela – does not submit to domination, ultimately military force will be decisive in inflicting regime change, installing a docile, subservient puppet.  The horrific example of the overthrow of Allende in Chile is merely one example.

In view of the usual perception of indigenous people as vulnerable and marginalized, it was therefore extremely interesting to see a New York Times report, February 23, confirming that “Indigenous leaders seized General Jose Miguel Montoya Ramirez, the head of Bolivar state’s National Guard force, and some of his subordinates, two opposition lawmakers from the area said in interviews….the lawmakers said it was unclear how long the indigenous leaders intended to hold the captives.”  It is obvious that it would not be possible for “vulnerable” people to seize a Venezuelan General and the head of Bolivar state’s National Guard unless the “vulnerable” people were powerfully armed.  And where the indigenous people got the arms from is an even more interesting question.  It is not a minor accomplishment to kidnap the General of a National Guard force. 

The Wall Street Journal on February 25, 2019 headlined:  “Maduro’s Opposition Urges Military Force in Venezuela,” making inescapable that the Venezuelan opposition is either lobotomized, or heedless of the bloodbath military action will culminate in.  The New York Times on February 25, page 4, has a large photograph of “innocent, unarmed” protesters preparing Molotov cocktails on Sunday along the Venezuela-Colombia border.

The Security Council meeting Tuesday, February 26, was preceded by an asinine lineup of eight members of the European Union, demanding that Venezuela immediately call elections.  Evidently ignorant of the fact that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter characterized the Venezuelan electoral process as “one of the best in the world,” and the US electoral process as “one of the worst,”  these European proxies were better suited to comic parody in a Mozart opera than to intervention in matters of war and peace.  And, of course, who is to determine that, even if new elections are called, they will be either free or fair.  Obviously, the result will be as Washington directs its European colonies to approve.

It would not be possible to avoid reference to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio’s gruesome tweet, threatening Maduro, and not incidentally Kim Jong Un, with hideous death by torture, including sodomization with bayonets before his murder.  These horrific actions were committed by those “vulnerable, peaceful Libyans” for whom the UN Security Council, enacting Resolution 1973 and “Responsibity to Protect,” in the unforgettable words of Indian Ambassador Puri, were authorized to “bomb the hell out of Libya.”  It is very likely that the Venezuelan opposition, especially those thugs,  photographed by The New York Times on February 23 preparing Molotov cocktails, are the same breed as those Libyan monsters who, among other tortures, sodomized President Khadaffi with a bayonet before murdering him.  No doubt Kim Jong Un will duly note this threat, and perhaps Maduro will ponder Khadaffi’s mistake in surrendering his nuclear program.

Today’s Security Council meeting, with the failure of both the US and Russian drafts, included Elliott Abrams regurgitating the same dangerous and deadly platitudes as always.  The double veto of the US draft, by both China and Russia, saved the Security Council from endorsing another catastrophic military intervention. 

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Carla Stea is Global Research’s correspondent at United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y.

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February 11, 2019

The Enemy Is At The Gate: The Big Hoax

By Fritz Pointer  (First published in DWF NEWS 2-5-19)

And, because “the enemy is always at the gate” Americans, and sovereign nations and governments around the globe, can exclaim, effusively, they don’t have the money for, so can do nothing about: universal health care, homelessness, crumbling infrastructure and public school systems, tax-supported college and university education, poverty that accompanies income and gender inequality, infant mortality and child well-being, mass incarceration and extrajudicial police murders (especially of unarmed black males)  mass school shootings or renewable energy – a Green New Deal.  And, because “the enemy (for decades fear of Communism, now fear of Russia and China, of Iraq and Iran and any country that can be labeled Terrorist, or Enemy or even Competitor) is always at the gate” Americans are petrified in a state of fear while over half of United States discretionary spending goes to the Pentagon.  Money spent for death, not life.

“The Russians (or Communists) are out to get us” is such an old and tired American hoax you would think Americans with their supposed and assumed exceptionalism would have matured, outgrown such infantilism… evolved by now.  This Russian “Bogeyman” foolishness perpetuates the infantile refrain, “The enemy is at the gate.”  It allows sovereign governments around the world to choose their “Bogeyman” and prioritize military spending over the needs of its people: “There just isn’t enough money for people’s needs and to fight the “Bogeyman.”

From F-35 lunacy to NNSA’s Life Extinction Program

Two examples of wasting US taxpayers’ money include first, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.  This program is expected to cost $1.5 trillion over the course of its life.  Unnecessary and flawed the planes have failed test after test and it is doubtful that it will ever be “combat-ready.”  Second, is the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) nuclear arms Life Extension Program, aka, Life Extinction Program of modernizing its 1,650 strategic nuclear warheads at a cost of $1.7 trillion over the next 30 years.  These plans are lunacy, dreamed-up by lunatics.  It only takes one nuclear bomb to bring on nuclear winter, certainly if the other side retaliates with its own nukes.  At the UN (March 2018) 122 countries voted in favor of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons.  Their votes should matter.

This insane spending on military and military weapons is, we are frequently and repeatedly told, because they (the Russians, the Muslims, etc.) are out to get us: to subvert US so-called democratic elections, convert Americans to Sharia law, and other such childish nonsense.  Yet, all these Department of Defense and Pentagon expenditures on sophisticated weapons couldn’t stop angry and determined hijackers with box-cutters on 9/11.  Taxpayers’ 1.7 trillion over the next 30 years should be taken from the Pentagon’s “life extinction” program and put into “life extension” programs: publicly supported healthcare, technical college and university education, childcare, elder care even transportation and utilities (think PG&E),

Appeal at UN for human rights turned away by U.S.

In Eyes Off The Prize (2003) Carol Anderson tells the story of The United Nations and the African American struggle for Human Rights, 1944 – 1955.  Not Civil Rights but Human Rights.  As World War II drew to a close and the world awakened to the horror produced by white-supremacists in Nazi Germany, African American leaders of the NAACP, Roy Wilkins, Walter White and Thurgood Marshall, seized the opportunity to launch an offensive against the conditions of Jim Crow segregation and inequality in the United States and take the case of 22 million Black Americans to the United Nations.

The “prize” they sought was not civil rights; it was human rights.  Only the idea of Human Rights, shaped by the Holocaust and defined by the United Nations, contained the language and the moral power to address not only the political and legal inequality, but also the education, health care, housing, and employment needs of America’s Black communities.  But, by evoking the spirit of “Communists (enemies) at the gate” U.S. leaders were able to cast Human Rights as Soviet-inspired and a threat to the American “way of life.”  This same “tactic” was repeated in the 1960s and, now, again in the 2000s. A popular song in the 60s asks:  “When will we ever learn…when will we ever learn?” 

The Challenge:  A “New UN” that can protect human rights

The defects in the UN Charter prevent the UN from protecting universal human rights when they are violated, such as seen, even, in the U.S. where Black Americans suffer obvious discrimination in economic opportunity, healthcare, education, and more. That is part of the importance of THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE, a campaign by Democratic World Federalists who are demanding a review of the UN Charter.  Now is the time!  2020!  The 75thAnniversary of the United Nations. 

The obsolete UN Charter was legally supposed to be reviewed in order to fix its deficiencies (e.g. the undemocratic veto power of the Security Council, but this legal promise has yet to be fulfilled. Meanwhile, waiting in the wings is the Earth Constitution designed to serve as an ideal model for giving the UN Charter the structures it needs to actually expand human rights protection, not just in the U.S., but in all nations.   We have found the enemy, and it is us.

Fritz H. Pointer

Fritz Pointer taught at Contra Costa College in San Pablo, California for 30 years, in the Departments of English and African American Studies. He received Masters in African History from UCLA and in African Literature from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. His books include: A Passion to LiberateLa Guma’s South Africa – “Images of District Six” (2001); and, African Oral Epic Poetry:Praising the Deeds of a Mythic Hero (2013). He currently (2019) serves as Vice President of Democratic World Federalists of San Francisco.

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January 28, 2019   Welcome to "The New Abnormal" (see Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists article below)

Editor's note for Earth Federation News & Views:  The atomic scientists' doomsday clock highlights the imminent danger of a nuclear nightmare.  It is urgent that the nations reject militarism and begin immediately to prepare to form a democratic world federal union government. 
Accepting the goal of World Union is a needed condition so that the nuclear nations are willing to take their nukes off hair trigger alert, a first step in the process of eliminating all nuclear weapons, everywhere.  A second step is the UN's current drive with NGO support for a legal ban on nuclear weapons -- a legal step in the right direction which unfortunately is currently being snubbed by the nuclear powers who reject legal enforcement. 
Ultimately, there is no shortcut for real security but to form a world federal union -- a "new UN."  THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for UN Charter Review launched by Democratic World Federalists can open the door to replacing the outdated Charter which lacks the needed legal enforcement institutions.  The Earth Constitution, specifically designed to establish a world federal union, can provide the  model for the needed governing structures, a foundation for a "new UN" equipped to eliminate war and weapons of mass destruction.   -- R. Kotila, PhD  

Press Release—Welcome to “The New Abnormal”

By Bulletin Staff, January 24, 2019


What time is it - press release.What time is it - press release.  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 24, 2019 – Citing lack of progress on nuclear risks and climate change dangers as “the new abnormal,” the Doomsday Clock remains at 2 minutes to midnight, as close to the symbolic point of annihilation that the iconic Clock has been since 1953 at the height of the Cold War. The decision announced today to keep the Doomsday Clock at two minutes before midnight was made by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board in consultation with the Board of Sponsors, which includes 14 Nobel Laureates.

The full text of the Doomsday Clock statement is available at  The statement includes key recommendations about how to #RewindtheDoomsdayClock. Video from the Doomsday Clock announcement at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., is available at on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’Facebook page at

The 2019 Doomsday Clock statement notes: “A new abnormal: It is still two minutes to midnight. Humanity now faces two simultaneous existential threats, either of which would be cause for extreme concern and immediate attention. These major threats—nuclear weapons and climate change—were exacerbated this past year by the increased use of information warfare to undermine democracy around the world, amplifying risk from these and other threats and putting the future of civilization in extraordinary danger… The ‘new abnormal’ that we describe, and that the world now inhabits, is unsustainable and extremely dangerous. The world security situation can be improved, if leaders seek change and citizens demand it. It is 2 minutes to midnight, but there is no reason the Doomsday Clock cannot move away from catastrophe. It has done so in the past, because wise leaders acted—under pressure from informed and engaged citizens around the world.”

In January 2017, the Doomsday Clock’s minute hand edged forward by 30 seconds, to two and a half minutes before midnight. For the first time, the Doomsday Clock was influenced by statements from an incoming US President, Donald Trump, regarding the proliferation and the prospect of actually using nuclear weapons, as well as statements made in opposition to US commitments regarding climate change.  Last year, the Doomsday Clock moved forward again to two minutes before midnight.

Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said: “There is nothing normal about the complex and frightening reality we are describing today. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board today sets the Doomsday Clock at two minutes to midnight—the closest it has ever been to apocalypse. Though unchanged from 2018, this setting should be taken not as a sign of stability but as a stark warning to leaders and citizens around the world.”

Former California Governor Jerry Brown, executive chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, said: “Humanity faces two dire and simultaneous existential threats: nuclear weapons and climate change. The longer world leaders and citizens thoughtlessly inhabit this abnormal reality, the more likely it is that we will experience the unthinkable.”

Former US Secretary of Defense William J. Perry, chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Board of Sponsors, said: “The current international security situation—what we call the ‘new abnormal’—has extended over two years now. It’s a state as worrisome as the most dangerous times of the Cold War, a state that features a constantly shifting landscape of simmering disputes that keep the world unsettled and multiply the chances that major military conflict will erupt. Brash leaders, intense diplomatic disputes, and regional instabilities combine to create an international context in which nuclear dangers are all too real.”

Herb Lin, senior research scholar for cyber policy and security, Stanford University, Hank J. Holland fellow in Cyber Policy and Security, Hoover Institution at Stanford, and member of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board for cyber/disruptive technologies, said: “Events in 2018 have helped us to better understand an ongoing and intentional corruption of the information environment.  Our leaders complain about fake news and invoke alternative facts when reality is inconvenient.  They are shamelessly inconsistent.  They debase established institutions of government, journalism, and education that hold them accountable.  And the Internet and new media enable this corruption to be spread worldwide, attacking the rational discourse required for solving all of the complex problems facing humanity, but especially those of nuclear weapons and climate disruption.”

Robert Rosner, William E. Wrather Distinguished Service professor in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Physics at the University of Chicago, and chair, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board, said: “Threats must be acknowledged before they can be effectively confronted. The current situation—in which intersecting nuclear, climate, and information warfare threats all go insufficiently recognized and addressed, when they are not simply ignored or denied—is unsustainable. The longer world leaders and citizens carelessly inhabit this new and abnormal reality, the more likely the world is to experience catastrophe of historic proportions.”

Sharon Squassoni, research professor of practice, Institute for International Science and Technology Policy, Elliott School of International Affairs, the George Washington University, and member of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board for nuclear risk, said: “The risks associated with nuclear weapons, over the long term, are increasing for three reasons: expensive programs to modernize nuclear arsenals, expansive nuclear doctrines, and a decisive turn away from nuclear arms control.  Nuclear restraint, stability, and reductions are desperately needed.”

Susan Solomon, atmospheric chemist, Lee and Geraldine Martin professor of Environmental Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and member of the Bulletin of the Atomic ScientistsScience and Security Board for climate change, said: “The United States has abandoned its responsibilities to lead the world decarbonization effort. The United States has more resources than poorer nations have; its failure to ambitiously reduce emissions represents an act of gross negligence. The United States stood alone while the other G20 countries signed on to a portion of a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to tackle climate change. Compounding our national lack of leadership on this issue, at a UN climate meeting last month, we undercut an expert assessment of climate change for the UN from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.”

#RewindtheDoomsdayClock is a major message of the 2019 Doomsday Clock statement, with the following action steps among those recommended:

  • US and Russian leaders should return to the negotiating table to resolve differences over the INF treaty; to extend the nuclear arsenal limits of New START beyond 2021 and to seek further reductions in nuclear arms; to discuss a lowering of the alert status of the nuclear arsenals of both countries; to limit nuclear modernization programs that threaten to create a new nuclear arms race; and to start talks aiming toward elimination of battlefield nuclear weapons.
  • The United States and Russia should discuss and adopt measures to prevent peacetime military incidents along the borders of NATO. Provocative military exercises and maneuvers hold the potential for crisis escalation. Both militaries must exercise restraint and professionalism, adhering to all norms developed to avoid conflict and accidental encounters.
  • US citizens should demand climate action from their government. Climate change is a serious and worsening threat to humanity. Citizens should insist that their governments acknowledge it and act accordingly. President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate change agreement was a dire mistake. The Trump administration should revisit that decision, which runs counter to credible science.
  • The temperature goal of the Paris climate agreement—to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius and, ideally, below 1.5 degrees—is consistent with consensus views on climate science, eminently achievable, and economically viable, if poor countries are given the support they need. But countries have to act promptly and redouble their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions well beyond their initial inadequate pledges to the Paris agreement.
  • The Trump administration should revisit its lamentable decision to exit the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for limiting Iran’s nuclear program. The Iran agreement is not perfect, but it serves the interest of the international community in restraining the spread of nuclear weapons.
  • The international community should begin multilateral discussions aimed at establishing norms of behavior, both domestic and international, that discourage and penalize the misuse of information technology to undermine public trust in political institutions, in the media, in science, and in the existence of objective reality itself. Cyber-enabled information warfare is a threat to the common good. Deception campaigns—and leaders intent on blurring the line between fact and politically motivated fantasy—are a profound threat to effective democracies, reducing their ability to address nuclear weapons, climate change, and other existential dangers.
  • Press Release from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

 December 10, 2018


The Emerging World Parliament University

(now on-line and registering students)


We are developing the following

Masters’ Degree in Global Issues and Planetary Solutions

The M.A. Degree in Global Issues and Planetary Solutions involves 6 modules. Each module consists of 4 courses of 3 credit hours, for a total of 12 credit hours per module. Successful completion of each course earns a “Course Completion Certificate.” Completion of each module earns a “Module Diploma” for that module. Completion of the 72 credit hour program in the six modules earns an advanced MA Degree in Global Issues and Planetary Solutions from World Parliament University.


International Law and World Legislation Module

 (four on-line courses)

1.      International Law, the UN System, and Prospects for World Law

                                                 (this first course is now open for registration)

This seminar studies the philosophy and practice of international law and emerging world legal systems.  The course looks at the historical foundations of law and distinguishes between international law and emerging world law. The seminar examines both constitutional as well as legislative aspects in development of world law.

Instructor: Eugenia Almand, JD, MA

JD in Legislative Counsel, Institute on World Problems (IOWP)

MA in Computer Education, California State University, Northridge.

2.      World Judicial System and World Court Orders

3.      Global Problems of Law and World Law Solutions

4.      The Earth Constitution and Dynamics of World Law


Environmental Sustainability Module

(four on-line courses)

1.             1. Causes, Conditions, and Dynamics of Climate Collapse

2.         2.  Political and Economic Dynamics in relation to Sustainable Development

3.               3. Environmental Collapse and Conversion to Sustainable Development: Economic, Political, and        Technological Factors

4.   Integrative Sustainability under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (Earth Constitution)


Poverty and Prosperity Module

(four on-line courses)

1.     1.   Defining Poverty and Prosperity: Models of Development

2.    2.    Neoliberal Globalization: Critiques and Prospects

3.     3.   Political Aspects of Poverty and Prosperity: Democracy, Capitalism, and Socialism

4.     4.   Integrative Prosperity under the Earth Constitution


Population and the Carrying Capacity of the Earth Module

(four on-line courses)

1.      1.  Theoretical Models of Planetary Carrying Capacity

2.     2.   UN Conferences on Population Growth and Modulation

3.     3.   Family Planning Technologies in relation to Cultural Dynamics

4.     4.  Integrative Family Planning under the Earth Constitution


Human Rights and Responsibilities Module

(four on-line courses)

1.     1.   History of Human Rights and Responsibilities

2.    2.   Political Dynamics of Human Rights in the Contemporary World

3.     3Theoretical Foundations of Global Citizenship and responsibility in relation to Human Rights

4.     4.   Integrative Human Rights under the Earth Constitution


Peace, Conflict, and Disarmament Module

(four on-line courses)

1.  1.      Historical Examination of the issues behind War and Peace with focus on the Modern World

2.  2.     Theoretical Foundations of the Critique of War: Imperialism, Colonialism, World Systems, National Sovereignty, and Human Aggression

3.  3.     The UN System, International law, Philosophy of Law, and the Prospects for World Law

4.  4.      Integrative Peace and Disarmament under the Earth Constitution

World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)
WCPA was founded in 1958 by Philip and Margaret Isely

12 November 2018
Building the World Parliament Conference 2018
WCPA friends and members,
We are excited about the upcoming third annual WCPA Conference in India and soon will be announcing the final schedule of speakers and participants.
Registration is still open for this Building the World Parliament Conference at O.P. Jindal Global University, December 10-11, 2018.  The call for participants and presenters is attached above.
December 10 is World Human Rights Day, and this conference will articulate human rights in relation to our quest for democratic world law and ratification of the Earth Constitution.
All room and board is covered by O.P. Jindal Global University. Participants need only cover the low registration fee and their own transportation.  We very much appreciate this great support from the university.
Please forward this announcement to others who might want to attend.  For students and participants, this conference should be very educational.
In peace,




Sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA), International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO), and
O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat, India
December 10 and 11, 2018, at O.P. Jindal Global University



Conference Theme:  “Human Rights, Resistance to Empire,
and Establishing a World Parliament.” This conference recognizes the Earth Constitution as a universal model and blueprint for a transformed World System:

We have spaces for 21 thirty-minute presentations and matching spaces for 21 session chairpersons. In addition, we have many spaces for non-paper presenting participants.


Room, board, and conference materials are
generously hosted by
O.P. Jindal Global University
Arrival and registration: December 9, 2018, afternoon.
Conference dates: Dec. 10 and 11. 
Departure: December 12, morning.
Participants are responsible to cover the costs of their transportation.

Conference Registration fee:

2500 rupees (35 dollars) for presenters and 1500 (17.50) for participants.
Students or hardship 800 rs (11 dollars) and 400 rs (5.50 dollars).

Deadline for early registration was October 30, 2018.

We have consolidated the registration to a single location.
You can register, and pay the fee in advance of the deadline at:

Please send in your registration fee to the “Eventbrite” website, and, send your
Name, address, position, phone numbers, email address and the category for which you are registering (“presenter,” “participant,” etc.) to:
Mr. Amit Paul, WCPA Vice-President, in New Delhi
with a copy to Dr. Glen T. Martin, President, WCPA at

November 8, 2018

Elected representatives issue call to action for a UN Parliamentary Assembly

UNPA NEWS  Andreas Bummel

Lawmakers establish new international group / "UN has serious limits"

A group of elected representatives was established this Wednesday at an international online meeting with the goal to promote the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, in short UNPA. The new Parliamentary Group for a UNPA adopted a call to action warning that “the United Nations, the multilateral order and democracy are under attack.”

Possible logo of a UN Parliamentary Assembly

The declaration urges the UN and its member governments to take steps towards the creation of a UNPA in order to address the UN’s democratic deficit. It refers to a statement by former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali who said that “we need to promote the democratization of globalization, before globalization destroys the foundations of national and international democracy.”

The meeting elected five co-presidents: Fernando Iglesias, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina; Daniel Jositsch, Senator from Switzerland; Jo Leinen, Member of the European Parliament from Germany; Naveed Qamar, Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan; and Ivone Soares, Member of the National Assembly of Mozambique and the Pan-African Parliament.

"Democracy currently stops at national borders"

“Democracy currently stops at national borders. At the global level, the United Nations brings together diplomats appointed by member state governments. There is no UN body composed of democratically elected representatives. As a consequence, the UN reaches serious limits when it comes to finding solutions for global problems. Take climate change as an example. There has been little progress for decades,” said Senator Daniel Jositsch who chaired the meeting.

Other initial members of the group include, among others, Ireland's Thomas Broughan, Jens Holm from Sweden, Smári McCarthy from Iceland, Florence Mutua from Kenya, Achyuta Samanta from India, Lilia Puig de Stubrin from Argentina and Nomsa Tarabella-Marchesi from South Africa. 

Group members already in action

Responding to a question of Thomas Broughan in the Irish parliament this week, Irish foreign minister Simon Coveney responded again that Ireland was “open minded” on the UNPA proposal. Together with four other parliamentarians, Smári McCarthy these days re-introduced a resolution in the Icelandic parliament calling for support of a UNPA. 

Previously, with the involvement of group members Fernando Iglesias, Jo Leinen and Ivone Soares respectively, the Latin-American Parliament, the Parliament of Mercosur, both chambers of the Argentine parliament, the European Parliament, and the Pan-African Parliament endorsed the proposal. 

In addition, the international campaign for a UNPA so far was endorsed by over 1,500 current and former individual members of parliament. The new parliamentary group aims at building “the political momentum and pressure that is needed to achieve our goal”.

The creation of a Parliamentary Group for a UNPA is another step forward in the way towards a world parliament, global democracy, a stronger UN and a fairer and more peaceful world”, commented Fernando Iglesias.

By Andreas Bummel

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October 22, 2018
Editor's note:  Here is the Pentagon's Life Extinction Program on display on its way to Europe, an ominous warning as to why we need a "new United Nations," one that is given the authority to intervene between opposing nuclear powers.  Why is the US allowed to provoke the Russians?  What is stopping the UN from blocking this dangerous scheme?  Answer:  A wrongly designed UN Charter.  Just another reason for the nations and world community to turn to the Earth Constitution to replace the defective UN Charter and put an end to the nuclear nightmare.  -- RK

US Nuclear Missiles Deployed in Italy, … against Russia

Global Research, October 18, 20

The B61-12, the new US nuclear bomb which replaces the B-61 deployed in Italy and other European countries, will begin production in less than a year. The announcement was made officially by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). It reveals that the revision of the final project has now been completed with success, and the qualification stage will begin this month at the Pantex Plant in Texas. Production will be authorised to begin in September 2019.

In March 2020, the first unit of production will begin fabricating a series of 500 bombs. As from that time, in other words in about a year and a half, the United States will begin the anti-Russian deployment in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and probably certain other European countries, of the first nuclear bomb in their arsenal with a precision guidance system. The B61-12 is designed with penetrating capacity, built to explode underground in order to destroy bunkers housing command centres.

Since Italy and the other countries, in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, are offering the USA the bases, the pilots and the aircraft for the deployment of the B61-12, Europe will soon be exposed to a greater risk as the front line of the developing nuclear confrontation with Russia.

An even more dangerous situation appears at the same moment – the return of the Euromissiles, meaning the nuclear missiles which are similar to those deployed in Europe in the 1980’s by the USA, with the official aim of defending against Soviet missiles.

Source: PandoraTV

This category of ground-based nuclear missiles of intermediate range (between 500 and 5,500 km)  were eliminated with the INF Treaty of 1987. But in 2014, the Obama administration accused Russia of having experimented with a cruise missile (# 9M729) whose category was forbidden by the Treaty. Moscow denied that the missile violated the INF Treaty and, in turn, accused Washington of having installed in Poland and Romania launch ramps for interceptor missiles (elements of the “shield”), which could be used to launch cruise missiles bearing nuclear warheads.

The accusation aimed by Washington at Moscow, which is not supported by any evidence, enabled the USA to launch a plan aimed at once again deploying in Europe ground-based intermediate-range nuclear missiles. The Obama administration had already announced in 2015 that “faced with the violation of the INF Treaty by Russia, the United States are considering the deployment of ground-based missiles in Europe”. This plan was confirmed by the Trump administration – in fiscal year 2018, Congress authorised the financing of a “programme of research and development for a cruise missile which could be launched from a mobile road base”.

The plan is supported by the European allies of NATO. The recent North-Atlantic Council,  at the level of Europe’s Defence Ministers, which was attended for Italy by Elisabetta Trenta (M5S), declared that the “INF Treaty is in danger because of the actions of Russia”, which it accused of deploying “a disturbing missile system which constitutes a serious risk for our security”. Hence the necessity that “NATO must maintain nuclear forces which are stable, trust-worthy and efficient” (which explains why the members of the Alliance rejected en bloc the United Nations Treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons).

So the grounds are being laid for a European deployment, on the borders of Russian territory, of ground-based intermediate-range US nuclear missiles. It’s as if Russia were deploying in Mexico nuclear missiles pointed at the United States.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Translated by Pete Kimberley

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


Sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA), International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO), and
O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat, India

December 10 and 11, 2018, at O.P. Jindal Global University



 Conference Theme:  “Human Rights, Resistance to Empire,
and Establishing a World Parliament.” This conference recognizes the Earth Constitution as a universal model and blueprint for a transformed World System:
We have spaces for 21 thirty-minute presentations and matching spaces for 21 session chairpersons. In addition, we have many spaces for non-paper presenting participants.
Room, board, and conference materials are
generously hosted by
O.P. Jindal Global University
Arrival and registration: December 9, 2018, afternoon.
Conference dates: Dec. 10 and 11. 
Departure: December 12, morning.
Participants are responsible to cover the costs of their transportation.

Conference Early Registration fee: 
2000 rupees (28 dollars) for paper presenters and 1000 rupees (14 dollars)
for all other participants.
Students or hardship 600 rs (8 dollars) and 300 rs (4 dollars)
Deadline for early registration is October 30, 2018.
We have consolidated the registration to a single location.
You can register, and pay the fee in advance of the deadline at:

Please send in your registration fee to the “Eventbrite” website, and, send your
Name, address, position, phone numbers, email address and the category for which you are registering (“presenter,” “participant,” etc.) to:
Mr. Amit Paul, WCPA Vice-President, in New Delhi
with a copy to Dr. Glen T. Martin, President, WCPA at
After October 30, registration fee for participants is
 2500 rupees (35 dollars) for presenters and 1500 (17.50) forpaticipants.
Students or hardship 800 rs (11 dollars) and 400 rs (5.50 dollars).
Please send paper proposals and submissions to: 
Dr. Patricia Murphy, Chairperson, Submissions Committee:
Deadline for paper title and abstract: October 15, 2018
Deadline for
completed paper: November 15, 2018
Please note: free membership in WCPA to all
August 31, 2018  United Nations Parliamentary Assembly Campaign News

Mexican legislators call for a review of the UN Charter and "effective international legislation"

31. August 2018

The Commission on Foreign Affairs of the Mexican Congress supports a United Nations conference to review the UN's Charter of 1945 and calls on the new Mexican government to pursue the matter at the upcoming UN General Assembly

Following Mexico's general election in July that was won by Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Juntos Haremos Historia alliance, the Sub-Commission on Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Education of the Permanent Commission of the Mexican Congress which includes legislators of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies and the Senate called on the new Mexican federal government to push for UN reforms "in accordance with the UN's Charter" at the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly which will be opened on September 18.

Deputy Macedonio Tamez and Francisco Plancarte in Mexico City. Image: CEMERG

The declaration adopted on August 14 says that the next UN General Assembly should take a decision to convene a General Review conference as provided for in Article 109 of the UN's Charter. The document explains that in the light of global issues "Mexico and the international community must respond to the world population with a new paradigm of global governance and with international legislation that is effective to tackle new threats to peace and worldwide stability."

The resolution was tabled by Mexican deputy Macedonio Tamez, leader of the parliamentary group of the Movimiento Ciudadano in the outgoing legislative term. Commenting on the declaration, Mr. Tamez said that "We support the call for open and inclusive intergovernmental preparations of a UN reform summit in 2020. This will be a good opportunity to launch a review of the UN Charter. In addition, we endorse the efforts for the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly as a first step towards a world parliament."

"Preparations for a UN Charter Review Conference and the creation of a global parliament are overdue," commented Francisco Plancarte, a Mexican lawyer and long-time promoter of UN transformation according to Art. 109 of the San Francisco Charter with Planetafilia and now the Centro Mexicano de Responsabilidad Global, CEMERG.

With the declaration, Mexican legislators are adding momentum to international calls for an overhaul of the UN's structure and a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) ahead of the UN's 75th anniversary in 2020. In July, the European Parliament requested the European Union's governments to promote the creation of a UNPA and early preparations for a UN 2020 Reform Summit.

Observers hope that another boost for global governance reforms may be achieved through the Paris Peace Forum that will take place from 11-13 November 2018 on the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron. The Global Challenges Foundation in Stockholm is supporting working groups that are to present proposals.

Top image: Cristiano Oliveira/Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0

Read the declaration

14 July 2018
Trump, Putin and A Special  GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT
Regarding the upcoming July 16th US-Russian Summit meeting, I have written President Trump to urge him to discuss with President Putin the idea of making this important meeting a first step to an even larger, expanded Summit:  A GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT.
Talking to each other is far better than war.
I urged Trump to co-host with Mr. Putin such a future SUMMIT.  If designed properly, it could capture the imagination of a public which yearns for world peace and peace of mind from the danger of nuclear disaster. 
Imagine the world community's excitement over such a surprise GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT that includes Donald Trump (USA), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Narendra Modi (India), Jean-Claude Junker (EU), and Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary General).
These leaders might meet for up to 30 consecutive days under the guidance of peace psychologists and other experts. This proposed SUMMIT would not be traditional diplomacy in its design which would likely not be effective, nor would traditional conflict resolution methods.  
In my letter to Trump, I have noted that the call for a GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT comes from a collaborative effort of Russian and American peace activists, as well as activists including from India, France, Argentina, Japan, Israel, Australia, and elsewhere.    
We would hope that Trump and Putin agree with world federalists who believe that militarism is a dead end, and who insist that only a world federal union can bring the world to safety.  This means a "new UN' with a new world charter such as the Earth Constitution drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.
Trump's staff is referred to "THE GREAT PEACE CHARTER: A Manifesto and Roadmap of Global Peacebuilding in the 21st Century" created by Global Harmony Association (Russian-based) as a joint effort of world civil society consisting of 72 peacemaking leaders from 27 countries.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
   Psychologist, peace activist
   VP, World Constitution & Parliament Association
   President, Democratic World Federalists
   (415) 328-2341 San Francisco
                     *****                                             ******                                          *****
Open Letter for Secure Elections and True National Security

By Gloria Steinem, Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and Daniel Ellsberg, RootsAction

13 July 18     Reader Supported News


"Activists and writers including Noam Chomsky, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Alice Walker, and Daniel Ellsberg have signed the Open Letter on this page -- to call for secure elections in the United States and steps to ease tensions between the United States and Russia in order to prevent a catastrophic conflict between the nuclear superpowers....

...At the same time, the U.S. and Russian governments show numerous signs of being on a collision course. Diplomacy has given way to hostility and reciprocal consular expulsions, along with dozens of near-miss military encounters in Syria and in skies above Europe. Both sides are plunging ahead with major new weapons development programs. In contrast to prior eras, there is now an alarming lack of standard procedures to keep the armed forces of both countries in sufficient communication to prevent an escalation that could lead to conventional or even nuclear attack. These tensions are festering between two nations with large quantities of nuclear weapons on virtual hair-trigger alert; yet the current partisan fixations in Washington are ignoring the dangers to global stability and, ultimately, human survival."
Sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO), and Jindal Global University (JGU)
  [This announcement posted June 30, 2018]

O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat, India
International Conference, 10-11 December 2018
“Building the World Parliament”
Conference Theme:  “The World Parliament and Human Rights”

The future peace, security, and ordered progress of the world demand a world federation of free nations, and on no other basis can the problems of the modern world be solved. Such a world federation would ensure the freedom of its constituent nations, the prevention of aggression and exploitation by one nation over another, the protection of national ministries, the advancement of all backward areas and peoples, and the pooling of the world’s resources for the common good of all.”
Mahatma Gandhi


The Earth Constitution as a universal model and blueprint for a transformed World System

Conference Goals and Reflections:

1. We must articulate the need for the world to unite politically in the light of the threats to human existence such as weapons of mass destruction, climate destruction, worldwide wars, and ever-worsening global poverty. How are human rights fundamental to this process?

2.  We must understand why and how the Earth Constitution is essential for uniting the world in these ways. What are its main features?   How will it work?  What is the role of human rights?

3. We must understand basic structure and functioning of the Earth Constitution and how it deals with war, WMDs, climate change, and poverty. How are human rights related to this structure?

4. We must show how the World Parliament can be established as rapidly as possible and how it will operate to serve this goals for world transformation.  What is the role of human rights in relation to the Parliament?

5.  We must articulate and actualize the process of ratification.  How can we do it as rapidly and efficiently as possible?  What can each of us do to make this happen?  How are human rights fundamental to this process?

6. We must articulate the process of establishing the Parliament and the ministries of the World Government even prior to ratification (as specified in Article 19).  Will human rights be a feature of this process?

Tentative Agenda:
 Day One:   Opening ceremonies, keynote speeches, welcome to all participants. A call to action. Initial papers on the conference theme
Day Two:  Remaining papers on the conference theme.  Evening, Conference Grand Meeting and Planning Session for the 15th Session of the Provisional World Parliament planned for December 2019 or January 2020.
Room, board, and conference materials are
generously hosted by
O.P. Jindal Global University
Arrival and registration: December 9, 2018, afternoon.
Conference dates: Dec. 10 and 11. 
Departure: December 12, morning.
Participants are responsible to
                  cover the costs of their transportation.
Conference Early Registration fee: 
1000 rupees for participants and 2000 rupees for paper presenters.
Students or hardship 300 and 600 rs
Deadline for early registration is October 30, 2018.
This should be paid in advance of the deadline on the website of
Please send your registration fee along with your
Name, address, position, phone numbers, email address.
After October 30, registration fee for participants is
 1500 rupees and 2500 for paper presenters.
Students or hardship 400 and 800 rs
Please send paper submissions to: 
Dr. Patricia Murphy, Chairperson, Submissions Committee:
Deadline for paper title and abstract: October 15, 2018
Deadline for completed paper: November 15, 2018
Please note: we will give free membership in WCPA to all participants.  You can also sign up at   
For more information see or email Dr. Glen T. Martin at
June 21, 2018  YouTube "Turn It Around, Not an Impossible Dream"
copy & paste to view on YOU TUBE:  

This inspiring video has had 88,ooo views as of April, 2019.  On YouTube, go to "Earthstar Radio"  to view it.

An inspiring video (3 minutes) from Earthstar Radio on behalf of Democratic World Federalists
["Universal rights for the child ignored by US immigration authorities."]
June 11, 2018
by Dr. Fred Unterleitner 
[Letter from Dr. Unterleitner to Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco.  The wonderful quality of life this scientifically minded physicist finds in certain nations matches the living standards that Earth Federation activists believe could be possible for all peoples in all nations by adopting the Earth Constitution. -- R Kotila, PhD, Psychologist & activist.]
I'd like to invite you join me in appreciating some really good news.
The good news is that there are many nations, with populations in the millions, where citizens feel free to carry on their lives and that of their families, express their opinions and participate in politics, while being willing to share that freedom with all their fellow citizens under a truly democratic government.
As a long retired experimental physicist, I appreciate the necessity of experimental verification of hypothesizes. Being retired, I feel free to apply this attitude to matters concerned with the problem of how we individuals can live happily with the billions of other humans on this planet. That is a problem remote from physics, (perhaps aside from nuclear weapons systems) but sometimes called "political science". As a "science addict", I consider all knowledge to be a work in progress, where ideas (hypotheses) can be freely expressed, but before we judge their truth, we do experiments to see if they work in "real life".
We could learn from these countries 
There are interesting experiments in governance that have been going on for more than half a century (several generations) in a number of nations, yielding interesting and very hopeful results. For a number of years now surveys have been made to judge how satisfied with their lives citizens of countries all over the world are. Among the top countries in this ranking of satisfaction are always:
Costa Rica
Costa Rica is an interesting case. It has had a democratic government since 1869, but is presently operating under a constitution adopted in 1948, after a disputed election. That constitution requires all citizens to participate in elections, and eliminated the national military, relying on the recently adopted UN Charter to protect its national borders. Since the adoption of that constitution the government, often with a democratic socialist majority, instituted a social security system like the U.S., emphasized universal free education, improved countrywide infrastructure such as roads for transport of farm products and provision of rural electricity. While the export of farm products is still a major factor in the economy, the good education system has paid off by encouraging high tech companies to establish branches in Costa Rica to take advantage of the available highly educated work force, creating an increasingly diversified economy. The low crime rate and friendly population also has led to increasing tourism as a growing factor in the economy. The good news is that a truly democratic multiparty system has made Costa Rica an outstanding success relative to other Central American countries, and even many countries all over the world.
Low crime rates, almost no poverty 
The other countries mentioned above are culturally similar Nordic nations which have progressed from royalties to parliamentary democracies, like England also has, for example. After WW II and the preceding great depression, many people were willing to try something new and gave democratic socialists a chance at governing. Luckily, looking at the disadvantages of a militarized totalitarian socialism in the neighboring USSR, they emphasized the need to maintain the "democratic" part of their name, and thus had to govern with significant conservative parties, requiring compromises. This has resulted in a society in which essential services needed by all people were government utilities, such as health care, education and essential infrastructure, are provided from tax funds. Most other functions are provided by private enterprise and cooperatives. As this system has developed over decades it has resulted in societies with almost no poverty, remarkably low crime rates, and a population generally satisfied with their lives.
What helps create a satisfied and happy citizenry
The socialist impetus required that certain minimum human needs be met by the community:
Universal availability of healthcare
Universal free education at all levels
Full employment, so everyone can contribute to the best of their ability
Minimum wage for all employees, to cover ordinary life needs
Excellent transportation and utility infrastructure
Adequate income for the elderly.
As these programs were put in place for all people in the nation, there was no need for special programs for the poor or homeless.
Providing all these services turns out to require using about 50% of the GDP. High taxes of all kinds are used to transfer individual wealth to these programs. To justify this, one might say that the choice in such a nation is to find an optimum balance between individual wealth and the common wealth. The perhaps surprising result of a successful balance is not only a happier and more compassionate community, but also better economic performance of the nation as a whole. Another surprising result is that wealthy citizens have mostly stayed in their countries, and are appreciated for providing their service for the economy and the welfare of the nation.
Lately the Nordic nations have been popular places for refugees from war or persecution to seek sanctuary. Many with valid refugee claims have been admitted and given special assistance for a year while getting adjusted to the new country, but they have put a strain on the social consensus because of the diverse customs they have, and the normal difficulty in adjusting to a different culture and being accepted by their new neighbors. It will be interesting to see if the human solidarity, required to make their democratic society function well, can hold with a significant fraction of the population being "racially" or culturally different.
My conclusions:
1. Humans have an inherent biological capacity for compassion with other humans, since our children mature so slowly that it takes many years of compassionate care to permit them to survive to become mature contributing members of our community. The above examples of compassionate governance, which provide basic human needs for all members, also permits grater freedom for each individual to develop their own capabilities.
2. A truly democratic government can provide an optimum environment for all members of the society to develop their skills and, in freedom and cooperation, develop a satisfying lifestyle. To maintain this long term, it is necessary to have alert citizens who do not follow propaganda by self important plutocrats or autocrats. Those autocrats know that they need to spread hate and fear of scapegoats, in order to destroy the human solidarity required for democratic governance.
3. Human rights and ethics need to be taken seriously. We need to generally recognize that war is an unethical criminal activity which permits mass murder of fellow humans without respect for the right to life of the victims on all sides of a dispute. Taking into account available technology for communications, travel and weapons, we must achieve the goal of a human civilization governed by a planet wide democratic federation. 
As a minimum, the possession, development or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, which are inherently indiscriminate murder weapons, need to be totally outlawed on the planet if human civilization is to continue into the future. Most people understand this and would support such a law if true democracy were permitted to operate, with honest discussion of the issues involved.
Fred Charles Unterleitner  PhD (Physics)
 [Letter sent 6/8/18  to Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco]
Sponsor for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth
Dr. Glen T. Martin, President      Dr. Eugenia Almand, Secretary General
Announcement of another Major Breakthrough 
for the Earth Federation Movement

23 April 2018

16 April 2018 (original date)
Dear fellow World Citizens within WCPA and the Earth Federation Movement,

         You will recall that the Provisional World Parliament, at its 7th session in Chennai, India, in December 2003, passed World Legislative Act #22, called “The Equity Act.”  Under this act, the right of the people of Earth to a guaranteed annual income provided by the Earth Federation government under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth was enacted into official world legislation.

            Yesterday, Secretary General Eugenia Almand and President Glen T. Martin met with Mr. Eric Stetson, a Founder, and leader in The People’s Currency Foundation.  This non-profit organization produced the digital currency originally known as “Grantcoin” and now known as “Manna.”  The People’s Currency Foundation believes that everyone has the right to live and to have an income, which is exactly what the Earth Constitution says as articulated in World Legislative Act 22. Their website declares:
                 Manna is the first publicly traded, blockchain-based currency to be distributed as a  Universal Basic Income subsidy to anyone in the world who applies and is verified as a unique human being. Manna, originally called Grantcoin, is also the first cryptocurrency to be managed and distributed by a U.S.-based tax-exempt nonprofit 
organization, and to be value-backed not only by investors, but also by tax-deductible donations which are used to buy back the token on markets where it trades....
     As we witness the growing scourge of inequality and its consequences, we see that the existing system is unjust and unsustainable. Recognizing and accepting the moral obligation that arises from such knowledge, we stand united in the decision to create a better alternative: a currency of conscience designed to facilitate the emergence of a more just and sustainable global economic system. 
     Manna, therefore, is a digital currency of real value that is free to anyone in the world who wishes to sign up on the People’s Currency Foundation website to receive the currency at regular intervals.  Of course, the exchangeability of Manna for goods and services will depend on building “a global network of socially conscious businesses, nonprofit organizations, and their customers and supporters, using the Manna currency as a tool to create a more equitable economy for a better future.”
     Under the authority of World Legislative Act 22, WCPA, as representative of the Provisional World Parliament, declares that Manna is available to all our members, and we urge you to transmit this message to your associated organizations and to all people, especially those who struggle economically.
     This is free currency intended to address the injustice of the current world system and recognize everyone’s right to an income. The more people who subscribe to Manna, the more value the currency will have, so it is in our self-interest to promote this to associated organizations, websites, and friends.
As you know, WCPA is the official sponsor for development of Provisional World Government, which is organized under the authority of Article 19 of the Earth Constitution.Elements of the emerging world government now in existence consist in the Provisional World Parliament, the Collegium of World Judges that was activated under World Legislative Act # 48, the Earth Environmental Ministry which has recently been inaugurated under the leadership of the organization Healing Earth and Provisional World Government Environmental Minister, S.D. Vijeyan, and, finally, the right of all people to free currency in the form of Manna, which helps actualize the commitment made by World Legislative Act 22.
      Together, under Article 19 of the Earth Constitution, we are all participating in the exciting emergence of democratic world law and a world system based on the common good of people everywhere, a world no longer based on extravagant accumulated wealth and/or military power.

 Again, we urge you to sign up for Manna at the website of the People’s Currency Foundation for a Manna “wallet” to receive your free currency automatically, deposited at regular intervals:    And we request that you forward this message to the membership of your associated organizations.
For Humanity and the Future!
Dr. Glen T. Martin,  President
Dr. Eugenia Almand,  Secretary General

April 14, 2018

Statement on Syria by World Beyond War Director David Swanson

“Donald Trump has just committed a murderous immoral criminal action and sought to depict it as law enforcement,” said David Swanson, the director of World BEYOND War, a non-profit global organization opposed to all warfare. “Congress has sat on its hands, failed to cut off funding, and failed to move on impeachment. It is to be hoped that those Congress members who said such an attack on Syria would be impeachable will at least find the decency now to act after the fact.”

“Trump may have acted just in time to prevent any reports from inspectors weakening his propaganda,” said Swanson. “This is a disturbing replay of the 2003 attack on Iraq, which Trump supported at the time, condemned on the campaign trail, and has now imitated. But it is critical for us to reject the nearly universal pretense that proof of use by Syria of chemical weapons, just like proof of WMD possession by Iraq, would somehow constitute legal or moral grounds for committing additional criminal actions –potentially far more serious actions that risk confrontation between nuclear armed governments.

“While the New York Times tells us that Trump has acted to ‘punish’ Assad, using what Trump calls ‘precision strikes,’ such strikes have a long history of being anything but precise, and the people dying have a habit of not being their nation’s leader. No court has authorized Trump to punish anyone, of course, and the claims of Secretary of So-Called Defense Mattis that attacking Syria is ‘defensive’ can hardly pass the laugh test with even the most war-prone lawyers.

US attack on Syria illegal, a world crime

“This criminal action is a blatant violation of the UN Charter and of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, both of which Congress, likewise, prefers to ignore in order to focus on its own supposed power to authorize such crimes. And yet the same Congress will not stand up and defend that power, but rolls over on Yemen so pitifully that Trump could expect no consequences from Capitol Hill for his latest outrage. If an AUMF could legalize this action, the fact remains that there isn’t one that even remotely claims to do so.

“Trump takes us for fearful children when he resorts to the tired propaganda of calling a foreign leader an ‘animal’ and a ‘monster,’ and pretending that war made against a country is somehow actually made against only an individual. In reality, of course, the bombs always kill people depicted (sometimes accurately) as having suffered under the rule of the ‘monster.’

“The fact is that Syria, its opponents, the United States, Russia, and other parties active in Syria for years now have killed many thousands of people using murderous weapons of war. That a relatively small number of people may have been killed with chemical weapons (weapons in the possession of multiple parties in this war) is no more or less murderous than the ongoing mass-murder by respectable bullets and bombs. The use by the United States in recent wars of white phosphorous, napalm, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, and other notorious weapons is no more grounds for some foreign self-appointed global savior to bomb Washington, than any events in Syria are grounds for Trump’s latest flaunting of his apparent impunity.

Where's the UN?

“Trump mocks all of humanity with his claim to be praying for peace while imposing war. Will humanity continue to roll over and take it? Will the United Nations begin to do its job? Will the people and parliaments of Britain and France rise to the occasion? Will the people of the United States pursue strategic and escalating nonviolent action arising out of this weekend’s events? We shall see.”

David Swanson 
is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a 2015, 2016, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
March 3, 2018
World Beyond War Meets Earth Federation Movement
This is an important meeting between two titans in the peace movement:  David Swanson of World Beyond War, and Glen Martin of the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution Movement.  A merger of these two strategies could mean a means to build a lasting peace movement, rather than suffer the disappointment of networking alone which falls apart as soon as the latest crisis is over.  The Earth Constitution could provide a guide for the building blocks to end perpetual war which the present geopolitical UN system gives us, and establish a growing yet lasting means to achieve perpetual and permanent peace.  It would be the joining of the short term with the long term as an overall strategy.  
The retreat for an April weekend is at Oracle in Independence, Virginia.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D
Democratic World Federalist
Earth Federation activist
Beyond Nationalism:
The History & Future of the Peace Movement

This weekend retreat will guide you through the fascinating history of the Peace Movement, from World War I to the present. We also will learn about the Earth Federation Movement – a logical solution to the problems of perpetual war and earth changes.

Participants will learn how they can contribute to these important peacebuilding efforts from two amazing activists who are leading the charge to abolish war and federate the Earth. Participants are guaranteed to be inspired by these masters of the Peace Movement and will leave with a sense of true empowerment and concrete goals for sacred activism.
David Swanson David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host at Talk Nation Radio. He is the Executive Director of and the campaign coordinator for His books include War Is A Lie and When the World Outlawed War. He blogs at and David is a 2015, 2016, and 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
Glen Martin Glen T. Martin, Ph.D is an author, professor of Philosophy & Religion at Radford University, and President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, an international group that promotes federation of the Earth. He also is President of the International Philosophers for Peace and Institute on World Problems. Glen has received multiple peace awards, including the Gusi Peace Prize.
Date: Saturday & Sunday, April 14 & 15, 2018
Time: See FLIER for details
Cost: Early Bird Price $200 (all meals included)
Students $150
Oracle River House
Oracle River House

The Oracle River House is located along the New River - the oldest river in America - where you can fish, kayak, and hike the Blue Ridge Mountains. The local "Old Time" music festivals, zipline, wineries, and other attractions are sure to please guests of all ages!.

Oracle Campground
Oracle Campground

The Oracle Campground is located along Saddle Creek and features 10 campsites, a picnic pavilion, and rustic outhouses. You can rent one of our "U.S. Army Commando" tents or bring your own - an affordable and fun way to visit the Virginia Highlands!

Guests receive a free tour of the Peace Pentagon and a lodging discount if attending an Oracle event.
To book a stay at the Oracle River House or Oracle Campground,
go to the below website or contact

February 19, 2018 [Editor: The "World Government Summit" mentioned in the following article is not real world government although participants at the Summit looked at global issues.  If analyst Rich Scheck is correct, open warfare in the Middle East may soon erupt provoked by Israel and the U.S.]
[The United Nations, due to its obsolete Charter, lacks the tools it needs to prevent Netanyahu or Trump from launching full scale war.   A "new UN" under the Earth Federation's Earth Constitution is what would be needed. How long can the world afford to wait to create a "new UN" under the Earth Constitution?]
          Do Netanyahu and Trump Need New Wars To Survive?
                                               by Rich Scheck
Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is under enormous pressure to resign his office in the wake of the latest corruption allegations against him.

Similarly, President Trump has had a continuous and massive assault on the legitimacy of his presidency since winning the 2016 election.

Both might arguably benefit enormously from a war that would allow them to change the subject and step up boldly as action-oriented executives ready to meet the challenge of foreign aggressors.

For Bibi that entity would be the Shia Crescent of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

For Trump, that might include a larger group of foes including Russia and China as well as North Korea, Iran and the ISIS/terrorist threat around the globe. 
World's #1 enemy?
I agree that the US should be the world's number 1 enemy as many participants at the World Government Summit in Dubai concluded this weekend.

But it is not because of the reasons given by the Hollywood elite and other Globalists who embrace the Neoliberal agenda discussed in the above article. 
For me it is because of our unending wars based on lies to perpetuate Pax Americana and to protect those like Sheldon Adelson and Jared Kushner who promote Netanayahu's plan for a Greater Israel.  I prefer a left-right antiwar alliance to put an end to our imperial ways that has most of the world seeing us as an enemy.

Even though the Russiagate investigation has produced no real evidence against the president, the Democrats will use it to increase their partisan attacks against him.  That sets the stage for him to support any acts of aggression by Israel and Bibi so he can distance himself from that scandal and focus the conversation on a subject virtually guaranteed to get bipartisan support.....war against Iran.
The situation in Syria is particularly dicey because of the presence of NATO member Turkey which invaded the Kurdish region on their border to constrain or demolish that group's desire to establish the independent state of Kurdistan which the US and Israel appear to support.

Can you say, Spain, 1936?
With Russia still actively backing Assad's regime in Damascus and with China apparently on board as well, the proxy war in that beleaguered nation may well portend the start of WWIII.  Can you say, Spain, 1936?

That seems to be exactly what Bibi is attempting to achieve with his constant belligerence towards Iran.  With both President Trump and the Congress seemingly in his pocket, it is quite easy to imagine that war is imminent!

What better way to move beyond his personal dilemma and emesh both the US and Israel in a battle for the Holy Land that the American people are likely to support?

For me there is a more intelligent and peaceful way forward that might even include democratic world government in the future.  As an interim step, we first need to create a true anti-war movement that embraces the disaffected on both the left and right who are disgusted by our endless interventions and wars for regime change.

A global peace party
As a first step we need a peace party that is strongly opposed to more wars and increased defense spending that perpetuates the domination of the national security state:

If we do that then maybe in the years ahead we can create a society that reflects the noble sentiments expressed by the idealists attending the World Government Summit.  But unless and until we take that first baby step, we are doomed to endless wars for a non-existent peace abroad and terrorists acts including school shootings at home.

Yes, Bibi and Trump need wars in order to survive.  We who reject that approach and want to be on the right side of history, must find a way to unite in order to prevent them from destroying more lives and nations.
~ by Rich Scheck   [Article received 2/18/18.]

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[Editor's note: To my knowledge, Democratic World Federalists is the first world federalist organization to publish a critique of "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P), a principle developed and supported by world federalists. The original idea was that the world community had an obligation to protect citizens living in nations oppressing their own citizenry.  But R2P, according to Ajamu Baraka writing in Counterpunch, has been a disaster for the citizenry of the countries that R2P was supposed to "protect," the principle being criminally abused and violated with military invasions by US/EU/NATO's "axis of domination."
I am reminded that Martin Luther King, Jr. was in his heart a world citizen, and firmly anti-war.  King believed in one world humanity, and was a supporter of the work by the World Constitution and Parliament Association to draft a new world constitution -- the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka "Earth Constitution") to be designed to do what the UN Charter has been unable to do -- unite the world and end war. -- R Kotila]

January 15, 2018  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
"Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated the obvious: the United States was the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. He also said the public allowing this violence would lead to a kind of national spiritual death that would continue to make the U.S. state a danger to the world."
We say to progressives that you can’t pretend that you believe “Black Lives Matter” in the United States and not be opposed to the assault on the humanity of Palestinians, of Yemenis, of the millions lost in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of the destruction of Libya and of coups in Honduras and destabilization in Venezuela.

The Responsibility to Protect the World … from the United States

One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a moral responsibility to use military force to protect the rights of people being repressed by their governments. This “responsibility to protect” (R2P) always had a dubious legal standing, but its moral justification also required a psychological and historical disengagement from the bloody reality of the 500-hundred-year history of U.S. and European colonialism, slavery, genocide and torture that created the “West.”


This violent, lawless Pan-European colonial/capitalist project continues today under the hegemony of the U.S. empire. This then begs the questions of who really needs the protection and who protects the peoples of the world from the United States and its allies? The only logical, principled and strategic response to this question is citizens of the empire must reject their imperial privileges and join in opposing ruling elites exploiting labor and plundering the Earth. To do that, however, requires breaking with the intoxicating allure of cross-class, bi-partisan “white identity politics.”


Neocons like William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearl were the driving forces in pushing for the war in Iraq. They understood if they wanted to sell war, “Americans” needed to believe the conflict was about values, not interests. The neocons dusted off and put a new face on that old rationalization for colonialism—the white man’s burden. Interventions were to bring democracy and freedom to those people who were struggling to be just like their more advanced models in the white West. Liberal interventionists further developed those ideas into “humanitarian interventionism” and the “responsibility to protect.”


The fact that the United States and Europe can wrap themselves in the flag of morality, practice savior politics and get away with it is a testament to the enduring psychopathology of white supremacist ideology.


The most extreme expressions of this cognitive dissonance occurred during the Obama administration, when the notion of U.S. exceptionalism was used to justify continuing the barbarism of the Bush administration’s so-called War on Terror. With this justification and the outrageous assertion that it was defending democracy, the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination committed crimes against humanity and war crimes that resulted in the deaths of millions, while millions more were displaced and ancient cities, nations and peoples were destroyed.


The result? International Gallup and Pew research polls have consistently shown the peoples of the world consider the United States the greatest threat to world peace on the planet.


National Security Strategy Under Trump: More of the Same


When the Trump administration released its National Security Strategy, Liberal pundits suggested it was a significantly different than any previous U.S. strategy. But beyond some specific references to putting “America” and its citizens first in relationship to the economy, and the reactionary stances of tightening border security and enforcing strict immigration policies, Trump’s strategy did not stray much from the post-Cold War strategy of the preceding years.


The difference that did exist was more in style than substance. The Trump administration completely dispensed with all pretexts used by previous administrations. Even domestic law, like the War Powers Act that was ignored by the Obama administration continues to be of no concern for the new Trump administration.  Now it is Trump’s “America first” with no concern for international law or accepted standards of behavior.


Unchecked by the countervailing power of the Soviet Union, the bi-partisan National Security Strategy produced in the 1990s that committed the U.S. state to pursue policies that would ensure continued U.S. economic, political and military hegemony through the 21st century—the “new American century”—is still the overall strategic objective of this administration.


Even explicitly naming China and Russia as “competition” that threatens to harm the country’s security was not that much of a departure since the centerpiece of U.S policy has been checking any state that challenged U.S. power in any region. The Trump administration named threats to U.S. interests—North Korea in Asia, Russia in Eurasia, Iran in West Asia, with jihadist groups included in case the United States needed a War on Terror (WOT) justification for U.S. interventions anywhere in the world.


While Neocons and liberal interventionists in previous administrations sugarcoated U.S. geo-strategic objectives to mask hegemony, the Trump rhetoric is crude, direct and unambiguously aggressive. Protecting U.S. interests in the 21st century means relying on military aggression, war and subversion.


Building the U.S. anti-war movement as the responsibility to protect from Empire


Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated the obvious: he United States was the greatest purveyor of violence in the world. He also said the public allowing this violence would lead to a kind of national spiritual death that would continue to make the U.S. state a danger to the world.


That spiritual death has not quite happened completely. Yet accepting the “inevitability” of violence and the necessity for waging war is now more deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness of individuals in the United States than it was 50 years ago when King warned of the deep malady of U.S. society. For most of the 21st century, the United States has been at war. Culturally, mass shootings, the wars on drugs and terror, violence and war as entertainment, livestreamed videos of horrendous police-executed murders as well as of a head of state being sodomized with a knife have resulted in what Henry Giroux refers to as a “culture of cruelty.


But the very fact that the authorities need to lie to the people with fairy tales of the responsibility to protect in order to give moral coverage for the waging of war is an acknowledgement that they understand that there is enough humanity left with the public that it would reject U.S. warmongering if it was only seen as advancing narrow national interests.

It is this remaining moral core—and the objective interests of the clear majority of the people to be in opposition to war—that provides the foundation for reviving the modern anti-war movement.


Baltimore was the site of the rebellion in response to Freddie Gray’s murder by the domestic military we refer to as “the police.” There, a couple of hundred activists will convene January 12 to kick off a new campaign to close all U.S. foreign bases. This gathering is the result of a new coalition of forces—both old and new—to revive the U.S. anti-war movement. This conference comes on the heels of another meeting that took place just a few months ago in Washington, D.C., where some of the same forces came together to kick-off a campaign to “divest from the war machine.”


Strategically these efforts are designed to be the first steps toward building the confidence, institutional strength and programmatic focus of a new, reinvigorated, broad-based, anti-war, pro-peace and anti-imperialist movement in the United States We are opposing the warmongering both corporate political parties have normalized.


The difficulties and challenges of this endeavor are not lost on the various organizations, networks and coalitions that are part of these efforts. We all recognize that there are no shortcuts to the delicate reconstructing of our existing forces and the challenge of expanding those forces by bringing in new formations. The ideological and political differences that have surfaced among left and progressive forces around issues of war and imperialism make it more challenging.

But the imperative of expressing solidarity with the victims of U.S. warmongering must take precedence over our differences and should serve as a basis for building political unity.


Solidarity, however, is not enough for those of us in the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). We recognize its importance as a baseline principle for (re)-building a broad anti-war movement. Our common interests with other oppressed peoples, nations and states that find themselves in the cross-hairs of U.S. imperialism demands we offer more than solidarity—we must stand as allies.


Those of us building the Black Alliance for Peace understand we cannot afford the comforting myths of U.S. benevolence that attempts to conceal the naked deployment of U.S. state power in service of Western capitalist/colonialist interests. And so, we view with suspicion, if not treat with disdain, our comrades who support U.S. interventions, even when they frame that support with “leftist” justifications. For oppressed nations and peoples of the world, the U.S. white supremacist, colonial/capitalist patriarchy is and remains the principle contradiction. There must not be any nationalist sentimentality or equivocation on that position.


We saw how the anti-war opposition that emerged during the Bush years in opposition to lawless state-sanctioned violence, dissolved during the Obama administration. Liberals and major elements of the “left” objectively aligned themselves with the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination through their silence or outright support in the name of opposing authoritarian regimes.


The consequence of that class collaboration is the spectrum of war has today become a permanent feature of policy discourse. The obscene $80 billion increase in military spending that was supported by both parties and the corporate media reflects that collaboration and the corrosive impact of almost two decades of militarism on the politics and consciousness of the public.

So, for BAP, the historic task is clear.


The people must be separated from the capitalist oligarchy and the nature of the state must be exposed. Our politics must be clear and our rhetoric devoid of liberal ambiguities. We must expose the underlying capitalist-class interests that are masked by appeals to national interests and patriotism. The anti-war movement must advance a clear understanding of the economic and class interests that are at root of imperialist strategies and great power conflicts. We must assert without equivocation the position that we can’t get rid of the scourge of war without getting rid of racism and capitalism and that the people should reject all calls to protect the national interests promoted by the ruling elites.

We must say if the rulers want war, let them fight it themselves!


The anti-war and anti-imperialist position must be seen as the highest expression of internationalism and global solidarity. Activists in the United States must reject all efforts to pink-wash militarism and recognize their moral obligation—as citizens of empire—to oppose all U.S. military interventions. We must take the position that we will no longer allow chicken hawk politicians to send our sons and daughters off to other lands, where they become war criminals fighting other working-class and poor people who only want social justice, national sovereignty and self-determination for themselves.


The permanent war agenda of the capitalist dictatorship must be met with permanent opposition from the working class and all oppressed people. The people must understand the link between the racialized justifications for making war abroad with the intensification of the war being waged against Black and Brown communities in the United States

We say to progressives that you can’t pretend that you believe “Black Lives Matter” in the United States and not be opposed to the assault on the humanity of Palestinians, of Yemenis, of the millions lost in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of the destruction of Libya and of coups in Honduras and destabilization in Venezuela.


Reject the racist 21st century version of the white man’s burden with its absurd notion of humanitarian war and the responsibility to protect and understand that the real threat to world peace is the empire that we are all a part of.

Our task is clear: the anti-war position is not an add-on. It is a fundamental moral and political obligation for the citizens of empire. The world can no longer wait.

December 12, 2017
A New UN?  WCPA President Calls For Earth Constitution and World Parliament

Frustrated with the inability of the United Nations to resolve growing global crises, the President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, Professor Glen Martin, issued a position paper which condemns the UN Security Council and the fatally flawed UN Charter. 

The UN Charter according to Dr. Martin is an obstruction to world peace.  The solution is to replace the UN Charter with the Earth Constitution which, he explains, would be the basis for a World Parliament and also provide world laws that can be enforced, unlike the current geopolitical system under the UN wherein leaders of powerful nations commit crimes with impunity. 

WCPA members and ratifiers of the Earth Constitution are asked to bring to the public and media the message of the need to form a World Parliament now rather than waiting for a UN which is stuck in a governing structure that cannot bring peace or prosperity to the world community.

President Martin's WCPA vision for the future:

"The ratification of the Earth Constitution will integrate the top with the bottom of the world system. At present top and bottom are fragmented from one another by the fractured world system. The global bankers, multinational corporations, military security complexes, and the superrich of the 1% now control the nations and economics of the world in their own interests.  The people of Earth (especially the bottom 70-80 %) are cut off from the power of government designed to serve their needs and interests. Our needs and interests include our common human interests of sustainability, a protected environment, a peaceful world without war, education, healthcare, and reasonable prosperity."

"20th century science has shown that this world is a whole, that our planetary biosphere is a whole, and that humanity is a whole. (We are all 99.9% genetically identical.)  We are one humanity living on a fragile planet that is in great danger because it is not whole.  Instead, it is fragmented into some 193 militarized “sovereign” entities who are ruled by their respective ruling classes and dominated by transnational corporate interests and global profit-oriented banking. The result are the global disasters that we see all around us.  Wars, weapons of mass destruction, destabilization of whole countries by the CIA and other criminal organizations, everywhere debt of the poor to the superrich, everywhere corruption, bribery and graft. These are largely consequences of the fractured world system, not of any so-called “corrupt” human nature."

World Parliament to contain 1000 electoral districts

"The Constitution for the Federation of Earth establishes a World Parliament representing the people of Earth from 1000 electoral districts worldwide.  There is today no legitimate top (government) for the Earth, only the fragmented system run by and for the 1% that prevents a legitimate global public authority from emerging.  By ratifying the Earth Constitution, the people of Earth create for themselves a holistic world system in which the top and the bottom (the vast majority) become integrated and harmonious.  Government everywhere then begins to serve human interests and not purposes of the few."

"Are human rights being violated in Myamar, Israel-Palestine, or Saudi Arabia?  The Earth Constitution prohibits this. Make this publicly clear. Is climate collapse proceeding unchecked?  The Earth Constitution is designed to restore and protect our planetary biosphere.  Tell the world this fact.  Is war on the horizon between the U.S. and North Korea or Iran?  The Earth Constitution is the standard for elimination both war and weapons of mass destruction. Make this clear on Facebook and elsewhere."

Let the public know what a difference the Earth Constitution could make

"By everywhere making the Earth Constitution the standard by which we evaluate the present failed world disorder, we raise it to a globally recognized authority with legitimacy and supremacy. Write letters to the editor, speak about this at meetings, write articles, give seminars, promote the Earth Constitution in every possible context."

"The 15th Session of the Provisional World Parliament is scheduled for December 2019 or January 2020. We must be serious about Provisional World Government. This must not be just another useless conference, but the emerging world government in action." 

-- The above have been selected excerpts from President Glen T. Martin's WCPA position paper.

(Editor's note:  Because the UN may be unable, or unwilling, to form an effective "new UN," the world community must proceed forward by concurrently establishing a new world organization parallel to, but independent of, the UN -- Earth Federation government under the Earth Constitution and World Parliament.) 
October 21, 2017
What's Missing in the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize?

San Francisco -- While the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to ICAN for banning nuclear weapons is a step forward, it is not a big enough step.  What's missing is a legal ban on war itself.

The International Coalition for the Abolishment of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) should now set its sights on banning war and demanding the establishment of a new World Judiciary system given real enforcement powers. 

The United Nations lacks this essential feature.   Currently under the present UN Charter the leaders and military generals of the nuclear armed nations, even when they commit world crimes, do so with impunity.  And they refuse to give up their nukes.

No sheriff in town
Leaders of these powerful nations, particularly the UN Security Council's Permanent 5 (who hold the veto) are above the law.  No one goes to jail no matter how egregious the world crime. 

There is no sheriff in town at the global level.

There is also a psychological obstacle. Each nation insists upon the right to keep secret its military arsenal. Such absolute sovereignty breeds paranoia which can only be eliminated by establishing open inspections everywhere. Such openness will require establishing  a world federal union.

In a federal union, there are open inspections everywhere without exception.  That is why we in California never worry that Texas is secretly preparing to attack us.  We are both part of the Union.  We can form a similar safe relationship between Russia and the USA and the other nations by joining in a world federal union.

Treaty-based agreements can't be trusted
The new ban on nukes is a treaty-based agreement. Treaties are notoriously unreliable. They cannot be trusted. The history of treaties is the history of broken treaties. 

To fix this problem the UN needs a legitimate federal constitution. A constitution-based agreement is the only way to insure that no nation will cheat to gain advantage over the others.

That is partly why America's founders abandoned the Articles of Confederation and switched to the U.S. Constitution thus federating and unifying the 13 colonies -- a governmental design that stopped the wars and conflicts that were erupting between the colonies. 

We must constitutionalize the UN Charter
Forming a world federal union is the smart move.  It is essential.  The World Constitution & Parliament Association's Constitution for the Federation of Earth, also known as the "Earth Constitution," provides the needed governing structures which are missing in the obsolete UN Charter.

Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco is calling for UN Charter review.  They call it THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.  The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) based in Brussels is ready to examine the Charter and the implications of amending or replacing it. 

It is time to reach out to the UN General Assembly, the NGO's working so hard to eliminate nuclear weapons, peace groups wanting to go beyond war, and the general public to inspire support for a "new UN." 

The Constitution for the Federation of Earth is ready to go.

Roger Kotila, Ph.D. 

-- R Kotila, PhD
U.N. Enablers of ‘Aggressive War’

Special Report: U.N. investigative reports, like a new one condemning Syria for alleged sarin use, are received as impartial and credible, but are often just more war propaganda from compromised bureaucrats, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

Many people still want to believe that the United Nations engages in impartial investigations and thus is more trustworthy than, say, self-interested governments, whether Russia or the United States... But trust in U.N. agencies is no longer well placed; whatever independence they may have once had has been broken, a reality relevant to recent “investigations” of Syrian chemical weapons use.

There is also the larger issue of the United Nations’ peculiar silence about one of its primary and original responsibilities, shouldered after the horrors of World War II – to stop wars of aggression, which today include “regime change” wars organized, funded and armed by the United States and other Western powers, such as the Iraq invasion in 2003, the overthrow of the Libyan government in 2011, and a series of proxy wars including the ongoing Syrian conflict.

After World War II, the Nuremberg Tribunals declared that a “war of aggression … is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”

That recognition became a guiding principle of the United Nations Charter, which specifically prohibits aggression or even threats of aggression against sovereign states.

The Charter declares in Article One that it is a chief U.N. purpose “to take effective collective measures … for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace.” Article Two, which defines the appropriate behavior of U.N. members, adds that “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state…”

However, instead of enforcing this fundamental rule, the United Nations has, in effect, caved in to the political and financial pressure brought to bear by the United States and its allies. A similar disregard for international law also pervades the U.S. mainstream media and much of the European and Israeli press as well.

There is an assumption that the United States and its allies have the right to intervene militarily anywhere in the world at anytime solely at their own discretion. Though U.S. diplomats and mainstream journalists still voice outrage when adversaries deviate from international law – such as denunciations of Russia over Ukraine’s civil war – there is silence or support when a U.S. president or, say, an Israeli prime minister orders military strikes inside another country. Then, we hear only justifications for these attacks.

Shielding Israel

For instance, on Friday, The New York Times published an article about Israel conducting a bombing raid inside Syria that reportedly killed two Syrians. The article is notable because it contains not a single reference to international law and Israel’s clear-cut violation of it. Instead, the article amounts to a lengthy rationalization for Israel’s aggression, framing the attacks as Israeli self-defense or, as the Times put it, “an escalation of Israel’s efforts to prevent its enemies from gaining access to sophisticated weapons.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations in 2012, drawing his own “red line” on how far he will let Iran go in refining nuclear fuel.

The article also contains no reference to the fact that Israel maintains a sophisticated nuclear arsenal and is known to possess chemical and biological weapons as well. Implicit in the Times article is that the U.S. and Israel live under one set of rules while countries on the U.S.-Israeli enemies list must abide by another. Not to state the obvious but this is a clear violation of the journalistic principle of objectivity.

But the Times is far from alone in applying endless double standards. Hypocrisy now permeates international agencies, including the United Nations, which instead of pressing for accountability in cases of U.S. or Israeli aggression has become an aider and abettor, issuing one-sided reports that justify further aggression while doing little or nothing to stop U.S.-backed acts of aggression.

For instance, there was no serious demand that U.S. and British leaders who organized the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, should face any accountability for committing the “supreme international crime” of an aggressive war. As far as the U.N. is concerned, war-crimes tribunals are for the little guys.

This breakdown in the integrity of the U.N. and related agencies has developed over the past few decades as one U.S. administration after another has exploited U.S. clout as the world’s “unipolar power” to ensure that international bureaucrats conform to U.S. interests. Any U.N. official who deviates from this unwritten rule can expect to have his or her reputation besmirched and career truncated.

So, while harshly critical of alleged abuses by the Syrian military, U.N. officials are notoriously silent when it comes to condemning the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Israel and other countries that have been “covertly” backing anti-government “rebels” who have engaged in grave crimes against humanity in Syria.

The U.S. and its allies have even mounted overt military operations inside Syrian territory, including airstrikes against the Syrian military and its allies, without permission of the internationally recognized government in Damascus. Yet, the U.N. does nothing to curtail or condemn these clear violations of its own Charter.

Breaking the Independence

The reason is that, for much of this century, the U.S. government has worked to bring key agencies, such as the U.N. Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), under U...S. control and domination.

At the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, President George W. Bush ordered the U.S. military to conduct a devastating aerial assault on Baghdad, known as “shock and awe.”

This drive to neutralize the U.N.’s independence gained powerful momentum after the 9/11 attacks and President George W. Bush’s launching of his “global war on terror.” But this effort continued under President Obama and now under President Trump.

In 2002, after opening the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and effectively waiving the Geneva Convention’s protections for prisoners of war, Bush bristled at criticism from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary C. Robinson.

Soon, Robinson was targeted for removal. Her fierce independence, which also included criticism of Israel, was unacceptable. The Bush administration lobbied hard against her reappointment, leading to her retirement in 2002.

Also, in 2002, the Bush administration engineered the firing of OPCW’s Director General Jose Mauricio Bustani who was viewed as an obstacle to the U.S. plans for invading Iraq.

Bustani, who had been reelected unanimously to the post less than a year earlier, described his removal in a 2013 interview with Marlise Simons of The New York Times, citing how Bush’s emissary, Under-Secretary of State John Bolton, marched into Bustani’s office and announced that he (Bustani) would be fired.

“The story behind [Bustani’s] ouster has been the subject of interpretation and speculation for years, and Mr. Bustani, a Brazilian diplomat, has kept a low profile since then,” wrote Simons. “But with the agency [OPCW] thrust into the spotlight with news of the Nobel [Peace] Prize [in October 2013], Mr. Bustani agreed to discuss what he said was the real reason: the Bush administration’s fear that chemical weapons inspections in Iraq would conflict with Washington’s rationale for invading it. Several officials involved in the events, some speaking publicly about them for the first time, confirmed his account.”

The official U.S. explanation for getting rid of Bustani was incompetence, but Bustani and the other diplomats close to the case reported that Bustani’s real offense was drawing Iraq into acceptance of the OPCW’s conventions for eliminating chemical weapons, just as the Bush administration was planning to pin its propaganda campaign for invading Iraq on the country’s alleged secret stockpile of WMD.

Bustani’s ouster gave President Bush a clearer path to the invasion by letting him frighten Americans with the prospect of Iraq sharing its chemical weapons and possibly a nuclear bomb with Al Qaeda terrorists.

Dismissing Iraq’s insistence that it had destroyed its chemical weapons and didn’t have a nuclear weapons project, Bush launched the invasion in March 2003, only for the world to discover later that the Iraqi government was telling the truth.

Compliant Replacements

In comparison to the independent-minded Bustani, the biography of the current OPCW director general, Ahmet Uzumcu, a career Turkish diplomat, suggests that the OPCW could be expected to slant its case against the Syrian government in the current Syrian conflict.

Not only has Turkey, a NATO ally of the United States, been a key player in supporting the proxy war to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, but Uzumcu also served as Turkey’s ambassador to Israel, which has long sought regime change in Syria and has publicly come out in favor of the anti-government rebels...

Another one-time thorn in the side of the U.S. “unipolar power” was the IAEA when it was under the control of Director General Mohamed ElBaradei, an Egyptian. The IAEA challenged the Bush administration’s claims about Iraq having a nuclear program, when one really didn’t exist.

However, being right is no protection when U.S... officials want to bring an agency into line with U.S. policy and propaganda. So, early in the Obama administration – as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pushing for a hardline on Iran over its nascent nuclear program – the U.S. government engineered the insertion of a pliable Japanese diplomat, Yukiya Amano, into the IAEA’s top job.

Before his appointment, Amano had portrayed himself as an independent-minded fellow who was resisting U.S.-Israeli propaganda about the Iranian nuclear program. Yet behind the scenes, he was meeting with U.S. and Israeli officials to coordinate on how to serve their interests (even though Israel is an actual rogue nuclear state, not a hypothetical or fictional one).

Amano’s professed doubts about an Iranian nuclear-bomb project, which even the U.S. intelligence community agreed no longer existed, was just a theatrical device to intensify the later impact if he were to declare that Iran indeed was building a secret nuke, thus justifying the desire of Israeli leaders and American neoconservatives to “bomb-bomb-bomb” Iran.

But this U.S. ploy was spoiled by Pvt. Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning’s leaking of hundreds of thousands of pages of U.S. diplomatic cables. Among them were reports on Amano’s hidden collaboration with U.S. and Israeli officials; his agreement with U.S. emissaries on who to fire and who to retain among IAEA officials; and even Amano’s request for additional U.S. financial contributions.

The U.S. embassy cables revealing the truth about Amano were published by the U.K. Guardian in 2011 (although ignored by The New York Times, The Washington Post and other mainstream U.S. news outlets). Despite the silence of the major U...S. news media, Internet outlets, such as, highlighted the Amano cables, meaning that enough Americans knew the facts not to be fooled again. [For details, see’s “Did Manning Help Avert War with Iran?”]

A Collective Collapse

So, over the years, there has been a collective collapse of the independence at U.N.-related agencies. An international bureaucrat who gets on the wrong side of the United States or Israel can expect to be fired and humiliated, while those who play ball can be assured of a comfortable life as a “respected” diplomat.

A heart-rending propaganda image designed to justify a major U.S. military operation inside Syria against the Syrian military.

But this reality is little known to most Americans so they are still inclined to be influenced when a “U.N. investigation” reaches some conclusion condemning some country that already is on the receiving end of negative U.S. propaganda.

The New York Times, CNN and other major U.S. news outlets are sure to trumpet these “findings” with great seriousness and respect and to treat any remaining doubters as outside the mainstream. Of course, there’s an entirely different response on the rare occasion when some brave or foolhardy human rights bureaucrat criticizes Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Then, the U.N. finding is just a sign of anti-Israeli bias and should be discounted.

In the far more frequent cases when a U.N. report is in line with U.S. propaganda, American journalists almost never turn a critical eye toward the quality of the evidence or the leaps of logic. We saw that happen this week with a thinly sourced and highly dubious U.N. report blaming the Syrian government for an alleged sarin incident on April 4. A major contradiction in the evidence – testimony given to OPCW investigators undercutting the conclusion that a Syrian warplane could have dropped a sarin bomb – was brushed aside by the U.N. human rights investigators and was ignored by the Times and other major U.S. news outlets.

But what is perhaps most troubling is that these biased U.N. reports are now used to justify continued wars of aggression by stronger countries against weaker ones. So, instead of acting as a bulwark to protect the powerless from the powerful as the U.N. Charter intended, the U.N. bureaucracy has turned the original noble purpose of the institution on its head by becoming an enabler of the “supreme international crime,” wars of aggression.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative as an e-book (from Amazon and


 “Building the World Parliament 2017”

International Conference featuring the Earth Constitution

 and Building the World Parliament under its authority

November 8, 9, and 10, 2017

Call for papers and Participants

Jindal Global University

In Haryana, near Delhi, India

Room and Board supplied for all Participants

Participants are responsible for their own transportation costs

Co-Sponsors: World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (WCPA)

               and Jindal Global University


All participants register with Dr. Glen T. Martin at

Participants are welcome who do not wish to present a paper.

Proposal for papers due by September 30.

Final draft of papers due by October 30.

All presenters have 30 minutes. It is recommended that you leave 10 minutes for questions.

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Conference Goals: (1) Why is there an absolute need for the world to unite spiritually, conceptually, and politically?  (2) What is the role of the Earth Constitution in uniting the world in these ways?  (3) How does the structure and functioning of the Earth Constitution establish peace and justice on Earth? (4) Why is the Parliament necessary for world peace and justice?  (4) What specific plans can we make to actualize the Parliament and Constitution? (6) How will the World Parliament promote the spiritual as well as political transformation of the Earth? (7) How will the World Parliament affect global education? (8) What measures can we take to get rid of the lethal arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and also taking steps to redirect the huge expenditure incurred for deploying Military / Police Personnel on a massive scale, towards human development?

August 27, 2017

[Article first published 8-10-17 from authority-to-use-nuclear-weapons]

Donald Trump has complete, unchecked authority to use nuclear weapons

The military chain of command provides the president with complete authority to order the use of nuclear arms, Princeton researcher and Global Zero founder Bruce Blair tells DW. He also talks about potential objections.
DW: Does the US military chain of command give President Donald Trump the unilateral authority to order the use of nuclear weapons?
Bruce Blair: The protocol that has been set up for this purpose is streamlined and designed for speed and efficiency, not for deliberation. And this protocol gives the president carte blanche - complete unchecked authority to order the use of nuclear weapons.
Bruce Blair is a nuclear security scholar at Princeton University and a co-founder of Global Zero
Now some people argue that that authority can violate the constitution if the president orders the first use of nuclear weapons, others say the constitution provides this authority through Article 2, which designates the president as commander of chief of the armed forces. So you get into a little bit of debate about what is constitutional or not. But the system, the protocol, is designed to allow for one person with a single verbal order to launch nuclear weapons.
Can you describe the nature of this protocol and how the use of nuclear weapons would be carried out in practice?
The way that would work is that the president would consult as he desires with his top advisors. He is not obliged to consult with anyone, including the Secretary of Defense or the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or the national security adviser.
He likely would and the teleconference protocol has been designed to patch in his top advisors into a secure conference call if they are not in the room with him, including the commander of the strategic forces in Omaha, Nebraska. In this case he would have a discussion with his advisors if he chose to do so.
The US is the only country to use a nuclear weapon against another country, dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in World War II
The main talker in this conference call is the commander, the four-star general in charge of our nuclear forces in Omaha, Nebraska. He is the person who talks to the president about what options are available and what the consequences would be and he would ask the president about what kind of conditions the president would like to impose on the use of nuclear weapons, for example whether or not he would like to withhold strikes against urban populations. So that conversation is the main one in this protocol and other advisors may be invited to weigh in or may not.
And then the president makes a decision and then conveys that decision to another critical party that is patched into this emergency teleconference, and that is the emergency action center, the so-called war room at the Pentagon. So the president makes a decision, chooses among the options to him and instructs the war room, which is patched into this call to carry out that order.
At which point the war room requires the president to verify his identity using a special code, known colloquially as "the biscuit," also known as "the gold code." And if the president gives the right codes to the Pentagon, the Pentagon transmits an emergency message or a launch order to the forces designated by the president's choice.
That launch order, which is roughly the length of a tweet, would be formatted and would include special codes to unlock missiles and to provide instructions to the executing commanders in the field as to the time the war plan should be carried out. And then the crews would receive that message within five minutes of the president's decision and begin to carry it out.
Trump has issued heavy-handed threats to the regime in Pyongyang
How long would it take for the president's order to be carried out?
In the case of land-based rockets in the middle west of the United States, of which there are 400, each with one warhead, those crews can carry out the order in one minute from the time they have received it. The missiles could be leaving their silos en masse in one minute from the time they have received the order. Crews on submarines would take about 10 minutes longer to carry out the order because they have extra steps that they need to carry out.
Could there be opposition among the senior advisors that's so strong that they would try to intervene not only to oppose, but to disobey orders and to instruct the chain of command in the Pentagon war room not to carry out the order?
There you are entering into a psychological arena, and I can't really speculate more than anyone else how that might play out.
And the fact that the military is already planning conventional and nuclear operations against North Korea, that there is already a nuclear plan for North Korea, the fact that that is an ongoing process of fine tuning, is an indication that that is already accepted that nuclear weapons might be used against North Korea. And the mere planning for that by the military indicates the accommodation and acceptance of a presidential decision to order that plan be carried out.
US intelligence authorities claim North Korea can mount a nuclear missile on a rocket
Once an option is chosen by the president in this protocol of decision making that I described to you, someone like the commander of the strategic command might be saying, "Mr President I think this is ill-advised, we have conventional non-nuclear options to deal with this threat and furthermore the nuclear option you prefer is probably a violation of the law of war under the circumstances."
He may well receive that kind of advice in the emergency conference, but he can ignore it and proceed and I believe that - based on my conversations with people in the military that would be involved in situations like that - they would give their best advice and then they would carry out the order that the president gives, even if it were viewed as ill-advised, misguided and a violation of the law of war. I believe the system is very strongly predisposed to accept and carry out the president's wishes.
Bruce Blair is a nuclear security scholar at Princeton University and a co-founder of Global Zero, an international initiative dedicated to the elimination of all nuclear weapons. He also served as a member of the US State Department's International Security Advisory Board from 2007 to June 2017.
The interview was conducted by Michael Knigge.
     June 1, 2017

Swami Agnivesh, WCPA Distinguish Advisor, recently met with the Dalai Lama and presented him a copy of the Earth Constitution. 

Breaking news: Swami Agnivesh, WCPA Distinguish Advisor, recently met with the Dalai Lama and presented him a copy of the Earth Constitution. It appears that the Dalai Lama may be able to participate in the second WCPA Conference on “Building the World Parliament” to be held in the Delhi area in December of this year.
Dr. Glen T. Martin
President, World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)
President, Institute on World Problems (IOWP)
Professor of Philosophy and Emeritus Chair, Peace Studies, Radford
Laureate, GUSI Peace Prize International
May 17, 2017 
"Mother India" Campaign for Earth Constitution Global Communication Center

The World Constitution & Parliament Association in collaboration with Dharma Pratishthan has launched a fundraising campaign to staff and equip a Global Communication Center in New Delhi, India with office space provided by Swami Agnivesh along with a large coordinating group of similar minded leaders from India.    

The Big Picture goal?  Uniting the world under the Earth Constitution.

The plan is to focus on gaining attention for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, also known as the "Earth Constitution," a strategy developed at the Pune "Building the New World Conference" last year.  The campaign seeks an initial $100,000 start-up target with a goal of launching operations in September, 2017.   Both individuals, businesses, and corporations will be approached for contributions. 

The Earth Constitution is a visionary yet practical  geopolitical document designed to form the foundation to manifest Global Conscience, global family, and world union.  India is a country whose spiritual values lend strong support for uniting the world. 

The world public is largely unaware that there exists an answer to the world's main problems:  war, the threat of nuclear annihilation,  international lawlessness, poverty, environmental dangers, and violations of human rights.   That is why this Global Center is so important -- the public, once informed of the new way, will gain a new sense of direction.

Dr. Martin writes:  "Businesses in India, especially with its wonderful tradition of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, will be interested in starting this WCPA Global Communication Center to make "Mother India" the center of a worldwide effort to unite the human family."

We are all world citizens by birthright.  People and businesses the world over have a stake in fixing the mess the world is in, the danger facing ourselves and the people we love.  This inspiration is not limited to India.  We all must help. 

See the flyer below for information for volunteering and for your donations. 

- Dr. Roger Kotila (WCPA Vice President, USA and Senior Fellow, Institute On World Problems)

April 18, 2017

Democratic World Federalists and THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE 

SAN FRANCISCO, April 18, 2017 - Democratic World Federalists need your help.  The goal is to persuade the United Nations General Assembly to take a critical look at the aging and fundamentally flawed UN Charter in order to "upgrade the global operating system" to "UN 2.0" as one young world federalist describes it.


A Charter review was promised at the original signing in San Francisco at the request of nations who were unhappy with the veto power granted the UN Security Council.  They knew the system was undemocratic and rigged against the less powerful nations.  But the review was never carried out.


This is the origin of THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE, the campaign recently launched by DWF to persuade the UN General Assembly to conduct the review process that was promised, and legally required in the original Charter itself. 


Badly designed UN Charter a key part of war system

For world federalists a Charter review potentially opens the door to establish a world federal constitution designed to correct the fatal faults in the present Charter which prevent the UN from doing its job.


The truth is that the UN Charter itself is so badly designed that it is in reality the main part of a geopolitical war system. A global peace system will require replacing the UN Charter with a genuine world federal union constitution such as the Earth Constitution.


In reality, from the very beginning the Charter has been unable to maintain world peace. While signing the Charter the US simultaneously made a mockery of the UN as it dropped the horrendous atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.       


A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution, for example, would establish a UN able to successfully address critical world problems such as militarism, perpetual war, and the threat of nuclear catastrophe. 


A change to a global peace system would free up billions and billions of dollars that can be redirected away from death and destruction, and instead can be applied constructively for infrastructure needs, to clean up slums, and to meet the needs of local communities worldwide.  Universal health care, free education, and adequate disability and retirement guarantees become possible.      


A World Parliament with real law and order

The vision for a new UN includes adding an UN Parliamentary Assembly and/or forming a democratically elected World Parliament -- the world community has a democratic right to a real voice in global affairs -- by birthright, we are all world citizens.  


The Earth Constitution calls for a World Parliament, and includes a well-designed and fair world judiciary system with enforceable world law.  The present UN lacks a capacity for independent legal enforcement -- a main reason why the UN has been unable to prevent illegal wars and other world crimes committed by the leaders of bully nations.  


Without a new UN, leaders of powerful nations who are responsible for world crimes remain above the law.    


Public needs awareness about world federalism to end militarism

The public is largely unaware that forming a world federal union government is a real solution to world problems rather than relying on militarism.  World federalists know that militarism to achieve world peace is literally a dead end.  


Top thinkers such as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkin agree with world federalists that the only viable answer to global crises is to form a democratic world federation – a world government with enforceable world law.    


The public is also unaware that the United Nations cannot enforce international law.  It lacks a proper world judiciary system. Leaders of the most powerful nations commit world crimes with impunity.


Since the 9/11 attacks the failure of the US to follow a legal path of justice “has so far destroyed half a dozen countries and killed about 2 million people” reports Nicolas Davies in “Through the ‘War on Terror’ Looking Glass” (, April 17, 2017).  No one has gone to jail.


Bully nations refuse to give up nuclear weapons 

The Charter is undemocratically rigged in favor of only five nations -- the Permanent 5 (P-5) veto nations which comprise the UN Security Council (U.S., Russia, China, France, & the United Kingdom).


The P-5 are the only nations at the UN with a vote that really counts.  Ironically, while the Security Council is supposedly there to insure peace, in shameful fact these five favored nations are the world’s largest weapons’ dealers, and wars and threats of war are routine.  


The war system is so deeply embedded that the P-5 nations are now defying the will of the majority of nations at the UN who are seeking to legally prohibit and ban nuclear weapons.


The UN General Assembly’s Conference to ban nukes is scheduled from June 15 – July 7, 2017, but the United States and other nuclear nations are boycotting the proceedings!


It is indeed time for new answers to global crises and world crimes.


Become a proud member of DWF

Recognizing that DWF must grow larger and stronger to match the size and importance of its mission to fulfill THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE, DWF has added a membership option to increase popular participation to support the needed review of the UN Charter.      


Become a proud member of Democratic World Federalists. Help fulfill THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.  Go to  or email   Phone 415-227-4880

-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. *

(*President of DWF, and Editor, Earth Federation News & Views)

Nuclear Weapons Under Fire at the UN
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
President, Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco

from DWF NEWS, March 7, 2017
The world community should keep a close eye on the United Nations General Assembly as it prepares for a Conference starting in late March, 2017 to negotiate a "legally binding instrument" to prohibit nuclear weapons. 
According to an NGO report by Reaching Critical Will, over 100 nations attended the initial meetings to organize the upcoming UN Conference to ban nuclear weapons.
The report titled "States discuss rules for nuclear ban negotiations" (2/16/17) makes for interesting and informative reading -- it is our lead article (at  It will help us discover which countries truly seek a peaceful and safe world, and which nations prefer to continue to endanger our world by possessing nuclear weaponry.  
The Conference will be an opportunity for world federalists to link up with delegates from nations who support peace over risking nuclear annihilation. A legal ban on nuclear weapons could bring up the problem of war.  If war is not outlawed it will be highly tempting for nations to want to keep their weapons of mass destruction.  
Are nations "brave" to want to legally ban nuclear weapons?
Curiously, Ireland welcomed the "broad and brave participation" of the countries attending the organizing sessions for the ban.  But why did Ireland use the word "brave"?  Will there be retaliation against those nations who support a legal ban on nukes?
India quite sensibly worries about "the absence of international verification measures."  Psychologist know that openness builds trust, and secrecy breeds paranoia. Yes, of course, there must be inspections -- anywhere at any time.  This requirement is unlikely to happen without transforming the UN into a democratic world federal union -- a step which will require a new Charter.
Delegates from many countries expressed their approval and strong support for the involvement and help given by civil society and NGO's.  Mexico, Brazil, Malaysia, Austria, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Nigeria, South Africa and many others voiced their support for continued participation by civil society.  Popular support for the ban from NGO's and civil society could give these countries extra strength to prevail. 
UN Charter lacks legal enforcement tools
The UN must somehow be persuaded to give a hard look at its fatally flawed Charter.  It allows almost unlimited sovereignty even to aggressive, militarized nations who routinely violate international law, and whose leaders suffer no consequences for their crimes -- they are above the law
For world federalists, an attempt by UN member states to ban nuclear weapons is an important gesture and a sign of progress.  However, the history of treaties is discouraging.  Treaties are too readily broken when a nation decides the treaty is not adequately in their self-interest.
UN Charter review the next step
Treaties and international agreements are not a solid basis for stability because the UN Charter is undemocratic and lacks enforceable world law.  That's why Democratic World Federalists ( is lobbying for a review of the UN Charter to open the door for a resource like the Constitution for the Federation of Earth ( which would give the UN a democratically elected World Parliament, and enforceable world law. 
All aspects of nuclear weaponry would become against the law, and those leaders of nations responsible for the development, manufacturing, or possession of nuclear weaponry could be held legally accountable, and like ordinary citizens, if found guilty, would be subject to imprisonment. 

- R. Kotila, Ph.D.

March 3, 2017

Dr. Roger Kotila            

Is America a “bad guy” masquerading as a “good guy”?  

President Trump himself has a reputation for lying.  Yet he was elected President of the United States. One joke going around asks “What two words tell you that President Trump is lying?”  When he says “Believe me!”

Mainstream media repeatedly portrays America as the world’s leader for freedom and democracy.  But sadly, this view of America appears to be factually false.  Aside from having undemocratic allies like Saudi Arabia, a country notorious for human rights violations, Douglas Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017) is Exhibit A.  It portrays a different picture of who America is, a perspective that even President Donald Trump appears to agree with when he remarked, “You think our country’s so innocent?”  

The exceptionalism myth fools Americans into trusting that their country is doing good, when in reality, America has routinely violated civilized standards of conduct, and could even be described as a rogue power.  The US for example, refuses to belong to the International Criminal Court, thus protecting its officials, military personnel and covert operatives from judicial prosecution when they commit crimes. 

But does the right wing’s delusional fantasy of American “exceptionalism” give the US the right to violate international law and customs, to target nations for regime change (Syria, Libya, Iran, Russia), to invade countries (Afghanistan, Iraq), or to kill anyone whom the US designates as a “terrorist” (drone strikes, covert operations)?  

While torture is considered a crime under international law and customs, the current President of the US proudly declares he supports torture.  He will not go to jail for this.  After all, he is running the country. 


When President Trump implies in an interview that America’s moral standards were no better than those of Russia, Establishment media howled with shocked disbelief.   

Trump “waved off a description of Mr. Putin as ‘a killer’ by suggesting that the US was similarly immoral.” “We got a lot of killers,” Trump said, “You think our country’s so innocent?” (The Wall Street Journal reporting on a Bill O’Reilly Fox TV interview with President Trump, 2-6-17.)

But Trump makes a valid point. Mr. Valentine’s painstaking research on the Central Intelligence Agency  documents a litany of criminal actions conducted around the world:  Assassinations, torture, overthrowing governments (regime change), supporting terrorists, and terrorism (false flag operations such as 9/11), drug smuggling and money laundering. 

CIA methods include lying (Psy Op’s/propaganda -- infiltration of media, fake news), cheating (bribing or blackmailing politicians), stealing (other country’s resources), and killing (assassinations, supporting terrorists, military invasions).    


Mr. Valentine’s investigative research leads to a shocking conclusion about the CIA and America:
“If we were allowed to understand the CIA, we’d realize it’s a criminal organization that is corrupting governments and societies around the world.  It’s murdering civilians who haven’t done anything wrong.  The (US) military does the same thing in a more violent way (p. 39).” 

It is not just the CIA involved in what one might term as world crimes.  Pentagon generals allow the potential use of weapons of mass mutilation such as cluster bombs, depleted uranium munitions (e.g., in Fallujah), landmines, and of course, weapons of mass destruction (nuclear weaponry). 

America’s bad guy role is carried into the United Nations, where the US shows a lack of respect for less powerful nations, and the UN itself. The US opposes a UN General Assembly proposal to ban nuclear weapons.  As a result, other countries possessing nuclear weaponry (like Russia) also refuse to accept the proposed ban. 


From its birth the vast majority of nations at the UN have been frustrated by a rigged geopolitical system favoring the US, Russia, China, Great Britain, and France – the Permanent 5 veto powers on the Security Council.
Less powerful nations in the UN are second class citizens.  When they stray from the desires of the Permanent 5 veto powers, there can be reprisals.  The UN itself can be subject to threats.

US Senator Lindsey Graham, angry that nations voted their conscience regarding the illegal settlements by Israel on Palestinian lands, vows to “pull US funding” unless the UN Security Council repeals Resolution 2334 (, 12-25-16). 

Similarly, former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton insists that “there must be consequences” against the 14 countries that supported Resolution 2334.  Neocon Bolton, who shows little concern regarding the needs of the world community, proclaims that the US should defund its “assessed contributions” to the UN, presumably as a warning to the UN to submit to the demands of Israel (Wall Street Journal, 12/27/16).  

Finally, the Trump Administration is considering withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council for being “biased” against Israel (, 2/25/17), yet the US has accepted Saudi Arabia’s presence on the Council.   


The UN is powerless to prevent international crimes directed by leaders of powerful, bully nations.   International law is routinely violated by favored nations who excuse themselves from the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, a court that can try individuals but with no independent enforcement capability. 

The ICC has mostly been applied to a few corrupt dictators of African nations, but never to the leaders and corrupt officials from the most powerful nations.                                                                                                                                                                                      

The UN stands by helplessly even when nations are taken over by corrupt dictators who steal the peoples’ money. These kleptocracies, as documented by Sarah Chayes (“Thieves of State,” 2015), go unpunished, protected by the UN Charter’s principle of national sovereignty (Chapter 1, Article 2).

In the UN geopolitical system of sovereignty for each nation, nations police themselves.  As a result, deeply corrupted nations rarely prosecute their own world criminals since the leaders of those countries are often the very ones who are responsible for the criminal behavior in the first place. 

An unlucky citizen who lives in a deeply corrupted country has no recourse for justice especially when the corruption starts at the top and runs through to the police and the courts. 

The UN is generally not allowed to interfere with the domestic affairs of a nation, thus is unable to prevent the theft of the people’s money and unable to stop human rights violations.  This is why Saudi Arabia is allowed to oppress women, abuse immigrant workers, and maintain a “royal” kleptocracy.  It supports terrorist groups like Al Qaeda linked to Wahhabi extremists, uses beheadings, and continues its barbaric invasion of neighboring Yemen.   


The World Constitution & Parliament Association has the solution to the gaps in the Charter which have allowed unrestricted lawlessness among the nations.  WCPA’s Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka “Earth Constitution”) corrects these problems, and efforts are underway to reach the UN General Assembly.

Americans lost their country when the US Supreme Court gave the nation away to the billionaires by allowing unlimited amounts of Big Money to enter the election process.  Essentially, the Court cancelled democracy and turned America into an oligarchy.

While peace, environmental, and human rights activists work fervently to try to save America from an out of control oligarchy and a Deep State shadow government, world citizen activists are looking at the Big Picture -- the need for a popular global movement to help end the nightmare of world crimes within and between the nations. 

Recent academic research confirms that a Charter Review is legally required and was promised, but has never been conducted.  In response, Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco has launched a campaign for UN Charter Review.  DWF is calling it “The San Francisco Promise.” 

A Charter review by the UN General Assembly could open the door for a comparison of the current Charter to the Earth Constitution – the latter an invaluable resource for the UN to understand the type of world judiciary system that will be needed to end global lawlessness.

The Earth Constitution also calls for a democratically elected World Parliament, giving “we, the people” once and for all, a real voice in global affairs.

Dr. Roger Kotila
Earth Federation News & Views


January 13, 2017

Same UN, Defunded UN, or New UN?

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12, 2017 -- Democratic World Federalists are launching a campaign for a review of the United Nations Charter.  A recent speech by outgoing United Nations Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon criticizing UN voting is welcome news since it supports DWF's contention that there is a need for Charter review. Global democracy and enforceable world law at the UN are seriously lacking. 

At a talk at New York University, outgoing UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called out the UN for its unfair and undemocratic voting system.  According to Inter Press Service reporter Thalif Deen ("Outgoing UN Chief Yearns for Majority Rule in World Body," IPS, 12-22-16), Ban Ki-moon criticized both the unfair veto power of the Permanent-5, and the use of "consensus" voting. 

A speech full of platitudes

It remains to be seen if the new Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, will take up Ban Ki-moon's challenge, or if the UN will remain the same.  We refer to the UN acceptance speech by Mr. Guterres ("Taking oath of office, Antonio Guterres pledges to work for peace, development, and a reformed United Nations," UN News Centre, 12-12-16). Frankly it does not raise our hopes.  He makes no mention of the need to change the undemocratic system of voting at the UN, or the need for a new Charter.  His speech to the UN General Assembly is mostly full of platitudes: 

"In the end it comes down to values...values enshrined in the UN Charter: peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance, and solidarity," "Our duty to the peoples we serve is to work together to move from fear of each other, to trust in each other."  

Blackmail? Threats to defund the UN

Mr. Guterres may also face potential “blackmail” from some members of the U.S. Congress.  Senators Cruz and Graham, angry that nations voted their conscience on Resolution 2334 which supports Palestinian rights over Israel's illegal land thefts, threaten to defund the UN if 2334 is not repealed – a threat that could be interpreted as a form of  blackmail on behalf of Israel.

The UN deserves better.  It deserves a fair and authentic democracy that represents and serves all the peoples and nations, not just the Permanent 5 and other wealthy or militarily powerful nations.    

Leadership and a “new UN

Secretary-General Guterres could show real leadership by supporting DWF's campaign for a review of the UN Charter.  Such a review could open the door to a public discussion of the type of world charter/constitution actually needed to make the world community safe and prosperous.  

The Constitution for the Federation of Earth (“Earth Constitution”) has been proposed as a model for a new charter/constitution with its democratic structure and a well- designed world judiciary system with enforceable world law.  Yes, a "new UN" is possible.  Become a member of DWF and help us build a “new UN.”  

By Roger Kotila, Ph.D.*

Written for January, 2017 DWF News

(*Dr. Kotila is editor of DWF News and Earth Federation News & Views.)                                                                                                                                                                               


January 1, 2017

We citizens of planet Earth, many coming from great distances, have met together these three days at the World Peace Center of MIT Pune from December 29th to 31st, 2016.


We have met in a spirit of love, compassion, sisterhood, and brotherhood to envision and actualize a peaceful, just, and sustainable future for our world under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.


We have also met together with feelings of consternation, shock, and outrage at the horrific condition of fragmentation, conflict, and war into which the militarized nation-states of the world have forced humanity. We see clearly that the 1.7 trillion US dollars wasted by the nation-states of the world every year on militarized madness could be used to provide basic necessities to the 50% of humanity who now live in the hell of poverty.


 We have also met together in dismay and despair to see the precious ecological wholeness of our planet ripped to shreds by uncontrolled globalized capitalism, greed, and thoughtlessness, often promoted by these same militarized nation-states. We have seen clearly the ways in which global private banking and transnational corporations are raping our planet in the interests of private greed and power, stealing the future of the world’s two billion children and its countless suffering living beings.


Our meeting has been organized and sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), sponsored by Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, and generously hosted by the World Peace Center of Maaer’s MIT Pune and Chancellor Dr. Vishwanath Karad. It has been participated in by many highly qualified and thoughtful people whose lives have been devoted to serving humanity and a better future for the world in a wide variety of ways.


Our papers and discussions have encompassed a wide variety of topics within the framework of how humankind can move to build the World Parliament that will bring dialogue and discussion to the world with the authority to democratically legislate laws enforceable over all individuals, replacing the current militarized collective punishment of entire nations or groups.


The World Parliament under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth will bring our planet forward to coherence, harmony, and order, replacing uncontrolled militarism and greed with a public authority representing all the people and living beings of the Earth, not merely the 1% who now control nearly 50% of the world’s wealth. Establishment of a World Parliament appears as humanity’s most urgent and compelling need at this precarious point in history in which a lack of intelligent and effective action could well lead humanity to omnicide and/or planetary environmental destruction.


We have reviewed the provisions in the Earth Constitution that set up a World Parliament of three houses representing all people and nations as well as the House of Counsellors representing our planet as a whole.  We have understood that the Earth Constitution embodies all fundamental human values, rights and responsibilities within the encompassing framework of the principle of unity in diversity.  We have reviewed the criteria for ratification of the Constitution by the people and nations of Earth and the responsibility laid upon us all to begin provisional world government here and now while at the same time intensifying the campaign for final ratification of the Constitution by people everywhere.


We have prioritized the actions that must be taken.


1.      First and foremost, we must get the Earth Constitution before the people of Earth, both the leaders and the grassroots, through all forms of communication, including journalism, educational institutions, and every other possible way: so that the people of Earth know that there is a way out of the current insane chaos in which we now find ourselves.


2.      Secondly, we must raise the funding and resources to make this happen on a planetary scale.


3.      Third, we must set up country based committees to actualize all of these goals.


4.      Fourth, this funding and resources can be used to establish offices in locations around the world dedicated to disseminating the Earth Constitution in many more languages as well as the information and understanding necessary to comprehend its significance for the future of the Earth.


5.      Fifth, we must train youth and older people alike as leaders, as “agents of transformation,” to provide the articulate and compassionate leadership necessary to get the Earth Constitution before the people of our planet and to make the process of democratic ratification of the Constitution an effective reality.


6.      Sixth, under Article 19 of the Constitution we must continue to develop Provisional World Government, already begun through the Provisional World Parliament and the Collegium of World Judges.


From among the members of our conference we have received the following commitments:


1.      Dr. Vishwanath Karad has generously granted WCPA 3-4 acres of land near Pune for the project of building a World Parliament Center and educating the people of Earth concerning its significance.


2.      We have created a committee to establish a national WCPA non-profit organization in India .  This historic conference has decided in principle that India should take the leadership and establish the Indian Center of this organization as World Headquarters for WCPA.

The following have agreed to be founding members of this committee:

Swami Agnivesh                                        Mr. Narasimha Murthy

Dr. Vishwanath Karad                               Dr. Vijaya Murthy

Guruji Arun Kumar                                    Mr. Amit Paul

Mr. E.P. Menon                                         Mr. Deepak Vyas


3.      Swami Agnivesh has pledged to take leadership on item #5 on the above prioritized actions: to

train agents of transformation on behalf of the Earth Constitution.


4.      Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidic has consented to become a Distinguish Advisor of WCPA and help us make contact with the world leaders that he knows personally.


5.      Mr. Birendra Soni has offered to set up a World Parliament Communications Center in Delhi that will establish a virtual World Parliament and create voting systems for Earth Federation elections.


6.   Mr. Augustine Veliath has committed to creating a people's movement, a people's communication  center, and a cyber museum of WCPA activities.  He has offered to create simplified versions of key documents for popular consumption.


7.   Dr. Hemlata Telesra has established a new educational organization to promote the Earth Constitution and develop curricula corresponding to various educational levels.


8.  Sri Varadan Chandar stated that the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust is committed to extend to WCPA and its Indian Center all support and cooperation and to act as a key facilitator for the success of all future ventures.


9.   Dr. Ushoshi Guha committed to render support to solve issues related to IRP security.


10. Mrs. Ashok Bala offered to work with the developing education committee as WCPA peace education coordinator for Asia.


11.  Dr. Subhash Chandra offered to work with WCPA promoting the Constitution throughout India.


12.  Dr. Klaus Schlichtmann has pledged to work with others to:

            a.  explore the possibilities for certain Indian High Courts to take up the additional task of     functioning as District World Courts.

            b.  explore the possibilities for developing a City of Peace in the Tangiers area as a World District    to become a seat for the World Government.


            This conference has been a preparatory conference for a larger more international conference at the end of December 2017. Both conferences will be, and are, concerned with action.  We must dialogue together not only for mutual understanding of the crises facing planet Earth but about how to initiate and sustain concrete action for dissemination and ratification of the Earth Constitution worldwide, putting this option before the people of Earth through electronic media, print media, public presentations, and in every way possible.


            This conference, and WCPA, affirm the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the universal human rights identified in Articles 12 and 13 of the Earth Constitution, which supplement the UN Declaration with the rights to peace and to environmental sustainability.  We support the integration of the many worthwhile UN agencies into the emerging Earth Federation while recognizing that the UN Charter must be replaced by the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.


            We realize that this present historical moment is precarious in the extreme and that our precious planet could go either way—into perdition and destruction or into an ascent to peace, justice and sustainability under the Earth Constitution.  We hereby pledge our minds, our efforts, and our resources in our common and concerted effort to transform our planet and its institutions into an intelligent, coherent, and compassionate world system under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.

Passed by unanimous acclamation this day of 31 December 2016 at 17:00.

November 19, 2016


Dear friends and colleagues,

 I have started a web page for the upcoming conference “Building the World Parliament,” which will be at MIT-Pune December 29, 30, and 31.

The link is at

The page itself contains a link to my brief essay, “What is a World Parliament?” that will, perhaps, help people understand the significance of our work.

You are all, of course, invited as honored guests to the Conference,

In peace and hope,


Dr. Glen T. Martin

President, World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA)

World Constitution and Parliament Association  
 “Building the World Parliament” Conference



MIT Pune, India,

December 29, 30, and 31st

What is the World Parliament?: An Overview
This Conference call is online at:  
November 3, 2016

Call for Papers       
  • This conference is a preparatory conference for a larger, international conference on the same time that we expect to hold in India at the end of December 2017.
  • This conference focuses on the Earth Constitution and on the World Parliament as defined by the Earth Constitution. As such most presentations will be given by WCPA officers and activists.  We expect all sessions to be plenary and participatory.
  • There is limited space for additional papers, which should be 20 to 30 minutes, leaving at least 15 minutes for discussion and leaving 15 minutes before the next session. If you wish to submit a paper: (1) it should be on one of the topics or plans below, (2) it should show understanding of the Earth Constitution and the work of WCPA.
  • Please send a draft of the paper or a detailed proposal to Dr. Eugenia Almand, WCPA Secretary General, at  Deadline for proposals is November 13, 2016. Notification will be very soon after proposal submission.
  1. Understand the absolute need for the world to unite spiritually, conceptually, and politically.
  2. Understand the role of the Earth Constitution in uniting the world in these ways.
  3. Understand basic structure and functioning of the Earth Constitution.
  4. Understand why the world parliament requires the framework of the Constitution.
  5. Understand the structure, functioning, and make-up of the World Parliament.
  1. Presentation on the work of WCPA in several cities within India: modeling transformative action.
  2. How can the government of India take world leadership in the movement for world peace under the Earth Constitution?
  3. How can we merge the work of the Provisional World Parliament into the emerging actual World Parliament?
3.1 Presentation of the history and past legislation of the PWP.
3.2 Presenting the plan for merging with the UN: found in the Book Our Common Future.
  1. How can we initiate the World Parliament using digital technology?
  2. How can we move forward with actual design and construction of a permanent home for the Parliament?
  3. What concrete next steps can we take in all these areas?  Specific plans for these next steps.
Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune, has offered local hospitality and complimentary guest rooms for up to 30 guests. Guests cover their own travel arrangements. 

  Detailed Program forthcoming.
Reserve your spot by email.  Contact Dr. Glen T. Martin, WCPA President:


    Image result for mit-puneProgram (forthcoming)

What is the World Parliament?: An Overview

Conference call by the:

World Constitution and Parliament Association  

Organizer for Sessions of the Provisional World Parliament      Cooperating with the Institute On World Problems

North America Offices:  313 Seventh Avenue, Radford, VA 24141 USA          fax: 1 (540) 639-4320

1484 Lively Ridge Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 USA  1(404) 639-7636 



"Building the World Parliament"


Exciting News:

We have the go ahead to hold our conference on "Building the World Parliament" at Maharashtra Institute of Technology, in Pune, India, (MIT, Pune) on December 29, 30, and 31, 2016.   If things develop as expected, we will send out further registration details very soon.


         We are bringing people together to study the structure of the World Parliament as this is described in the Earth Constitution and to brainstorm about how momentum for this Parliament can be developed. 

         We also want to discuss how we can we get the UN and other groups on board for developing real global democracy and activating a real World Parliament for the Earth.

     In connection with this, we will be distributing to all full conference participants in Pune (free of charge) the book Our Common Future that includes both the Earth Constitution and the legislation passed by the 14th session of the Provisional World Parliament for merging the UN under the Earth Constitution.

         We want to envision whether an actual permanent home for the Parliament might be constructed from which we could promote the development of the actual Parliament representing all the people on Earth.


Room and board for participants will be covered by MIT, Pune.  The University provides exclusively high quality vegetarian food.  Participants must cover their transportation costs to the conference.


We need to present a list of likely participants to MIT University as soon as possible.  Please let me know if you intend to join us at this conference by sending us your name, address, and contact information.   Sent this to  Further details about registration will arrive soon.


Yours in solidarity and hope,


Dr. Glen T. Martin



October 4, 2016

There is increasing concern regarding the United States and Russia, fear that current conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, along with U.S./NATO's move onto the borders of Russia could escalate to a war and a possible nuclear confrontation.  This is not a fantasy.  

The U.S. appears to be looking for a fight. Investigative journalist Robert Parry in "The Existential Madness of Putin-Bashing" (Consortium News, 9-14-16) describes what is going on against Russia as a "breathtakingly dangerous strategy." 

Parry writes: "By targeting Putin and Russia, the neocons have upped the ante when it comes to their 'regime change' agenda. No longer satisfied with inflicting 'regime change' in countries deemed hostile to Israel – Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, etc. – the neocons have raised their sights on Russia."

According to Parry, Russia is being destabilized by "weakening its economy, isolating it from Europe, pushing NATO up to its borders, demonizing its leadership, and sponsoring anti-government political activists inside Russia to promote regime change."

In an urgent Special Report (Consortium News, 10-3-16) Parry asks "Do We Really Want Nuclear War with Russia?" He is convinced the Anerican people are being prepared for war.  "The U.S. propaganda war against Russia is spinning out of control, rolling ever faster downhill with a dangerous momentum that threatens to drive the world into a nuclear showdown."

A leading Russian peace activist explains why Russia cannot trust the U.S. and NATO, but also offers a strategy for peaceful cooperation rather than war.  Dr. Leo Semashko, a State Councilor of St. Petersburg, Russia, shares Parry's alarm and has reached out to American peace activists. 

A sociologist and philosopher, Semashko is founder of Global Harmony Association and the Chief Editor of Global Peace Science.  GPS is the title of a new book by "peace experts."  It features articles on world peace by 174 authors from 34 countries, and for Semashko contains resources which need to be activated to avert war and bring peace. 

Dr. Semashko tells us that NATO's expansion to Russia's borders is an ominous sign, bringing up memories for Russians of the Nazi invasion of World War II -- Operation Barbarossa.    
From Wikipedia we learn: "Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for Nazi Germany's World War II invasion of the Soviet Union, which began on 22 June 1941. The operation was driven by Adolf Hitler's ideological desire to destroy the Soviet Union, as outlined in his 1925 manifesto Mein Kampf."

Semashko elaborates in an open letter (sic) to members of Global Peace Science (8/30/16):

"The whole world is alarmed today with the United States and Russia extreme level of nuclear confrontation, more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. It is caused by three most menacing facts:

The first. Deployment of NATO nuclear weapons and the accompanying infrastructure on Russia's western border that reminds to the Russians the Hitler’s concentration of the Nazi troops within an aggressive plan Barbarossa in 1941. Now it is in 2016 - 75 years later.

The second. Intention of the US administration to spend an additional $ 1 trillion for modernization of nuclear weapons in the next decade. For what is it? It is not for peace, it is for nuclear war.

The third. Traditional, since Hiroshima/Nagasaki 1945, US policy, which allows the first use of nuclear weapons.

Sensing catastrophe, Semashko (8/30/16) exhorts  "...we, peacemakers, cannot be the indifferent and helpless sheep to be slaughtered on the altar of a nuclear war, which would be a disaster for humanity and the planet."

Working with colleagues from the Global Harmony Association, Dr. Semashko publishes an Appeal for a "Copernican revolution" in Russian-American relations.  But how?

Semashko proposes forming a joint Institute of Global Peace Science with offices in Russia and the United States.  Such a Russia-USA Global Peace Institute could open doors for peace science not found in our present military-fixated culture where funding goes almost exclusively to military science rather than peace science. 

Semashko also sees the need for a "Scientific rearrangement of the global power (including the UN) architecture and building a multipolar world order, ensuring global peace since the end of the 21st century." 

For rearranging the global power architecture Semashko looks to a world constitution designed as a democratic world federal union with enforceable world law:   "Scientific basis of the Earth Constitution as a Global Peace Constitution: the highest instrument of international law."

We must hope that Semashko's interest in the Earth Constitution is also seen positively by the leaders in Russia. In "NATO To Nuclear War, Yet Russia Not Our Enemy" (Reader Supported News,  7/14/16) I argued that Russia wants peaceful cooperation, not war. It seems pretty obvious that working together is the best strategy to keep the U.S. and Russia safe from ending up in an open war against each other. 

Journalist John Pilger reports that the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, would definitely talk to the Russians.  In an election debate Corbyn was asked: “How would you act on a violation by Vladimir Putin of a fellow NATO state?”

Corbyn replied: “You would want to avoid that happening in the first place. You would build up a good dialogue with Russia … We would try to introduce a de-militarisation of the borders between Russia, the Ukraine and the other countries on the border between Russia and Eastern Europe. What we cannot allow is a series of calamitous build-ups of troops on both sides which can only lead to great danger."  (Pilger, "Provoking Nuclear War by Media," Global Research, 8/23/16).

Pilger explains the frenzied opposition to Trump's plan to talk to Putin:

"The CIA has demanded Trump is not elected.  Pentagon generals have demanded he is not elected. The pro-war New York Times — taking a breather from its relentless low-rent Putin smears —  demands that he is not elected. Something is up. These tribunes of “perpetual war” are terrified that the multi-billion-dollar business of war by which the United States maintains its dominance will be undermined if Trump does a deal with Putin, then with China’s Xi Jinping."

A new type of Summit is needed  in order to avoid the typical type of diplomatic (summit) meetings which have proved ineffective as evidenced by our world floundering in crisis.  Key world leaders must honestly face the need for both a geopolitical and spiritual revolution.  Such a Summit should plan on 30 continuous days together, and include examining the need for the obsolete UN Charter to be phased out and replaced with a Global Peace Constitution -- the Earth Constitution.

Would Putin (Russa), Obama (USA), Jinping (China), and/or Modi (India) agree to host such a emergency Global Peace Summit, co-directed by a special NGO/GPS team to help guide these key world leaders out of the danger zone of a WWIII and nuclear war?

by Roger Kotila, Ph.D.  Psychologist
     Editor, Earth Federation News & Views 
September 23, 2016

The Earth Federation
Introductory commentary to World Beyond War's section 52 [The Earth Federation] -- a white paper for"A Global Security System: An Alternative to War." 

The Earth Federation rests upon the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, also known as the "Earth Constitution."  Drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association, this constitution addresses the fact that the nation-states are stuck in a geopolitical war system which now endangers the entire world.   

A key issue is the United Nations Charter with fatal flaws that prevent the UN from ending war.  Besides being undemocratic, the Charter lacks enforceable world law. Leaders of Bully nations responsible for world crimes are never punished.  Because of sovereignty, they are above the law.  

Earth Federation activists seek to popularize the Earth Constitution while calling for UN Charter review.  Adoption of the Earth Constitution would set the stage for a world federal union and a "new UN," or Earth Federation equipped with a well-designed World Judiciary system which includes a World Ombudsmus office to help insure Good Government.  All weapons of mass destruction would be eliminated.  War is outlawed. 

-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D., editor, Earth Federation News & Views

Read World Beyond War's The Earth Federation HERE.

September 4, 2016

Russia -- USA:  Global Peace Cooperation & Global Peace Summit


Russian peace activist Dr. Leo Semashko sent out the following email to American peace activist Dr. Roger Kotila who has offered the opinion that Russia is not our enemy, does not want war, and seeks peaceful cooperation.     


Dr. Semashko is a Russian sociologist and philosopher who founded Global Harmony Association and Global Peace Science.  Dr. Kotila is an American psychologist who is editor of Earth Federation News & Views.


Dr. Semashko (September 2, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia) writes:

In the face of 100% prepared NATO’s nuclear aggression/war on the western border of Russia, we invite you to support as its alternative our project "Russia – USA: Global Peace Cooperation, Dialog and Partnership instead Nuclear War Deadly for Humanity" that is summarized by the USA-Russia Summit Agenda at 10 points, below:

Russia – USA:
Global Peace Cooperation, Dialog and Partnership instead Nuclear War
Deadly for Humanity
Global Peace Summit of two states.
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." John F. Kennedy
Agenda. (Draft)

1. Social cosmos of global peace. Its objective pillars: Spheres, Laws and Actors of World Harmony.
2. Global Peace Science (GPS): Researches of its objective pillars, scientific peace geopolitics and pacifization of international relations.
3. The right of humanity and every person to life, to peace and to freedom from war, especially from nuclear annihilation and from its threats from any state.
4. Joint Institute of GPS with offices in Russia and the United States to explore the objective pillars of global peace and substantiation of humanity right to life.
5. International Scientific Contest for the best variant of GPS under the UN and both states aegis.
6. Scientific technologies of pacifization and peace geopolitics in the social, economic, environmental, cultural and organizational spheres/fields.
7. Scientific basis for nuclear disarmament up to global "nuclear zero" during 10 years.
8. Scientific basis of the Earth Constitution as a Global Peace Constitution: the highest instrument of international law.
9. Global disarmament for 50 years based on GPS.
10. Scientific rearrangement the global power (including the UN) architecture and building a multipolar world order, ensuring global peace since the 21st century end.
     CONCLUSION. Similar Global Peace Summit Agenda sums up the Program of peace cooperation between Russia and the United States.
     CALL. We invite the critics to offer the alternative Program/Agenda of Russia and the US cooperation for scientific comparison and discussion. Read more:

You could edit this Agenda, which will be presented to the Governments of two states, as well as the UN, UNESCO and other peace organizations. Could we hope for your support as a famous peacemaker?

The Agenda of peacemaking cooperation between the two nuclear superpowers, in whose hands are the life and death of humanity, including you, your children and your grandchildren, me, my children and grandchildren, and every person on Earth is a key nonviolent tool to overcome their nuclear standoff. Could you offer another alternative? If yes, please, let us know it. But if no and you silently ignore our alternative, how we should to understand your silence? ... HOW???

Please, let us know it. Thank you for your response.


Dr. Leo Semashko

Global Peace Science, &
Honorary President, Global Harmony Association


*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****



Dr. Kotila's response (September 3, 2016, San Francisco, USA):

I want our collaboration to continue as I believe that you and your associates understand deeply the current dangers faced by the world community, and recognize clearly that militarism is a dead end. 

(1) Yes, I would like to continue to participate in "Russia -- USA" Global Peace Cooperation


(2)  I was very encouraged and inspired by the enthusiasm for a GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT.


Ultimately we will need the leaders of nations to embrace peace.  But how?  I like the idea of a series of "Appeals" from Global Peace Science and Global Harmony Association. These are SPHERONS in action.


It would be inspiring if Vladimir Putin and/or Sergey Lavrov would agree to host a Global Peace Summit.  It would give the world community positive hope that something can be done.


[Such a Summit should be designed by GPS experts in collaboration with the governments that choose to participate. The initial Summit gathering should probably be for 10 days to two weeks in length to allow for person to person relationships to develop between leaders of nations and with peace activists.] 


(3)  Does GPS and GHA have a method to turn leaders of nations, and their military generals, into SPHERONS?


(4)  I'm not interested in forming another "Institute" ("Russian-American Institute of GPS") as I already belong to 3 different think tanks.  I am interested in trying to attract some leading American peace activists to join our cause -- like World Beyond War.  Similarly, I'm not interested in an "International Scientific Contest" as I feel that school is over.   If someone has a smart strategy, let us know right away.  It's time for action.


I would also like us to find some peace activists from the European Union to help us. There may be members of the European Parliament sympathetic to our cause, who want peaceful cooperation with Russia, and who fear US/NATO (& Israel) intentions after the violations of international law regarding Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Gaza, and the coup in Ukraine.    


If nuclear war breaks out in eastern Europe or the Ukraine, European nations will become radiation victims. They will regret ever knowing NATO, but it will be too late.  Meanwhile, the US, which controls NATO, will watch in relative safety from 4000 miles away.


(5)  It would be good if someone from the United Nations got involved with us.  Members of the UN General Assembly currently with the Open Ended Working Group on Nuclear Disarmament might like what we are doing, and might support a Global Peace Summit.  So far both the US and Russia are resisting nuclear disarmament.


There are nations in the UN Working Group who are frustrated and desperate for answers for real disarmament.  But they are mistakenly trying to solve the problem by working within the framework of the UN Charter --which unfortunately can best be characterized as a geopolitical war system. [Count the wars since 1945 to the present.]    


The nations at the UN have yet to realize that they must start to think "outside the box."  This means an honest evaluation of why the UN Charter, which although it has done much good, has failed the world community when it matters the most -- and now we fear World War III.    


(6)  It is no secret that I believe that the Earth Constitution is what will be needed to end war and to eliminate all weapons of mass destruction.  It's designed to replace the UN Charter. The UN Charter failed to create world union.  It failed to become a world federal union government. This failure has been disastrous for the world community.


The Earth Constitution is both a political and spiritual document.  A religious friend described it as "divinely inspired."  Its moral standards are very high indeed, with high ideals:  Health care a right, not a privilege.  Basic needs for living a decent life for everyone considered a basic right, not a privilege.  War becomes a world crime.


The world federalists saw the Charter's flaws even back in 1945, and predicted failure.  They were right -- the UN Charter actually prevents the UN from doing its primary job, ending the scourge of war.


(7)  But the replacement of the UN Charter to create a "new UN" must be done wisely.  For example, Russia would be unwise to immediately give up the special veto power it has in the UN Security Council.  Also, the good and able agencies of the UN must be maintained and expanded. 


(9)  If Putin were willing to endorse the Earth Constitution it would be a signal that Russia is all about peace, cooperation, prosperity, human rights, and enforceable world law and order.  


[Putin would not have to help activate the Earth Constitution until the US agrees to do the same.  But if Russia, India, and China endorsed the ideals of the Earth Constitution while the US/NATO/Israel refused, it would expose who really wants peace, and who stands for death and destruction.]  


(10)  The US and Israel will most likely initially reject the Earth Constitution since they want global domination (exceptionalism), not equal world community, peace, and justice.  This obstacle can be eventually overcome with leadership from American and Russian peace activists.  Russia's leadership must play a leading role in guiding the world out of darkness.  [Besides Putin, I am highly impressed with Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov – an impressive statesman.]


Perhaps your people can reach Putin or Lavrov and persuade them to host a Global Peace Summit working with peace activists from Russia and the USA.  This would be very good publicity for world disarmament and peace.  


Some leading American peace activists would likely attend such a Summit and perhaps some members of the US Congress, but it is unlikely that Obama, Trump, or Hillary Clinton would agree to attend. However, Trump once said he is willing to meet with Putin to "make a deal."  Although Western mainstream media has criticized this idea, I would argue that talking to each other is a very positive step.


(11)  A Global Peace Summit would be a very big deal.  As you, Leo, have pointed out repeatedly, the focus in government funding has always been on the military and war, not on peace.  Global Peace Science might be able to attract funding from your government or private parties wanting world peace.  


(12)  Goals like "Nuclear Zero;" nukes off hair trigger alert; planetary security;  no first use of nukes;  global disarmament;  all of these sound very good to me.  Let's also outlaw war itself!


Best regards,


Roger Kotila, PhD

Vice President, World Constitution & Parliament Association

Vice President, Democratic World Federalists (San Francisco)

Senior Fellow, Institute On World Problems

Editor, Earth Federation News & Views  at

DWF with NGO reps in Crimea

CCI representatives meeting with local government and NGO representatives in Simferopol, Crimea.

by Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

DWF Vice President

National governments and the United Nations stumble along, generally unable to make the world a safer and better place to live.  The Middle East, for example, has become a cauldron of war and chaos causing a refugee crisis in Europe, and bringing with it ever more terrorism. 

US/NATO appears to be provoking Russia at its European border raising concerns that a military conflict might erupt, perhaps even nuclear war.  Crimea and Ukraine are also geopolitical hotspots.  The Western press appears to be adding fuel to the fire by demonizing Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin. 

Private citizens have taken notice with a sense of alarm.  One group of American citizens, Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI) takes action to reduce tensions with Russia by directly meeting with ordinary citizens in Russia.  Democratic World Federalists (DWF) goes to Brussels, capitol of the European Union, to discuss with European federalists a plan to instigate UN Charter review in order to fix the UN so it can do its job. 

The San Francisco Promise now underway

With a vision for a peaceful, just and sustainable world, DWF based in San Francisco has launched a campaign to demand a review of the UN Charter and make good the promise that was made to the nations that signed the Charter in 1945, but was never honored.   

The UN, although it does many good things, is unable to do one of its primary jobs–ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons.  One reason for its failure is the Charter itself, written over 70 years ago but with fatal flaws, such as being profoundly undemocratic and lacking enforceable world law.    

A contingent of world federalists from Canada and the US went to Brussels with a mission to develop support for a review of the UN Charter–dubbed “The San Francisco Promise.”  

A number of meetings were arranged to discuss UN Charter Review with European federalists who work closely with the EU and the European Parliament.  

Opening the door to a safe and secure world

Because the UN is not a democratic world federation and lacks a proper constitution, the UN could not prevent the regime change invasions that caused the wars in the first place.  Europe and the US are now victims of their own making– vulnerable to the blowback from the military invasions in the Middle East which have resulted in the refugee crisis in Europe, and increased acts of terrorism in the West. 

UN Charter review could be a key means to open the door to a safe and secure world for all.  For example, because it lacks a proper governing structure, the UN has been unable to prevent the wars for regime change launched by US/NATO which have devastated Iraq, Syria, and Libya, and made Ukraine and Crimea targets of contention.   

DWF with Loan Bucuras in Brussels

Our contingent meets with Mr. Ioan Bucuras, Secretary General of Young European Federalists. Left to right: Roger Kotila, Vivian Davidson, Bob Hanson, Ioan Bucuras, Shahr-Yar Sharei.

Citizen diplomats to Crimea and Russia

Nation to nation friendship exchanges between private citizen diplomats can be an important vehicle both to reduce tensions, and for fact-finding. CCI leads the way in this type of peace activism. 

Twenty American citizen diplomats under the auspices of the Center for Citizen Initiatives traveled to Russia to meet with ordinary Russians in 5 different cities.  The purpose?  A friendship exchange to reduce tensions, and for fact-finding because Western mainstream media appears to paint a false picture of Russia, Crimea, and Russian leaders.  

Rather than take establishment press at its word that Russia is bad and the “aggressor” in places like Crimea, CCI went to Crimea, a center of contention between the United States and Russia. Time and time again western media claims that Russia “took over” Crimea against its will–a Russian “land grab.”  

Is Western media falsely making Russia an enemy?

But CCI President Sharon Tennison felt that the media’s negative portrait of Russia was wrong.  Tennison is uniquely qualified when it comes to Russia, having made “hundreds of trips” to Russia over the last 33 years.  

She is alarmed that Western media falsely labels Russia and President Vladimir Putin as “enemies” of America.   Demonization leads to military build-ups, and could result in nuclear war.

As Tennison suspected, CCI’s findings in Crimea differed markedly from the negative picture presented by media.  The majority of Crimeans themselves do not see Russia as the villain;  they prefer Russia and want to stay out of the grasp of Ukraine.    

For the world community nuclear war is not acceptable, and citizens are not waiting for the politicians to make the changes that will be required if the world is to be safe.

CCI’s website includes two insightful articles by retired U.S. Army Colonel Ann Wright who warns us about slanted media reporting, and who also describes how Russians compare themselves to Americans.    

A new level of citizen diplomacy aims for a “new UN”

Democratic World Federalists are taking private citizen diplomacy to an entirely new level with a campaign whose goal it is to create a popular and political demand for fundamental changes to the UN itself. 

While CCI’s citizen diplomacy works on a nation to nation level, DWF looks to impact all 193 nations by working towards global system change — a “new UN” which can benefit all nations and peoples.  

History of “The San Francisco Promise”

It is well known by world federalists that the failed UN Charter has been holding back the UN from doing its primary job — ending war.

It is not well known that a number of nations objected to the undemocratic design of the Charter at the original time of its signing in 1945 in San Francisco, or that it was promised that a review would be held in ten years, a review that has never happened. 

The door to the possibility of a “new UN” has opened by the findings of a former DWF Board member Shahr-Yar Sharei whose doctoral research in international law uncovered the fact that a Charter review is legally required by the UN.

Making good on “The San Francisco Promise”

Through The San Francisco Promise, concerned citizens from the Bay Area and nationwide are invited to become members of DWF. 

The citizen demand for Charter review may spark an uprising in the UN General Assembly which has long played second fiddle at the UN — treated as second class citizens without a meaningful vote in global affairs. 

Citizen diplomats are calling for a World Parliament.  Earth Federation activists are lobbying for the outdated and fatally flawed UN Charter to be replaced by the Earth Constitution (aka, Constitution for the Federation of Earth).

It is time for the UN General Assembly to step up, the undemocratic UN Security Council to step down, and for a “new UN” to emerge, one that is capable of meeting the needs for which the UN was originally established.

by Roger Kotila  -- Editor, Earth Federation News & Views


July 14, 2016
NATO To Nuclear War, Yet Russia Not Our Enemy Say Citizen Diplomats
by Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

Militaristic expansion to Russia’s borders by US/North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a dangerous brew of geopolitical maneuvering which increases the likelihood that by accident, by reckless provocation, or by secret design through CIA false flag operations--war could unexpectedly break out. 


A string of lies and sophisticated propaganda has been strung regarding Ukraine, Crimea, and Syria to make Russia appear to be the “bad guy.”  These areas of contention are all potential flash points for further conflict and war.


The present dangers are aggravated by the recent Warsaw NATO Summit which announced plans to situate US/NATO troops in Poland and three Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania, & Latvia) bordering Russia.  There are additional plans to deploy a ballistic missile system (Wall Street Journal, 7-9-16). 



The United Nations, shackled by its obsolete Charter, stands by helplessly unable to intervene as US/NATO moves full speed ahead with a campaign of disinformation demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia itself as an aggressive “enemy.”


The quandary for the world community is that the UN cannot do what is necessary to keep the peace or to prevent nuclear war.  Moreover, when it comes to war mongering, the UN lacks the tools needed to prosecute those who use propaganda to manipulate public opinion to justify military build-ups.       



Russia sees NATO’s military moves at its borders as potentially hostile acts and grows ever more suspicious of US motives, alert to the fact that Russia may be targeted for regime change.  The US has already used covert and/or overt operations for regime change in Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, Libya and elsewhere.    


In response the Russians are increasing their own troop levels and putting into place their own advanced nuclear weaponry.


Former US diplomat J. Michael Springmann, author of "Visas for Al Qaeda -- CIA Handouts that Rocked the World" (2014) concluded that the U.S. State Department works with the CIA to "destabilize governments that the U.S. opposed."  This was clearly the case in the Ukraine. 


Springmann, now a lawyer in Washington, D.C., estimates that "the average percentage of intelligence officers (CIA, NSA) to real diplomats at a given Foreign Service post is about one in three." (Springmann, 2014, pp. 4 & 9).


In the Foreign Service sewer described by Springmann, one could see how Russia is falsely made out as a villain, when in reality it becomes a victim—a target for falsehoods and "regime change.” 



Is Russia really an enemy, or is it a victim of a propaganda campaign? Is Russian President Vladimir Putin being falsely demonized by the establishment press? 


There is ample evidence that supports condemnation of both the government and the establishment press.  The public is gradually learning about the lies that led to the Viet Nam war, the ongoing 9/11 cover-up, and the disinformation used to justify the brutal and illegal invasion of Iraq.


In “NATO Reaffirms Its Bogus Russia Narrative” (, 7-11-16) veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry shows clearly how deception is being brazenly used by US/NATO in order to falsely make it appear that Russia is an aggressive enemy. Parry writes:


[“It’s unnerving to realize that the NATO alliance – bristling with an unprecedented array of weapons including a vast nuclear arsenal – has lost its collective mind. Perhaps it’s more reassuring to think that NATO simply feels compelled to publicly embrace its deceptive ‘strategic communications’ so gullible Western citizens will be kept believing its lies are truth.”


“But here were the leaders of major Western “democracies” lining up to endorse a Warsaw Summit Communiqué condemning “Russia’s aggressive actions” while knowing that these claims were unsupported by their own intelligence agencies.” – Robert Parry 7/11/16]


Facing the possibility of an unthinkable nuclear war, it is of no small consequence that the public is being deceived, and that the NATO governments cannot be trusted to do the right thing.



With the UN unable to defuse the NATO vs. Russia confrontation, citizen diplomats have sprung into action having just returned from Russia.


Meet Sharon Tennison, president of the Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI) whose open letter on CCI’s website (, July 2016) tells a very different story about Russian intentions than what we are told by Western media.    


Ms. Tennison is a uniquely qualified expert on Russia.  She has visited Russia in "hundreds of the past 33 years."  CCI was started in 1983 during the Gorbachev and Reagan era with the bold idea that ordinary Americans “could insert themselves into the nuclear arms race and bring about a constructive relationship with the Soviet Union.” 


Nowadays Tennison is sharply critical of the American press.  “Our mainstream media doesn't give us the accurate information we need," she reports, disturbed by how Western news sources paint the Russians as the aggressor and therefore an “enemy” – contrary to her direct personal knowledge of Russia and its people.


CCI’s Track Two diplomacy proved to be hugely successful. “But unfortunately,” writes Tennison, “over the last two years relations between the two nuclear Superpowers have deteriorated badly.”


“As 2016 opens we find ourselves again facing the possibility of an unthinkable nuclear conflict. Once again it’s time for citizen diplomats from both countries to step in and help guide us back from the precipice at which we’ve arrived (Tennison, open letter, July 2016,”



Retired U.S. Army Colonel Ann Wright is part of the 20 person delegation that went to Russia. Wright, who once served in the State Department, questions US/NATO's militarism and its characterization of Russia as an “enemy.”  She comes away convinced that the Russians want peaceful relations, not war, and provides a persuasive analysis in "Russians Ask Why Do You Demonize Us When We Are So Much Like You?" (OpEdNew, 7-4-16; also in


Take Crimea, for example. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial (7-11-16) is misleading. It describes Russia’s annexation of Crimea as part of a Russian “land grab,” ignoring the fact that Crimeans freely voted to be part of the Russian federation rather than stay with Ukraine.  


This fact is confirmed by CCI citizen diplomats who met in person with numerous Crimeans.  The great majority of people they talked to indicated that they did not want to be part of Ukraine and preferred to stay with Russia.


Ukraine is another case where the public is misled. As the result of an intercepted phone conversation we now know that Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup engineered through the covert efforts of the likes of the State Department's Victoria Nuland. Mr. Yanukovych was the victim of an American plot for regime change.



Citizen diplomats have reached out to ordinary citizens in others nations for mutual understanding and friendship.  They have even influenced superpower leaders to reduce the chances of a nuclear war. 


But citizen diplomats have yet to open the doors that will cause the UN General Assembly to rise up, the UN Security Council to step down, and the UN Charter to be replaced. 


The flaws in the UN Charter which prevent the UN from doing its primary job—preventing wars and eliminating nuclear weapons, must be addressed.  The member-states of the United Nations have not done this, and as a result the UN is sidelined when it really matters, such as the crisis between NATO and Russia. 


Neither the UN General Assembly nor the UN Security Council has so far dealt with the urgent need for a “new UN.”  Peace activists are addressing this obstacle by demanding Charter review and showing that a review is legally required.


Earth Federation activists are lauding the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (i.e., the Earth Constitution) as the ideal replacement for the Charter. 


Yes, it is time for a “new UN,” one that can do away with the current geopolitical war system and replace it with a global peace system.  The Earth Constitution is ready to go.


Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

Earth Federation News & Views

July 14, 2016                          

June 6, 2016

World Federalists Seek Leadership from European Union for a New UN

By Roger Kotila, Ph.D.


BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 6, 2016 – The cobblestone streets have the feel of old Europe here at the home of the European Union, a collection of 28 nations that is considerably larger than the United States in both population and overall economic activity.


I am here in the EU’s capital city with fellow world federalists from the US and Canada. Under the umbrella of Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco, we are talking to European Federalists about the necessity of creating a “new UN” by means of a review process found in the United Nations Charter – what we are calling "The San Francisco Promise." 


The “Promise,” given at the original signing of the Charter in San Francisco, requires a review after ten years.  The five permanent members of the Security Council (P-5) promised that such a review would be conducted, yet it has not happened.  As a result the veto power given to the five nations (US, Russia, China, France, Great Britain) remains in force -- keeping the UN shamefully undemocratic.



The UN is not a world federation.  This is why it has not lived up to its original task to end war.  Old Europe, after suffering two devastating world wars which were the product of a now thoroughly discredited sovereign nation state system, changed to a partial federal union governing system which became the European Union – this is the new Europe.


The EU’s importance to world federalists is that there are many federalists in the European Parliament. As federalists, they understand why the UN has not been able to end “the scourge of war.” There have been over 250 wars since the signing of the UN Charter.  


The UN’s governing structure is too much like old Europe which suffered war after war.


Although the EU is currently in mild crisis mode, the 12 golden stars one sees on EU flags show up seemingly everywhere.  “Brexit” refers to a British referendum vote coming up soon to decide if the UK will remain, or leave, the EU.  The potential loss of an EU member state has worried some European federalists, although it is unclear if Britain is more trouble than it is worth to the EU.  


A far bigger problem is the multitude of refugees fleeing to Europe as a result of the wars in the Middle East – a crisis primarily caused by Europe’s chief ally, the US (and NATO) which started the violent conflicts in the first place with its own version of terrorism – the Pentagon’s “shock and awe” military invasion of Iraq, and other US/NATO covert or overt military operations in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine. 


It is my contention that the EU’s crisis with refugees was brought about in large part because of the fatal flaws in the UN Charter which prevents it from doing its primary job – preventing wars before they happen.



Ironically, Europe has put its hope for “security” with the US through its involvement with NATO – a military alliance which could lead to the very war that the EU is trying to avoid.  NATO’s headquarters is here in Brussels.  NATO has increasingly put itself at the borders of Russia making Moscow understandably suspicious of US/NATO’s intentions and causing a military arms build-up.


If NATO is a dangerous choice for the peaceful security of the EU, what is the alternative?  World federalists such as Einstein concluded that only a world federal government – world union with enforceable world law, is what is required.  There is no shortcut.


The logical conclusion is that we need a new UN Charter if the goal is to end wars and to bring safety and security to the world as a whole, and to Europe in particular.



A world federalist colleague, Shahr-Yar Sharei, studied law at the University of Kent. Based upon his doctoral research into international law (or lack thereof) and the UN Charter, he has concluded that the UN is legally required to conduct a Charter review.  As a consequence of his findings, he is in the process of setting up a new think tank – the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (CUNCR), to be located here in Brussels.   


The vision of a new UN is long overdue.  The present geopolitical system must be changed, or it will drag the world community (and the EU) down with it.



Will the EU, with a Parliament full of federalists, be willing to take the lead and use its resources and experience in federalism to help design a modern world constitution/charter so that military threats such as with NATO become a thing of the past?    


World federalists know what the governing structure should look like.  They know what is needed.  The World Constitution and Parliament Association for example, anticipated that this day would come, and has waiting in the wings a model world federal constitution – the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, also known as the "Earth Constitution."     


So will the EU join the campaign to fulfill “The San Francisco Promise?”  Will they see the desperate need for a new United Nations and decide to act?

by R. Kotila, Ph.D.
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

May 23, 2016

A New UN to Prevent the Sacrifice of Europe to the Nuclear Gods

 By Roger Kotila, Ph.D.


Would the US/NATO military establishment risk sacrificing Europe to the nuclear gods if a conventional armed conflict broke out with Russia and local North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commanders believed that tactical nuclear weapons would be required to win?   


Europe faces the possibility of such a regional conflict.  Tensions have risen.  Russia is getting suspicious of US/NATO’s intentions, feeling encircled as NATO expands militarily into Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.


It seems unthinkable, but if a tactical nuclear war erupts, the European nations would be the ones sacrificed, not America, -- the United States lies thousands of ocean miles away. 


The world community watches in frustration as the United Nations, supposedly in existence to prevent wars, is unable to do its job.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, and Palestine are all subject to violent military aggression with the vast majority of victims being civilians and families.  Could Europe be added to the list, a victim of its own involvement with NATO?


The EU already struggles with the multitudes of refugees fleeing the fighting in the Middle East, wars that the US/NATO or allies started in the first place, and which the UN was unable to prevent. 


The UN is stymied by its fatally flawed Charter.  Despite the fact that the original purpose of the UN is to end “the scourge of war,” it has failed time and time again.  While the UN has done much good, the world has seen over 250 wars since the Charter was signed.



Despite reassurances by President Obama, nuclear disarmament is nowhere in sight.  For US military contractors, present and future funding for nuclear weapons systems is “full speed ahead.”


“Despite committing the US to ‘seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,’ Obama’s record on nuclear disarmament is dismal, having supported spending $1 trillion over the next 3 decades to modernize the US nuclear arsenal.” (Cabasso, United for Peace & Justice, 5/22/16)


A recent survey of the American public (Wall Street Journal, 5/21/16) asks “Would We Drop the Bomb Again?”  “Yes,” according to the professors who did the study:  “When provoked, we don’t seem to consider the use of nuclear weapons a taboo, and our commitment to the immunity of civilians from deliberate attack in wartime, even with vast casualties, is shallow.”


The US Congress refuses to admit the obvious fact that militarism and nuclear weaponry are a dead end. Moreover, they treat the UN as if it was of secondary importance, even though without a UN (or a new world organization) with the power to outlaw nukes and war, we will never be safe.  



Frustrated by the American government’s obstructionism and its worship of all things military, a small contingent of NGO world federalists from the US and Canada is traveling to Brussels in early June, 2016 to meet with select members of the European Parliament.

Led by the NGO nonpartisan Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco, an international campaign is being launched to demand a review of the UN Charter.  It’s called “The San Francisco Promise” and describes the fact that at the original signing of the Charter a review was promised, even written into the Charter itself, but never carried out.    


Currently the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is being foiled by the nuclear powers who are saying “no” to nuclear disarmament.  But UNGA’s “Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on nuclear disarmament” is not taking “no” for an answer, and appears determined to find a way to ban nuclear weapons.


In Europe OEWG has information revealing that NATO has nukes in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey.  According to documentation by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), these countries host from 160 – 200 nuclear weapons (OEWG Report, Vol. 2, No. 9, 4 May 2016).


OEWG’s efforts are vitally important but they remain stuck within the parameters of the outdated UN Charter. The UN General Assembly must find a way to break free of the Charter’s restrictions that prevent the UN from ending the nuclear nightmare.  



World federalists like Einstein and many other top thinkers have concluded that the only way to end the danger of nuclear annihilation is to form a democratic world federal union government with enforceable world law.  These critical features are missing in the present UN Charter. 


That is why the Earth Constitution drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association takes on such importance.  It is ready to go, designed to shut down the nuclear gods once and for all.  The nations and the world community must make the decision they want world peace more than they want a world in perpetual war.   


There is an urgent need to reverse the downward course of militarism that is destroying the Middle East and endangering the European Union.  The European Parliament could play a crucial role by supporting Charter Review.  The Parliament could also challenge NATO’s ever expanding military posture, a policy that is stirring up fears in both Russia and China and causing an arms build-up.


UN Charter Review opens the door to compare the present Charter to the Earth Constitution.  The Earth Constitution brings an inspired yet practical democratic governing structure that includes a democratically elected World Parliament, a well-designed judiciary system, and the opportunity for world union. 


Will the upcoming meetings in Brussels between world federalists and members of the European Parliament mark a turning point which ends the death spiral caused by misplaced faith in the nuclear gods?


Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

April 21, 2016
Global Peace Science from Russia and India
The primary founders of  "Global Peace Science" are from Russia and India.  They have also reached out to peace activists from the USA. 
The following email from Dr. Leo Semashko, honorary president of Global Harmony Association,  illustrates an emphasis on cooperation and harmony, but also a recognition of the need for geopolitical system change --  specifically daring to utter the words "world government"  associated with  Albert Einstein.
They have included my references to the Earth Constitution. 
I was pleasantly surprised to see Noam Chomsky among those listed (scroll down to the pictures), along with a diverse variety of peace activists  including a couple of Nobel prize winners.
-- R. Kotila, PhD, editor, Earth Federation News & Views
-----Original Message----- April, 2016
From: Leo Semashko

Dear friends-peacemakers,

I am happy to announce that we with our technical director Ivan Ivanov (I express my heartfelt gratitude to him for his excellent technical design) have finished another big step of updating the Home page of our site "Peace from Harmony" ( as a primer for "Global Peace Science

On this page we have published the first 11 personal responses or excerpts from the GPS reviews with photos of their authors and links to their personal pages on our website. These authors represent all world continents except Australia, from where we also wait response. This means that “World really endorses Global Peace Science”, including Nobel Peace Laureates, - it is up to its recognition by governments. As Eisenhower said, "peoples want peace, and the Government - war." We must help them to begin to recognize peace science. 

We list below the authors of the published responses with their main features. 
Abdul Kalam, President of India (2002-2007), the first political leader, who admitted GPS,
Susana Roberts, GPS Hero, Argentina,
Ernesto Kahan, former Vice-President of IPPNW, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Israel,
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Ireland,
John Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Denmark (see the list of his excellent peace works)
Ayo Ayoola-Amalie, Peacemaker of Africa, Nigeria and Ghana,
Uraz Baimuratov, Academician - economist, Kazakhstan,
Delasnieve Daspet, Lawyer and peacemaker, Brazil,
Charles Mercieca, President of the Int. Association of Educators for Global Peace, USA,
Yulia Budnikova, Researcher of the Roerich creativity, Russia,
Roger Kotila, Earth Constitution, USA

We invite others peacemakers to send your 3-4 line about Global Peace Science to publish them with your photo on our site "Peace from Harmony", which reached through GPS 10-12 thousand visits daily. Thank you. 

With love, best wishes for peace from harmony through GPS, 

Dr. Leo Semashko, 
GHA Honorary President

Harmonious civilization

Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize in Physics:

1. Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can o­nly be attained through understanding [SCIENCE]. [BUT]

2. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. [THEREFORE]

3. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. [NEW THINKING IS GLOBAL PEACE SCIENCE, GPS. IT PROVIDES]

4. Mankind's desire for peace [WHICH] can be realized o­nly by the creation of a world government.


Global Harmony Association:

1. World government maybe o­nly Global Peace Government of global SPHERONS instead global corporations.

2. Global Peace Government can arise and work o­nly o­n the GPS basis as SPHERONS’ nonviolent ideology and scientific worldview.

3. Hence, if mankind is to survive, it must require from the national governments to recognize, to develop and to put in practice the SPHERONS’ GPS as a substantially new manner of social thinking to create world government, to constitute global peace and "shift the arms race into a peace race" (Martin Luther King Jr.)


Vladimir Putin, President of Russia:

1. The right choice… is the choice in favour of peace. [FOR WHICH]

2. We need is an essentially different approach [ENSURING] harmonization ... harmony.[THIS ESSENTIALLY DIFFERENT APPROACH IS GPS]

3. Russia’s strength lies in...the harmony of cultures, languages and…all faiths

4. “Washington is the Enemy of all Humanity” and “Putin saves the world from nuclear war by not being provocative.” Paul C. Roberts

What will say other national leaders?


John Scales Avery. Nobel Peace Prize:

We need system change, not climate change! We need a new economic system, a new society, a new social contract, a new way of life. Here are the great tasks that history has given to our generation: We must achieve a steady-state economic system. We must restore democracy. We must decrease economic inequality. We must break the power of corporate greed. We must leave fossil fuels in the ground. We must stabilize and ultimately reduce the global population. We must eliminate the institution of war. And finally, we must develop a more mature ethical system to match our new technology.



World Intellectuals Endorse the Importance of Global Peace Science

Sixty years ago, Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein issued a grim warning to the people of the world. They wrote that we face a choice that is “stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?” Looking over the record of these years, it is a miracle that we have survived, and the threats are very real today. A Global Peace Science devoted to “renouncing war” can make a critical contribution to removing at last this sword of Damocles poised over our heads.

Noam Chomsky, Prof. (r), Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT, Cambridge, USA, World Harmony Creator


The United States and the United Kingdom committed genocide against the Iraqi people when, between 1990 and 2012, they killed 3.3 million people – including 750,000 children – through sanctions and wars…. I believe NATO should be abolished and that steps be taken towards disarmament through non-violent action and civil resistance. The means of resistance are very important. Our message that armed groups, militarism and war do not solve our problems but aggravate them challenges us to use new ways and that is why we need to teach the science of peace at every level of society.

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, Ireland


The West is now preparing a Crusade II against Islam; as individuals and as a state; better a Crusade against the Western addiction to war, state terrorism and militarism. For this we need more truly global peace science and research than ever, developing theory and concepts like harmony, testing them in concrete practice to solve underlying conflicts.

Johan Galtung, Dr., HC, Mult, Prof. of Peace Studies; Founder,, World Harmony Creator


The plague of global militarism and terrorism is hellish grave and horrendous chaos from war. Humanity should slip out of it by the strides of Global Peace Science from harmony to a new Renaissance. This Science fearlessly calls for international as well as personal disarmament to survive and get rid of the nightmare of dreadful abysmal crisis when its irrepressible powers push us toward turmoil. Peace Science is light at the end of lethal tunnel of armed violence.

Ayo Ayoola-Amale, Teacher, Muse of Poetic Harmony, GHA–Africa President, Ghana


Three interconnected Great Revolutions of humanity are: Globalization, Informatization and Peacescienzation: Global Peace Science (GPS) as revolutionary shift to Indian Vedic tradition: World is o­ne Family o­n way of building bridges of global Peace. GPS inspires transition from dying culture of militant materialism (anger, greed & violence) fomenting nuclear wars to culture of Peace from Harmony and Love. Military science divides the humanity andPeacescience unites it in peace and harmony of "One World - o­ne Family." Therefore GPS is Victory of Peace over War, vaccine and immunity from the plague of global militarism and terrorism and alternative to nuclear war saving the Earth planet & Humanity.

Dr., Prof. Subhash Chandra, GHA Secretary General, India


Humanity lives at a moment when in many countries politics has become an extension of war. The violence, especially in Europe and the United States has become normalized. The relentless mobilization of fear and insecurity by governments mark a failure of collective conscience, flirtations with irrationality, and the triumph of extremism. State terrorism is o­n the rise and the plague of authoritarianism has cast an ominous shadow over the liberal democracies. A Global Peace Science devoted to creating the formative cultures, institutions, and movements elevating peace over war, justice over injustice, and democracy over militarism is crucial for “renouncing war.”

Henry A. Giroux, McMaster University Chair Professor of Scholarship in the Public Interest, Faculty of Humanities, Hamilton, Canada


It is gratifying and symbolic that Global Peace Science includes in life under the Peace Banner proposed 80 years ago by Nicholas Roerich, expressing continuity of the peace source in culture, an integral part of which is science. Global Harmony Association has already demonstrated its previous publications (among them the main thing is The ABC of Harmony) that it aspires to unite people o­n the basis of scientific worldview with full respect to different religions and cultural diversity. Global Peace Science is the Earth people new step to make conscious choice of peace today in the exacerbating struggle between light and darkness.

Yulia Budnikova, researcher of the Roerich creativity, President, GHA-Russia


Condemning war and militarism is an important first step toward saving the world from a nuclear catastrophe. We must also recognize that hegemonic provocations by US/NATO could lead to a world war. The United Nations, due to its fatally flawed Charter, is unable to prevent the perpetual wars that constantly threaten humanity's very existence. Hope lies in replacing the UN Charter with the visionary Earth Constitution together with fundamental Global Peace Science geopolitics -- gifts to the world awaiting discovery for a peaceful Era.

Roger Kotila, Ph.D., Editor, Earth Federation News & Views, USA


Save the world from a global war may turn of the current human evolution to conscious harmony, creating global peace through science, spirituality and morality. Knowledge of the laws of deep structure of social harmony, including the paradigm of "D + 3D", performs by Global Peace Science, acquirement of which becomes urgent task of all states in the 21st century in transition from destructive geopolitics of war to saving geopolitics of peace. "Harmony will save peace through science!"

Uraz Baimuratov, Academician, Director, Institute of Economics, Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan


Human beings are rushing headlong to the precipice of extinction. Why is this? Because we are engaged in an orgy of violence against life: our fellow humans, our fellow species, the Earth itself. To survive, we must do many things ranging from nonviolently resisting those insane western elites that threaten us with nuclear obliteration to learning to nurture our children so that they lead lives of fearless, compassionate power in the struggle for peace, justice and sustainability. Global peace science has a vital role to play in this endeavor.

Robert J. Burrowes, author of 'Why Violence?', Australia


The soul of humanity requires immediately the “Global Peace Science” which is capable to stop the atrocities of the Western world dominators, lay the foundation of Peace, Harmony, Democracy, Freedom, Justice, Love and Dignity of mankind and clear the terrible darkness of human soul. Because, deeply within the humanity consciousness remains ignorant and helpless in regard to peace, immersed in history in continuous wars. Unfortunately, for thousands of years, no religion, no art, no law and policy were not able to go out it of the militarist slavery, due to lack of paideia (education of beautiful and good) and Peacescience. o­nly paideia plus the powerful tool of Peacescience are able to do it that determines its historical role.

Dr. Panagiotis (Takis) Dimos Ioannides, Athens, Greece


Invincible soft force of global peace consists in absolute power of social harmony of the world's population, in its four SPHERONS, harmonious classes. Their harmonious power, scientifically organized in Spheral Democracy (SPHERONS’ democracy) at all levels from local to global is able to put an end to militarism and endless wars of the irremovable ruling elite under the pall of its militarist "democracy". In 2015, Global Peace Science became first property of humanity staying earlier in the full power of military science, militarism and continuous wars of elite. The historical significance and intellectual power of peace science consists in discovery of an alternative, soft power of peace from SPHERONS’ harmony, winning military force agony, plague of militarism/terrorism and violence orgy.

Dr. Leo Semashko, Initiator and Editor in Chief, Global Peace Science, GHA President, Russia


March 20, 2016

Bad America's F-35 Tests Sanders, Clinton, and Trump


Roger Kotila, Ph.D.


America’s presidential candidates fall in line when it comes to anything military, reflecting a dark future for our children.  Bad America lacks a vision of a future world that is nonmilitary and at peace.  The Earth Federation insists that a nonmilitary world is possible.


Whenever I think of free college tuition and medical care for all, I think of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the B-2, and Michael Moore's new movie "Where to Invade Next.”   


Moore's movie would applaud canceling the problem-plagued Lockheed Martin F-35 and instead using those billions of saved dollars to help pay for free tuition and universal health care -- goals of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. 


The F-35 boondoggle is described by William Hartung (Center for International Policy) as "the most expensive weapons systems program ever undertaken by the Pentagon.”  The F-35 represents a part of Bad America.


Although Sanders is by far the most anti-war candidate, he has not opposed the F-35's that will be based in his home state of Vermont because of the jobs (Daily Caller, 2/25/16).



Congress reflects Bad America.  It lavishly supports the military, and does not see a positive vision for the future. To them a future nonmilitary world is unthinkable -- no world peace in sight for them in our lifetime, or our children’s lifetime. 


As a symbol of Bad America the F-35 is only part of the story. In addition to the F-35 the Air Force wants to replace the B-1 and batlike B-2 stealth bomber with 80 to 100 new Long Range Strike Bombers (LRS-B).  Cost?  An estimated $550 million each. 


It is bad enough that billions upon billions of dollars are being wasted for future death and destruction.  But worse yet, the Pentagon generals, defense contractors and politicians simply assume, without question, that a world at peace is not going to happen. Not ever. These are the dinosaurs.  


Their delusions of grandeur (American “exceptionalism”) crave military superiority over the rest of the world.  Security, they fantasize, will require military dominance by air, land, sea, and space – Full Spectrum Dominance as it is called by military planners.  



By contrast to the doomsday strategy favored by the national security establishment, the Earth Federation offers a brighter picture.  With the successful drafting of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka “Earth Constitution”) by the World Constitution and Parliament Association, a unified nonmilitary world federal union can finally be envisaged writes Professor Glen Martin (“One World Renaissance,” 2015).   


Bad America’s strategy of building ever more sophisticated weapons of war is exactly the wrong approach.  The plans for the F-35 and LRS-B send the wrong signal to other nations and causes distrust about American motives. 


Similarly, the US/NATO expansion to the Ukraine and eastern Europe has caused Russia to increase its military posturing – they don’t trust us.   China, too, is wary of U.S. intentions.  


Covert operations are another obstacle to peace. Psychologically, secrecy breeds paranoia.  Secret operations along with universal spying make others suspicious – and helps fuel an arms race.


By contrast, openness builds trust. Trust allows for the development of a world union which, with the availability of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (“Earth Constitution”), could become a powerful and viable option to achieve a peaceful world.


Despite its name, the United Nations is anything but united. Bully nations lord over the weaker countries.  The The UN cannot stop the geopolitical war mongering because of its inadequate and obsolete UN Charter which prevents the UN from doing its job. 


The Earth Constitution offers the UN an opportunity to become a “new UN” – capable of achieving disarmament and ending war.



Far into the future, 25 to 50 years from now, defense contractors are already making plans for fancier, more complex weapon systems.   


Lockheed Martin is planning ahead for a “sixth generation” F-35 after the year 2030. Northrop Grumman is looking beyond 2030 making designs for what Defense News (1/15/16) calls a "Next-Gen" fighter -- that's a sixth generation fighter to replace F-22's.


Why such confidence that America will want, far into the distant future, weapons for war? It’s because the American people are easy to manipulate.  All that is needed is an "enemy" real, imagined, or fake -- and repeated warnings that the country is in danger.


David Talbot describes the ugly story of deceased CIA Chief Allen Dulles who in the ‘50s and ‘60s is responsible for establishing a lawless, secret parallel government that assassinates, overthrows governments, tortures, conducts false flag operations, and more (“The Devil’s Chessboard,” 2015).


This secret culture of lawlessness continues today, not unlike that found in Nazi Germany.  Americans are supplied with an ongoing stream of so-called "enemies" created by the military/economic/covert operations complex which has a long history of creating conflicts and wars under false pretense (“The Hidden Structure of Violence,” Pilisuk & Roundtree, 2015). 



Currently Americans are psychologically programmed to respond in alarmed panic toward Muslims, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, or anyone labeled a terrorist. 


We are told, for example, that we must fear North Korea and Iran.  Yet fear of these nations is absurd.  Why would North Korea or Iran risk launching a missile at the U.S. or Israel knowing that devastating retaliation would be swift and certain?


Fake "enemies" are produced by clever propaganda, and by means of an occasional false flag operation where covert operatives murder people but blame it on the innocent who become the patsies.  There is a growing body of evidence that indicates that 9/11 was a false flag operation with the real perpetrators still on the loose.      


We are not told how the CIA actually created what became ISIS terrorists. We are not told that Russia actually prefers peaceful cooperation -- if only US/NATO would live up to its original promise to stay off Russia's borders.    


America, it seems, will continue to have enemies until hell freezes over. 



Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a cheerleader for a "strong" defense. She won’t dump the F-35 since she owes its manufacturer a favor.  David Archibald (Daily Caller, 2/25/16) reports that the Clinton Foundation "takes millions from Lockheed Martin,” and adds that Hillary's campaign chairman "owns the firm that lobbied for the F-35's approval."  


The news about the F-35 is virtually all bad.  Its 8 million lines of software code invite malfunctioning and vulnerability to cyberattacks (Reuters, 1/27/16). If the pilot looks to the side and his helmet smacks the canopy, it interferes with seeing the helmet’s  "Heads-up-Display" needed to fly and to fight (Air Force Times, 10/26/15).


A leaked test pilot report reveals that the F-35 can't defeat an older (& much cheaper) F-16 in combat, yet plans are for 1,763 F-35's, costing an eye-popping $115 million each.  Add an additional $400,000 per customized high tech helmet needed for each pilot, and we have a fighter plane that can't fly right.


From the Air Force Times (10/29/15) we learn that "Donald Trump wants to tell the F-35 that it's fired."  But Trump is no peacenik. He told CNN (8/19/15) "I want to build up our military so that nobody's gonna play games with us!”



Americans must recognize that a national security policy relying on militarism is a dead end. It has caused a nightmare of chaos in the Middle East, and has sucked the life out of the spirit of Good America.


Good America must strive for world union, a goal unreachable if we continue to claim “exceptionalism” – a license to be above the law.


World union is the path to a nonmilitary, peaceful world. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth offers such a promise, if only Good America will embrace it and support it through a call for UN Charter Review. A “new UN” under the Earth Constitution has the potential to make world union, and world peace, possible.


-Dr. Roger Kotila

  Earth Federation News & Views

January 25, 2016
Merging the United Nations with the Earth Federation
Excerpts from World Legislative Act #64 passed by the 14th Provisional World Parliament held in Kolkata, India in December, 2015:


Merging the United Nations with the Earth Federation

Short title:  United Nations Merger


Adopts guidelines for determining

viability of United Nations Agencies, as well as for

determining process for transfer, reconstitution

and integration of United Nations agencies, and

other international agencies, such as International

Criminal Court, into democratic structures of Earth

Federation government.


Whereas, Article 2 of the Earth Constitution recognizes

all the people who live on Earth as sovereign and the

source of all legitimate law-making (Article 2);


Whereas the Earth Constitution replaces the United

Nations Charter through a time-bound process while

viable agencies of the UN are to integrate into the

Earth Federation;


Whereas, the concept of universal law itself is now

understood to be the source of all particular positive

laws, and the Earth Constitution is recognized as the

paradigm or prototype for all legitimate lawmaking;


Whereas, under the UN Charter…

0.09. The UN General Assembly is awarded only

consultative status, and has little or no decision-making

power: Article 10: “the General Assembly

may discuss…”; Article 11: “the General Assembly

may consider…”; “the General Assembly may call

the attention of the Security Council to…” Article

13: “the General Assembly shall initiate studies and

make recommendations…”; Article 14: “the General

Assembly may recommend…”; The one authority

allocated to the General Assembly is approval of the

budget (Article 17).


0.10. As these references to the UN Charter indicate,

the world organization that is supposed to maintain

the peace of the world and reduce poverty and human

rights violations is largely run by the 5 most militarized

nations of the world and the five leading aggressor

nations of the world:


0.24.9. As global peace thinker Johan Galtung expresses

this, the U.S. policy has been: “Crippling the United

Nations: controlling the Security Council through

veto; controlling the UNGA against uniting for peace

resolutions; controlling by spying on delegations and

arm-twisting; controlling the budget through 25%

clause, non-payment, and GAO, the General Accounting

Office, an arm of the US Congress; controlling the UN

civil servants through short term contracts; showing

who is in charge through material breach, illegality; and

getting away with it all, because of all of the above” (The

Fall of the US Empire, 2009:, p. 38).


0.25. It is important to be clear that the totalitarian

communist systems of the world, most prominently

the former USSR, were not genuine alternatives to

these global capitalist system but engaged in what some

scholars called “state capitalism,” that is, they competed

within the globalized system of self-interest and nation-state

competition for wealth, power, and ascendency.


The Earth Constitution creates a genuinely “third

way,” a genuinely new alternative, which recognizes

that economics, like democracy itself, can only flourish

in the service of humanity when it is governed by the

common good of the Earth and its citizens under a

world democratic polity and universal, civilian system

of governing.


6.7. All staff from the UN Secretariat so desiring

may seek comparable employment within the Earth

Federation civil service.

Editor's note:  The introduction of the Earth Constitution into the

United Nations Organization represents a new, visionary approach

which gives the world community ("we, the people") a real say in

decision-making to solve critical world problems. It would also

give decision-making authority to the 189 nations now locked out

because of their second class status within the UN structure

where the Permanent-5 veto powers rule.


Call it "Earth Federation government" if you like, or a "new UN."

 Further information: ; ;     

December 18, 2015
Rising Above ISIS, Godless Corporate Capitalism, and the War System
by Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
The world community is trapped in a war system in which corporate capitalism and religious extremism have played significant roles.   Defects in the United Nations Charter have prevented the UN from being able to prevent the violent conflicts in the Middle East which have  brought terrorism in their wake, and gone global.
The inability of the UN to rein in corporate capitalism with its military/industrial complex or prevent violent religious extremism speaks poorly for the obsolete UN Charter and increases the urgency of replacing it with the visionary Earth Constitution.
In the panic over ISIS attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, it is forgotten that Islamic State (ISIS) terrorism has come about in part as a reaction to US  terrorism -- such as drone strikes, the US/NATO bombing of Libya, and the Pentagon's brutal  "shock and awe"  illegal invasion of Iraq.
Dick Cheney and  President George Bush, Jr. plotted with the oil industry to invade Iraq (and elsewhere in the Middle East).  Capturing lucrative oil resources meant more to them than human lives. 
From "The WikiLeaks Files" we are told that the "Iraq cables" provide  "...tens of thousands of examples of violence carried out in Iraq by US forces that led to over one million deaths during the invasion and ten-year occupation."  
Professor Michel Chossudovsky writes:  “Historically, warfare has been an instrument of economic conquest. U.S. foreign policy and the Pentagon’s war plans are intimately related to the process of economic globalization. The Pentagon is not only in liaison with the State Department, it also has informal ties to Wall Street, the Texas oil giants, not to mention the IMF and World Bank, which have played a key role in the process of destabilizing national economies.” (In “War and the Economic Crisis” in The Global Economic Crisis – The Great Depression of the XXI Century.)
Ancients worshipped a Sun God.   Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship Jesus, God or Allah.  The religion of corporate capitalism is to worship Money -- profit over human lives.  Profit substitutes for God -- this is godless corporate capitalism. 
Chossudovsky in "Towards A World War III Scenario" (2012) states that the main objective of America's war in the Middle East " to secure control and corporate ownership over the region's extensive oil wealth."  He concludes:  "America's holy crusade against the Muslim World is an outright criminal act directed against millions of people.  It is a war of economic conquest."  
Like oil companies, defense contractors practice godless corporate capitalism. They know that war for them is a highly profitable business model, even if it kills lots of innocent people.  
And pharmaceutical corporations, too, show their preference for profit over human lives by over-the-top price hikes for medicines, such as when Turing Pharmaceuticals' CEO Martin Shkreli bought rights to Daraprim (for HIV) and raised the price from $13.50 to $750 (AP, 12-2-15).
Similar to corporate capitalism with the Pentagon, the Islamic State also has its hands in the ongoing death and destruction haunting the Middle East.  Both  flaunt and ignore the universal moral principles prescribed by the "Prince of Peace" -- Jesus Christ.
The Islamic State,  fueled by the support of Wahhabism from the  Saudi Arabian  monarchy, uses its extremist religious ideology as the basis for a strict version of sharia law -- and a means  to justify and glamorize ISIS terrorist acts.   
Both ISIS and corporate capitalism use violence to achieve their "religious" goals:  ISIS seeks an Islamic caliphate.  Corporations provide the deadly weaponry that the Pentagon uses to invade oil rich nations on behalf of future corporate profits.  Both rely upon terrorist methods:  ISIS cuts off  heads;  the US military blows off heads. 
The carnage in the Middle East is the product of a geopolitical system which lacks the necessary governing structures to outlaw and eliminate war.  Powerful leaders of bully nations conduct both covert and overt war with no fear of prosecution for world crimes since there is no viable enforceable world law.
Why is the UN  helpless to prevent perpetual war?  A partial answer can be found in proposed world legislation to be submitted to the 2015 Provisional World Parliament to be held in India and organized by the World Constitution and Parliament Association.  Excerpts from this legislation titled "Integrating the UN into the Earth Federation"  help explain the UN's fatal flaws:  
 "... the world organization (UN) that is supposed to maintain the peace of the world and reduce poverty and human rights violations is largely run by the 5 most militarized nations of the world and the five leading aggressor nations of the world..." 
" These five nations, all of whom have engaged in repeated wars, bombings, and military actions since 1945 (a very few of which were sanctioned by the UN Security Council, but all in conformance with the UN  Charter), are placed, by the UN system, in charge of maintaining the “security and peace” of the world.  Where the UN Security Council cannot agree on some  imperial military action, each of these five nations simply takes military action unilaterally, which is in conformance with Article 26 of the UN Charter." 
And in conclusion:  "It should be clear... that the UN has served not to keep the peace in the world, which is violated regularly by the 5 permanent nations of the Security Council, among many others. It has served rather primarily as a legitimator and clean-up crew for state aggressions..."
As explained by world federalists such as the late Albert Einstein and now Professor Glen T. Martin, there is a way out of the world's seemingly intractable dilemmas -- but we must give up the global war system.  Replacing the UN Charter with the Earth Constitution will mean that when conflicts occur enforceable world law will replace war as the final arbiter.     
Professor Martin believes that the needed change in the global system can, and must, be done.  He is part of a group of international peace activists leading the way to actualize the Earth Federation Movement's Earth Constitution in order to bring about a desperately needed geopolitical peace system.  
Martin writes:  "The Earth Constitution... supersedes the destructive and anti-democratic natures of both capitalism and communism.  Whereas, the UN system is predicated on the system of sovereign nation-states... and the nation-state system itself has evolved inseparably integrated with the global capitalist system (a system in which a large portion of the Earth’s Population have very little hope of ever escaping extreme poverty)... the Earth Constitution has rightly mandated that the viable agencies of the UN system become integrated into the Earth Federation government..."
The Earth Constitution offers the world community a new alternative -- a means to rise above the perpetual global war system with its rigged economic system that favors the 1%.   It awaits discovery by the UN and the world community.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
     Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

August 3, 2015

UN Can’t Stop B61-12 Nukes: Pentagon’s Life Extinction Program in High Gear

By R. Kotila, Ph.D.

Watchdog activists who follow the Livermore nuclear weapons lab in California offer a disturbing report (Tri-Valley Cares Citizen’s Watch, Spring 2015) on the Pentagon’s overall Life Extinction Program, and on the B61-12 -- a new variation of the original B61 gravity nuclear bomb.   

Welcome to the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) “Nuclear Enterprise” program, carefully crafted with euphemisms like “Life Extension Program (LEP),” “Stockpile Stewardship,” and “Triad revitalization.” 

The “Life Extension Program” (LEP) is the clever euphemism given the overall program for new and old nuclear warheads and their delivery systems from land, air, or sea.  Indeed, the Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC) tells us they have a “25 year plan” for the nuclear weapons stockpile. 

Livermore Lab’s take alone for nuclear bomb related research for budget year 2016 is estimated to be almost $1 billion.  But of course money is being spread to many other “nuclear enterprise” participants, all part of this shameful LEP story.

Citizen’s Watch warns us that future plans for nuclear weapons projects, if not stopped, could cost a staggering “$ 1 Trillion over the next 30 years.”

Business as usual

The “modernization” of the B61 family of bombs (B61-4, B61-7, B61-12) is only part of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) program to stay in business now, and in the distant future. 

New “refinements” to other nukes and their delivery systems, all part of the deal, are good financial news for the scientists and engineers toiling diligently to find new and improved ways to destroy the world and for defense contractors and their stockholders.

The B61-12 adds a guided tail fin assembly which increases accuracy, but unfortunately increases the temptation of  NATO field commanders to actually use tactical nukes in the case of war.    

Citizen’s Watch reports a plan to locate about 180 of the B61-12’s in five NATO countries in Europe.  David Krieger (Nuclear Age Peace Foundation) notes that these nukes “will be turned over to the host countries in time of war.”  Aggressive expansion by US/NATO has Russia (and China) on guard resulting in these countries increasing their own nuclear readiness.  

That the LEP invites serious danger to the world is seen when two former commanders of nuclear weaponry, US General James Cartwright and Russian General Vladimir Dvorkin write a NY Times editorial (4-19-15) warning of nuclear catastrophe by accident or now, by cyberattack. 

Retired Marine General Cartwright, former head of the US Strategic Command, is quoted as saying that our nuclear policy “made no sense,” and that we must get our missile off “hair trigger alert”  (San Francisco Chronicle, 6-18-15).

Mass killing OK with Congress

Unfortunately, the US Congress, eager as usual to fund death and destruction, is told by NNSA that the nukes are aging and must be “reinvigorated”.  The NWC testified to the Senate Committee on Armed Services in a report released July 1, 2015 that: “The reinvigoration of the DoD nuclear enterprise remains the Defense Department’s highest priority, and we are committed to treating it as such.” 

There is no mention in the testimony of a first strike policy, yet according to Citizen's Watch the Air Force seeks a new LRSO (Long Range-Stand Off) weapon capable of carrying a thermonuclear warhead (the W80-4) that can evade radar, hence capable of a “sneak nuclear attack from 3,000 or more miles.” 

Pentagon wedded to nukes long into the future

It appears that the Pentagon cannot envision a world free of nukes. From NWC testimony: “We cannot say exactly what mix of capabilities the U.S. will require in the next 20, 30, or 40 years, but continued modernization of the Triad (for land, air, and sea) will provide policy makers with a flexible and resilient range of capabilities.”

To prove its determination to, sooner or later, blow the world up, the DoD also has plans for more plutonium, -- used to trigger the fission/fusion explosive process for a thermonuclear bomb. “In January 2014, the Secretary of Defense revalidated the DoD requirement for NNSA to produce 50-80 plutonium pits per year by 2030.”

Defense Department budget projections for nuclear warfare stretch over the next 30 years.  Nongovernmental organizations like Global Zero, Nuclear Zero, Union of Concerned Scientists, and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War are being ignored.

John Mecklin, editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, in Foreign Policy (March/April, 2015) notes that “16,000 nuclear weapons are still on the planet” and that “massive, long-term plans that nuclear nations have in place strongly suggest that they have no intention of giving up their nukes anytime soon.”

United Nations lacks tools to enforce nuclear disarmament

There has been perpetual UN futility when it comes to “ending the scourge of war” or eliminating weapons of mass destruction. 

The recent Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference was a disappointing failure.  The nuclear nations are not giving up their nukes. The UN remains sidelined, its hands tied by its fatally flawed Charter.    

The UN, under the thumb of major financing from the United States and handicapped by its own Charter, lacks the tools to legally stop the Pentagon or other military powers from the thrill of risking nuclear mass homicide.

A way out of nuclear terror

World federalists have known for almost seventy years that the UN’s design is wrong, and that a democratic world federal union government is the missing link that can free the world from nuclear terror.  

Largely unknown to the public is the fact that an international group of citizens has drafted a brilliant replacement for the UN Charter – the Earth Constitution.  It’s ready to go with a federal union governing structure that would lead to full nuclear disarmament by all nations.

Delay in public awareness of the Earth Constitution is due to the lack of coverage so far by  corporate-owned establishment media.  

Activist strategies are underway that could open up media coverage:  Eliminating the undemocratic UN Security Council; forming a UN Parliamentary Assembly; lobbying for UN Charter Review; an emerging Earth Federation Movement/Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution. 

These steps by activists are necessary because it is painfully obvious that the military establishment and Congress, left to their own devices, have no plans for disarmament or world peace. They will continue to endanger our families and our world by their dangerous nuclear posturing and war mongering. 

We need a new UN with a democratic governing structure.

A “new UN” under the Earth Constitution creates a democratic world federal union with the governing structures needed to permanently free the world from nuclear weapons like the B61-12 and the W80-4.  It could put an end to nations plotting sneak attacks and first strikes. 

A world at peace and nuclear free may yet be possible.

by R. Kotila, Ph.D.

Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

July 10, 2015
PETITION to get Nukes off  Hair Trigger Alert

Will you sign my petition? Simply copy and paste to the site below:

I have written and criticized the policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). I am a psychologist. I feel a sense of urgency. I understand the Pentagon is in psychological denial, reluctant to admit they are wrong. They claim they are protecting us yet hair trigger alert multiplies the danger to our families and our world. The generals are proud. But soon, before it is too late, they must change course.

That's why I created a PETITION to send a message to the Pentagon, US Dept. of Defense, and General Martin Dempsey , Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, which says:

"Six minutes to decide to end the world is irresponsible and reckless. Tell the Pentagon generals to take the nuclear weapons off "launch on warning." It is a bad, unnecessary, and dangerous policy. This is not a western movie where two gunmen square off, and the one with the hair trigger colt .45 wins. In the real world, if the nukes go off we all lose. "

To sign this urgent petition simply copy and paste to the site below:

Dr. Roger Kotila
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

[Below a response to this PETITION from Stanford University Professor Martin Hellman:]

Dear Roger,

Thanks for doing this. I signed and posted to Facebook. 

If we keep trying, hopefully something will work!

Martin Hellman
Member, US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 
Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

April 28, 2015

From Earth Day to Building the New World


The recent Earth Day celebration was good for consciousness-raising.  But don't we need something more?   The Earth Constitution is that "something more," the foundation for the Earth Federation Movement.


Global problems require global solutions, yet the nations and multinational corporations have been unable or unwilling to respond responsibly to the threats surrounding us, with climate change being a top priority for many environmentalists.


We live in a fish bowl.  Air pollution knows no boundaries.  Yet the nations and multinational corporations resist addressing this obvious fact.


The public is unaware that the US military is the world’s biggest polluter yet Congress continues to shower the Pentagon with money. Wars and nuclear weapons continue to endanger us all, yet the nations make it worse, and the United Nations can do little to nothing.


The UN has done its best, but has been fatally handicapped by its own Charter.  As a result, the world community has not been able to deal effectively with climate crisis, wars, or the threat of nuclear annihilation.  The Charter is obsolete, and desperately needs to be replaced. 

It is time for a “new UN.”


Earth Constitution ready to go

The Earth Constitution is ready to go.  It's the first "green constitution" ever drafted, an important fact in view of the proven failures of the UN Charter to be able to cope with mounting environmental and other crises. 


We must find ways to connect the important work of activists who are developing local models of change with Earth Federation activists working on fixing the global system.  Positive changes in economic and environmental models at the local level will require protection and enhancement at the global level. 


Building the New World Conference at Radford University will bring together from May 28 – 31, 2015 a variety of activist leaders and concerned citizens who will be exploring local and global movement strategies for change and how to connect them in a synergistic way.  Register at


It's an important event for those of us who no longer believe that the present geopolitical system can adequately cope with climate change, perpetual war, or the danger of catastrophic nuclear war.


There will be an impressive variety of spiritual seekers and teachers.  Some of us see the Earth Constitution as a moral and spiritual document with the Earth Federation Movement as its expression to once and for all establish a safe and secure planet.  


Co-creation theory will be applied to building intentional “full spectrum” communities such as Damanhur’s micro-community.  Grassroots economic organizing, economic democracy, micro-finance and employee owned cooperatives will be on the table.

Events at the global level are blocking progress for local communities.  Resources for decent, quality living for our families are going for bombs and bullets instead of for health, education, food, shelter and the other basic needs of a civilized society.   


Join Professor Glen Martin, Dr. Eugenia Almand, Peter Graves-Goodman, and myself in Earth Federation Movement/Earth Constitution/Provisional World Parliament roundtable discussion/workshops in support of the sought for local to global transformation. 


For the Earth Federation Movement the issue is more than just geopolitical, it is also a moral and spiritual journey.  We hope you will join us.


 ~Roger Kotila, Ph.D.

Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

Senior Fellow, Institute On World Problems

USA Vice President, World Constitution & Parliament Association 

 February 5, 2015

Hollywood's Martin Sheen Introduces "The World Is My Country”




"The World Is My Country" is a  powerful documentary film about Garry Davis, World Citizen #1.  It helps show to the public how world peace is possible.   After being in WWII, a shaken Garry Davis declared himself a world citizen, and came to believe that the wars of nation against nation could only be prevented by forming a world government.


Ending war is the goal of this movie.  An INDIEGOGO crowd-funding campaign by Future Wave films seeks to raise $40,000 for the finishing touches needed to have this unusually important documentary ready for movie theatres and television.


What you should know about “The World Is My Country”:  It is anti-war.  The general public is unaware that there is a real solution to the problem of war, and that world peace is possible.     


The film received a standing ovation at the work-in-progress preview screening at the Woodstock film festival.  90% of the audience surveys top rated the film as “Excellent.”  The other 10% rated it as “very good” – no one rated it any lower.  Comments included:  “Rare that I learn something new – this really got me thinking.” “A work of genius.”  “Very inspired.” “Excited. Liberated.  Enrolled” “Great!” “Moved, motivated, excited and soulful.” “Gave me goose bumps.”  “Hopeful.” “Empowered, exited, grateful for this man's journey.”


“Brilliant!  What an engaging film about an incredible pioneer. I see no reason why this film will not win the Academy Award as Best Documentary.” – Michael Knox (US Peace Memorial Foundation)


Director Arthur Kanegis masterfully used archival footage and animation, along with this Broadway actor’s on-stage mesmerizing storytelling to present one of the most enlightening histories ever to be shown on film. Be forewarned: This film may cause you to think you can change the world!” – Meira Blaustein, co-founder, Woodstock Film Festival - Program.


Your donation matters.  Go to the Indiegogocampaign site: 


(Editor's note:  The Earth Federation Movement (EFM) will grow much more quickly if it gains access to Hollywood's socially aware celebrities who can help spread the word about world citizenship, the Earth Constitution and World Parliament, and world peace. That's why I encourage readers to consider a donation via this indiegogo campaign.)

Changing the System Requires Seeing It Clearly


See opednews for original article:    

From NASA GOES-12 Full Disk view March 25, 2010

The recent killing of 13 workers at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has elicited powerful reactions around the world. A mass march in Paris attracted many heads of state, including Francois Hollande and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Yet their slogan of solidarity "We are Charlie Hebdo" was challenged by the National Antiwar Coalition in the US in a powerful January 16th statement entitled "We are not Charlie Hebdo."

UNAC pointed out the massive global terrorism of France, Israel, the US, and the imperial nations as they hypocritically claim they are fighting terror and defending freedom and civility. In reality, they are manipulating the public to advance the demonization of Islam, their global imperial designs, and the myth that they are against violence and terrorism.

Commentator Robert Parry wrote a long analysis for Consortium News on January 18th distinguishing the "Anti-realist" Neocons from their "Realist" predecessors in the US government. Parry speaks of the effectiveness of "perception-management" as the Neocons manipulate the public to elicit support for their wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libya, and elsewhere.

Parry concludes:

"What the neocons have constructed through their skilled propaganda is a grim wonderland where no one foresees the dangers of encouraging Islamist fundamentalism as a geopolitical ploy, where no one takes heed of the historic hatreds of Sunni and Shiite, where no one suspects that the U.S. military slaughtering thousands upon thousands of Muslims might provoke a backlash, where no one thinks about the consequences of overthrowing regimes in unstable regions, where no one bothers to study the bitter history of a place like Ukraine, and where no one worries about spreading turmoil to nuclear-armed Russia. Yet, this neocon madness -- this "anti-realism" -- has been playing out in the real world on a grand scale, destroying real lives and endangering the real future of the planet."

I want to point out, however, a description is not an analysis, and true as it may be that the Neocons endanger the real future of our planet, a deeper analysis points toward the world-system as a whole that is endangering the future of our planet. Nor is it simply enough to resist imperialism and capitalism without posing a genuinely practical alternative.

The world-system as a whole has evolved from the early-modern rise of capitalism within the context of the early-modern development of the system of sovereign nation-states. These two developments belong together: the political form hosts the economic form and provides legal enforcement and protection for those who have accumulated massive concentrations of private wealth. As social-scientist Christopher Chase-Dunn expresses this in Global Formation: Structures of World Economy (1998):

"The state and the interstate system are not separate from capitalism, but rather are the main institutional supports of capitalist production relations. The system of unequally powerful and competing nation-states is part of the competitive struggle of capitalism, and thus wars and geopolitics are a systematic part of capitalist dynamics, not exogenous forces." (61)

Whether "Realists" or "Neocons" or progressive democrats are in power makes little effective difference.

Whether "Realists" or "Neocons" or progressive democrats are in power makes little effective difference. Inherent in the system is the drive to colonize and control the world in the service of the 1%, as James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer made clear in Empire With Imperialism (2005). It is not a matter of "Realists" versus "Antirealists" coming to power. It is not a matter of a popular movement to elect Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders as President. If we want a future on this planet it must be the global system itself that undergoes fundamental change.

Neither is it enough to stop the proposed Keystone Pipeline Project and/or the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement. Stopping these disastrous initiatives will not change the system.

Neither will electing Democrats or some Green Party candidate to the US Congress. The evil marriage between capitalism and the system of sovereign nations will not tolerate the substitution of democratic socialism within the system of sovereign states. Sovereign states exist as inherently a war-system (as was pointed out by Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, and G.W.F. Hegel), and a war-system invites imperialism and requires a capitalist industrial military complex. To institute democratic socialism means simultaneously to rid the world of militarized sovereign states.

If our analysis is to go to the root of the problem, then we must re-envision both economic capitalism and its political embodiment in militarized sovereign nation-states. Our analysis also requires that we move to a planetary perspective. No longer can we tolerate a world fragmented into multiple competing, greedy corporations or multiple militarized lawless sovereign states. The reality of our human situation is that we are one species, one human reality, living within one fragile planetary ecosystem. Our vision must be global and our solution must be global.

Our vision must convert the economics of greed with absolute winners and losers to a planet-wide ecologically sound economics of cooperation, resource sharing, and mutual empowerment. Simultaneously, the mirror image of a global economics of sustainability is a global earth federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Politics and economics mirror one another (as Karl Marx and many others have pointed out). We must have a politics that can place the common good of the Earth and its citizens before the private goods of nations and corporations. Only an Earth Federation government with real power to make and enforce laws for the common good of all can achieve this.

The history of anthropogenic climate change alone should make my argument convincing to all reasonably mature, rational people (which leaves out about half the U.S. Congress). Already, by the 1992 U.N. Climate Conference at Rio de Janeiro, the scientific evidence was overwhelming and the urgency of our situation was well known. In spite of this massive evidence that we are destroying the very planet that supports human life, and despite similar massive conferences at Johannesburg in 2002 and Copenhagen in 2009, the nations and corporations of the world today (more than two decades later) continue to destroy the ecosystem of the Earth unabated.

The system of warring sovereign nations animated by the system of globalized corporate greed is in principle incapable of change to the degree required to save the planet for future generations. Only a transformed planetary system, uniting humanity where we belong under a global social contract, is capable of creating a viable future for the Earth and its living creatures.

The Constitution for the Federation of Earth establishes a new economic system (global public banking directed toward sustainability and the planetary common good) and a new political system--a democratically elected World Parliament with the mandate to protect the planetary ecosystem, end poverty, demilitarize the nations, and protect human rights worldwide.

If we have a genuine insight into the nature of the world system, then it will be clear what a number of great thinkers from Albert Einstein to Carl Jung have stated: you cannot solve fundamental problems on the same level from which the problems arose in the first place. Yet that is exactly what we are trying to do by attempting to "manage" or "modify" global capitalism and the militarized sovereign states. We need to move to a higher level of thinking, and fast, for our planet is in danger as never before in human history.

We need to think truly globally, which means to think in terms of a global, democratic economics and politics. The pattern for this is there for all to see in the Earth Constitution. It is time we rise to the higher level from which our earlier problems will not so much become solved as dissolved. It is time to unite humanity in a global social contract--a democratic Federation of the Earth. It may well be now or never.

January 16, 2015


India, January 2015




ware of the fact that the First and Second World Wars created havoc and holocaust in terms of property loss and untold human misery, and aware of the insufficiency of the subsequently created world bodies like the United Nations and its affiliates, and also noting that there is an urgent need for contributing for world peace today to avert the possibility of a Third World War, the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust (SRMT), Chennai, under its prime mover and Managing Trustee, Professor SAR Prasanna Venkatchariar Chaturvedi, organized the Grand Global Peace Meet at Chennai (3rd January, 2015), Bangalore (7th January, 2015), and Hyderabad (9 January 2015) involving renowned international experts, thinkers, and scholars representing global organizations as well as the local college students, teachers, and public men and women. Fruitful presentations, discussions, exchanges of ideas and interactions took place. The meticulously conducted Global Grand Peace Meet was widely appreciated.



e, the following participants of the Global Grand Peace Meet make the following resolutions as an outcome of our deliberations:


1.       A Comprehensive Approach. There must be a comprehensive approach for global peace empowering the main players in the peace process and involving individual human beings, societies, the nations, and all the governing constituents of the Earth.

2.       Ethics, Philosophy, and Spirituality. Ethical values, philosophy, and spirituality should be given a central place in the developmental goals of the nations, the United Nations, and all educational institutions worldwide. There should be an emphasis on common and universal values such as reason, compassion, justice, wisdom, and responsibility, including global responsibility. We appeal to all peoples of the planet to follow the recommendations of UNESCO and many other groups advocating global civic education, world citizenship, and peace.

3.       Ecological Sustainability.  It is also crucial to provide education for sustainable development and global citizenship at all levels, including social activism for policies and institutions that support a just, sustainable, and peaceful future for the Earth. We emphasize that the growth model of economics, in which economic growth takes place at the expense of our planetary ecology and future generations, must be rapidly transformed to the sustainability model, which means development as enhancing quality of life and social well-being while protecting and improving ecological balance and harmony.

4.       Global Civil Society. Civil Societies and NGOs must have greater roles to play in contributing towards peace by putting pressure on their own governments to protect individual freedom, foster communal harmony and equity, and protect human rights, recognizing that serious responsibilities and duties are inherent in the concept of rights.

5.       Planetary Coordination and Cooperation. There must be a comprehensive synergy of efforts for World Peace, and within this context we should explore the possibility of the formation of a World Ethical Council (WEC) to develop the parameters of universal ethics and help coordinate global civic education and responsibility.  Similarly, we should explore the possibility of the formation of an independent Council of World Peace Initiatives (CWPI) promoting coordination, integration, and cooperation among persons, NGOs, governments, and businesses.

6.       Systems Transformation. There is wide-spread concern that the presently existing ‘systems’ for planetary governance and the delivery mechanisms for the basic necessities of life have proved inadequate to provide a decent life for the majority of human beings. Neither have these systems provided peace and ecological balance for our precious planet Earth. Within this context, we should urgently explore developing systems that can bring sustainable peace and well-being to the people of Earth as modeled, for example, by the Constitution for the Federation of Earth ( This Earth Constitution proposes a sustainable, non-military world government that includes a democratic world parliament and an earth federation embracing all nations and peoples.


Prof. SAR PV Chaturvedi, Managing Trustee, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, India

Prof. R. Ananthanarayanan, Director, World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) for Asia, India

Dr. Alexander Chumakov, Vice-President, Russian Philosophical Association, Russia

Dr. Richard Clugston, Director, Ethical and Spirituality Initiative for Sustainable Development and University Leader for a Sustainable Future, USA.

Dr.Thomas Clough Daffern, Director, International Institute for Peace Studies and Global Philosophy; Consultant, International Peace Bureau; Coordinator, Commonwealth Interfaith Network.

  Mr. Andres Perez Esquivel, Sociologist, Consultant-Advisor in the National Congress of Argentina.

Chairman Barry Gusi, Chairman of the Board, Gusi Peace Prize International, Philippines.

Dr. Evelyn T. Gusi, Gusi Peace Prize International; Representative to World Peace Organizations, Philippines.

Mr. Hendrick Hol, adamadams, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dr. Igor Kondrishin, President, World Philosophical Forum, Laureate, Gusi Peace Price International, Russia

Dr. Glen T. Martin, President, World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), Laureate, Gusi Peace Prize International.

Dr. Cyril Ritchie, Chairman, Environmental Liaison Centre International, Switzerland.

Dr. Swaminadhan, Chairman, Advisory Committee, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Chennai; Dr. Swaminadhan Research Foundation, Hyderabad, India

October 19, 2014
UN 69th event in San Francisco to explore human rights. The UN's Human Rights Council examines the right of peoples to peace but remains hostage to the outdated and flawed UN Charter.

San Francisco's UNA-USA organization hosts a celebration of the UN 69th anniversary focusing on a theme of Human Rights.  The event is on October 19, 2014 at the Unitarian Universal church in San Francisco.  The present writer will facilitate a group at the event exploring the "Right to Peace and to be Nuclear Free."
At the United Nations itself there is an ongoing working group from the Human Rights Council drafting a declaration for the "Right to Peace."  Surprisingly, such a right is not without controversy.  In the present geopolitical system, there is no enforceable Right to Peace nor is there a Right to be Free of Nuclear Weapons. 

The Human Rights Council's  "Open-ended Intergovernmental working group" is developing a draft declaration on the Right to Peace.  To its credit, it goes beyond peace as the absence of war.  Full nuclear disarmament, terrorism, structural violence, climate change, war propaganda, violence against women, unjust foreign debt burdens, and transnational organized crime are included as factors related to the "right to peace."  This expansion of the ideal of "peace"  shows a sophisticated understanding of the meaning of a right to "peace." 

The Council is doing an outstanding job outlining what issues must be considered.  However, there remains a failure to challenge the UN Charter itself which will insure that, as in the past, "peace'" is only a dream, not a reality.  The working group does not question the danger of unlimited sovereignty, and has yet to outline an appropriate world judiciary system with enforceable laws which is what will be needed to deal with those persons who commit world crimes -- including sitting heads of state and their accomplices. 

On a personal note, I hope to introduce participants at this UN 69th event to the Earth Constitution with its sophisticated and practical design for a democratic world federal union with enforceable world lawThe UN's Human Rights Council should turn to the Earth Constitution to discover the path that can actualize a "Right to Peace. "
September 4, 2014
News update from the President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, organizer for the Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution

A message from the WCPA President Dr. Glen T. Martin...


August/September 2014

Dear Executive Council and International Advisory Board members,


         This is a note to let you know some of the recent activities related to world headquarters. We have a professionally done translation of the (Earth) Constitution into Spanish that Dr. Almand is examining for consistency with the legal concepts in that document. This will be of great help as we reach out to all of Latin America and Spain.


      The site is again up thanks to Eugenia Almand, and she is working on restoring the site. As you know, we changed servers and this resulted in technical difficulties keeping the sites running. All the while, of course the excellent site, run by Peter Graves-Goodman, has remained available.


       I will be in Costa Rica September 20-29 promoting the Constitution and talking with ambassadors from other Latin American countries, lawyers, educators, etc. in CR.  WCPA Vice-President Celina Garcia has been wonderful at making contacts and developing an itinerary for this work.


       We are talking with Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust leaders in Chennai, India about hosting Professor Ananthanarayanan in a new WCPA Asia Headquarters there. This is a very important development, and I will keep you posted on this.


       There is a school in Togo that is developing (by WCPA members there) called the “Glen Martin” school (I did not suggest the name). The school teaches global values and the Earth Constitution among other things.


        The “Building the New World” Conference" is coming together with many excellent speakers. It will be here at Radford University, Virginia, USA  May 28-31, 2015. WCPA has charge of the “Justice and Governance” sector. Peter-Graves Goodman, Roger Kotila, Eugenia Almand, possibly Stephen Gill from Canada, and myself will be doing workshops and presenting on the Constitution.


       Sarwar Alam, who once was Youth Coordinator for WCPA (and now lives in Toronto) has rejoined us and will be representing us at the “World Parliament” Conference of the Anti-imperialist Youth League in Istanbul at the end of October. This is a major step forward, because WCPA has not had funds for a representative to go to such conferences in the past decade.


       I will be in several cities in India again this December, 2014 promoting the Constitution and the next session of the Provisional World Parliament.


       Please continue to promote the next session of the Parliament in Kolkata in December 2015. We need a good turnout, one that will be newsworthy and get people’s attention.  I have attached for you again the announcements for the Parliament and the Building the New World Conference.


In peace, hope, and solidarity,


Dr. Glen T. Martin


                  World Constitution & Parliament Association
            *****                               *****                       *****                      *****                   *****
NATO is the Problem, not the Solution
Dear Wall Street Journal: 
"A NATO for a Dangerous World" (op-ed, Aug. 18) offers an outdated view of the best way to achieve international peace and security.  NATO's secretary-general Rasmussen and allied commander General Breedlove propose to expand this military alliance, and apparently see no role for the United Nations.  
Like the world federalists, peace psychologists have challenged the notion that militarization can bring peace and security.  Indeed, my own psychiatric assessment of the national security complex led me to conclude that it has morphed into a diagnosable mental disorder ("Has National Security Become a Dangerous Mental Disorder?" Reader Supported News, 10-25-13) and endangers the world. 
NATO's policies for example, include first strike with nuclear weapons. Put differently, NATO has adopted the right to launch a surprise nuclear attack. Also, they are giving other NATO nations the right to independently use tactical nuclear weapons. 
Such reckless and irresponsible policies cannot be underestimated. Rather than bring peace, attempts to expand NATO have caused both the Russians and the Chinese to fear encirclement which is why the Ukraine has become a hotspot. 
Mahdi Nazemroaya's "The Globalization of NATO" is a carefully documented investigation of the danger that NATO poses to the world.   
Unfortunately, the UN's Charter is inadequate to bring a peaceful world.  World federalists like Einstein warned us years ago about this defect.  Instead of NATO, we need to adopt the world federalist solution.  
We know what needs to be done. We need to transform the UN into a democratic world federal union government. If we are serious about ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons, world union is the only realistic solution. There is no shortcut. 
The Earth Constitution is ready to go.  It provides a new world charter that replaces our current geopolitical war system with a global peace system.   
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. (Psychologist)
   USA Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association
   Editor, Earth Federation News & Views 
NATO is the Problem, not the Solution
Dear Wall Street Journal: 
"A NATO for a Dangerous World" (op-ed, Aug. 18) offers an outdated view of the best way to achieve international peace and security.  NATO's secretary-general Rasmussen and allied commander General Breedlove propose to expand this military alliance, and apparently see no role for the United Nations.  
Like the world federalists, peace psychologists have challenged the notion that militarization can bring peace and security.  Indeed, my own psychiatric assessment of the national security complex led me to conclude that it has morphed into a diagnosable mental disorder ("Has National Security Become a Dangerous Mental Disorder?" Reader Supported News, 10-25-13) and endangers the world. 
NATO's policies for example, include first strike with nuclear weapons. Put differently, NATO has adopted the right to launch a surprise nuclear attack. Also, they are giving other NATO nations the right to independently use tactical nuclear weapons. 
Such reckless and irresponsible policies cannot be underestimated. Rather than bring peace, attempts to expand NATO have caused both the Russians and the Chinese to fear encirclement which is why the Ukraine has become a hotspot. 
Mahdi Nazemroaya's "The Globalization of NATO" is a carefully documented investigation of the danger that NATO poses to the world.   
Unfortunately, the UN's Charter is inadequate to bring a peaceful world.  World federalists like Einstein warned us years ago about this defect.  Instead of NATO, we need to adopt the world federalist solution.  
We know what needs to be done. We need to transform the UN into a democratic world federal union government. If we are serious about ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons, world union is the only realistic solution. There is no shortcut. 
The Earth Constitution is ready to go.  It provides a new world charter that replaces our current geopolitical war system with a global peace system.   
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. (Psychologist)
   USA Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association
   Editor, Earth Federation News & Views 

August 25, 2014




Re:   LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (submitted 8-18-14 but not published by the WSJ)


NATO is the Problem, not the Solution


Dear Wall Street Journal:


"A NATO for a Dangerous World" (op-ed, Aug. 18) offers an outdated view of the best way to achieve international peace and security.  NATO's secretary-general Rasmussen and allied commander General Breedlove propose to expand this military alliance, and apparently see no role for the United Nations.  


Like the world federalists, peace psychologists have challenged the notion that militarization can bring peace and security.  Indeed, my own psychiatric assessment of the national security complex led me to conclude that it has morphed into a diagnosable mental disorder ("Has National Security Become a Dangerous Mental Disorder?" Reader Supported News, 10-25-13) and endangers the world. 


NATO's policies for example, include first strike with nuclear weapons. Put differently, NATO has adopted the right to launch a surprise nuclear attack. Also, they are giving other NATO nations the right to independently use tactical nuclear weapons.


Such reckless and irresponsible policies cannot be underestimated. Rather than bring peace, attempts to expand NATO have caused both the Russians and the Chinese to fear encirclement which is why the Ukraine has become a hotspot. 


Mahdi Nazemroaya's "The Globalization of NATO" is a carefully documented investigation of the danger that NATO poses to the world.  


Unfortunately, the UN's Charter is inadequate to bring a peaceful world.  World federalists like Einstein warned us years ago about this defect.  Instead of NATO, we need to adopt the world federalist solution. 


We know what needs to be done. We need to transform the UN into a democratic world federal union government. If we are serious about ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons, world union is the only realistic solution. There is no shortcut.


The Earth Constitution is ready to go.  It provides a new world charter that replaces our current geopolitical war system with a global peace system.   


-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. (Psychologist)

   USA Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association

   Editor, Earth Federation News & Views 

May 2, 2014

The Moral Collapse of the U.S. and Global Society, and the Necessary Conditions for Rebirth 
by Glen Martin
Editor’s note: 

Dr. Glen Martin’s newest article offers a poignant analysis of what’s wrong with our world.

Much like William Lloyd Garrison whose publication The Liberator in 1831 boldly denounced slavery, Martin pointedly condemns what he sees as “economic Darwinism,” described by Martin as “a predatory society in which law and government operate to promote the callous exploitation of the majority by the super-wealthy few,…”without regard to human welfare, the common good, or the future of our planet."

Martin believes that the Earth Constitution can provide the moral legitimacy that society has lost. Everyone, he argues, has an inherent right for “a good human life.”

I highly recommend Dr. Martin's article. (See the link to OpEd News below -- you may need to copy and  paste.) 
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views
“The Moral Collapse of the U.S. and Global Society, and the Necessary Conditions for Rebirth,” is now posted on OpEd News and other sites.
by Dr. Glen T. Martin
President, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. (
President, Institute on World Problems (
Professor of Philosophy, Radford University (

12 January 2014 (Editor's note: This Press Release summarizes the outcome of the December, 2013 Sessions of the Provisional World Parliament held in Lucknow, India.)

Earth Federation Parliament Enacts New World Legislation 

Press Release by the Provisional World Parliament, 13th Session

On 17 December 2013, the Provisional World Parliament, meeting under the authority of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, announced its decisions. This press release comes from the government of the emerging Earth Federation.  Delegates from four continents and a number of countries from around the world met together for the past four days within the supporting and empowering framework of the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, graciously hosted by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and the City Montessori School of Lucknow. The proceedings were chaired by Rev. N. Mahlawe from South Africa, a Vice-President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA).

The Parliament debated a number of powerful legislative acts that have now entered into the body of provisional World Law already passed by the first twelve sessions of Parliament, laying the foundations for a truly new world system.  These newly passed World Legislative Acts include the following:

1.        A Truth and Reconciliation Act, which creates the funding and administrative mechanisms for establishing Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in every part of the world where such commissions are needed.  These commissions balance the very difficult task of establishing peace along with justice in the face of a past that is often filled with terrible violence and injustice.  Worldwide Truth and Reconciliation Commissions will help provide the foundations for this new world system under the Earth Constitution.

2.       A legislative act addressing police corruption.  This act bans  the use of paid informants by government officials attempting to win cases against suspected lawbreakers.  This ban addresses the widespread corruption, found in courtrooms around the world, in which government agents essentially pay people to give false testimony in order to secure convictions against those who may well be innocent.

3.       A legislative act banning the terrible practice of fracking, which is widely known to destroy the Earth and pollute fresh water supplies wherever it is used for mining operations.

4.       A legislative act protecting the right of people to assemble. This act bans the police dispersal of crowds through dangerous or potentially lethal means, including the use of tear gas.  In many places on Earth, people’s right to assemble is being threatened by police dispersal of crowds gathered to protest injustices.  This act protects our fundamental human right to protest.

5.       A Surveillance Limitations Act.  This act protects our right to privacy and freedom of speech. It addresses the terrible phenomena of worldwide spying on telephone, email, and internet communications that has come to light in recent years through courageous whistleblowers like Edward Snowden of the United States.   Both the Earth Federation Government, and any nations that are members of the Earth Federation, are prohibited from spying on citizens except when there is real suspicion that a crime is being committed and only with the issuance of a warrant by a legitimate authority.

6.       A Transitions Act providing a road map by which nations can become proud members of the Earth Federation. This act specifies the procedures, planning, and timetables that make it easy for nations to join the emerging Earth Federation under Article 17 of the Earth Constitution.

Finally, our guest speaker at the opening session of the Parliament, Mr. M. P. Pandey, Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, promised to take our efforts to elect a world parliament for the people of Earth to the U.P. Election Commission, possibly providing for the World Parliament an opportunity to initiate the process of ratification for the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. 

Honored members of the press, this session of the Parliament was a historic and successful step forward for humanity. We are not merely expressing hope that the people of Earth will unite. We are actually uniting them under the Earth Constitution. We are taking concrete steps to transform our world disorder into one of freedom, peace, and justice. This is the work of the Provisional World Parliament.


Dr. Glen T. Martin, President of the Parliament,

Dr. Eugenia Almand, Secretary to the Parliament,

December 16, 2013
Elder's Founder Nelson Mandela Inspires his Colleagues to Seek World Union  Bishop Desmond Tutu of the Elders endorsed the original drafting of the Earth Constitution with its Provisional World Parliament -- now meeting in India
Nelson Mandela's colleagues issued to the media a tribute video (4:17) titled:  Nelson Mandela: Uniting Humanity Around the World.  On You Tube and elsewhere, it features Human Rights leader Mary Robinson, former US President Jimmy Carter, past UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and others of the Elders.
Of interest for the Provisional World Parliament now meeting in India under the Earth Constitution is that the video includes Bishop Desmond Tutu.   Bishop Tutu publicly endorsed the World Constituent Assembly which met in 1991 to complete the drafting of the Earth Constitution.  The organizing agent for the WCA was the World Constitution & Parliament Association under the current leadership of Dr. Glen Martin and Dr. Eugenia Almand. 
The meetings in India represent the 13th Session of the Provisional World Parliament.  It will be considering model world laws including the process by which nations can join the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution. 
Mandela's message of the need to "unite humanity around the world" shows his visionary wisdom. Tutu's support for the drafting of a now completed "Constitution for the Federation of Earth" shows how Mandela's wish could become a reality.  Will Tutu and the other Elders utilize the Earth Constitution as the key for uniting humanity?
The brief video (4:17) is very inspiring.  Click or paste below to view it.  Nelson Mandela's message: "Our task is to unite the world." 
December 2, 2013
Opening ceremonies for WCPA's 13th Provisional World Parliament to be chaired by the Honorable Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mata Prasad Pande

The World Constitution and Parliament Association, organizing agent for the Provisional World Parliament,                           is preparing for the 13th Session of the PWP, to be held in Lucknow, India from December 14 -17, 2013.                   Lucknow is located in Uttar Pradesh, a state in India with a population of 230 million people. 

The PWP sessions will be held concurrently with the meetings of the Chief Justices of the World.

There is a full legislative agenda for the PWP ranging from guidelines for nations to join the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution, to "Truth and Reconciliation" legislation as a means to deal with violations of human rights by some nation- state leaders -- a difficult situation for nations whose leaders have committed crimes against humanity and       other world crimes. 

The PWP's full agenda, including legislative proposals, can be found at the website of the Institute on World Problems  

There has been a long history of support in India for One world democratic government, particularly as expressed in WCPA's Earth Constitution which has evolved into the current Earth Federation Movement.  The Earth Constitution   provides a democratic world federal union government and represents a "gold standard" for the world federalist     solution. Peace activists may turn to the Earth Constitution to illustrate the UN Charter's flaws, and as the ideal       structure for a new world union that is democratic and fair for all, not just the privileged few. 

The former mayor of Lucknow, Dauji Gupta, a WCPA Vice President, arranged for the Honorable Speaker of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly, Mr. Mata Prasad Pande to be guest speaker for the opening ceremonies of WCPA's Provisional World Parliament.  WCPA has had a long history of cooperation and encouragement from high government officials from India, a nation whose politicians have often encouraged and supported a peaceful, unified world. 

For more information for both official delegates or observers interested in the 13th Session of the PWP, go to:  (or)

November 20, 2013

Israel, Iran, Syria, the U.S. and the Middle East:  Armageddon or Disarmageddon?
[Editorial in response to an email notice for an International Conference to be held soon in Israel "For a Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East." ]

The upcoming Conference for a Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone  caught my attention.   Peace activists have been valiantly trying to make peace and disarmament breakthrough's working within the current geopolitical paradigm of treaties, peace negotiations, mediation, and international "law".


Unfortunately, until we have a democratic world federal union government with enforceable world law it seems unlikely that the Middle East can be permanently cooled down enough to avoid a potential Armageddon, especially if Irael continues with its present policies and practices. 
Israel's expansionistic behaviors into Palestinian lands coupled with a policy of militarized domination is a formula for ultimate disaster -- for Israel.  Better that its Zionist leaders heed the warning of progressive Jews and try something else. 


A  recommendation:  Instead of the Israeli government using a general policy of domination by "death and destruction", why not try "honey and money"?  Give back to Palestinians the stolen lands, and go into business together.  The world will love it. Tourism will blossom.  All will prosper.

Geopolitical system must be changed

Meanwhile, NGO activists are doing their best working within the present geopolitical system to stave off WWIII, or Armageddon if you prefer.  In some ways, there is little choice since in the present geopolitical (war) system there are few viable, peaceful alternatives. 


Earth Federation activists are trying to change this grim global situation by seeking recognition for the Earth Constitution and its embryo Provisional World Parliament, meeting for the 13th Session in December, 2013 in India.

It would be wonderful if the Middle East could be defused, and I salute the activists setting up this Conference.  I think of my Earth Federation T shirt which highlights a new word -- "Disarmageddon."   

The United Nations is rather helpless to control Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United States, and other proxy powers such as France and Russia.  Violent chaos haunts Iraq, Libya, Syria, and to some degree, Egypt. Iran may be next if Israel attacks.  Raw sewage (literally) runs through the streets of Gaza according to a recent report on RT news, another method to force Palestinians to move out of their homes and lands.


The UN's chemical disarmament team in Syria is one exception to this grim picture. But Israel may strike Syria militarily as they have done already.  The UN cannot hold the Israeli leadership accountable for possible world crimes since there is no enforcement mechanism to hold individual leaders of powerful nations accountable.


Proxy powers Russia and the U.S. seek at least a temporary solution to the dilemma of Iranian nuclear power, but Israel refuses to play by the same rules that they insist should be placed upon Iran.  Israel refuses to give up its own nuclear weapons, and some analysts warn that Israel may use nuclear weapons against Iran.


Public pressure such as the upcoming Conference seems to be about all that is available at present for the global community to try to bring a civilized presence to the Middle East, and reduce the chances of an Armageddon scenario. 


Time for a new world charter
Moral of this story:  World federalists need to amp up the call  for a new World Charter (Earth Constitution?) to replace the outdated UN Charter. 
While the NGO community is doing its best to prevent WWIII/Armageddon working within the present geopolitical system, it would be helpful if they would simultaneously help bring to public awareness the need for democratic world government, especially since the Earth Constitution is waiting impatiently, a gift for the world that desperately needs an enlightened new governing structure designed to establish a global peace system.
Earth Federation activists believe that Disarmageddon is possible in the Middle East, and worldwide.  But the Earth Constitution must be embraced by "we, the people", and by the United Nations. 

Without the World Federalist Solution as designed into the Earth Constitution, we will likely continue the pattern of  activists reacting to one crisis, then another, then another.....always....a new crisis somewhere, and again a risk of nuclear disaster, if not in the Middle East, somewhere else.   


-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
    Editor, Earth Federation News & Views

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jackie Cabasso <>
Date: Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 5:53 PM
Subject: [ufpj-activist] Support the upcoming historic international conference in Israel, "For a Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East"!

Dear Colleagues,

It is an honor for me to have been invited to join the International Advisory Committee for an historic international conference in Israel, “For a Nuclear Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East,” to be held in Haifa, December 5 – 6, 2013.  The Haifa Conference will be followed on December 7 by an international symposium in Ramallah, where Palestinian and Arab groups from around the region can participate.

The Haifa conference is being organized by a Preparatory Committee including former members of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) and dedicated Israeli anti-nuclear and human rights activists. It is, to my knowledge, the first such conference ever organized in Israel, where it is illegal for Israeli citizens to publically state that Israel has nuclear weapons – unless they add, “according to foreign sources.” Needless to say, the organizers of this conference are incredibly brave, and they deserve broad international support and participation – especially from Israel’s biggest ally and enabler, the United States. I am making plans to attend.

This conference could not be more timely, coming on the heels of the breathtaking diplomatic resolution to the chemical weapons crisis in Syria, and on the eve (hopefully) of a long-awaited diplomatic breakthrough in the Iranian nuclear stalemate. Establishing a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East offers a concrete alternative to endless suspicions, tensions, conflicts and risks of wars in one of the world’s most volatile regions. Just starting negotiations, in and of itself, would serve as a valuable confidence building measure among the states in the region.

As you know, the parties to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty unanimously agreed in the final outcome document the 2010 Review Conference to convene an international conference to begin discussing a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East by the end of last year.


The conference was tentatively scheduled to take place in Helsinki, Finland in December 2012. However, the U.S. State Department announced on November 23, 2012 that the Helsinki Conference “cannot be convened because of present conditions in the Middle East and the fact that states in the region have not reached agreement on acceptable conditions for a conference,” declaring: “We would not support a conference in which any regional state would be subject to pressure or isolation.” The statement was referring to Israel, the only nuclear-armed state in the region, and not to Iran, which had announced its intention to participate in the Conference. 

At an alternative international conference in Helsinki organized by Finnish NGOs last December, Issam Makoul, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, and the first member to ever raise a question in the Knesset about Israel’s nuclear stockpile, declared: “If official Israel will not come to Helsinki, it remains the task of the peace and progressive forces, in Israel and abroad, to bring Helsinki to Israel.” Hence the idea of an international conference in Israel was born, aimed at strengthening the demand for a weapons of mass destruction free zone in the Middle East.

The rationale for the conference is articulated beautifully in the conference Call to Action.  (See websites shown below for further information.)

Time is short, but I urge you to consider coming to Haifa for this historic Conference, and to share this information with others who may be interested and able to attend. I also encourage you to send messages of solidarity to the Conference, which I will be happy to collect and deliver.

For peace and justice in a nuclear free world,

-- Jackie Cabasso
Executive Director
Western States Legal Foundation
Working for Peace & Justice in a Nuclear Free World

August 17, 2013

Legacy of World Citizen Garry Davis:  A Good Omen for World Federalists


World Citizen #1", Garry Davis, died recently at 91.  An Army Air Force bomber pilot during World War II, he became a peace activist who declared himself a citizen of the world, blamed the nation-state system for war, and said the solution to end war was world government.


Originally a Broadway theatre actor, his creative acts of nonviolent civil disobedience over the years as a "world citizen" put him firmly on the map with the media, and ultimately attracted Hollywood’s interest.


His is a legacy of world federalist concepts placed on the public record thanks to the  reporters who wrote about his notions of One World, world citizenship, and world government as the way to end war.

Media respected his outspoken world federalist views

While some world federalists worry that the public is turned off by open advocacy for world government, Garry Davis went ahead anyway.  The widespread media coverage upon Garry's death shows the respect he gained from journalists, highlighted by a front page story in the New York Times (7/28/13), a story which went international. 


Articles in both the NY Times and the Los Angeles Times (8/1/13), both major media outlets, treated the views of Mr. Davis seriously.    Mr. Davis insisted that world government was what was required to end war, and the press faithfully reported it.  


Sovereignty of nations divides us he tells the UN General Assembly

We learn from the NY Times article:  "In November 1948, six months after renouncing his citizenship in Paris, Mr. Davis stormed a session of the United Nations General Assembly there." “We, the people, want the peace which only a world government can give,” he proclaimed. “The sovereign states you represent divide us and lead us to the abyss of total war.”


World Citizen #1 shows that "world government" can gain public interest

More from the NY Times which reports:  In 1953, he founded the World Government of World Citizens. The demand for its documents proved so brisk that he established the service authority the next year. 

More than half a million world passports have been issued, though there are no statistics on the number of people who have successfully crossed borders with them. A half-dozen countries — Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Mauritania, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia — have formally recognized the passport.

World passports sent to whistle blower Snowden and Wikileaks founder Assange

Mr. Davis remained very active right up to his death, sending world passports to whistle blower Edward Snowden stuck in Russia after his American passport was canceled, and to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange confined to the Ecuadorean embassy in London.


Hollywood's interest could spark new interest in the world federalist cause

Movie producer Arthur Kanegis was extremely close to Garry Davis stating that he has known him for 30 years.  After his death Mr. Kanegis wrote:  "Having practically lived in his story while writing the screenplay and producing the documentary on his life, I miss him very much."


Mr. Kanegis sent out an email with the picture of Garry Davis on the front page of the NY Times.

Hollywood documentary and feature movie about World Citizen #1?

Mr. Kanegis writes "Our short film about Garry won Best Global Documentary in the New York International Film Festival.  You can watch it at:  (Kanegis seeks funding to complete the full documentary film, and has a screenplay he is writing to do a feature Hollywood film about Garry Davis.)  

August 8, 2013
Transition Process for National Governments Joining the Earth Federation

World Legislative Act #53 will be taken up by the 13th Provisional World Parliament in the December, 2013 sessions.  This legislation proposes that almost any nation can join the Federation, but is expected to conform to the requirements of the Earth Constitution, particularly Articles 12 and 13.  
Articles 12 and 13 "provide extensive protection of human rights: political, social, and global (i.e., the rights to peace and a protected environment."  A nation has "the right to choose their own internal political, economic, and social systems" but its policies must be "consistent with the several provisons of the Constitution."

Principle of individuals' human rights and liberties a primary focus
WLA #53 indicates that "the principle of nationhood itself is understood by the Constitution to be secondary to the principles of individuals' human rights..." but recognizes "that today no nation on Earth fully conforms to the Earth Constitution in terms of national military, human rights record, or social requirements for decision-making that truly protects the rights of its citizens;" 
Nations not in conformance when they join the Federation "shall enter into a transitional agreement and begin a process of transition."  

What about dictatorships?
 The proposed legislation allows initial entry to virtually any nation of any type of government and provides for a gradual yet timed procedure to come into conformance with the Constitution.  "Nations or groups governed by a military, dictator, oligarchy, or other government that does not conform to the Earth Constitution do not have to 
eliminate this mode of governance immediately but only according to the timed stages in the transitional agreement. "

Transition Council 
Consisting of 30 elected members and 7 ex-officio members, the Transition Council will assist nations in the changes needed for full membership in the Federation.  There will be "timed stages" which are reasonable and practical for each nation.  For example, a nation may need some time to disband certain institutions (such as secret police, or secret detention centers, or nondemocratic electoral practices).  

WLA #53 states that dictators or military rulers and the like "do not have to give up their power or authority immediately"..."but shall follow the timed arrangements specified in (each nation's) Transition Plan."  There are provisions for Appeal within the Federation's World Judiciary for a nation that disagrees with the findings of the Transition Council. 

Leaders of nations no longer above the law
The principle of individual accountability means that leaders of governments will be held accountable for following through with the agreements, and obeying in good faith the laws of the Earth Federation.   No one is above world law. But the stages of conversion will vary from nation to nation, and the legislation allows for considerable flexibility even in cases where leaders have failed to meet deadlines. 

To read the the full text of WLA #53, go to or  

June 13, 2013
America's Secret Surveillance Empire Exposed -- a Violation of the Earth Constitution?
The revelation by former CIA employee Edward Snowden of widespread secret surveillance of all Americans by the National Security Agency is just one more step in the direction of democracy turning into fascism but presented with a friendly smile.
Americans are watching the doors to their freedoms and rights slowly close as the Executive branch grants itself more and more power.  The  President hides in a cloud of secrecy claiming "national security." Aided by a corrupt Congress bought and paid for by private multinational corporations and Big Money, and with a Supreme Court whose majority is controlled by a radical right wing ideology that supports authoritarian measures, -- there is little room for honest democracy and decision-making.
The U.S. Attorney General's office appears to do the bidding of the President while meekly admitting it will not prosecute the Wall Street banksters ("too big to fail, too big to go to jail"), but will enthusiastically prosecute patriotic whistle-blowers like Bradley Manning,  Edward Snowden, and even Australian Julian Assange.  
Checks and balances in U.S. Constitution set aside 
It was once thought that the strength of the American Constitution was that even if one branch of government went wrong, the other branches could correct the problem. Few ever imagined that all branches of government would go rogue at the same time.  But that appears now to be reality. Checks and balances can no longer be counted upon to protect the individual citizen's rights.
When the Executive branch, Congress, and the Supreme Court are all corrupted there is no where to go to correct grievances.  It's like having a corrupt city police department but you can't go to the FBI because, they too, are corrupt. 
Could Americans go to the United Nations for help?
Asking help from the United Nations is not an option.  The "national sovereignty"  granted to nations in the Charter means that the UN cannot interfere with the internal affairs of a nation -- even if that nation's government has gone bad.  The UN is not allowed to investigate or prosecute those officials guilty of violating a citizens inalienable rights.  Leaders of such governments are above the law and can continue violating  the rights of their citizens at will, but with some limited authority granted the International Criminal Court for some third world nations.
Earth Constitution a new geopolitical system to benefit all citizens
The United Nations Charter is outdated.  Its flaws prevent effective UN action.  The time has arrived for a new world charter, one with a more vibrant, democratic, and federal geopolitical structure.  It is time for the Earth Constitution to take center stage. 

The Earth Constitution is both a rational and moral document, providing peaceful solutions to the power struggles, wars, lies, covert operations, fake enemies, and unlimited economic greed so destructively harmful to the good and decent citizens of the world.   The .1%, the 1%, and the 10% have lost ethical, moral, and spiritual legitimacy. 
The Earth Constitution's judicial and enforcement system illustrates how another level of appeal (Ombudsmus) could be available to citizens of a nation whose basic rights are being violated. Unfortunately for Americans and for many other governments, their constitutions lack an office of Ombudsmus -- a  flaw that opens the door to unconstitutional acts with impunity. Officials become above the law by simply claiming  "national security."
Discovering the World Ombudsmus in the Earth Constitution
The World Ombudsmus (Article 11) is obligated to protect all citizens against violations of universal human rights. Article 12 states that "Individuals or groups suffering violations...of such rights...shall have full recourse through the World Ombudsmus, the Enforcement System, and the World Courts for redress of grievances."
The Earth Constitution (Article 12) declares that all citizens have an inalienable right to privacy of "person, family, and association";  governments are prohibited from "surveillance as a means of political control."  Citizens are also protected against "arbitrary search or seizure" and there first must be a warrant issued. 
In the meantime,  where do Americans turn for help?  Protests?  More protests?  The obstacles are great.
It appears that the police, the secret agencies, and military are in lockstep with a corrupt Washington, DC.  Whistle-blowers are treated as criminals rather than patriotic heroes. The protest movement comes under massive NSA surveillance. New dangers (phony "enemies") are introduced into the public's mind to keep people paranoid and easy to manipulate.  (Google "false flag operations")
From the European Union to the Earth Federation
In 1776 the Americans under conditions of authoritarian tyranny sought help from France to help free themselves from the British. Should citizens once again seek outside help?  Might the European Union, also a victim of secret surveillance, be sought out for assistance?
If America became part of the Earth Federation, then citizens would have a new level of appeal to peacefully regain their freedoms and rights, thanks to the Federation's Earth Constitution. Being part of the Earth Federation would open up a whole new set of possibilities for citizens to be able to restore democracy and protect basic inalienable rights currently under siege.

(Editor - Roger Kotila,  Earth Federation News & Views,  June 13, 2013)

May 16, 2013 (First published here on May 5, 2013)  
Pacific Ocean and West Coast Radiation Crisis? 

Editor's introductory note:  Yoichi Shimatsu's "San Onofre Edison...West Coast Radiation Crisis - Part 1" was originally published at on 4-23-13, but mainstream media has failed to inform the public of these important findings regarding radioactive contamination reaching American shores. 

The warning signs surrounding the troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant go beyond California according to Mr. Shimatsu.  Japan's Fukushima meltdown is sending radioactive contamination into Pacific Ocean currents reaching the West Coast.  In addition, the Hanford Nuclear Reservation is leaking high-level radioactive waste into the Columbia River which flows into the Pacific Ocean. 

Is it time for a moratorium on all nuclear related energy and weapons production projects?  Shimatsu's article does not discuss what can be done when an environmental problem crosses international boundaries. 

Unfortunately, the United Nations has no authority in its Charter to prevent California, the United States, or Japan from nuclear-related projects that may endanger our citizens, the Pacific Ocean, and the sea food chain. By contrast to the flawed UN Charter, the Earth Federation's Earth Constitution has provisions that authorize responsible governmental actions to protect Mother Earth's fragile eco system.

The Earth Constitution in its First Operative Stage of Earth Federation government calls for a moratorium on all nuclear power projects. Article in the Constitution directs the World Parliament to "...find ways to implement a moratorium on nuclear energy projects until all problems are solved concerning safety, disposal of toxic wastes and the dangers of use or diversion of materials for the production of nuclear weapons..."  --  R. Kotila, Ph.D. --  editor,  Earth Federation News & Views



San Onofre Edison...
West Coast Radiation Crisis - Part 1

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive to


Beached in front of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, the carcass of a California sea lion was remarkable, for being an adult specimen. So far, throughout the six-week crisis for marine mammals along the Southern California coastline, all of the 2,000-plus sea lions, elephant seals and harbor seals suffering severe malnutrition have been pups deprived of breast milk from their emaciated or missing mothers.


Dead sea lion on San Onofre beach, 150 meters north of the Edison nuclear power plant, seen behind.


Veterinarians and volunteers at marine mammal rescue centers from San Pedro to Laguna Beach (roughly between Los Angeles and San Diego) have been puzzled by this inexplicable pup crisis. The assumption is that of mass starvation being caused by a shortage of near-shore fish, which forced the mothers to venture far out to sea. While there has been a long-term trend of population decline among smaller piscine species and mollusks, a sudden drastic drop in sardine numbers this spring is unlikely, considering the large numbers of dolphins seen offshore in pursuit of schools of fish.

Very high radiation readings near its heart and liver.

The feed scarcity theory is also inconsistent with the daily tally posted by fishermen at docks along the Southern California coast. Game fish that predate on mollusks and smaller fishes are still being caught in large numbers with rod and reel. Therefore the crisis faced by shore-based marine mammals must have a different cause.


Exposure levels around its nose and mouth.

A Field Autopsy

Now here, lying on the sand, was a dead sea lion whose internal organs lay exposed by a long rip down its left side. The jaws of a thrashing shark were not what finished her off since no teeth marks were visible on the pale brown hide. The strip of skin had been pulled off in a single motion.


A seaweed clump lying directly in front of Southern
California Edison reactor has a high reading.

The front flipper on its left side was snapped off in a clean break along the knuckles, indicating the sea lion had been snagged possibly by a towing cable for a barge or a rope to a net dragged by a squid boat. The animal was slightly over 2 meters from nose to rear flippers. Its midriff was absent of bulging body fat, a sign of malnutrition as in the underweight pups treated at a local marine mammal rescue center.

A quick scan with a dosimeter revealed that the sea lion was radioactive. More careful measurements disclosed a shocking 0.48 microsieverts in the heart and liver region. The second most affected area was its rear flippers, probably due to repeated contact with fecal excretions. The nose and mouth were a bit less contaminated.

Surprisingly, the intestines showed hardly any sign of radioactive residues. The lack of any fishy odor in the water oozing out of the gut indicated the sea lion had not eaten for a long while before dying.



Kelp and gorgonian samples hung out to dry.

The internal readings suggest the probable cause of death as ingestion of radioactive feed, mainly through fish in its diet (and algae inside the fishes’ bellies) and secondarily immersion in seawater.  Moving from the digestive tract into the bloodstream, nuclear isotopes were bio-accumulated in the internal organs, especially cesium concentrating in the heart muscle. Cesium is known to cause irregular beat, cell abnormalities, muscle atrophy and spasms leading to a seizure and cardiac arrest.

With its body weakening and coordination becoming spastic, the sea lion could not maintain the speed and maneuverability required to pursue and catch free-swimming fish. It thus became too exhausted to avert an entanglement with a passing cable, which pulled off its left flipper. This is terrible way for a mermaid to die and drift ashore where hordes of flies were now crawling over its open wound and beige fur.


Barnacles on Catalina rocks are heavily irradiated.

  There are two known sources of radioactive contamination along the West Coast: the North Pacific Current conveying coolant dumped from the melted-down Fukushima TEPCO facility; and the Columbia River containing wastewater from the Hanford nuclear weapons plant in Washington State. Yet, here, the high radioactive levels found in a sea lion point to a third nuclear culprit, the Southern California Edison at San Onofre.

Surfin’ USA

The long stretch of San Onofre beach is famous for pipeline surfing, as immortalized by one of the Beach Boys’ odes to endless summer.  The curving sandy track, which was once plied by classic woodies, still runs past sun-tanned youths paddling their boards into the breakers. The car track shrinks into a footpath that ends at a pile of gray rocks and tall signboards warning: “No Entry Past the Beach.” A dune buggy carrying a couple of black-shirted security guards passes me and rolls onto a concrete ramp, which rises under a watch tower where they don hardhats and walk up toward the two white domes of the SCE nuclear station.


Limpet shellfish are also toxic.

Electricity generation at SCE San Onofre ceased in January 2012 due to leaks in its steam generator, reportedly without any release of radioactive isotopes.  More than a year later, Edison officials announced a plan to seek regulatory approval for a restart of Reactor 2. At the very same moment in early March, rescue centers from San Pedro to Laguna Beach were overwhelmed with starving sea lion pups, which soon totaled more than 2,000 cases.


A sea kayak can float but is unsafe from radioactive contamination.


The question thus arises: Did Edison officials secretly approve the hosing down of the San Onofre plant in preparation for inspection by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?

Answers in Seaweed

Since there has been no radiation monitoring along the West Coast after the Obama administration’s order to cease data-collecting on fallout from Fukushima in mid-2011, there is only one readily available method for detecting recent radioactive releases: Comparison of contamination levels in wet and dry samples of local seaweed.


Doorway of unmarked building at SCE Catalina Island, while the
garage roll-up entrance had a reading of 0.24 microsieverts.


Using both a dosimeter and Geiger counter, I measured samples of wet seaweeds and then dried these for a second reading of the plant material minus its water content. While many seaweed types can be found in the clumps dotting the shore, the focus was on two species with different physical characteristics: kelps and red gorgonian.

Kelp grows rapidly in the late winter-early spring with a high rate of cell division. Fast growth promotes the intake of nutrients and bio-accumulation of radioactive isotopes. In contrast, red gorgonian is a slow grower with hard coral-like “fingers” that requires a much longer period for absorption of dissolved minerals.

Wet samples registered fairly high readings. After drying, the levels in the kelp dropped by about 25 percent. Dried gorgonian, in contrast, showed much lower readings and barely any residual radiation, meaning that the radioactive content was present mainly in the aqueous slime on the outside of the plant rather than inside its cells.

A comparison of older kelp versus this season’s growth, done later on Catalina Island, showed similar results. The radioactivity count in a single growing season (March-April 2013) was double the total contamination accumulated over several past years in an older sample. Therefore, there must have been a massive unreported and illegal release from SCE San Onofre at some point between February and early March.

Fukushima ‘Hot’ Levels in California

The clumps of seaweeds in front of SCE Onofre registered between 0.18 and 0.38 microsieverts, in the same range as those I measured on the shore of south Fukushima prefecture. The Catalina readngs of 0.12 to 0.18 microsieverts in seaweed and 0.28 in barnacles and 0.20 limpets is higher than my findings at the Abukuma River basin near the border of Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures. (Note: By comparison, readings taken on the Japanese coast just south of the Fukushima No.2 plant were extremely high, often more than 1.2 microsieverts per hour.)



Aerial view of the unmarked warehouse (left side of road) below the
water treatment pools, hazardous waste site (bottom right), and the oil tanks
of the SCE Catalina gas-and-oil thermal power facility (top).


These preliminary field studies at San Onofre and Catalina indicate that Edison power is primarily responsible for the kill-off and injuries to marine mammals along with possible illnesses among the human population of Southern California. This conclusion does not exonerate the nuclear operators at Hanford or Fukushima for their roles in the larger West Coast radiation crisis.

The Curious Case of Catalina

Another question that comes up is: If the powerful California Current flows southward, how can radioactive wastewater flow in the opposite direction from San Onofre past Laguna Beach all the way to San Pedro, a distance of 100 kilometers north?

Along the Golden State’s irregular coastline, the passing current and waves strike outcrops and submerged rock formations, generating reflected waves and swirling eddies that move back toward the sea, sometimes for long distances. These counter-movements are amplified by the ebb tide.


Crow feather reveals exposure to irradiated garbage
at Catalina landfill on SCE property.

The sea lion incidents are occurring under even more complex conditions. The waters between San Pedro and San Onofre are complicated by the relatively shallow undersea shelf which extends to and resurfaces as the rugged terrain of Catalina Island. Since scant research has been published on the currents in this marine micro- environment, I took a ferry to Catalina to measure radiation in seaweeds there.

The kelp along Catalina’s eastern shore had about a third lower radiation level than those in San Onofre, which is still considerably high since the island is 26 nautical miles or about 41 kilometers away. This level of contamination is possible only if a clockwise current flows from the southeast, that is, from “SanO” to Avalon. This cyclical movement is possibly generated by the southeasterly thrust of the California Current across the gap between northern Catalina and Los Angeles. This powerful stream could well be tugging at the mouth of the Catalina channel, its pull creating a steady flow from San Onofre to Catalina.

If the Catalina channel turns out to act as a slow whirlpool, repeatedly circulating radioactive wastewater, this cycle could set up a major kill-off in the months and years ahead. Residents along the coastal bluffs have recently spotted abnormal migrations of orca whales, apparently fleeing the Arctic region, where Fukushima radiation and chemical pollutants are fouling the northern waters. Humpback whales have also been spotted moving south instead of northward. After escaping the contaminated northern feeding grounds, these large mammals are entering the “killing fields” of the Southern California coastal region. Fukushima, Hanford and San Onofre are the “Bermuda Triangle” for marine life.

Hidden Dump Site

After tentatively solving the sea lion mystery, I decided to hike onward to the Pacific side of Catalina island and made a disturbing discovery along the way. A confusing road map put me past Pebbly Beach, where SCE operates a gas-and-oil electricity plant. After losing my direction, I stumbled upon a hazardous waste site and an unmarked sheet-metal warehouse. Taking out my dosimeter by instinct, I was surprised to find a high radiation reading since the only potential radioactive sources on the list of “acceptable” garbage consists of electronics equipment and monitors.

Across the road, the open door of an unmarked building registered a 0.16 microsievert, while the roll-up garage door hit a whopping 0.24. At that exact moment, a SCE service truck came out of nowhere, sped up the road, and screeched to a halt. Two maintenance workers jumped out of the cab, strode right in front of me and locked the door. Responding to their query, I stated that the island map put me in the wrong place.

Trudging back toward the junction, I switched on the dosimeter in front of the SCE generation furnaces, where chimneys were belching metallic-tasting fumes, and the numbers again skyrocketed back to 0.28. Higher up the mountain under the power lines from the plant, a crow’s feather lay on the ground. The black plume registered 0.19, and a nearby lump of crow scat was equally contaminated.

There is only one possible explanation: The crows feed at the nearby garbage dump where radioactive waste is also being secretly buried. Gazing from the heights, I could see concrete mixers and earthmovers working on a huge new building, which goes unmentioned in SCE press releases. Is Edison quietly dumping low-level nuclear waste from its San Onofre nuclear facility in this hidden corner of Catalina, one of California’s top destinations world-famous for ecological conservation?

If so, Edison is being run more like the mafia than a public utilities corporation. The board of SCE is just begging to be busted.

Final questions: Where is the state and federal Environmental Protection Agency in this regional radiation crisis? Is any government entity monitoring the radioactivity in Southern California?  Why is Jerry Brown, a self-proclaimed environmentalist, asleep at the wheel?

Wake up, Governor, these are not moonbeams. SCE San Onofre is emitting death rays.


Port of Avalon, Catalina, has a 0.12 microsieverts radiation level.

 Additional Notes: Trend Monitoring Needed

The readings conducted in the period March 18-22 were, of course, limited by volunteer time and personal expense. While much information can be gleaned from a quick field study, readings taken on a short visit cannot substitute for a trend analysis based on decades of monitoring.

One notable and fortunate difference from Fukushima is the low level of radiation on land just outside SCE San Onofre (0.08 to 0.10 microsieverts). This is probably due to the drier climate. Catalina had background radiation on land ranging from 0.04 in shoreline rocks, 0.12 in the serpentine gravel used on dirt tracks, and 0.12 at the ferry terminus, which is probably due to radiation picked up by these ships while crossing the channel. The threat is sufficient to warrant prompt action and more extensive research.

Advice to Surfers and Snorkelers

A surfer named Jason, who watched while I ran measurements on the deceased sea lion at SanO, asked me: “Is it safe to enter the water at San Onofre?”

The summary of my advice to him...

The difference between the sea lion and beachgoers is the ingestion of radioactive food. Radioactive isotopes are diluted in the seawater, and it takes many steps up the food chain, from algae to fish, to bio-accumulate (concentrate) radiation. So avoid eating fish species in affected waters, especially rockfish, ling, sand dabs that feed on kelp.

A dip in the water is far less dangerous than eating contaminated food. Radioactive salts on the skin are alkali, and therefore acidic soaps and shampoos containing citric acid are advisable. A drink of citrus juice in the late afternoon is also a good choice, since the acidity can help remove isotopes via urine. Sweating is beneficial because it transports isotopes out of the bloodstream. Citrus-laced laundry powder likewise decontaminates clothing, and a second wash in a borax-based detergent can provide a small degree of protection from neutrons.

As a Mexican boxer once advised: Don’t drink the water, stick with the beer. In this instance, it’s seawater. Never gulp when swimming. Replace the beer with red wine, which contains radiation-resisting resveratrol.

As long as radiation levels do not rise dramatically, staying cooped up in bad indoors air is less safe than being outdoors. Until a meltdown ends California dreaming, youth is still about having fun in the surf and the sun.

Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Hong Kong, conducts radiation-effects research and provides herbal therapy in Fukushima prefecture.


[The above news story, researched and written by Yoichi Shimatsu, can be found at  It was published on 4/23/13 at
Earth Federation News & Views considers it to be an important story for purposes of environmental research and education. It is believed to clearly fall within FAIR USE guidelines, and is accordingly being shared with our readers.  Mr. Shimatsu's findings hint at the potential dangers of nuclear power facilities, and shows how radioactive poisoning can become a global issue.]   

January 14, 2013 

Prominent International Lawyer to join the World Constitution & Parliament Association's Executive Council

[News from Malaysia in this press release sent by WCPA to Earth Federation News & Views.   WCPA is the organizing agent for the Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution. The PWP meets again in December, 2013.]


The World Constitution and Parliament Association is very proud to announce Puan Sri Datin Seri N. Saraswathy Devi as an honored member of its Worldwide Executive Council and Vice-President for WCPA. Puan Sri Datin Seri N. Saraswathy Devi is a prominent international lawyer from Malaysia and Chair of the International Women Lawyers’ Committee against Human Trafficking.  She sponsored and attended the 11th session of the Provisional World Parliament in Nainital, India, and the 12th session of the Parliament in Kolkata, India, lending her considerable legal expertise to the discussion of proposed world legislative acts. We are delighted that Ms. Devi has also agreed to serve as a sponsor and promoter for the 13th session of the Parliament that will take place in Lucknow 19-21 December 2013.

January 12, 2013
Democratic World Federalists website attacked by unknown assailants

Democratic World Federalists, a leading all volunteer educational organization and think tank based in San Francisco, had their website shut down yesterday January 11, 2012 with a notice that the website "contains malware!"

Google Chrome posted a warning: "Even if you have visited this website safely in the past, visiting it now is very likely to infect your computer with malware.  Malware is malicious software that causes thinkgs like identity theft, financial loss, and permanent file deletion."

DWF, an international peace organization, has been increasingly visible on the Internet.  The organization explains how formation of a democratic federal world union is the preferred and only realistic path to end wars and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, and describes the various paths or strategies being attempted to establish a democratic world federation as an alternative to the inadequate United Nations system. 

DWF officials do not know if the attack on the website was a random hit by cyberspace crooks, or was specifically sabotaged by unknown parties who are opposed to transforming the present geopolitical war system into a global peace system.

January 8, 2013
Leading Earth Constitution advocate Dr. Glen Martin a featured speaker at the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World held in Lucknow, India

Professor Glen Martin spoke about the Earth Constituiton on two separate occasions at the meetings of the Chief Justices of the World, an international conference hosted by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi's City Montessori School in December, 2012 in Lucknow, India. 

Dr. Martin's message to the Chief Justices was that the rule of law "lies at the heart of human civilization" and is essential to peace and justice.  He proposed that the Constitution for the Federation of Earth was designed to allow for the universal rule of effective law which, he said, was at the heart of human civilization. 

Martin stated that the Earth Constitution should be studied in every educational institution worldwide, and that the adoption of the Constitution at the political level could provide the solution we seek to a world of disorder and chaos.

The present global geopolitical system said Martin, has produced "perpetual, unending, liquid war."  This chaos, he went on, has two main sources:  global multinational corporations and imperial war-making nation-states."  He pointed out that there are 63,000 multinational corporations, many of them operating beyond the scope of both national and international law.

In Martin's second speech he noted that "real law" needs to be binding over all individual persons.  You cannot write in exceptions, he went on, but that is exactly what the nations do today. 

His conclusion to the Chief Justices:  "...the plain truth of our situation that is hard to face up to:  You cannot solve global problems unless we have real, effective government for the Earth."

An emerging Earth Federation Movement is utilizing the Earth Constitution as its centering point for establishing a new geopolitical system which is truly democratic, and supports the common good rather than that of the ruling elites. It is designed to replace the current global war system with a global peace system, one which relies on the rule of law and nonviolent means to resolve conflicts  Such features are naturally attractive to jurists worldwide.

A number of the Chief Justices, both active and retired, have signed on as honorary sponsors to show their support for this bold approach to fixing the world's problems.  The Earth Constitution will likely be either the replacement for the ineffective and flawed United Nations Charter, or the model for a new democratic federal world charter. 

-- Editor,   Earth Federation News & Views 

December 22, 2012
Special Report on the proceedings of the Forum of the First Stage of the World Citizens Parliament with meetings held in Mexico City at the Legislative Palace of the Mexican Congress

•  DECREE FOR THE ABOLITION OF WAR. Internet petition on AVAAZ to create a global campaign in favor of the DECREE To vote go to:  http:// de la Guerra

•  Ratifies Constitution for the Federation of Earth, ratifies the Declaration of Buenos Aires for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, ratifies the Millennium Project, and other related statements from France and Jap

The World Citizens Parliament met on October 11 and 12, 2012 with unanimous agreement on the core Principle of the sovereignty of the people of the world with a sovereign right to Decree the Abolition of War, and to initiate five Popular Initiatives.

The initiatives, titled "New World Legislation", present five World Laws outlining the following areas of concern:  (1) The eradication of poverty, (2) to insure full access to knowledge including free Internet for all, (3) to protect the rights of Mother Nature, (4) grant the right to a job and to freedom of movement, and 5) to fully realize human rights as found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Parliament's "Considerations"

The analysis of why war must be abolished went under the heading of "considerations," and looked as follows:

1. In consideration that war destroys human beings and the environment, divides and erodes the social tissue causing death and destruction of millions and millions of human beings and other living beings on the planet Earth,

2. In consideration that the war is beig business for the intersts of great powers, with the complicity of the World Bank and big transnational corporations of the so-called military industrial complex at the global scale,

...In consideration that science and technology has facilitated mutual understanding between countries,...that the Earth is our only home and (therefore) today there no longer exists any justification for the war amongst humans...In consideration that it is a myth of the need to spend trillions of dollars of material and financial resources...allocated to the industry of war...In consideration that we citizens of the world are aware of our need to live in peace...seeking the common good for a better world for future generations,

Reaffirm as citizens of the world that with this DECREE war has been prohibited...based upon the exercise of the sovereign right that emanates from the essential Principle of the sovereignty of the people of the world. 

In short, the Parliament provides a basic legal and moral rationale for the right to prohibit war.  The Parliament issued a Protocol which is open for the signature and ratification for all world citizens and for all social networks adhering to the DECREE.

"New World Legislation"
Another step taken by this Forum for the First Stage of the World Citizen's Parliament was to approve five world laws which are introduced as "New World Legislation" with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the overall guideline. 

World laws were outlined for the (1) worldwide eradication of poverty, (2) open access to knowledge and free basic education, (3) protection of the rights of Mother Nature, (4)  right to equal opportunities to access a dignified occupation with freedom of movement, and (5) possibility to fully realize human rights in compliance with Article 28 [Universal Declaration of Human Rights].  

How to participate as a delegate in the first stage of the Citizens World Parliament 

Getting involved in the Parliament requires getting 1000 votes to be a Delegate of the People.  For more information:  

The following organizations can be contacted to get involved:  Planetafilia,
PARMUN,   and  WATUN   Contact person:  Francisco Plancarte at   or call 333-157-1058

December 10, 2012
Why Our World Is Stuck On Problems We Can't Fix
The list of global crises is long.  Many of these issues are severe, tragic, and appear intractable.  Wars, violent conflicts, threats of war, unemployment, violations of human rights, and ecological crises darken prospects for a peaceful and better world.  
What is frustrating to world federalists is the knowledge and belief that there is a practical solution to these woes which prevent "peace on earth."  The solution, largely unknown to the public, is to establish a democratic world federal union.
Path to "peace on earth" is known, but ignored
Democratic world federation would for the first time in history provide a governing structure wherein disputes and conflicts could be resolved without war.  What a Christmas gift, to give real meaning to the holiday cliche's of "peace on earth" and "goodwill toward all"!
But rather than world union we see fighting in the Middle East which grows ever more dangerous and with no hope in sight. The United States claims that Syria plans to use chemical weapons, and warns them against it. 
More wars, increased fighting?
There is talk of military strikes against Syria and a preemptive strike by either Israel or the U.S. against Iran.  Astute analysts worry that the U.S., as they did to invade Iraq, is once again lying to the citizenry both to meet goals of Empire and to aid Israel's own expansionistic goals. 
Israel stubbornly rejects the new statehood observer status recently granted the  Palestinians by the United Nations. Seeking to retaliate, Israel announces plans to expand settlements even more into Palestinian territory -- a move sure to antagonize further the desperate Palestinians.
The Israeli government uses terrorist tactics to intimidate Iran, threatening to attack Iran if it continues its nuclear program. Ironically, Israel has at least one hundred nuclear weapons while Iran has none. Israel arrogantly demands that Iran be inspected by the UN but refuses inspections for itself.
We see Egypt once again in turmoil as newly elected President Mohammed Morsi appears to have made a grab for dictatorial power by shutting down the judiciary and favoring fellow Muslims in the drafting of a new constitution for Egypt. If Morsi fails to back down, civil war could erupt.
Economic woes don't seem to hurt the rich
Meanwhile in Europe there are calls for extreme austerity measures particularly in Greece, Spain, England, and elsewhere.  Unemployment runs as high as 25% with no relief in sight.  There are complaints that the banks get bailed out while the ordinary citizen is left to suffer even more. 
While ordinary citizens grow poorer, the investment banks and multinational corporations appear to be having record profits.  Individual wealth has grown so large  and unequal that a small group of people, less than 1%, own almost 40% of the wealth of the world.  Reports of massive tax evasion are common by use of off shore tax havens.  
Will activists ever wake-up? 
Activists see a depressing but predictable pattern year after year.  Even when one crisis is resolved, another serious problem pops up somewhere else. This holds true with civil conflicts and war, in the world's economy, and with the environment.
Just as one example, wars and violent conflicts start and end with mind-numbing regularity.  Viet Nam, Yugoslavia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Congo, Israel and the Palestinians, and perhaps soon, Iran. 
Yet progressives and conservatives alike continue to accept the present geopolitical governing system as if hopelessly stuck in the old ways of thinking --psychologically mired in irrational outlooks they themselves are helpless to understand, much less overcome. 
The gift of world peace is possible
Advanced progressives are world federalists because that is the solution never tried and which has the best chance of bringing peace on earth, and making the world better. 
Conservatives will like the idea of enforceable world law rather than global anarchy.  They will also like the prospects for a broader prosperity -- economic opportunities with less stress and tensions. 
These positive hopes for our world can be envisioned in the embrace of the Earth Constitution, or its use as the model governing structure for a new, radically transformed United Nations. 
-- R. Kotila, Ph.D., Editor
(To learn about the principles of the world federalist vision go to
November 5, 2012
Events move in the direction of a World Parliamentary Assembly as the demand for global democracy grows louder

There are growing signs of restlessness and an awakening in the global community as demands for fundamental changes in the United Nations grow louder, and have now reached the UN itself. 

A "Manifesto for Global Democracy" has been issued by politicians and scholars launched in London in June and  moving onward to Rome in September.  Led by a former parliamentarian from South America, Fernado Iglesias, a mixture of politicians and scholars are endorsing the Manifesto which will continue to be circulated around the world. 

Democratic World Federalist Board member Francisco Plancarte successfully lobbied the Congress of the Mexican state of Jalisco to support an international appeal for the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, a goal shared by  Manisfesto advocates.  The appeal calls for the UN to implement "democratic participation at the global level." Jalisco congressional representatives plan to seek endorsements from other states in Mexico and also from the Mexican Federal Congress.

In early November, 2012 it was announced through a statement from the UN General Assembly that a UN independent expert, Alfred de Zayas, will examine "proposals for a UN Parliamentary Assembly."  Mr. de Zayas has already presented a report in August, 2012 to the UN on the "problem of weighting" in voting at the UN -- small countries in the General Assembly get an equal vote to nations with much larger populations.

The significance of these developments is that the door is being opened to challenge the governing structure of the UN itself.  It is of course not just the UN General Assembly which is out of balance from the democratic perspective, it is also the decidedly undemocratic special powers granted the UN Security Council's veto nations, the five Permanent members of the Security Council -- the U.S., China, Russia, Great Britain and France, who have ultimate authority to overrule the will of the majority of nations.

UN Charter the fundamental obstacle to global democracy

The obviously undemocratic UN Charter is the fundamental problem, written to favor the victors of World War II.  Times have changed, but the UN Charter remains the same.  By calling for both global democracy and a UN Parliamentary Assembly, the UN Charter must inevitably be reviewed and changed. 

If the UN is to represent true global democracy, then the UN General Assembly and the proposed UN Parliamentary Assembly must be given decision-making authority rather than be limited to making mere resolutions and recommendations to the Security Council, a powerlessness which has plagued the UNGA since the UN's inception. 

Since the UN Charter itself is the fundamental problem, a natural outcome of the growing demands for global democracy will be a call for an Article 109 Charter Review.  World federalists have known for over sixty years that the main obstacle to real global democracy is the UN Charter itself.

Opening the door at the UN for the Earth Constitution

Charter Review will open the door for the UN and the nations to explore the Earth Constitution, and for the first time in history the world community will have the potential to establish a modern democratic, federal world union.

Global democracy is an appropriate goal, but there must also be world union if the world community is to have a realistic chance to solve critical global problems.  The Earth Constitution can serve as the rallying point both to unite the nations and the world's peoples, and to provide for true democracy in global affairs.

Will the UN seize the opportunity being presented by the Campaign for the UNPA and by global democracy advocates to say "no" to the ongoing domination by Empire which holds the ultimate power in the UN because of the undemocratic Charter?  



October 27, 2012
Presidential candidates Romney and Obama have no vision for a future bringing world peace.  What's wrong with this picture?

The U.S. presidential candidates never discuss future prospects for world peace.  Both Romney and Obama seem to be in an intellectual and moral daze, locked in to the old ways of thinking.

"National security" seems to hypnotize the mind, so that the only option for peace and security becomes the Pentagon, secret operations conducted by the CIA,  and Special Operations forces to insure client states do what they are told -- like privatizing the oil fields in Libya for more oil company profits.   

Indeed, if one listens to presidential stump speeches, or analyzes the Presidential debates, one discovers that Obama and Romney have no plans for world peace -- none whatsoever. Their plan is to dominate by means of the military, not to cooperate and to share with the rest of the world.

World peace is a foreign language, unthinkable to these intellectual and moral dinosaurs.  Any plans to get nuclear weapons out of the hands of Israel, Pakistan, Great Britain, France, the U.S., Russia, or China?  Nope.  None.  Our presidential candidates cannot imagine a world without a large military presence.  Why not?

Too harsh an assessment on the so-called "leaders" of the so-called "free" world?  No, probably not harsh enough.  The Pentagon mentality rules.  It is clear that both Romney and Obama plan to continue on the path of jingoism and Empire building.  Regime change in Libya, next in Syria, then watch for a "shock and awe" attack on Iran most likely started by Israel but with U.S. complicity.  

Any plans to actually use the United Nations for a peaceful resolution of global conflicts?  Not if the UN community of nations refuses to go along with American ambitions.  In such instances the U.S. simply bypasses the UN and instead uses NATO to do its bidding -- which usually has to do with regime change particularly against nations that prefer public ownership of their oil and other resources over privatization of those assets to benefit only the 1%.   

"Exceptionalism" is the term that the pundits use to describe a belief that the U.S. has the right to establish and to maintain Empire -- even when it is against the will of the world community. 

Exceptionalism means a feeling of superiority over everyone else -- despite the evidence to the contrary when one examines the costly U.S. health care system, its economy favoring the 1%, and its disregard for constitutional rights. 

The inevitable outcome of America's delusional grandiosity, coupled with a lust to be the world's  "leading" superpower, will never be world peace or safety and security for "we, the people." 

The insistence upon Empire by the presidential candidates means perpetual war, and makes the U.S. the moral and spiritual laughingstock of the world community.

Is there a different, better way than militarism to insure that Americans and the world community have a postive future? The  powerful Earth Constitution awaits discovery. 

The Earth Constitution can do what the United Nations Charter is powerless to do.  It can bring to the world the necessary democratic federal world union which is the only realistic solution for ending war, eliminating weapons of mass destruction, and for providing a peaceful and secure future for all. 

October 16, 2012
Nobel peace prize to European Union signals recognition of the significance of federating for preventing war (Click on NEWS)

When the Norwegian Nobel Committee recently awarded the 2012 Nobel peace prize to the European Union it was making a statement -- essentially a reminder to Europe that the (partial) federation of the 27 nation European Union has generally created peaceful coexistence despite the current economic upheavals.

European nations have a well known history of horrendous wars with each other over hundreds of years.  Only the 1990s Balkan wars has tarnished the peace in Europe over the last 40 years. The European Union's gradual use of the principle of federation has allowed for a partial union of these 27 nations. EU citizens travel more freely from country to country, use a common currency, and share security concerns rather than secretly plotting against each other for military domination. 

World federalists in Europe have chosen a gradualist path to full federation, and as a result each government has maintained a certain degree of sovereignty.  The European Union, therefore, is not a fully democratic federal union.  This fact has left the EU open to the danger of disintegration if nationalistic urges cause citizens to become reckless in their thinking and forget that wars between European nations could once again occur if the EU falls apart. 

The Nobel peace prize should serve as a loud reminder of one of the most important advantages of use of the principle of federating in governance -- preventing war. 

Federating also allows for different levels of government depending upon the problems to be faced.  Problems which cannot be solved by a nation by itself can be overcome at the higher EU level of governance.  Preventing wars, universal human rights in EU nations, and unified environmental policies are just some of the positive advantages of federating. 

The Nobel committee has been concerned about the rise of extremism and nationalism in Europe as the financial crisis there has worsened.  Although the EU has a common currency and a central bank, there is disagreement as to whether or not nations should maintain their own currency.  The federal principle is flexible regarding what is the best economic path.  The EU for example, may decide to maintain both the euro as a common currency, and support the use of local or national currencies -- particularly if the use of national currencies helps a nation avoid austerity.

Critics of the European Union have complained that the EU is not democratic enough.  This is a result of the EU using a strategy of gradual federation, hence developing so far what might best be described as a partial federal union.  In this type of partial federal governing system, some decisions are made outside the domain of the electorate, a fact which rightly creates resentment and distrust of the EU itself.  It is a problem which the EU needs to resolve so that citizens feel they have a voice in decision-making.  

October 7, 2012
International Peace Week in Costa Rica includes a lecture tour by Professor Glen Martin.  Will the influence of the Earth Constitution grow in Central America?

Dr. Glen Martin presented lectures on the importance of the Earth Constitution at universities in Costa Rica during International Peace Week.  His lecture tour was sponsored by the World Constitution and Parliament Association chapter in Costa Rica.  Attendance was excellent, with both students and faculty showing great interest in the Earth Federation Movement's democratic world federal constitution which one day may replace the United Nation's Charter. 

WCPA Vice President Celina Garcia and colleagues will be circulating the Earth Constitution, translated in Spanish, to leaders in all Latin American countries.  A candidate for the presidency of Costa Rica was one of the speakers along with Professor Martin at a university event in San Juan, the capital of Costa Rica.

For full report go to:

September 16, 2012
First Green Constitution Awaits Discovery as Melting Arctic Ice                  Worries Scientists

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times (9-14-12) reports that researchers had announced that Arctic sea ice is shrinking at a rate much faster than originally predicted, and indeed had "dwindled to the smallest size ever observed by man."  Global warming appears to be the cause.

The article goes on to note that while Arctic ice measured decades ago covered about 6 million square miles and would sink to about 3 million square miles in the summer, today the quickly melting away ice measures only about 1 million square miles.  Jennifer Francis, a climate scientist at Rutgers University, speculates that such a huge change could cause more extreme weather conditions such as heavier snow fall in some areas, prolonged cold spells in Europe, and perhaps heat waves in Russia.

Ice, it is explained, reflects heat and solar energy back into space.  But less ice cover means heat energy is instead absorbed by the ocean which in turn warms and melts even more ice.  Rising temperatures influence weather and climate changes.

What was missing in this news article is the fact that the sovereign nations have been unable to come to an agreement as to an effective strategy to reduce that part of global warming being caused by human behavior.  

Unlimited sovereignty granted nations is abused as seen by environmentalists who have been frustrated by the fact that the sovereign nations have been unable or unwilling to develop an effective plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.  Such a plan requires more than mere promises, it must include a means to insure that all nations and corporations actually live up to the requirements which could help reverse the global warming trends.

The United Nations Charter grants no authority for the UN to provide the needed strategies with enforceable world law to protect the earth's environment.  Hence, environmentalists cannot count on the UN for effective ecological programs to reduce the dangers.  The UN has no global legislative authority, and no means for enforcement.  Nations and corporations, therefore, feel free to ignore the world community.

Enter the Earth Constitution, the first ever "green constitution."  As a world constitution, it covers all nations as well as multinational corporations, and has embedded in it the necessary ecological principles to which all nations and corporations would be required to honor. The world has a basic right, for example, to have clean air and fresh, drinkable water.

An Earth Federation world parliament could pass the appropriate legislation needed to reduce pollution worldwide.  All nations and corporations would be covered.  The rules would apply to all eliminating the practice of corporations moving to countries with weak environmental rules.

So the key questions is:  When will the environmentalists discover the Earth Constitution?  Time appears to be running out.

August 27, 2012 
UN system can't stop Syria or Israel:  Terrorism shows need for a world federation
The current conflicts in the Middle East illustrate the fatal dangers of unlimited sovereignty granted each nation by the United Nations Charter, and the Charter's lack of enforceable world law. It is a formula which world federalists have repeatedly warned renders the UN helpless to prevent terrorism and war.  
Syria is now in civil war. Israel threatens to attack Iran.  The UN can do nothing as these conflicts grow and may spread to other nations in the Mideast.
Lacking a global democratic system of civilized law and order, nations such as Syria, Israel, and the United States have turned to violence, terrorism, and war to deal with threats, real and imagined.  
Use of military force
The recent democratic uprising in Syria, and earlier in Libya, resulted in the rulers using military force to quell peaceful protests. The dictator Assad in Syria, like Khadafy in Libya, chose to use physical violence against his own people. Syria now has an ongoing civil war which may spread to other countries.
Meanwhile Israel, like Syria, uses violence to dominate.  Israel violates numerous UN resolutions as it pursues its expansionistic ambitions using illegal settlements to force Palestinians out of their homes and land. Israel's attack on Gaza is an example of use of violent terrorism in order to subdue an occupied population.
The U.S., like Israel, has not hesitated to use terrorist strategies. The U.S. government first lied about Iraq as justification for its invasion. Its "shock and awe" attack included use of weapons of mass mutilation such as dirty bombs (depleted uranium munitions), cluster bombs, and white phosphorus as seen in Fallujah.  These actions are world crimes.
Again, the UN has been unable to prevent these crimes in the Middle East, either ordered by dictators or by leaders of superpower nations.
License to suppress, torture, conquer and to kill
Unlimited sovereignty and lack of enforceable world law in the UN global system  permits Bully nations to bypass the UN and to overthrow weaker governments by secret operations while arming non-state actors such as outside mercenaries and  internal militants.   
Overthrowing governments, assassinations, torture, and war go unpunished if a nation is powerful enough to ignore the will of the world community. The U.S., its allies, and Israel appear to have targeted Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Iran for regime change. 

Israel to attack Iran?
Israel has used terrorist threats warning Iran that it cannot have a nuclear weapon. It has threatened to attack Iran. Ironically, Israel has 200 nuclear weapons while Iran has none, yet the UN is not demanding that Israel give up its nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile Russia supplies weapons to the Syrian regime, while China supports Iran.  The UN has not had cooperation from the superpowers for peaceful resolution of the growing conflicts, although Russia has made attempts to end the conflict in Syria through negotiation rather than civil war.  
Attempts to establish enforceable world law by using the International Criminal Court have also failed, as the ICC's authority is severely limited.
A new global political system is needed
Because unlimited sovereignty and lack of enforceable law endangers our nations and families, a new global political system is needed.  What happens in the Mideast, could occur anywhere.
The present global political system is clearly ineffective and unfair to weaker nations.  The UN's global political system is obsolete. It is time for world federation.
Activists with Democratic World Federalists based out of San Francisco have called for a UN Charter Review under Article 109.  A DWF activist from Mexico has developed a "Model UN Charter Review" conference for social change activists.
But if the UN is unable, or unwilling, to correct its fundamental defects, then nations and people may turn to the Earth Federation's Earth Constitution which contains the governing model needed to bring about democratic rule by the world community, provide enforceable world law, and put an end to terrorism and war.
July 24, 2012
Is the CIA Privatizing Death Squad Assassinations in Afghanistan?

When an innocent person is killed or "disappears" as a result of secret operations conducted either by mercenaries or by covert operation units, who is accountable? Is nation state terrorism a world crime?  What about those who carry out the orders to kill or kidnap?

(Editor's commentary:  There is much to think about in this two part news story.  But Part 2 is "on hold" waiting for permission to publish.   I ask if secret assassinations are a world crime?  Under international law genocide would be a world crime, but not individual murder.  Individual murder seems to be overlooked in international law, and left up to the nations to determine.  Such killings may also be rationalized under cover of  "war"  although almost any type of conflict these days is declared a "war" -- war against terror, war against drugs, war against Al Qaeda, etc.

In Part 1  United for Peace & Justice activist Mr. Eisenscher reports on the privatizing of secret assassinations -- what I call "death squads" in Afghanistan. 

An anonymous contributor in Part 2 shares his feelings about his role as a highly trained secret agent killer.  The Anonymous  excerpts (to be published soon in Part 2 of this news story)  reveal the feelings of a soldier who secretly killed for his government.  Emotional turmoil and ambivalence mark the aftermath of  being a secret assassin.  In the eyes of his superiors and military colleagues he's seen as a "hero", but in his own eyes there is a sense that, in truth, his actions make him a "villain." )

to ufpj-activist
'Private contractors are whacking people like crazy over in Afghanistan for the CIA.'
July 21, 2012 by legitgov

'Private contractors are whacking people like crazy over in Afghanistan for the CIA.' -- The Terrifying Background of the Man Who Ran a CIA Assassination Unit 18 Jul 2012 It was one of the biggest secrets of the post-9/11 era: soon after the attacks, President Bush gave the CIA permission to create a top secret assassination unit to find and kill Al Qaeda operatives. The program was kept from Congress for seven years. And when Leon Panetta told legislators about it in 2009, he revealed that the CIA had hired the private security firm Blackwater to help run it. "The move was historic," says Evan Wright, the two-time National Magazine Award-winning journalist who wrote Generation Kill. "It seems to have marked the first time the U.S. government outsourced a covert assassination service to private enterprise." ..."Running operations through Blackwater gave the CIA the power to have people abducted, or killed, with no one in the government being exactly responsible." ..."While Blackwater's covert unit began as a Bush administration story, President Obama now owns it."

Part 2 (Excerpts by Anonymous currently pending review.  To be published soon.)

July 11, 2012
Editor's note (R Kotila): Tributes to Philip Isely are being written by some of us who worked closely with him, particularly as part of the World Constitution & Parliament Association which, after drafting the Earth Constitution, has been the organizing agent for the Provisional World Parliament, the 13th Session to be held in India in December, 2013.
In my view, Mr. Isely was a true visionary who will have earned the honor of being  the future "father of modern democratic world government" particularly if the Earth Constitution becomes the basis for the actual establishment of a  future Earth Federation government -- which could become a reality if the Earth Federation Movement is successful in gaining ratification for this brilliant world constitution from the nations and the peoples of the world.

July 6, 2012
Philip Isely, the future "father of modern democratic world government" dies at age 96 in Colorado, USA
by R Kotila
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views
Philip Isely, over a period of more than thirty years, was the driving force for the successful drafting of a modern democratic federal world constitution. Titled the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, it is now referred to simply as the Earth Constitution

Mr. Isely was a visionary who co-founded the World Constitution & Parliament Association. World federal government is the only known governing structure which could end war and eliminate nuclear weapons. WCPA drafted the Constitution and put out a Call worldwide for its ratification.  A Provisional World Parliament proposes model world legislation.  

The emerging Earth Federation Movement is based upon the Earth Constitution. EFM has a growing presence on the Internet, taking advantage of the new technologies in cyberspace to inform people of the exciting potential for Earth Federation government, and seeking support worldwide for its implementation.

Thank you, Philip Isely, for your loving brilliance and determined dedication to save the world. You will be remembered. One day you will be recognized with the greats such as Madison, Washington, Jefferson, Green, Jesus, King,Jr., and Gandhi. 

-- Editor
July 7, 2012

Remembering Henry Philip Isely

by Eugenia Almand

     Secretary General

     World Constitution & Parliament Association

            Henry Philip Isely is generally acknowledged as having been the primary author, along with four international lawyers, of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, or Earth Constitution.  It was Philip’s hope to disseminate the Earth Constitution widely, so that national governments and people around the world would be able to coordinate together and establish non-military world federation.


            With the Earth Constitution, Philip Isely envisioned world citizens creating what he called a maximalist world federation which would be able to adequately address all world problems. Local and national legislative, judicial and enforcement operations would be supplemented, not supplanted, by a strong world federation.


            Philip Isely, along with his first wife, Margaret Isely, stepped firmly into the Earth Federation movement in the late 1950’s, when they joined forces with Mary Georgia Lloyd and Thane Read to issue a Call to a new World Constitutional Convention. They began circulating this Call worldwide to prominent people, including to all heads of state. In 1958, they formed the World Committee for a World Constitutional Convention. This organization took root and grew around the world. Preparatory commissions met at various venues to plan the assemblies.


            Philip and Margaret Isely, together with others, built the logistics for the World Constituent Assemblies where the constitutional drafts were deliberated and voted upon: Interlaken, Switzerland and Wolfach, (West) Germany in 1968; Innsbruck, Austria in 1977; Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1978-1979 and Troia, Portugal in 1991. At each of these constituent sessions, ideas for the world constitution were deliberated and put upon paper.


            The Earth Constitution provides for a Provisional World Parliament to initiate the process of operative World Parliament. Philip Isely was a principal leader in the planning and orchestrating of the first five sessions of the Provisional World Parliament, meeting in countries around the world: 1982, in Brighton, England; 1985 in New Delhi, India; 1987 in Miami Beach, Florida; 1996 in Barcelona, Spain; and in the year 2000, in Qawra, Malta.


            Today, the World Constitution and Parliament Association, which Philip Isely helped to found, continues to promote the Earth Constitution as the founded world constitutional document upon which to build world federation. The WCPA continues to promote sessions of the Provisional World Parliament, where the details of implementation of the Earth Constitution are debated and voted upon. The Thirteenth Session of the Provisional World Parliament is next scheduled to convene at the World Unity Convention Centre of City Montessori School, Lucknow, in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, in mid-December of 2013. We are encouraging this upcoming session to function as a founding ratification convention, with official participation of over 25 states worldwide, as well as official participation of world citizens, building worldwide self-government as our founder Henry Philip Isely envisioned.

July 1, 2012
Campaign for the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly to be presented at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco

Andreas Bummel, visiting from Germany, will be meeting with world federalists to discuss developments for the UN Parliamentary Assembly -- a strategy to begin the process of remaking the United Nations. 

Establishment of an UNPA would help further the cause for "global democracy".  Bummel points out that although there has been a growth worldwide in democracy at the national level over the years, democratic institutions are missing at the international level.  There is a vacuum at the global level.

Bummel will  meet with Democratic World Federalists on Monday, July 2nd in San Francisco to discuss with the DWF Board the progress being made to find support and endorsements for the United Nations to add a new house to its structure along side the UN General Assembly. The Parliamentary Assembly would start out in an advisory role, and its delegates would be expected to represent "we, the people," not the nation states.

The campaign for this type of UN reform will be a step in identifying parliamentarians from around the world who support changes at the UN. Another strategy pointed at UN transformation is a call for an Article 109 Charter Review. Some activists believe that Charter Review and UNPA should join forces, although at this stage that is unlikely -- UNPA's strategy corresponds more with copying the development of the European Union which is working gradually towards full democratic federal government. 

UN Charter Review focuses more directly on the UN Charter itself, and follows more the United States paradigm of governmental change. After the revolution the original American 13 colonies started out with intentions to improve upon the Articles of Confederation (nonfederal, like the UN Charter) but frustrated, abandoned it, and proceeded to drafted an entirely new constitution -- the federal, democratic U.S. Constitution. 

Earth Federation activists such as the present writer of this news story, expect that the increasing attention on the United Nations by both UNPA and by Article 109 Charter Review activists will open the door for the Earth Constitution -- especially as nations now treated as second class citizens in the UN become increasingly unwilling to accept an undemocratic global governance structure. 

In short, the yearnings of the democratic spring may lead to demands to change the UN, or replace it. In current geopolitics, the US and some of its allies are bypassing the UN by using the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  

Unfortunately, NATO, like the UN, is not federal nor is it democratic.  NATO is not a legitimate representation of  "we, the people" of the world.  NATO is more of a military arm for multinational corporations and Empire, and would likely mean rule by threats of violence and by raw force.  

By contrast, the Earth Federation respects all nations and all peoples and returns power to "we, the people" with its democratic, federal design.  The Earth Constitution brings a light to the world that cannot be matched by either the UN or NATO.
June 9, 2012
Democratic World Federalists put forward
"Paths" to establish a democratic world

•Earth Constitution/Earth Federation/
  Provisional World Parliament
•Article 109 United Nations Charter Review
•United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
•World Community of Democracies
•Global Peoples Assembly
•Merger of Regional Organizations

The above strategies toward creating a new governing structure at the global level (so that global problems can be solved) fall roughly into two broad categories -- transforming the United Nations into a new form, sometimes referred to as "reforming the UN,", or creating a new political world body outside of the UN.

Attempts to form a democratic world federal government by working with the UN to change it include the strategy expanding the UN so that the General Assembly also included a Parliamentary Assembly with elected representatives representing the people, rather than the nation state. 

Article 109 UN Charter Review would attempt to have the UN Charter itself examined, and converted to a new democratic, federal Charter/Constitution.  Skeptics worry that the UN Security Council with the five veto powers would refuse to permit any significant changes to the Charter out of fear of losing their
position of dominance and power over the UN. 

Global Peoples Assembly has been suggested either formed outside of the UN, or formed within the UN. 
It would be an elected Assembly similar to the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament.  However, the Provisional World Parliament, unlike the GPA, is based upon an actual constitution -- the Earth Constitution. 

The strategy of first uniting democratic countries would involve inviting other nations to join up as they became democratic with the idea that a growing group of nations would eventually merge into a One world democratic government. 

The concept of regionalization would be for various regions (e.g. the European Union, the African Union, and so on) would first form regional federal governments, and then merge into a One world government.

All of these strategies have their pro's and con's, and world federalists have not agreed upon a single strategy which all support.  Hence, the use of different approaches to see which one catches on with the public and the politicians. 

Democratic World Federalists will soon be publishing a new website with the "Paths" to world federation along with a list of problems, global and otherwise, which they believe a world federation could resolve.


June 3, 2012
The recent criminal convictions of powerful individuals in positions of high authority in Egypt, Liberia, and the Philippines may be a sign that the mighty can no longer count on being above the law.

Leaders within corrupted nations may be protected from prosecution at home, but then find themselves having to face the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Thus, ex-President Charles Taylor of Liberia was sentenced to 50 years by the International Criminal Court at the Hague for atrocities in neighboring Sierra Leone in the 1990s (San Francisco Chronicle, 6-3-12).

But leaders of some powerful nations continue to avoid allowing the ICC to have jurisdiction over them. Countries such as the United States, Russia, Israel, and China are avoiding ICC jurisdiction, fearful that their leaders may be prosecuted for world crimes.

Should political leaders and other high officials from the most powerful nations worry that one day, they too, may be held accountable for world crimes -- such as military invasions, state sponsored terrorism and torture, or false flag operations?

Despite the absence of a global justice system which applies to all, nations themselves sometimes are able to bring justice to the table.  Although the American system has been unable or unwilling to investigate its Supreme Court for corruption, the Philippines successfully impeached Supreme Court Justice Renato Corona for false statements about his financial assets.

Another "in house" success was in Egypt where national uprisings led to the prosecution and conviction of dictator President Hosni Mubarak, now facing life in prison for the killing of protesters during the 2011 revolt. 

As noted earlier, it is rare for a nation to prosecute its own leaders. But Mubarak was overthrown and prosecuted. He was not granted the option of exile, a fate of many dictators -- who then live a life of comfort with the wealth they have stolen from their country. 

The fact that once powerful leaders or officials are actually being held accountable for their criminal conduct is a hopeful omen. However, there continue to be leaders of powerful nations who remain literally above the law, and unfortunately for the world community neither the ICC nor the United Nations has the authority to prosecute them.

How can we establish true law and order which applies to all equally where no individual is above the law? By establishing the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution whose structure contains a complete world judiciary system which insures enforceable world law. 

May 19, 2012
Could the "we, the people" protests underway against the G-8 and NATO gain the political and moral upper hand by turning to the Earth Constitution?  

Protest activists embracing an emerging Earth Federation Movement based upon the Earth Constitution could launch a worldwide, popular movement with a new and grand vision for modern democratic government. 

Under Earth Federation government, all nations would be treated in a fair and unbiased fashion -- unlike the present geopolitical situation where a country like Israel does not have to follow the same rules as Iran.

Is the treatment of Iran fair and unbiased?
The United Nation's nuclear monitoring agency demands open inspections for Iran, but goes silent regarding Israel's nuclear weapons.  The International Atomic Energy Agency's Director-General Yukiya Amano seeks inspections in Iran, but not Israel, even though Israel routinely acts illegally against the Palestinians, and has secretly obtained nuclear weapons for itself. 

The situation with Israel illustrates why American activists cannot succeed by narrowly trying to "fix America." Geopolitics is too intertwined. The ruling oligarchy has already gained too much power.

In the present context, one can predict that Israel will try to persuade NATO to be the enforcer against Iran, despite the fact that Israel's real intention may be to fulfill the Biblical fantasy of being God's chosen people with the divine right to control the so-called Promised Land.

Is NATO a veiled threat to democracy and world peace?
From Iran to Syria to Libya to Yemen to Iraq and Afghanistan, America's NATO appears to be expanding Empire in the name of "democracy," yet continuing to support dictatorships which are allies such as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. 

Might NATO decide to help Israel conquer the entire Middle East? Watch closely for developing events surrounding both Iran and Syria as the US/Israel/NATO alliance may attempt to overthrow both nations by use of covert operations and force.

Ironically, activists do not yet realize that it will take a modern world constitution to save the US Constitution which has been relentlessly weakened by the greed for power of the oligarch's.

The oligarchy is so powerful that Occupy's national protest movement will most likely only achieve token changes from the American government.  Empire will not abandon its policy seeking "full spectrum dominance," it will simply hide it or create new international "incidents" (violent false flag operations) which convince the public that "freedom" is under attack. Empire cannot remain viable without keeping the public paranoid.  "Enemies" must lurk in the public's imagination in order for Empire to maintain itself.

Even now the American government, anticipating resistance from its citizenry, is preparing to "disappear" leaders in the protest movement by means of military arrest with false claims that the protesters are aiding terrorists when they openly object to NATO, G-8, and austerity policies.  Temporarily stopped by a lower court judge, the US has plans for indefinite detention of American citizens by the military, without trial.

The Earth Constitution and the protest movement

There is a strategic advantage for activists to adopt the Earth Constitution. It is that the suppression of democracy now underway, but denied by officials, can be deemed both immoral and illegal. Universal standards of conduct can be applied uniformly to all nations, thus allowing objective and unbiased political and moral judgments upon the US, China, Russia, Israel, NATO, and others.
As American activists gear up in Chicago to voice their disagreement at ongoing NATO military engagements in Afghanistan and elsewhere, other activists are drawing attention to the G-8 economic meetings at Camp David. The G-8 will most likely find justification for "austerity" measures -- reduced funding for jobs, education, health care, retirement, and government services, with only token cuts for the military while protecting the "investor" class (the 1%).

Defeat the ambitions of Empire with Earth Federation government

Activists would be wise to embrace the Earth Constitution and to join the emerging Earth Federation Movement. It is a rational, powerful yet peaceful means to defeat the insane cravings of Empire. The good and decent people on Earth (99%) deserve to live and to raise their families in a safe, caring, and peaceful world.

We are a global family. 

A vision of Earth Federation government shows a path by which Big Money, multinational corporations, rogue nations, and the innocent can be peacefully guided to a new governing structure which respects unity in diversity and opens the door to genuine democracy, freedom, and prosperity for all, not just the few.  

-- Editor


May 15, 2012 (Revised)

Activists are using Facebook and pictures of pets to inform their friends about the Earth Constitution, but the underlying message is very serious by making certain military-related activities universally outlawed and prohibited

If you have a cute kitten or puppy, you'll identify with these recent pictures seen in Facebook's  UNIVERSAL NEW SOLUTIONS which suggest that the Earth Federation Movement can protect your favorite pet. How? The Earth Federation government outlaws all weapons of mass destruction.  Possession of nuclear weapons becomes a world crime.  Individuals who authorize nukes become accountable, and could be arrested, prosecuted, and if found guilty, sent to prison.

At the first Provisional World Parliament held in Brighton, England on 11 September 1982, the very first model World Law passed (titled World Legislative Bill Number One) was "TO OUTLAW NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND OTHER WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND TO CREATE A WORLD DISARMAMENT AGENCY." 

The Parliament's priority was clear. The very existence of nuclear weapons posed an emergency threat to humanity. Sweeping measures are required. 

Declaring that weapons of mass destruction "shall be outlawed in the eyes of humanity and under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth," this model world legislation went on to state that:

 "It shall be universally outlawed and prohibited anywhere on Earth to design, engage in research thereon, test, produce, manufacture, fabricate, transport, deploy, install, maintain, store, stockpile, sell, buy or use any nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction as defined herein."

World Law #1 continues by warning that "...any nation, ...corporation, university, laboratory...or official thereof...found in violation (of this world law)...shall be declared as acting as a world outlaw or outlaws and may be brought court...for trial and disposition."

This very first Earth Federation Parliament indicated by World Law #1 how serious it considered possession of weapons of mass destruction. So serious that if you as an individual were involved you could be prosecuted for a world crime. 

Military leaders, scientists, engineers and corporate executives who now take paychecks for involvement with instruments of massive death and destruction, in the future could face criminal prosecution, and in the eyes of the world, be seen as criminals for their engagement in such activities.

-- Editor  

April 23, 2012
Professor Glen Martin elected to Board of Directors of Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco

Dr. Martin, an expert on the Earth Constitution and a leader in the Earth Federation Movement, will be giving seminars on the EC/Provisional World Parliament/EFM in the months of May and June in West Africa and Eastern Europe.

DWF Event on April 22, 2012 in San Francisco

Make your reservations for the DWF Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture in San Francisco on Sunday, April 22.  Will "thinking like a man" get us all killed?   Call (415) 227-4880

Democratic World Federalists will feature Dr. Kathleen Barry author of Unmaking War, Remaking Men at their Annual Good Government Lecture & Luncheon on April 22, 2012 in San Francisco. Event is open to the public. For more information go to or call (415) 227-4880








April 6, 2012
Britain and the United States apparently have something to be paranoid about in that both countries are busy preparing for full spectrum surveillance -- on just about everybody 

A recent AP article (4-2-12) by Raphael Satter reports that Britain is getting ready for a "nationwide electronic surveillance network" that could "keep track of every message sent by any British citizen to anyone at anytime."

While a "Home Office" spokesman denies that the government would pry into the content of e-mails or voice conversations, he went on to contradict himself by explaining that the surveillance is "...about the who, what, where, and when."  (Some might interpret "what" as all about content!)

Meanwhile, the US is working on a 3 billion dollar cyber center to protect us from cyber attacks, track e mails, phone conversations, use GPS to locate you, and who knows what else?  At the federal level the highly secret program of the National Security Agency monitors communications from probably just about everybody, everywhere under the excuse of protecting "national security." 

The problem is that in the US there is a long history of secret surveillance of political groups including peace movement activists by various clandestine agencies as well as the FBI.  It is anyone's guess as to how often these institutions bother to get permission from a judge, and obtain legal warrants.

It would appear then, that by claiming to protect its citizens, both Britain and the US are routinely invading, or planning to invade, the privacy of its citizens.  It is likely, too, that as in the past, surveillance will be used  to suppress political dissent such as those who oppose wars, torture, and covert dirty tricks such as false flag operations.

The surveillance described above violates sections of the human rights directives of the Earth Constitution.  Article 12.18 clearly states that citizens have the "Right of privacy of person, family and association; prohibition against surveillance as a means of political control."  Article 12.12 gives citizens "Safety of person from arbitrary or unreasonable arrest, detention, exile, search or seizure; requirement of warrants for searches and arrests.

Under the Earth Constitution, citizens of both Britain and the US would have the right to prevent illegal secret surveillance by appeal to the Earth Federation's Office of Ombudsmus which could hold the government officials responsible in these nations individually accountable. They could go to jail for directing such an invasion against a citizen's privacy. 

Moreover, within world union the underlying psychology of paranoia is eliminated as the nations become a part of the whole -- part of a global family with unity in diversity, and where cooperation and sharing replace cut throat competition and survival of the fittest.   Nations would no longer feel the need to have secret police and secret surveillance of its citizens. 

-- Editor

April 3, 2012

Democratic World Federalists Annual Good Government Lecture & Luncheon scheduled for April 22, 2012 to feature feminist human rights activist Kathleen Barry, author of "Unmaking War, Remaking Men"

Understanding militarization, war, core

masculinity, and loss of empathy

Professor Kathleen Barry's latest book "Unmaking War, Remaking Men" offers an analysis which challenges the traditional masculine values seen when a nation's leaders favor competition and  violent solutions over peaceful cooperation and empathy. 

Core masculinity is seen to harbor "contempt for women." Soldiers are taught sociopathic traits and are expendable. The military uses video games to condition soldiers for remorseless killing. Can a nation become a sociopathic danger to the world community?

A democratic world federal government is necessary to provide peaceful solutions to conflicts, but a successful society must also shift its values toward more feminist traits such as nurturing, sharing, and cooperation instead of Darwinian "survival of the fittest."*

*Recent research by Greater Good Science Center  psychologists from the University of California, Berkeley examines the evidence for "survival of the kindest." 

Democratic World Federalists will feature Dr. Kathleen Barry at their Annual Good Government Lecture & Luncheon on
April 22, 2012 in San Francisco
. Event is open to the public. For more information go to or call 415-227-4880






March 20, 2012
"Privateering"  More profit centers for the 1%

The latest issue of Lowdown (March, 2012) gives another example of how the public good is damaged by what might be called "privateering."  Lowdown examines the take down of the US Postal Service so that private enterprise can muscle in, and take over services which were widespread and affordable, and which once privatized, will become fewer and more expensive.  

The cost to the public?  The closing of about 3,700 post offices, and the loss of 100,000 jobs according to Lowdown.   The gain for private interests -- what we can call the 1%?   Another profit center, a means to add to their income by means of taking over public services and public assets.  

The predatory private business campaign against the Postal Service started with the false claim that the US Postal Service was losing money.   It wasn't, and isn't.

But Big Money talked a corrupt US Congress into putting new financial demands on the Postal Service -- having to raise an extra 5 billion dollars a year "to pre-pay the health care benefits not only of current employees, but also of all employees who'll retire during the next 75 years," reports Lowdown, which goes on to report that this impossible new financial burden requires the Postal Service to pay this extra money to..."employees not even born yet!"

Earth Federation readers will be familiar with privateering. It is seen in the form of the "structural adjustment" demands which the International Monetary Fund places on developing nations as part of the IMF's loan payback schemes. These "adjustments" usually include reducing public services and selling off public assets, then turning them over at fire sale prices to private interests (the 1%?). 

Once privateered, and now owned by private interests, the public must then pay for what was previously a free or affordable public service. Watch rates rise when FedEx takes over for the US Postal Service, and watch pay and benefits to workers go down. 

Similarly when public assets like office buildings are sold, they are then rented back to the same government which originally owned the building and had already paid for it!

The Earth Federation's economic policies will be able to educate and better protect the public from privateering. The harm privateering has done can be seen clearly in many developing countries, but also in the US where privatized health care has been disastrous -- unaffordable for millions of people.  We are also seeing how public education is being privatized -- yet another profit center for the 1%, and with the costs of education to students soaring.  

-- Editor

March 9, 2012
Japan puts most most nuclear power offline: Earth Constitution recognizes hazards go beyond national borders

Japanese authorities have placed offline all but two of its 54 commercial nuclear reactors according to a report in the New York Times. The Fukushima disaster has given Japan second thoughts about the use of nuclear power, although the current shut downs are temporary.  

The Earth Constitution clearly recognizes that the harmful effects of nuclear technology can cross national borders and therefore would give authority to regulate nuclear power to the Earth Federation's World Parliament. The Constitution would establish The Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment with a mandate to assess the impacts and consequences to the environment worldwide related to the production of energy.

The World Parliament would have the authority to regulate potentially hazardous sources of energy, including calling for a moratorium on the use of nuclear power pending a better understanding of safety issues and long range consequences to the environment.  

By contrast, in the current UN global political system the world community is unable to prevent a nation from using dangerous forms of energy production. Each nation can ignore problems it may cause for the world at large by using the principle of unlimited national sovereignty. 

(Editor's note:  Unlimited national sovereignty is what can be termed a "poison pill" for the world community as it allows nations to go to war, use dangerous forms of energy, devour limited national resources, and endanger the ecological fabric of Mother earth. The Earth Constitution replaces this poison pill with "federal national sovereignty" which allows the world community to protect itself from irresponsible decisions made by national governments.)
February 25, 2012 
Former VIP officials confess that nukes were a bad idea, try to warn the world

It may have taken a long time, but some former high government officials are having a change of heart.   They have come to agree with the grassroot's anti-nuclear movement whose protests started over thirty years ago.   That is when the Abalone Alliance in California took on the nuclear power industry, and other peace activists banged away at the dangers of nuclear weapons -- often landing in jail for nonviolent civil disobedience. 

On February 23rd the Commonwealth Club hosted a panel titled "The Nuclear Chessboard." The Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco saw a large crowd eager to hear former Secretary of State George Shultz,  former Secretary of Defense William Perry, and former Democratic Senator Sam Nunn.  Nunn leads the Nuclear Threat Initiative.  

Ironically, credit for seeing the danger in nukes was given to an article in the Wall Street Journal in 2007 by Henry Kissinger, who some peace activists see as a war criminal.  Kissinger's article apparently helped start a re-assessment which now doubts if nukes are such a good idea.   

Although none of these VIP's showed much obvious remorse for their past mistakes in judgment regarding nuclear power and nuclear weapons, they are now borrowing a page from the grassroots anti-nuclear movement. 

Although not ready to give up nukes entirely, they have abandoned the idea that thousands and thousands of nukes are a good idea.  Perry thought that "one hundred nuclear weapons" are enough for the US.  

Shultz would like to see more Track II diplomacy with the Russians (& the Chinese?) observing that nongovernmental intervention by private citizens was useful in the past with Gorbachev, as one example. 

The panel is very aware of the nuclear fuel cycle, something that is old hat to anti-nuclear activists, but still highly relevant.  Nunn is trying to discourage enrichment of uranium by so many nations since enriched uranium can lead to nuclear bombs. 

Despite the helpfulness of these old cold war "warriors" sending out a warning to the public that nukes are a potential disaster waiting to happen, these men continue to stick to the usual geopolitical paradigm.   For one thing, they tell us that Iran and North Korea are threats to humanity, but never mention (not once) that Israel has long had nuclear weapons,  refused to give them up or be inspected, and basically ignored UN mandates.  

It is OK for Israel to have nukes, but not Iran?   This double standard does little for credibility in the Middle East.  (One could argue, based upon a history of aggressiveness, that Israel is a far bigger threat to peace than Iran.)

Another gap was that the panel said nothing about the need to replace the United Nations with a democratic world federation, even though they stated that disarmament would require open inspections.   (One gets the feeling that these old timers don't really believe it is possible to totally eliminate war or weapons of mass destruction, hence it doesn't occur to them that the global war system is no longer viable.   In fairness, this type of subsconscious despair is widespread in the general population, and is reflected in a limited capacity for creative and bold problem solving.)

Another omission was no talk about the need for a new economic system.   The panel seems to assume that the world can continue to operate as it is -- in favor of Big Money, multinational corporations, and free market capitalism. 

In conclusion,  when people like George Shultz and Henry Kissinger start talking against nukes -- that is progress.   However, they continue to be in the paradigm of military (& economic) power and games, hence the title "Nuclear Chessboard".  

We don't need a "Nuclear Chessboard."   We need the Earth Constitution. 

January 24, 2012

From Dictatorship to Democracy:  Proposed Legislation to Join the Earth Federation

The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), sponsor of sessions of the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament, is currently placing proposed legislation for the next session of the PWP on its websites.   The first item posted is a bill outlining the transition process for dictatorships to become part of the Earth Federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.   The proposed legislation can be found at


January 17, 2012

The 12th International Chief Justices Conference in India Passes Resolutions for UN Article 109 Charter Review

During the 12th International Chief Justices Conference in India held in December, 2011, the current and ex-chief justices present (approx. 100 of them, representing 70 countries) passed a resolution urging the UN to convene the review of the UN Charter as stipulated in Article 109 Section (3) of the Charter and backed up by the General Assembly Res. 992(X).


This important resolution was achieved through a recommendation of one of the working groups (Global Structures), which I was a panelist, and with the help of the Supreme Court Judge of Malta and the help of a few of the Indian, States current and ex-chief justices.


Another Democratic World Federalist Board member, Dr. Bob Flax,  had a very successful presentation at one of the parallel sessions (particularly popular with the students).  Dr. Flax, well described the hospitality we received, the multimedia facilities and coverage by the City Montessori School's staff and students.  Attending the Conference at least  once is truly a MUST for world federalists and world government advocates to experience for themselves such a welcomed reception and organized support for our goals.  Also, thanks to the Earth Federation activists present in India, in their support of Article 109.

Submitted by Shahriar Sharei, Vice President, Democratic World Federalists

Report from Lucknow, India:   Jagdish Gandhi's Amazing Quest for World Union:   Conference of Chief Justices of the World Provides Opportunity for WCPA Activists to Promote the Earth Constitution and Support EFM

From December 9-13, 2011 more than 100 judges met for the 12th Conference of Chief Justices of the World.   Sponsored by Jagdish Gandhi's City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, the Conference included opportunities for the World Constitution and Parliament Association to promote the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement.  

Mr. Gandhi is a WCPA Vice President.  He is a powerful  advocate for world union.  Gandhi's educational philosophy lays heavy emphasis on students learning to be world citizens and supporters for a world union. 

Some 25 WCPA representatives from a number of countries attended, many of whom gave presentations at the Conference.  

 WCPA reported that "This was the first year that the call for a world parliament was unanimous among the more than 100 justices present at the Chief Justice Conference."

WCPA received invitations to give talks about the Earth Constitution from Argentina, Nepal, and at the City of Montessori School itself in Lucknow -- CMS hosted the Conference.  

Chief Justices who became new honorary sponsors of the Earth Constitution came from many countries:  India, Lebanon, Nepal, Costa Rica, and elsewhere. 

A core of chief justices agreed to be members or advisors for the Collegium of World Judges which WCPA seeks to establish in order to begin to create a new world judiciary system which follows the structure from the Earth Constitution.   The new judicial system is superior to the present global system which is often powerless to prevent individual leaders from being held accountable for their crimes.   True justice requires equal treatment:   No individual should be above the law.

Whistle-blower Bradley Manning Prosecuted for Telling the Truth -- Proves the Urgent Need to Establish the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution

An American soldier Bradley Manning, turning 24 years old today, is being tried in a military court at Ft. Meade, USA.  His crime?  It is alleged that he revealed information about government corruption and military war crimes.   If true, one would think that his actions as a whistle-blower would make him an American hero, like Daniel Ellsberg.

But the US government, with the help of a corrupt Congress and corrupt Supreme Court, has been slowly eroding constitutional protections.  Individual American citizens are now subject to indefinite detention without being allowed either a lawyer or a trial to determine guilt or innocence.  Bradley Manning will get a military trial, but the chances of it being simply a kangaroo court are quite high. 

The US government appears to be in a state of panic as more and more information comes out revealing widespread corruption in Congress, Wall Street theft, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and widespread privateering by Big Money. 

 Whistle-blowers must be silenced at all costs, hence the elimination of constitutional rights under the banner of the "war on terrorism" and (laughable) claims of national security.  

Fascism is now in fashion in America
Bradley Manning is being used as an "example", a warning to other Americans who choose to tell the truth.  In  A new law, just recently passed by Congress and signed by the President, allows American citizens to be arrested by the military and placed in indefinite detention without charges.  No reason for the imprisonment has to be given. No lawyer, no trial.   Fascism is now in fashion in America. 

We will now likely see 9/11 truth activists silenced.   There is most likely a growing sense of fear in high places that if there is a new investigation to correct the omissions, lies, and contradictions in the 9/11 Commission Report, the facts may point at 9/11 being an "inside job."  Some investigators believe that 9/11 was a  highly sophisticated false flag operation directed  by rogue elements in the upper reaches of government(s) using black box secret agencies skilled in covert operations.     

One might speculate that if former Vice President Dick Cheney was subjected to interrogation by  waterboarding, he would quickly confess to being one of the ring leaders of the 9/11 attacks!   But fortunately for Mr. Cheney, if the Earth Federation were in place there would be no torture.   It's against world law and the universal Bill of Human Rights in the Earth Constitution.     

As it stands now in the U.S., a citizen could legally simply "disappear." Will they drop you out of a helicopter into the ocean like the good old days of American-trained death squads  in Central America?

Earth Federation could provide new protection for citizens betrayed by their government

That is why the Earth Constitution, the foundation for the establishment of a new governing body called the Earth Federation, is so urgently important.   As it stands now, Bradley Manning has no further recourse other than to hope that the military tribunal is an honest and fair one.   Don't bet on it. 

The United Nations cannot protect Bradley Manning from persecution

What to do?   Please note that Bradley Manning cannot appeal to the United Nations for help.  The UN cannot intervene in the US government's illegal actions, and the UN cannot hold the authorities involved in this travesty of justice criminally accountable.  

Enter the Earth Constitution.   If the Earth Federation were in full operative existence, Manning could get help from the World Office of the Ombudsmus.   The EC has provisions to insure that individuals have access to world courts -- in this case the equivalent of a world public defender when their own country is too corrupt to get a fair trial.   

The EC also has provisions in its World Judiciary system which gives the Earth Federation the authority to investigate and to prosecute government officials who violate the universal Bill of Human Rights in the Earth Constitution.   This fact would be added protection for Bradley Manning, an insurance plan he does not at present have since the US government gets final say -- whether or not it is an honest and fair process.  

Support for Manning is being provided by and

New Organization based in Belgium to Use "Shared Sovereignty" to Resolve Food Availability Crisis

Look for a new organization which applies the principle of "shared sovereignty" in order to deal with food availability.  

Unpredictable food prices which may spike in the present global governing system can mean malnutrition or even starvation for poor people anywhere in the world, according to author John McClintock who is based in Brussels. He is an outspoken proponent for shared sovereignty and for world government.     

The new organization, ACTION for a World Community for Food Reserves, will be under the direction of Dr. Mark Corner who will act as its president.  Corner has written a book "The Binding of Nations:  from European Union to World Union."

ACTION's strategy could help reform the United Nations into a world government by using the model of the creation of the European Union.  "The Uniting of Nations" by John McClintock illustrates the basic concepts.  Mr. McClintock, whose original training includes a specialty in economics and agricultural, draws upon his experiences working for the European Commission for his analysis.  

Using food availability, or lack thereof as a focus, offers an issue which is of concern for people everywhere, especially those with families to feed.  Food instability is a problem which could be used to demonstrate the value of what organizers term  "shared sovereignty"-- nations uniting for a common goal, reliable food supplies at affordable prices.  

ACTION will soon publish its first newsletter explaining its policies and future plans. 

Although ACTION is a different approach from the Earth Federation Movement (EFM), the goals are very similar.     

Both the EFM and ACTION recognize the failures of existing governing structures. The United Nations, helpless to end war or eliminate weapons of mass destruction, has also been unable to establish reliable and affordable food supplies for the world's peoples. 

EFM and ACTION advocate for a fundamentally new global governing system (i.e., a democratic world government), urgently needed if the world is to successfully cope with global problems and crises.

ACTION, a non-governmental organization which will be based in Brussels, hopes to use the issue of food availability to demonstrate to nations that cooperation using "shared sovereignty" is a much better type of governing structure to solve world problems compared to the current  "dog eat dog" competitive mentality between nations. 

If "shared sovereignty" becomes popular, it could help provide support for democratic world federation and assist the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution

-- Editor 
become a reality.     

World Constitution & Parliament Association to Sponsor Strategy Meetings in India to advance Earth Federation Movement

The World Constitution & Parliament Association will be meeting concurrently with the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World.  The Conference, to be held in India, is scheduled from Dec. 9 - 13, 2011 hosted by the City Montessori School of Lucknow and  its founder, Dr. Jagdish Gandhi.   

WCPA will sponsor a global strategy meeting to discuss plans to advance the Earth Federation Movement under the Earth Constitution.  All WCPA members, friends, and officers are invited according to Secretary General Dr. Glen Martin. 

Information for registering can be found at and

Actions to further the EFM include in May, 2011 sending copies of the Earth Constitution in Spanish to all heads of state in Latin America.  WCPA Vice President Celina Garcia from Costa Rica has been leading this effort, and will be assisting to arrange future meetings with Latin American ambassadors. 

In June WCPA's Dr. Glen Martin was interviewed on CMS television in Lucknow, India.  The interview can be seen on 

WCPA lectures and seminars were held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangalore, India and Chennai, India.  WCPA Vice President Professor R. Ananthanarayanan arranged a week long series of events including an all day program presented to some 800 students and faculty at a colege near Chennai. 

Meetings were held with Sri Aurobindo's World Union in Pondicherry. 

As already reported by EFM News & Views, the end of July, 2011, the Institute On World Problems hosted a 3 day seminar for Earth Federation activists.  

WCPA chapters on behalf of the EFM have been growing reports Dr. Martin, who mentions as an example the work in Ghana under the leadership of Bishop Emmanuel Mensah. 

WCPA in the Union of South Africa is exploring "Earth Labor Bonds" as a new form of finance using, instead of dollars, "Earth Hours."   The development of some kind of a financial system is an important step which the Earth Federation, at some point when its structure is strong enough, will be addressing as the current global system of money and finances is not working for the world's middle classes or the poor. 

Private banking has failed when it comes to establishing a prosperity system, and the economic situation only seems to get worse -- both for nations, and for the middle classes and the poor.   The Earth Federation sees a need for a new economic paradigm. 

--  Editor 

Should Wall Street Protesters Adopt the Earth Federation Movement's Earth Constitution to Build a Political and Economic Revolution?

While Wall Street Protesters continue to maintain a rather "open" agenda, at times saying that they "have no demands", the issues being raised are real enough -- basically, the rich getting richer and the middle and lower classes getting less and less.

Meanwhile, the Dinosaur Party is proclaiming that "businesses" are the job creators, and that jobs need to come from the private sector, not government.   Republicans, in an ideological fog,  want to increase jobs by shrinking government. 

The dinosaurs conveniently ignore the steps taken by FDR in the depression of the thirties when government had to intervene big time to create thousands of (government) jobs for the unemployed.  Private business could not do the job.  The massive government job programs by President Franklin Roosevelt not only put people back to work, it could be argued that they saved capitalism.

Enter the Earth Federation Movement (EFM) with its Earth Constitution as a means for the protesters to gain the upper hand. 

The EFM's Earth Constitution relevance to the current protests on Wall Street is that, without a clear long range vision, the protesters will ultimately have to settle for changes which are helpful, but basically inadequate.    Yes, they might get a job program sponsored by the Government.  Yes, they might even get some regulations which slow down the various types of financial ploys which offer nothing productive to society and make Wall Street financiers rich.  

Big Money will concede enough to avoid a French Revolution here in the USA, but will also race to other nations where they can continue their financial scams and games,  at the expense of other citizens of other countries.  That's one reason the protesters should adopt the Earth Constitution.  The financial crises are worldwide.  Solutions will need to be global.   

Wall Street protesters also need a plan to change the global war system into a peace system.   Perpetual wars eventually destroy a nation economically.  The Earth Constitution has the potential to create a peace system.

It is true that the global war system provides many, many government sponsored jobs -- both with government contracts let out to private corporations, and in the maintenance of a large military force -- economic socialism through the back door.   

But the USA's love affair with the military/industrial/research/university complex is dangerous.  Wall Street protesters should demand a divorce.   Money in a peaceful economy would put far more people to work, and be doing something positive and  constructive for the country.

A letter to the editor in the Wall Street Journal (10-4-11) by a Mr. Burbage  throws water on the false belief that business is the only answer to end massive unemployment.   Mr. Burbage writes:  "...Mr. Schwab didn't go into business to create jobs and neither does anybody else.   Businessmen, not only in the U.S. but all over the world, are constantly looking for ways to eliminate jobs.   Employees are expensive." 

If the Wall Street protesters would adopt the Earth Constitution, they would have a new and powerful political tool to level the playing field with the oligarchy.  The Earth Constitution provides a full framework not only to end the war system, but to create a prosperous economy.   We do not need the "dog eat dog" world we are increasingly being forced to live in.   There is a better way.

-- Editor  



A recent Associated Press story (by Amland and Jahn, 8-31-11) indicates that while most of Europe is suffering economic hardship and a debt crisis, Norway is prospering. They report: "...(Norway) has used years of oil income wisely to keep unemployment low, incomes high, education free and health services working."

By contrast, the Union of South Africa is experiencing violent protests. Michelle Faul (AP, 8-31-11) quotes African National Congress youth league chief Julius Malema as saying that (protests) are "the only way to address growing inequality and poverty in Africa's richest nation and better distribute wealth that remains firmly entrenched in the minority white community and among a few thousand blacks who have grown wealthy mainly off government contracts."

These contrasting economic outcomes in two different countries are not surprising. Author and economist Alana Hartzok (The Earth Belongs to Everyone) has argued that "gifts of nature" (or gifts from God, if you prefer) such as oil should benefit everyone equally. This means that private ownership of oil or other natural resources is the wrong way to create a broader prosperity.

Economically, it makes perfect sense to share the wealth as Norway does. Norway, by the way, which keeps its oil revenues for its citizens, is rated by the United Nations as the "world's best country to live in."

The economic model regarding natural resources which Hartzok recommends finds a home in the Earth Federation which is charged with the task of ending poverty worldwide. Why shouldn't the "gifts of nature" be shared equally rather than given to a wealthy few? When wealth is too concentrated problems erupt like are now happening in South Africa.

Norway, by contrast, has a high standard of living for all of its citizens. This is the standard which the Earth Federation must achieve in all nations. The Earth Constitution provides the legislative authority which will be required to change economic models from "disaster capitalism" to a moral and ethical economics serving "we, the people", not just benefiting the few.



The Institute On World Problems holds July Seminar at Raquette Lake,

New York, USA.

IOWP Participants discussed the need for a new global paradigm, one which is holistic. The Earth Constitution is seen as the basic foundation for this paradigm shift. IOWP participants, when asked what their first act would be when the Earth Federation is in power, voted unanimously to take nuclear weapons off hair trigger alert. Global action on climate change was also considered an emergency priority.

IOWP assists the emerging Earth Federation Movement analyze global problems and offers solutions. The need for a new financial and economic model was discussed with publicly owned and regulated banking seen as more beneficial to the public. A new world currency called "Earth Hours" has been accepted by the Provisional World Parliament.


Activists and friends of the Earth Federation Movement met in late July, 2011 at Lake Raquette, New York, USA for a 3 day Seminar sponsored by the Institute On World Problems. The agenda included reviewing the history of the World Constitution and Parliament Association which drafted the Earth Constitution -->
Participants came from as far away as Illinois, Georgia, Virginia and California. Topics included the underlying philosophy and principles of the EFM, projects underway, and plans for the future. The IOWP's Dr. Glen Martin explained the holistic paradigm seen as key to a new global system. "You can't solve one problem without solving them all. Global problems are interrelated." A holistic approach is what is required, says Martin, to prevent wars, eliminate weapons of mass destruction, end poverty, and deal successfully with climate change.

Dr. Eugenia Almand and Dr. Bob Blain discussed what some call the "New Economics." Blain has developed a new unit of world currency endorsed by the Provisional World Parliament. Instead of dollars, the Earth Federation's unit of currency would change to "Earth Hours." The Earth Federation, once in place, would return ownership and control of banking to the public sector, to "we, the people." Private banking interests would no longer be able to hold the world hostage to economic thievery or blackmail.

Dr. Almand described PWP world legislation which would make it illegal for corporations to manufacture weapons of war, and which would hold executives and others criminally accountable if they failed to cease and desist such activities. Participants were not in full agreement with this plan which would criminalize officials, CEO's, and even soldiers who are involved in war making.

Many individuals who are now in the military, either as soldiers or civilians in the military/industrial/research complex, see themselves as serving their country, not as being involved in criminal behavior.

Sabotage to stop the growing Earth Federation Movement was discussed, particularly the pattern of disruptions of international meetings of the Provisional World Parliament where governments, at the last moment, refuse visa's to delegates of the PWP. These incidents have been observed since 1985 when the World Constitution and Parliament Association met with the top leaders of India, a country which showed much support for establishment of a one world, democratic government.

Ideas to fund the EFM ranged from attracting new individuals via popularization of the Movement to establishing an Earth Federation Credit Union. Donations to the Institute On World Problems are tax deductible. IOWP educates the public and activists about the benefits of establishing a democratic world federation to solve world problems that the nations alone are unable to resolve.

Dr. Kotila explained the "Two Track Strategy" proposal toward successfully establishing a new world system capable of bringing about world peace, protecting individual human rights from tyranny, addressing climate change, and ending poverty.

Essentially, a Two Track Strategy means continuing to achieve UN Reform into a world federation, but if the UN is unable, or unwilling, to be fixed, then the Earth Federation is already emerging on the world stage ready to start functioning on behalf of the world public interest.

Track 1: Get people to join the Earth Federation Movement. Seek support from individuals, groups, organizations, and nations for ratifications of the Earth Constitution.

Track 2: Support UN Charter Review under Article 109. If the UN is unable or unwilling to become a true democratic world federation, then replace the UN with the emerging Earth Federation.

The Earth Federation would be a new democratic world body parallel to, and independent of, the United Nations. Individuals, groups, organizations, and nations would be able to participate to achieve Earth Federation goals as established in the Earth Constitution and as directed by a democratically elected World Parliament.  

-- Editor








In an attempt to prevent Freedom Flotilla II from sailing to Gaza to peacefully protest the Israeli blockade of Gaza, the U.S. State Department has warned the American participants in the Flotilla that they may be breaking U.S. law and hence subject to jail and fines according to an Associated Press report by Natasha Mozgovaya (6-24-11).

The A.P. release quotes the State Dept. as arguing that Gaza is run by Hamas,  a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization, and that therefore the protesters could be considered to be supporting a terrorist organization.  

Earlier, however,  the Freedom Flotilla which includes about 36 Americans, had written the State Dept. asking the U.S. for protection and safe passage for the unarmed protesters citing the first Freedom Flotilla to Gaza which was attacked in international waters by Israeli commandos resulting in 9 deaths and injuring 50 passengers.   The Freedom Flotilla's website is and provides the facts from the point of view of  these human rights activists. 

The current conflict raises an interesting question:   While the American government has designated Hamas as being a "terrorist organization", human rights activists have charged Israel with terrorism in its attacks and blockade of Gaza.   The situation then is that large segments of the peace activist community see Israel as the terrorist organization,  and the Palestinian people like those residing in Gaza as its victims.  

State sponsored terrorism should therefore also be part of any objective analysis of terrorism. 

The United States itself has admitted to have engaged in what peace activists would consider to be terrorism. (For example, "shock and awe" bombing raids;  use of torture;   assassinations without trial;  covert operations to overthrow democratically elected governments sympathetic to a socialistic model of economics.) 

In view of the widely known fact that the U.S. provides Israel with money and weapons, it cannot be said that the U.S. is an objective, neutral party to the conflict.   Indeed, the world community as represented by the United Nations has noted numerous violations of international law by Israel including the illegal and ongoing expansion of its territory causing over a million Palestinian refugees.      

Is there a double standard, then, as to who is considered a "terrorist organization"?  Should the State Dept. reconsider its position on the Freedom Flotilla and agree to allow it peaceful and safe passage to Gaza?

Should the U.S. demand that Israel end its blockade of Gaza, and threaten to cut off funds for Israel if it fails to cease and desist?

(Editor's note:   The United Nations, due to limitations imposed by its Charter, is unable to resolve this conflict.  Two nations with powerful military forces and covert operatives (secret police) oppose unarmed, peaceful citizen activists.   Rather than the rule of world law with an objective judgment of the claims of the opposing parties,  the world community must bow to the principle that "might makes right".  

Use of violent force to prevent peaceful protest and freedom of speech violates the bill of human rights found both in the Earth Constitution, and by the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed by the U.S. in 1948.  

With the Earth Federation in place this conflict could be adjudicated peacefully using the neutral, objective world judiciary as structured in the Earth Constitution.)


Pentagon Long Range Budget Seeks Billions for New Stealth Bombers and More Nuclear Submarines While the Republican Congress Tries to Axe the Dept. of Peace


A recent report by W.J. Hennigan of the Los Angeles Times (in Sacramento Bee, 5-22-11) reveals that the Pentagon is seeking upwards of 55 billion dollars for a fleet of 80 or so "nuclear-capable" bombers.   Why so expensive?   The planes would be an off shoot of the current Stealth bombers by Northrop Grumman Corp.  The idea would be to have this new fleet available in the 2020's.  

To make matters worse, there are proposals to build and operate 12 new nuclear ballistic  missile subs whose cost could range to about $347 billion dollars (Citizen's Watch..., Spring, 2011).

Finally, to make it clear that war trumps peace, the Republicans in Congress are trying to eliminate the  Department of Peace.  The budget wish list shows clearly that the United States government has no intention of a transition to a peaceful world, but intends to continue its foreign policy of aggressive "full spectrum dominance" capable of intimidating, or destroying any country or people who dare to defy Empire. 


(Editor's note:  The Earth Federation Movement would give citizens the opportunity to reverse course, and change to a global peace system.   Money now being wasted on weapons would instead be available for constructive, useful purposes that help, not harm, people.)






On May 1, 2011 jubilant Americans heard President Obama declare that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan.  

He was presumed guilty despite the fact that the FBI never had him on their "most wanted" list because they said that they "didn't have enough evidence."   9/11 truth researchers have repeatedly noted that the FBI has never included Osama Bin Laden on the FBI wanted list due to insufficient evidence. 

The 9/11 truth movement will most likely question the killing of Bin Laden, concerned that he was killed to prevent him from testifying.   Bin Laden is a former CIA asset. 

Another question will be whether or not the person killed was actually Bin Laden since there have been reports that he had already died a number of years ago.  

The controversial questions consistently raised by the 9/11 truth movement can be found by researching various web sites listed on and  9/11 truth has insisted that the 9/11 Commission Report was most likely a cover-up in view of scientific findings that the WTC buildings were dropped, not by the jet airliners that hit them, but by means of controlled implosions using nanothermite explosives.  

President Bush and Vice President Cheney were never forced to testify under oath regarding 9/11, raising suspicions that the attack was possibly a false flag operation.  

(Editors note:   Authorities may be trying to put the lid on the 9/11 truth movement's demand for a new investigation by claiming that Bin Laden's death finally "closes the book" on 9/11.   Certainly the American public would like to believe that the crime has been solved, and justice has been served.   But has it?)       


Democratic World Federalists and "Conversations with Terrorists" author Reese Erlich Examine Media and Government Distortions at the Annual Good Government Luncheon and Lecture

Democratic World Federalists Annual Good Government Luncheon and Lecture scheduled for 4/17/11 in San Francisco featured Reese Erlich who  spoke on the War on Terror.   Meeting in San Francisco, these world federalists continued their tradition of exploring subject matter of current importance in geopolitics.  

DWF activists are concerned that the so-called "war on terror" has been an excuse for the USA to invade three nations, and allowed the Pentagon to have enormous budgets making millions of dollars for the private sector while increasing poverty for domestic needs both in the USA, and the countries invaded.   

Erlich shared his experiences as a reporter when important stories have been withheld by the Establishment media -->

Erlich has challenged the Establishment's presentation of who and what is terrorism with a definition which enlarges the label to include nation-states (state sponsored terrorism).  He writes that the "U.S. government itself has used terrorist tactics."

A well known author and independent journalist, Erlich has a great deal of experience regarding the issue of an independent and objective media which is vital for a democracy to function honestly. 

Previously DWF has featured such speakers as David Ray Griffin who has thrown light on false flag operations -- a terrorist act falsely blamed on others. The 9/11 truth movement Griffin explained,  is demanding a new investigation having demonstrated to the satisfaction of many citizen investigators that the 9/11 Commission report was a cover-up.  

The significance of the examination of such controversial topics from a DWF point of view, is that authentic democracy requires truth and facts, not propaganda and manipulation of the public by those in power.   Moreover, the "good" in good government requires that politicians represent "we, the people" (i.e., the world public interest), not manipulate media for political gain or to further private financial interests by means of a permanent war economy. 

When asked why democratic world federalism gets so little media attention, Mr. Erlich offered the opinion that world federalists will need to do something dramatic to draw media attention, that world federalists simply are unknown to the public and media.    



Antiwar Protests in NYC and San Francisco as Resistance Grows Against the Military/Corporate Control of America

The United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC) has organized antiwar rallies in New York City yesterday, and today (Sunday, April 10, 2011) in San Francisco.  

Protesters want the American Empire to bring its troops home, including the private military contractors whom are likely to remain in Iraq and elsewhere.   It is speculated that the American government  has plans to maintain  permanent military bases in Iraq -- whether or not the majority of Iraqi citizens approve.    

American peace activists suspect that, contrary to what the American people are being told, puppet governments will be maintained in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Activists are linking money spent abroad on war and occupation as money being taken away from America's poor and middle classes causing increasing poverty.   Health and education, they point out, are being sacrificed. 

Protesters also are concerned about government attempts to silence protesters domestically by means of various forms of intimidation by the FBI and other agencies.   Claiming to protect Americans from "terror", the government has taken away basic constitutional due process rights much like in authoritarian countries.    

The UNAC goals are generally in line with the Bill of Rights for Citizens of Earth found in Articles 13 and 14 of the Earth Constitution. 


Libyan Uprising Leads to a Proposal by Khadafy's Son to Transition to a Constitutional Democracy

The Associated Press today indicated that the New York Times had reported that one of Khadafy's sons, Seif al-Islam Khadafy, in diplomatic meetings on 4/4/11, had proposed that he take over from his father and steer the country toward a constitutional democracy. 

The report goes on to state that the Libyan opposition had rejected the plan, fearing that a powerful son in charge of such a transition government would lead to the Khadafy family finding a way to protect their "vast economic interests."   It remains to be seen if a suitable alternative for the transition can be agreed upon which adopts a path to a full democratic government. 

The idea to change to a constitutional democracy may have originated from meetings in 2004 set up through the World Constitution and Parliament Association led by Dr. Glen Martin.   A delegation of 13 American world federalists met with Libyan intellectuals and authorities in early July, 2004.   It is here where the Earth Constitution's democratic, federal design could have been initially promoted to the Libyans. 

Subsequently the WCPA arranged with the Libyans for Sessions of a 9th Provisional World Parliament which met in April, 2006 in Tripoli, Libya.  Once again, the concept of a full democratic federal constitution was in view as the Parliament itself was part of the design of the Earth Constitution.

It remains to be seen if the Libyan opposition to the current Libyan government under Khadafy can come to some kind of diplomatic agreement to end the fighting, and instead go on the path toward a constitutional democracy.  If a new constitution uses a federal design, the problems of factions such as alleged tribal interests in Libyan politics could be satisfied. 

The advantage to the Libyans of this democratic solution to the conflict would be free (and fair) elections.   The chances of a puppet government run by the United States and NATO in collusion with multinational corporations who seek to privatize Libya's oil money would be decreased markedly.  The Libyans would be unlikely to approve of losing their oil money to private corporations. 

It is unknown if the Egyptian protesters will be permitted by the Army now in control  to have a full constitutional democracy.    WCPA had met with Egyptian authorities in 1990 to arrange for a World Constituent Assembly but the WCA was canceled by the Foreign Office for unexplained reasons despite two successful preparatory sessions.  

It remains to be seen if Libya and Egypt will be able to form constitutional democracies as highlighted by the Earth Federation's Constitution.   Such a solution for these nations in transition would give the people of both countries the freedom and democracy they are calling for, and offer their citizens a better chance to avoid exploitation by outside geopolitical and financial interests. 


Earth Federation gets new foothold in Europe through a new branch of the Institute On World Problems in Croatia

Earth Federation activists from Croatia report that their government has certified the registration of a branch of the Institute On World Problems (IOWP) according to Professor Glen Martin, an IOWP official and leader in the Earth Federation Movement. 

IOWP is a think tank and educational organization specializing in studies of the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement (EFM).   The fact of an IOWP branch in Europe should help raise awareness in Europe of the EFM and how the Federation could benefit not only Croatia, but the European Union itself. 

The IOWP branch in Croatia will be directed by alternative economist Dr. Slavko Kulic and a colleague, Dr. Marija Pavkov.   They plan to help raise funds through IOWP to help in furthering both educational and research objectives for this nonprofit, tax-deductible institution.

IOWP staff submitted a position paper to participants at last year's International Criminal Court meetings regarding using the Earth Constitution and its world judiciary system as a model for expanding and improving the ICC's fairness and effectiveness.      



Former President Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales have been named in an international criminal complaint filed by a leading human rights attorney and international law professor, Francis Boyle.  

Boyle, who filed the complaint last year with the International Criminal Court (ICC), believes there is a legal basis to indict these individuals despite the fact that the United States has refused to sign on to the ICC accords, fearful of indictments.    

A similar but different complaint was filed on February 7, 2011 by two victims of torture under the direction of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) based in New York City.  In a report on this case by David Swanson from, Mr. Swanson argues that former President Bush cancelled a February 12th speech to be given in Geneva because Bush was afraid of being arrested by Swiss authorities and prosecuted for torture.   

Human rights activists and lawyers are attempting creative use of international law to indict those individuals, no matter from what nation, who are responsible for torture, disappearances, and other violations of human rights and international law.  

However, the fragmented international legal system makes it possible for individuals to avoid prosecution by staying out of nations that have agreed to ICC jurisdiction.   Fearing arrest,  prosecution can be avoided by American high officials simply by staying in the United States.   The current Obama administration has refused to investigate Bush or others possibly involved in and responsible for international crimes against humanity.  

The EARTH FEDERATION'S World Judiciary and Enforcement system under the Earth Constitution would be much more effective in terms of bringing justice to victims of international crimes, and holding individuals accountable for their criminal acts.   Unfortunately, the present global system of international law makes it relatively easy to avoid prosecution particularly if you are backed by a powerful government.  

Currently we are seeing international crimes occur on a daily basis  in the Middle East.   High officials from Israel do not fear prosecution for their attacks on the civilians in Gaza or a policy of persecution of Palestinians.   Egyptian President Mubarak and his spy chief Omar Suleiman appear unconcerned about criminal prosecution when their secret police or military beat-up or kill those who protest against the government.    

The hard facts are that the global legal system is weak and fragmented with most of the powerful able to avoid arrest and prosecution.  Those in power are so confident that they are above the law that they do not even try to hide their contempt for the law.

Nevertheless, the criminal complaints filed by human rights groups using the ICC are an important step forward as it sends a warning to the powerful that at some time in the future they may be held accountable.  

(Editor's note:  Earth Federation Movement activists recognizing the severe limitations of the United Nations system, would like to see the ICC and nations join the Federation in order to take advantage of the Earth Constitution's well designed World Judiciary structure.)          



(Dr. Glen Martin, a leading figure in the Earth Federation Movement, has provided an initial summary of the proceedings of the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament in association with the World Peace Thinkers and Poets Meet Conference.   Below are excerpts  which direct the reader to the web site(s) which summarize the work of the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament:) 

From Dr. Martin:  

A report on our significant accomplishments at the 12th Session is now available on my web site at the following address:


The home page for my web site is, of course, and this report can also be reached through a link on the home page.


I want to personally thank WCPA Vice-President Dr. Santi Nath Chattopadhyay, as well as his wonderful son and daughter in law, for the immense effort and success they achieved in creating this impressive WORLD PEACE THINKERS AND POETS MEET that served as a framework for the Parliament and many other events.


My report on the web site emphasizes the significance of the Parliament.  However, the success of the Parliament would not have been possible if it were not for the framework of this much larger conference.


I believe the coming year will be of great significance for the success and expansion of our global work.


Dr. Glen T. Martin

Secretary-General, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc.  (

President, Institute on World Problems   (

Professor of Philosophy, Radford University  (

                                                 * * * * * * *

(Editor's note:  Readers may find certain actions of the 12th PROVISIONAL WORLD PARLIAMENT of special interest, and below are listed some of them.   Go to the web sites listed above for more details in any given area of the Parliament's work.) 

"The Parliament shone like a jewel," stated one participant.  Dr. Martin refers to the sessions of the Provisional World Parliament as "historic" and adds,  "We are building a truly new world order within the shell of the old."

WORLD JUDICIARY:  The 12th PWP followed up from the World Judiciary Summit sponsored earlier by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and the City Montessori School in Lucknow and passed  World Legislation establishing a Collegium of World Judges to begin to fill the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary structure. 

CORPORATE PERSONHOOD PROHIBITION ACT:  The 12th PWP passed the "Corporate Personhood Prohibition Act" which addresses the problem of multinational corporations given "personhood" status by a nation -- thus giving corporations powers to undermine democratic processes as when, for example, they are allowed unlimited political campaign contributions.  

NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS WARNING ALERT:  The 12th PWP passed model global regulations regarding decommissioning of nuclear power plants so that corporations are not financially rewarded for nuclear accidents or for the disposal of nuclear waste. 

WORLD BANKING AS PUBLIC UTILITY:  In a significant move to address global banking, the 12th PWP dus implications for public versus privateeclared that banking should be considered a "public utility."   This new definition has enormo banking.

THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL:  The "Economic Prosperity Act" penetrates the obstacles in the modern economic system which prevent full prosperity for all, and outlines new solutions.    Banker speculation as in derivatives and hedge funds, for example, would be outlawed in this model legislation. 

MEDIA FOR "WE, THE PEOPLE":  The Earth Federation Movement is called to establish its own global media system on behalf of "we, the people."   Private media ownership of the public airways has not been favorable to authentic democracy and the world public interest.   



Want to register your approval to establish a world parliament?  A worldwide referendum has been launched using the Internet.   The web site is  Created by Vote World Parliament activists, it allows you to register your vote in favor of the establishment of a democratic world parliament.   Rationale is provided emphasizing the importance of this new governing structure to resolve global problems. 



A draft declaration of "foundational principles" of the Earth Federation Movement is close to completion.   The Movement is described as "an interactive network of world citizens, nongovernmental organizations, and peace thinkers dedicated to promoting planetary awareness of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth."  Ratification of the Earth Constitution is being sought from the people and nations of Earth.

The principles introduce the Earth Federation as a "universal free republic."  The Movement intends to defeat the current global system of violence, hatred, surveillance, war and more.  This emerging new global system is designed to return to citizens around the world the freedoms they have lost due to the domination of the old ways of governance and doing business which favor a privileged few. 

Another principle is "universality" which means that in the free republic there is respect for "all".   True universality honors certain moral principles which can no longer be given only token recognition.   "All men are created equal" for example, has been routinely ignored by many governments including those claiming to be democratic.  Universality will also mean that privileged elite individuals will no longer be above the law.  

This founded free republic, states the document, includes the principle that "living systems" establish freedom, peace, justice, and prosperity.  This seems to refer to the various departments and agencies of the Earth Federation government -- to be dynamic and responsive to "we, the people." 

But these goals cannot be reached by simply waiting for people to change their attitudes cautions readers of the document. The present global system itself must be fundamentally changed because it is inherently a war system.   Moreover, the economic system is also inherently flawed being destructive of people and the environment.  

The Earth Constitution, according to the document, provides a path to create a freedom system, a peace system, a justice system, and a prosperity system for the people of Earth.  

In addition, the Movement introduces the foundational principle of universal sustainability in order to protect the ecological integrity of the ecosystem of the planet into the future.  

The conclusion of this foundational document proclaims that the Earth Federation Movement represents the "most fundamental principles of ethical and political thought."  It states, "Our thought and action is directed toward the primacy of human freedom for every person and community on Earth." 

The document further pledges to maintain an unfailing commitment (to the principles of the Earth Federation Movement) while avoiding dogmatism and closed-mindedness.  "For we commit to the highest principles of dialogue, discussion, and communication with all willing persons." 


The 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament meets Dec. 27-31, 2010 in Kolkata, India in parallel with the World Peace Thinkers Meet

The Provisional World Parliament's  12th Session will be in conjunction with the World Peace Thinkers Meet organized by Dr. Santinath
   Full details can be found at   

Proposed world legislation for the Parliament includes a Bill on Corporate Responsibility, on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants, an amendment for World Legislative Act #40 on insider trading, and more.  Bills can be read ahead of time on line at  

There will also be a review of the "Conceptual Model of the Earth Federation" by Professor Glen Martin.  Also, there will be an assessment of the International Criminal Court. 

The World Constitution and Parliament Association, organizing agent for the Sessions of the Provisional World Parliament, will be deciding on a President for WCPA to replace the deceased Dr. Terence Amerasinghe.   Dr. Amerasinghe (1917-2007)  was a leading figure on behalf of the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement. 


      Earth Constitution to be Distributed to Government Leaders 

Professor Glen Martin's new book on the Constitution for the Federationof Earth is to be distributed to a large list of government leaders worldwide according to Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, founder of a leading educational institution in India.   Dr. Gandhi, who is known for his  concern for the world's children and the future of humanity, will write an additional commentary to go along with this important new book.


9/11 Truth Movement Breakthrough With Key Skeptic

A leading Leftist, William Blum (The Anti-Empire Report), has changed his mind about 9/11.  Although not yet willing to accept the possibility of 9/11 being an inside job from within by a rogue element of the American government itself (i.e., false flag operation), he nevertheless admits that, at a minimum, the U.S. government might have known about the attack ahead of time and decided to "let it happen." 

In his most recent Report (10-1-10) Blum takes a big step toward support of the 9/11 Truth Movement's efforts to get the real facts behind 9/11, rather than the now discredited 9/11 Commission's Report.  For example, he now concedes of "serious contradictions and apparent lies in the Official Government Version."

Mr. Blum also concludes that the 9/11 Truth Movement's analysis of the collapses of the buildings in New York is correct, that is, the buildings were dropped by "controlled demolition", not by burning aircraft.   

The success of the 9/11 Truth Movement in educating the public about the cover-up has led the Obama Administration to attempt a Psy Op method to quiet the movement's growing popularity.   President Obama appointed Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein to run what is titled the "White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs." 

An important sounding name, but as author David Ray Griffin reveals in his new book "Cognitive Infiltration" as reviewed by Tod Fletcher (Rock Creek Free Press, October, 2010), Sunstein's job will be to "cure" ("eliminate") conspiracy theories -- i.e., try to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Project Censored's most recent book "Censored 2011" includes a careful commentary by Griffin on 9/11, and also introduces a section announcing a "Truth Emergency" -- documenting media propaganda/censorship making it difficult for the public to obtain factual information.   "SCADS" stands for State Crimes Against Democracy.   An analysis by Lance deHaven-Smith is a sobering summary of suspected high crimes committed or allegedly committed by elements of the U.S. government.  Establishment media and in some cases progressive media have collaborated in misleading the public either by silence, censorship, or by accepting the official explanations without critical examination.       



[Editor's note:  The Earth Constitution (Article 12, Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth, 12.8) requires "Freedom for investigation, research and reporting."  Hence, Mr. Sunstein's propaganda efforts would be illegal under world law.  In this case of a possible national government cover-up on a matter which has caused war, the Earth Federation's Office of the World Ombudsmus would be available to investigate the 9/11 Truth Movement's allegations.]  


--Roger Kotila,  Earth Federation News & Views 
Editor's note:  A just released news story shows how leaders of nations can remain above the law.   Joel Greenberg of the Washington Post reports that Israel has established a panel looking into the deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and is looking into the raid's "legality."  [Editor's note -- An example of how nations avoid an honest investigation by investigating themselves.]
Prime Minister Netanyahu also informed a U.N. investigation that "Israel will not cooperate with the inquiry if the U.N. panel seeks the testimony of Israeli soldiers."  [Editor's note -- Another means to protect from prosecution those leaders who actually issued the orders to attack.] 
What did the General Review Conference for the International Criminal Court accomplish when analyzed from the eyes of two leading world federalist experts?

Drs. Glen Martin and Eugenia Almand attended the June, 2010 Conference held in Kampala, Uganda representing the Institute On World Problems -- an NGO and Earth Federation/Earth Constitution think tank and educational organization.

The original Rome Treaty which established the ICC authorized prosecution of individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  The first three have been in  force among signatory nations since 2002.  One goal of the Review Conference was to further define the crime of aggression and expand its jurisdiction to cover this crime.  However, not all nations, then and now, have agreed to subject themselves to ICC jurisdiction, and the idea of enforcing prohibition of aggression is particularly troublesome to certain nations. 
The Coalition for the International Criminal Court, thanks largely to the World Federalist Movement's Bill Pace, was allowed input by civil society to go along with the 111 nations who have signed the ICC accords. The coalition represents a large group of NGO's from many countries dedicated to strengthening the ICC.  Pace has stated that a key goal is "an end to impunity for all serious crimes," and there has been ongoing lobbying efforts to sign up more non signatory nations.

Dr. Martin, however, felt that the official results of the Conference itself were "miniscule and disappointing."  Even Bill Pace, notes Martin, was agreeing to the general feeling at the last day's Coalition meeting (June 11) "that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties were disappointing."

Avoiding Law and Order
According to Martin, the US was a big part of the problem, working to undermine adding ICC jurisdiction for the crime of aggression: "The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the Assembly of States Parties raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues."

An act of aggression was defined as the use of armed force by one State against another State without the jurisdiction of self-defense or authorization by the Security Council.   The individual
crime of aggression
was defined as the planning, preparation, initiation or execution by a person in a leadership position of an act of aggression.

However, the crime of aggression may or may not go into force starting in 2017, and there are loopholes which seriously reduce the likelihood of any actual enforcement, especially against leaders of the non cooperative nations -- such as non signatory nations who refuse ICC jurisdiction.   As to what would allow the ICC Prosecutor to actually prosecute an individual, appears shrouded in obstacles such as having to get Security Council approval that an act of aggression has occurred.

Restricting when a possible crime can be independently investigated by the ICC is a ploy used to protect the leaders of powerful countries (and their friends) from future prosecution.   The USA, for example, defiantly rejected the Goldstone Report thus shielding Israeli leaders from prosecution for possible crimes related to the vicious attack against a largely civilian Palestinian population in Gaza.
It seems clear that certain nations (USA, Great Britain, Russia, Israel, China, and others) have no intention of accepting ICC jurisdiction, and intend to avoid law and order for themselves while proclaiming it necessary for others.

Unequal Justice
Dr. Almand describes how certain nations use ICC concepts such as "Complementarity" and "Cooperation"  to avoid an honest criminal inquiry, and to insure their leaders are above international law.   Almand observes that in the ICC structure each nation "addresses the offences through the national enforcement" system (the principle of Complementarity)" and thus "enforcement will necessarily be unequal from one country to the next."

She explains further:  "The misuse of the term cooperation seems to partly coincide with the misuse of the term complementarity, except that it also refers to the supposedly sovereign cooperation of countries extending temporary agreement to give the World Court (ICC) certain permissions upon the Court's Requests."

"Of course, when the Court has to continually place Requests, there is no hope of equal protection under the law, because the law abiding people will comply and the law breaking people will not."  Dr. Almand, who has a degree in law, notes bluntly that  "properly the Court (should have) mandamus, compulsory jurisdiction" (which would mean that the ICC should not have to ask a nation for permission to investigate and to prosecute its leaders if suspected of world crimes).

We see then that the ICC Review Conference was unable to close or reduce loopholes which allow many leaders of nations to continue to be above the law and to avoid law and order for themselves.   No enforceable world law for them,  no matter what international crimes they may commit.

Can this lack of global law and order ever be changed?   What seems to be the problem?

"Colonized" Minds
Dr. Martin describes the officials and most NGO activists who attended the Conference as having minds that are essentially "colonized," so habituated to the Establishment's paradigm of the world that they are unable to stop swallowing the poison pill of national sovereignty.   Are we thus incapable of envisioning an alternative world which is unified, federated, and democratic?

Professor Martin's conclusions from the ICC Review Conference are blunt and penetrating, hitting upon a truth which every true world federalist has known since the Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima -- a criminal act which the United Nations (a collection of sovereign states) could not stop.   Dr. Martin observes:

"Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGO's present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table:  not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system.   They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations,..."

"The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself:  its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet."

Paradigm Shift
The ICC news was not all bad, says Martin.   He reports multiple opportunities to discuss with official delegates and NGO activists a true alternative to the present "world anti-system," providing a position paper as to why a democratic world federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is both necessary and practical if the ICC is to achieve its ultimate goal for a genuinely independent world judiciary. (This position paper can be found at


Dr. Martin remains optimistic:  "We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates.  This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there."   "Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states."

To contact author:   Roger Kotila   

Activists to Protest at American Nuclear Weapons Lab on August 6th  the Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

August 6, 2010 will see protests at Livermore Lab sponsored by a San Francisco Bay Area antinuclear group (  The Livermore Laboratory, located in Livermore, California is one of two sites that has developed every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal according to an announcement of the protests from a member of the group who also reported that the U.S. under President Obama has actually increased the budget for developing new and modified nuclear bombs.    

(Editor's note:  World Legislative Act #1 passed in 1982 by the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament outlaws nuclear weapons and makes the development and use of weapons of mass destruction illegal -- against world law.   Individuals who participate in developing, researching, maintaining, or using such weapons would be indicted by a World Judiciary and subject to prosecution under WLA #1.)  

A Leading Expert on 9/11 Challenges Leading Leftists and Progressives Who Refuse to Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

Why is the 9/11 attack important for the Earth Federation?  When a nation and some of its leading intellectuals refuse to look at contradictory and omitted testimony regarding an event which was possibly a "false flag operation" (dirty tricks -- doing a crime and blaming it on someone else), then citizens are denied the true facts.  In democracies, facts are vital in order for the citizenry to make good decisions.   

Moreover, if 9/11 was a covert operation conducted from within, then  a false enemy has been invented which  has led to tragic wars -- perhaps against innocent parties and nations.    

If the Earth Federation were fully functional, then a brilliant investigator like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth Movement researchers could appeal to the World Ombudsmus.   The Earth Constitution created the World Ombudsmus Office with the idea that citizens would have another legal avenue to seek facts and justice when a government is corrupt, or the media fails to give honest information to the public.  (The United Nations lacks such an important legal office to investigate and prosecute crimes which adversely affect other nations.)

In Griffin's recent article ("Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement:  Do You Really Believe in Miracles?") in Global Research (July 6, 2010) found at he presents a strong case which refutes the key Leftist and Progressive intellectuals who have stubbornly refused to look at the contradictions and falsehoods in the 9/11 Commission Report. 

From the global perspective, this type of denial or cover-up prevents an objective investigation and allows a nation such as the USA to create a perpetual "enemy" subsequently invading two countries all based upon the 9/11 tragedy.   The fact of false flag operations are now well-documented, not just by the USA, but by Israel, and Russia, England, and other countries.  If asked to investigate, these countries essentially "investigate themselves" and, of course, find no culpability. 

In 9/11, scientists have discovered the real reason the twin towers fell so quickly.   It is clear that explosives (nanothermite) were used in a controlled demolition.   The jet airliners did not drop these buildings according to an extensive series of research investigations by citizen experts (professional scientists, engineers, and architects).
Moreover, there is physical evidence available which proves that nanothermite was used -- an explosive not available to the average person, but found for military use and for covert operations.   

(Editor's note:  If the 9/11 Truth Movement is correct, that 9/11 may indeed have been an "inside job", then there is a whole new radical political dynamic which comes into play on the world stage.   Muslims may be taking the blame for something they did not do.  

What the facts and logic seem to point at rather clearly  is that it is fair to expect a new, independent investigation of 9/11 with full revelations of all the facts, not just some, identification of contradictory evidence, omissions, and requiring all witnesses to testify under oath, including ex-President Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, the Pentagon Generals in charge at the time, and the owners of the twin towers as well as the security company which managed the twin towers.   The investigation must also include Building 7.   All videos must be released to this new investigation, e.g., the various videos which will show what really hit the Pentagon.) 



A surprising article found in the AARP Bulletin (July-August, 2010) by Joel Bourne, Jr. reports on an ongoing collaboration between medical professionals from the Islamic Republic of Iran and American health professionals attempting to improve primary health care in the poverty stricken rural American Mississippi Delta.

Iran, notes the article, has won recognition from the World Health Organization for its innovative primary health care system which has "eliminated disparities between rural and urban populations" and has reduced "infant mortality in rural areas by tenfold."  

American health care consultants visited Iran's rural "health houses" and believe that such a model could benefit rural Mississippi residents.   Iran trains "behvarzes" who are villagers trained to provide basic health services and who staff health houses located in villages in rural areas.  The behvarzes have a variety of duties such as assisting families to insure timely vaccinations and accurate medical histories.  They also consult with sanitation, water testing, and other environmental concerns notes Mr. Bourne.   

(Editor's Note --   This small example of constructive, positive engagement between Iran and America serves as an antidote to the war drums we continue to hear from Israeli Zionists eager to attack Iran.  Israel demands that Iran abandon attempts to secure nuclear weapons yet is unwilling to give up its own nukes,  or to allow UN inspectors free access to examine Israel's own weapons of mass mutilation.) 

  7/1/2010  (Dr. Martin's first hand report from the ICC Review Conference gives the reader a good feel for the frustrations and obstructions that the present global system presents to reformers.  Paradoxically, the failures of the Conference may ultimately advance the standing of the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution as the viable alternative to our stagnant and disastrous existing global political structure.  -- Editor)




The official results of the General Review Conference for the ICC itself were miniscule and disappointing, only reinforcing our message that under the system of sovereign nation-states nothing effective can really be done. For eleven days, delegates of nation-states made proposals and counter-proposals, jockeying for position, for postponements, for more time, for definitions on what constitutes "complementarity" or "aggression."

Meanwhile, the civil society sector of the ICC Conference was awash with victims of crimes committed in Uganda, DRC, Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa ? waiting for justice, asking for justice, disappointed at the inability of the ICC to even begin dispensing justice.

Even the Chairperson of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Bill Pace, was agreeing to the general feeling at the Coalition meeting that took place on the last day (June 11) which was that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties was disappointing. Three of the main issues considered by the ICC Review were those of "Cooperation," "Complementarity," and developing a definition for the "Crime of Aggression" that is mentioned but not defined in the Rome Statute.

There were not simply official state delegates from the 111 or so nations signatory to the Statute present, but also official reps from a number of other countries that have affiliated themselves in a way that gives them a voice in the proceedings if not a vote on the official documents considered. The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the ASP raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues (which I am sure Eugenia will go into on the final report). A definition of "aggression" was reached with the agreement that it will not enter into force until 2017 (unless a subsequent official meeting postpones this date).

Israel?s brutal attack on a humanitarian mission on its way to GAZA occurred while the Review Conference was in session. We heard from human rights groups connected with Palestine, Afghanistan, Burma, Columbia, Sudan, Unganda, DRC, and elsewhere, all hoping that a paralyzed and impotent ICC can move us toward some modicum of justice in the world.

Also occurring while the Review Conference was in session was the planetary-scale environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGOs present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table: not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system. They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations, to the massive destruction of the planetary environment by the multi-national corporations, to global militarism and human rights violations, to "development" of poor nations by ever-more intrusions of monopoly capitalism, etc.

Perhaps the only voice for a coherent, unified, and diverse world order of unity-in-diversity came from the delegation from the Institute on World Problems ( There were many good people at the conference and many NGOs from Uganda and other African countries representing the victims of the horrific cruelty and violence that has been happening in many African countries. But few understood that the root of the problem cannot be addressed through tinkering with the present system, e.g. slowly and painfully trying to empower an independent ICC. The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself: its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet.

As Eugenia Almand and I spoke with people, and discussed the problems with people from African NGOs who were present, a number of them began to see the problem clearly, and the result was the founding of a new WCPA chapter in Uganda and the establishing of a number of important contacts for our work in Africa.

behalfThe results of the participation of IOWP Representatives Eugenia Almand and Glen T. Martin for our work on behalf of the Earth Federation, I believe, were substantial in this and a number of other ways.

As mentioned above there were also many delegates there from NGOs around the world that are part of the CICC (as are IOWP and WCPA). Dr. Almand and I had a great deal of our literature with us as well as many copies of the newly published "A Constitution for the Federation of Earth ? With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion." Eugenia also had copies of our Provisional World Parliament work on the ICC Rome Statute and the Constitution itself in several different languages. Our literature also included announcements of the next session of the Provisional World Parliament this coming December in Kolkata, thus perhaps getting a few delegates but perhaps more important, making many people aware that this alternative is going on and has been going on since 1982.

Besides talking personally with many people and giving them copies of our literature as appropriate, we put our general literature out each day on the 5 or 6 literature tables that were in front of the various rooms reserved for the Review Conference meetings. Our literature was picked up and distributed among many people, including many States Parties reps.

A couple of days into the conference we also wrote an official statement from IOWP to the delegations at the Review Conference (a modification and elaboration of the "World Court Order" pamphlet). We printed this out (two pages back to back) and had 250 copies of it made and had it officially distributed to each delegate to the conference, which means that all official delegations from the nation-states also received it. I have attached a copy above.

We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates. This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there.

Eugenia and I also got scheduled to give a 2 hour Powerpoint presentation on our work. This was not very well attended (there were of course always many things going on) but our presentation was officially announced in the agenda of meetings and we distributed many flyers announcing it. Some people later told us they intended to come to our presentation but couldn't for this or that reason.

Finally, a new chapter of WCPA was founded in UGANDA. There were a number of refugees there from DRC political violence and they were part of a human rights organization from DRC. They became very interested in our work (it is very helpful that Eugenia speaks French), and on the last day, in the afternoon after lunch, they held their first official meeting of WCPA Uganda with EA and myself present. They had a chair a translator person when necessary, a secretary to take notes, etc. There were about 8 men and 3 women from DRC present at the meeting.

Finally, Eugenia and I learned a great deal about the political and human rights situation in Africa, in East Africa, in Uganda, and to some extent in the world. This knowledge and deepening understanding can only further empower our work. The upcoming session of the Provisional World Parliament in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010 will reexamine our work in relation to the ICC and make recommendation to the Parliament for further developing this work.

All in all, from our WCPA/IOWP point of view, our participation was very successful. Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress, is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states. Only a genuine world federal system can effectively address the many deadly problems faced by the world, from human rights to the environment to militarism to massive poverty and misery.

Just as we did at the General Review Conference for the ICC, the Constitution for the Federation of Earth must become known worldwide as offering the only real practical, sane, and effective hope to address these crises and established a decent future for humanity and our planet.




Received June 13, 2010

(Editor's note:  The Institute On World Problems studies the Earth Constitution/ Provisional World Parliament/Earth Federation in association with the World Constitution and Parliament Association.  IOWP's analysis submitted to the ICC Conference offers advanced concepts "outside the box" so to speak,  principles which, if adopted, could help the Assembly of States Parties reach the goal of an ICC which has the capacity for universal justice with no individual from any country being above the law.)   


 Towards the Effective Rule of Law ? Institute on World Problems Recommendations

to the General Review Conference for the ICC. 4 June 2010

Institute  On World Problems

Cooperating with the World Constitution and Parliament Association

President: Dr. Glen T. Martin

313 Seventh Ave., Radford VA 24141, USA Fax +540-831-5919 Phone +540-639-2320

Executive Director: Eugenia Almand, J.D.


The Institute on World Problems (IOWP) recognizes common goals and multiple links between the work of the Provisional World Parliament (PWP) that has met in eleven sessions to date and the work of the International Criminal Court developing under the Rome Statute of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). Among these common goals are the strengthening the rule of law in the world, developing a court at the world level that can hold all individuals accountable with regard to certain heinous crimes, and ending the impunity for these crimes associated with a system of nation-states often recognizing no enforceable law above themselves.

At its Seventh Session in Chennai, India in December 2003, the Parliament reviewed the Rome Statute and passed a strengthened version of the statute as World Legislative Act number 20. This act gave great independence and legitimacy to the ICC by providing the Court with a legislative basis for its operation and linking the Court with an emerging system of global institutions that point toward universality of jurisdiction and enforceability of Court decisions and orders.

If the ASP accepts the common goals indentified above, then the IOWP urges the decision-makers at the ASP to reexamine aspects of the principle of complementarity that appear to defeat these goals. The judicial systems of nations, of course, need to become and remain the first level of responsibility for addressing crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, or other serious offences covered by the Rome Statute. However, as the ICC now recognizes, these judicial systems need to develop into legal conformity with the provisions of the Rome Statute and attain to a consistency of procedures and practices that ultimately hold all individuals everywhere equally responsible before the law and subject to consistent, fair, and objective constraints of the due process of law.

This development of the rule of consistent, coherent law in the world requires an ICC that is truly independent and universal in its jurisdiction and not dependent for its operations on a variety of nation-state actors with differing internal political agendas, differing versions of due process, and differing responses to subpoenas, court initiatives, or court orders. Complementarity in its positive form requires coherent judicial and legal response at the national level prior to judicial action at the supranational level by the ICC. However, complementarity becomes seriously flawed and an impediment to strengthening the rule of enforceable law over individuals in the world if it is construed as requiring ICC dependence on national actors for the gathering of evidence, the carrying out of subpoenas, investigation, or the carrying out of court decisions.

The IOWP recommends that decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties consider two courses of action directed toward strengthening the ICC toward a truly independent status and thereby strengthening the regime of coherent criminal law for the world that moves in the direction of becoming universal over all individuals, consistent, and enforceable. The first course of action would be to link the ICC formally or informally with the work of the Provisional World Parliament, specifically with World Legislative Act #20, and the upcoming review of this act at the Twelfth Session of the PWP scheduled to meet in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010. This linking process would allow the court to access the strengthened wording of the Parliament version of the Rome Statute thereby empowering it further in the direction of universality and independence of the political variables within nation-state actors.

It would also associate the Court with parliamentary legislative practices and procedures at the supranational level that ultimately must be developed to provide the legitimacy and framework for statutes implemented by any court system. As the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear under Articles 7, 21.3, and 28, the protection of human rights through the rule of law in the world ultimately requires an emerging judicial, legislative, and executive framework applying equally to all citizens of the Earth.

The second course of action that the IOWP recommends to decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties is more far reaching and calls upon the goal expressed in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 28: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized." It should be clear that any such viable international order would need to develop not only a universal judicial system beginning with the ICC, but to move toward developing world legislative and executive processes required to lend universal legitimacy and enforceability to court functions.

In the light of these facts, the IOWP recommends that the Assembly of States Parties begin developing mechanisms that allow the ASP to evolve in the direction of becoming a legislative house (a "house of nations") within an emerging world parliament. The fact that the ASP has already developed the Rome Statute body of legislation suggests a nascent legislative role for the ASP. This needs to be developed toward a horizon that ultimately no longer sees the ASP as a treaty of sovereign nation-states but as an emerging House of Nations within a world parliament system that would ultimately include a complementary House of Peoples, directly elected.

The IOWP believes that acting on these recommendations could provide the ICC and the ASP with an emerging framework of goals that lift the work of these bodies out of an ad hoc response to a variety of horrendous situations in which atrocities are being carried out with apparent impunity in various parts of the world toward a program that coherently and consistently develops the ideal of the rule of democratically legislated, judicially administered, and impartially enforced laws over individuals everywhere upon the Earth.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Institute on World Problems,  Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin.


June 2, 2010


Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin have arrived at the ICC General Review Conference under the auspices of the Institute On World Problems, an educational and think tank institution which specializes in the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution and related Provisional World Parliament, the latter of which has passed world legislation with the intention of "strengthening the world court system" according to Dr. Almand.  

Delegates from more than 100 countries are attending the ICC Review.  

One highly significant issue will be a discussion and recommendation to formally broaden the scope of the ICC to include "crimes of aggression".   (Editor's note:   It will be interesting to see what is  the impact of the recent attack by Israel against the humanitarian peace activists on the high seas trying to bring supplies to Gaza.   Will this prod the ICC Assembly of States Parties to broaden the scope of its jurisdiction?)

Also of interest will be what response there will be to the distribution of the Earth Constitution to representatives, many of whom may not be aware of this important document or understand its political significance.   Will ICC attendee's grasp the potential for an Earth Federation movement under the Earth Constitution which contains what might be considered a model world judiciary system. 

Dr. Almand reports that Bills and decisions of the Review Conference are on the subsequent agenda for the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament to be held in December, 2010 in Kolkata, India.  



May 7, 2010



Uganda will host the Assembly of States Parties  General Review Conference (May 31 - June 11, 2010) for the International Criminal Court. 


An important position paper titled "the World Court Order," written by Earth Federation experts, will be circulated to General Review attendees.  It outlines a new political paradigm and strategy intended to give the ICC more legitimacy, independence, and strengthen its overall role for providing equal justice for all.      


The Earth Federation's Earth Constitution offers an

advanced world judiciary model for the ICC to consider in the context of an emerging democratic world federation in which individual human rights are paramount, as is equal justice for all.   


The implications of an "expanding" ICC using the Earth Constitution's authority include a means by which individual criminal offenders of world law would find it harder to be "above the law," even if such individuals had committed crimes against humanity or war crimes.  


The Federation's proposal will include an invitation for the attending Assembly of States Parties to consider assuming the role of "Upper House" within the Earth Federation World Parliament.   (The Earth Federation already has begun sessions of a Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution.)  They would become the "House of Nations" in the Federation's tricameral world parliament.


Quotes from the Federation's position paper reveal an unusual yet bold strategy to upgrade and legitimize the International Criminal  Court.  


 "...the (Earth Federation) Provisional World Parliament urges the Assembly of States Parties to carefully consider the merits of the Earth Constitution and of the World Legislation, which mirrors the work of the Assembly of States Parties." 


 "Unless the Criminal Court has the court order, that is, the mandamus, also called compulsory jurisdiction, the system fails to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR Article 28), to guarantee a social order in which human rights are universally protected." 


"In December of 2003, the Provisional World Parliament held a general stocktaking review of the Rome Statute.  The bill was designed to retain all possible features of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, yet was at the same time given a firm constitutional and legislative basis to the World Court System, with great strength and independence to the Court." 


(Editor's note:  For those citizens of earth who want a world justice system which takes equal rights for all seriously and who seek individual accountability so that no one is "above the law," then the proposed changes recommended to the ICC/Assembly of States Parties by the Earth Federation will be seen as both visionary and practical, and vitally necessary if we are to bring our world back from the brink of chaos and anarchy.)  


Dr. Glen T. Martin has been described by this editor as the
"most important unknown man in America."  His current book  reinforces this assessment of Dr. Martin's importance to the peace, human rights, and environmental movements.   Martin gives the reader a practical and clear understanding for what he considers to be the most important document of the 21st Century, the Earth Constitution.  

The new release is titled "Constitution for the Federation of Earth With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion."   

His explanatory writing about the Earth Constitution reminds one of the Federalist papers when the American constitution was presented to the people.   In this case, Martin's efforts can best be described as a World Federalist paper, defending in convincing fashion the need to replace the current global system and United Nations Charter with the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution -- a fundamental change which eliminates the global war system of sovereign nation-states and transforms them into a unified global peace system with a democratic world parliament and enforceable world law.    

He explains how the Earth Constitution came about, and why it is politically legitimate.   Democracy needs this new structure to be authentic.  The need and logic for establishing a democratic world federation has been well established by advanced thinkers for many years but ignored by politicians and the public despite its obvious potential effectiveness to be able to end wars, eliminate poverty, and quicken the pace to save the environment.  

The Earth Federation Movement is gaining adherents as more people learn of its existence and importance.   There have been a series of Provisional World Parliaments.  Heads of state and the public are being encouraged to study the Earth Constitution with a view to joining the emerging Earth Federation.

-- RK        




Although American's pride themselves in being free, they often do not realize that their freedoms are rather narrow when compared to world standards.  For example, Americans' are often seen "speaking their mind" and with pride speak of freedom of speech. What is not known by the public is the high degree of behind-the-scenes censorship which occurs especially as to what subject matter is allowed in mainstream media outlets. 

Hence, the near total silence in mainstream media since the discovery by scientists that the 9/11 buildings were not dropped by the aircraft striking them, but imploded using identified explosives.   Despite the scientific evidence, mainstream media is silent, and continues to try to discredit the 9/11 truth investigators. The fact that people in the USA have not had a basic "right" to health care (unless you have enough money) is another example of lack of freedom. 


President Obama and the Democrats have started to partially correct this violation of a basic civil right as is clearly stated in the EARTH CONSTITUTON in Article 13, # 5 which requires:  "Free and adequate public health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life under conditions of free choice." 

The new health legislation falls short in that it is not free for everyone although it does insure that poor people will be able to get medical services.   Moreover, the legislation fails to include nonregistered immigrants who are banned from even buying health coverage in the new insurance exchanges to be set-up.  The EARTH CONSTITUTION recognizes all people as "citizens of earth" with certain inalienable rights and hence the American government's new health care legislation remains too narrow to meet a world standard of civil rights.  


Nevertheless, it appears to be a sincere start toward arriving at a world class standard of care in this important area of basic human rights.   



A weekend conference (March 5 & 6) held at a large Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, California (near San Francisco) was packed to overflowing with mainstream Christians and other faiths to learn about the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and to get first hand reports of the carnage at Gaza by the Israeli military.

A Norwegian physician, Dr. Mads Gilbert, showed the evidence of the extensive death and destruction against what was basically an entrapped, civilian population -- 50% of whom are children.   Lost arms and legs, blown away sections of children's heads,  phosphorous burning of flesh, and more was highlighted in what was an emotional review of state directed terrorism which, according to many speakers,  has had the support of the American government including many members of Congress. 

Sponsored by "Friends of Sabeel -- North America" ("Sabeel" means "the Way"), there was an impressive array of activists, religious leaders, and political/miltary experts who outlined the devastation and imprisonment of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian Christians. 

There is an emerging strategy for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to start the process of separating the United States government from its support of Israel's violations of international law.   Growing pressure will be applied for the American government to cease funding Israel despite President Obama's promise of another 30 Billion dollars to be granted what some are now calling a "terrorist state" in view of the facts on the ground from neutral observers such as reflected in the Goldstone report. 

A number of participants at this Sabeel Conference were of the Jewish faith and who were concerned that the criminal behavior of the Israeli Zionists will destroy the good reputation of the Jewish religion. 

(Editor's note: The Israeli occupation and criminal treatment of Palestinians violate numerous sections of the Earth Constitution's Bill of Human Rights.   Under the Earth Federation, the authorities who ordered these crimes would be held individually accountable by the World Attorney General's Office, but nevertheless be granted legal due process as called for in the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary system.)




Dr. Tad Daley will be the featured speaker for this March 14th Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture Series.  Dr. Daley  will preview his soon to be released "Apocalypse Never." 


Is this a speech that President Obama and his Pentagon generals should hear?


The public is welcome.  Event to be held at UC Berkeley at the International House. The full program starts at 11:30 am with lunch, then lecture at l pm.   Full program costs $40.   Lecture only is $10.  


For registration/reservation call (415) 227-4880 or for more details go to


Sponsored by Democratic World Federalists a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational/think tank international peace organization.  



Global democracy and worldwide referendum subject of event in Brussels

The possibility of conducting a worldwide referendum with an equal vote for every person in the world will be among the subjects of an event in the European Parliament next week Tuesday, 23 February, that is hosted by European lawmaker Graham Watson, the EU Chapter of the Club of

Rome and the Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The occasion is planned to be used for the presentation of a "Brussels Declaration on Global Democracy."

The public event will begin with a special screening of the documentary "World Vote Now" that was produced over the span of eight years with field-tests in 26 countries in all world regions. "We are told that democracy creates stability and raising living standards. So why not introduce it on a worldwide scale," said filmmaker Joel Ben Marsden who will be present in Brussels. According to Marsden, he and his team of democracy activists so far got "a lot of enthusiastic response."


  San Francisco Progressive Conference, like the Earth Federation,  Proposes New U.S. Amendment to Take Away Corporate Personhood

Sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives (, over 500 progressive activists met in San Francisco on 2/15/10.  There was much concern about the direction of the Obama administration.   Expanded Pentagon budgets, corporate personhood,  the health care debacle, bailing out Big Money, and much more had these progressives confessing to both emotional pain, and indeed, anger.   

Similar to the recent discussion in Earth Federation ranks to pass a World Law to Prohibit Corporate Personhood, these progressives want an U.S. Constitutional Amendment to accomplish this same objective, albeit using a rather vague title:  "Environmental and Ethical Responsibility Amendment."  

Discussion on eliminating "corporate personhood" via an amendment recognized that, even if successful, would apply only here in the United States.   Most corporations are multinational.   Hence the importance of the Earth Federation's World Law proposal which will be discussed at the Provisonal World Parliament's 12th session this summer in Croatia. 

The present writer was highly impressed with the level of discussion of most participants at this Conference, and the inspired leadership with such individuals as Rabbi Michael Learner, Medea Benjamin, and Marianne Williamson, and others. 

There was also a proposal for a worldwide "Marshall Plan" in the belief that being kind and generous to others would be much more effective in global politics than using threats, intimidation, death and destruction.    American militarization has only made our world less safe, both for Americans and for others in the world.         

(The goals of this progressive group were very much in keeping with Earth Federation goals on almost all fronts -- ending war and poverty,  increasing human rights, and protecting the environment.  They continue, however, to think more in nationalistic terms rather than in terms of global structure change.   Many do not yet grasp the critical need for democratic world federation to replace the current global war system and the inadequate and ineffective United Nations.  -- Editor)    








A small, independent newspaper located in Bolinas, California printed the first commercial advertisement for the Earth Federation Movement.   The  ad in the Coastal Post hopes to attract peace, human rights, and environmental activists to learn more about the Earth Federation.    Five "talking points"  were listed including the Earth Constitution as the first "green" constitution ever drafted.   It also lists "Disarmageddon" a theme which resonates with the Coastal Post's history of bringing the Palestinian/Israel conflict into closer scrutiny.   Criticism of Israel has brought bullying from San Francisco Bay Area Zionists who have tried to put the Coastal Post out of business, but have been thwarted by local activists.  


-- editor 


Libyan Uprising Leads to a Proposal by Khadafy's Son to Transition to a Constitutional Democracy

The Associated Press today indicated that the New York Times had reported that one of Khadafy's sons, Seif al-Islam Khadafy, in diplomatic meetings on 4/4/11, had proposed that he take over from his father and steer the country toward a constitutional democracy. 

The report goes on to state that the Libyan opposition had rejected the plan, fearing that a powerful son in charge of such a transition government would lead to the Khadafy family finding a way to protect their "vast economic interests."  

The idea to change to a constitutional democracy may have come from the Earth Federation.    The Provisional World Parliament (PWP) met in Tripoli, Libya in April, 2006.   It is here where Libyan intellectuals and politicians could have learned of full constitutional democracy

In addition, there was an earlier delegation of 13 American world federalists in 2004 led by Dr. Glen Martin of the World Constitution and Parliament Association who traveled to Libya for talks of democratic world federation and the initial introduction of the Earth Constitution to the Libyans. 


Earth Federation gets new foothold in Europe through a new branch of the Institute On World Problems in Croatia

Earth Federation activists from Croatia report that their government has certified the registration of a branch of the Institute On World Problems (IOWP) according to Professor Glen Martin, an IOWP official and leader in the Earth Federation Movement. 

IOWP is a think tank and educational organization specializing in studies of the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement (EFM).   The fact of an IOWP branch in Europe should help raise awareness in Europe of the EFM and how the Federation could benefit not only Croatia, but the European Union itself. 

The IOWP branch in Croatia will be directed by alternative economist Dr. Slavko Kulic and a colleague, Dr. Marija Pavkov.   They plan to help raise funds through IOWP to help in furthering both educational and research objectives for this nonprofit, tax-deductible institution.

IOWP staff submitted a position paper to participants at last year's International Criminal Court meetings regarding using the Earth Constitution and its world judiciary system as a model for expanding and improving the ICC's fairness and effectiveness.      



Former President Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales have been named in an international criminal complaint filed by a leading human rights attorney and international law professor, Francis Boyle.  

Boyle, who filed the complaint last year with the International Criminal Court (ICC), believes there is a legal basis to indict these individuals despite the fact that the United States has refused to sign on to the ICC accords, fearful of indictments.    

A similar but different complaint was filed on February 7, 2011 by two victims of torture under the direction of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) based in New York City.  In a report on this case by David Swanson from, Mr. Swanson argues that former President Bush cancelled a February 12th speech to be given in Geneva because Bush was afraid of being arrested by Swiss authorities and prosecuted for torture.   

Human rights activists and lawyers are attempting creative use of international law to indict those individuals, no matter from what nation, who are responsible for torture, disappearances, and other violations of human rights and international law.  

However, the fragmented international legal system makes it possible for individuals to avoid prosecution by staying out of nations that have agreed to ICC jurisdiction.   Fearing arrest,  prosecution can be avoided by American high officials simply by staying in the United States.   The current Obama administration has refused to investigate Bush or others possibly involved in and responsible for international crimes against humanity.  

The EARTH FEDERATION'S World Judiciary and Enforcement system under the Earth Constitution would be much more effective in terms of bringing justice to victims of international crimes, and holding individuals accountable for their criminal acts.   Unfortunately, the present global system of international law makes it relatively easy to avoid prosecution particularly if you are backed by a powerful government.  

Currently we are seeing international crimes occur on a daily basis  in the Middle East.   High officials from Israel do not fear prosecution for their attacks on the civilians in Gaza or a policy of persecution of Palestinians.   Egyptian President Mubarak and his spy chief Omar Suleiman appear unconcerned about criminal prosecution when their secret police or military beat-up or kill those who protest against the government.    

The hard facts are that the global legal system is weak and fragmented with most of the powerful able to avoid arrest and prosecution.  Those in power are so confident that they are above the law that they do not even try to hide their contempt for the law.

Nevertheless, the criminal complaints filed by human rights groups using the ICC are an important step forward as it sends a warning to the powerful that at some time in the future they may be held accountable.  

(Editor's note:  Earth Federation Movement activists recognizing the severe limitations of the United Nations system, would like to see the ICC and nations join the Federation in order to take advantage of the Earth Constitution's well designed World Judiciary structure.)          



(Dr. Glen Martin, a leading figure in the Earth Federation Movement, has provided an initial summary of the proceedings of the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament in association with the World Peace Thinkers and Poets Meet Conference.   Below are excerpts  which direct the reader to the web site(s) which summarize the work of the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament:) 

From Dr. Martin:  

A report on our significant accomplishments at the 12th Session is now available on my web site at the following address:


The home page for my web site is, of course, and this report can also be reached through a link on the home page.


I want to personally thank WCPA Vice-President Dr. Santi Nath Chattopadhyay, as well as his wonderful son and daughter in law, for the immense effort and success they achieved in creating this impressive WORLD PEACE THINKERS AND POETS MEET that served as a framework for the Parliament and many other events.


My report on the web site emphasizes the significance of the Parliament.  However, the success of the Parliament would not have been possible if it were not for the framework of this much larger conference.


I believe the coming year will be of great significance for the success and expansion of our global work.


Dr. Glen T. Martin

Secretary-General, World Constitution and Parliament Assoc.  (

President, Institute on World Problems   (

Professor of Philosophy, Radford University  (

                                                 * * * * * * *

(Editor's note:  Readers may find certain actions of the 12th PROVISIONAL WORLD PARLIAMENT of special interest, and below are listed some of them.   Go to the web sites listed above for more details in any given area of the Parliament's work.) 

"The Parliament shone like a jewel," stated one participant.  Dr. Martin refers to the sessions of the Provisional World Parliament as "historic" and adds,  "We are building a truly new world order within the shell of the old."

WORLD JUDICIARY:  The 12th PWP followed up from the World Judiciary Summit sponsored earlier by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and the City Montessori School in Lucknow and passed  World Legislation establishing a Collegium of World Judges to begin to fill the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary structure. 

CORPORATE PERSONHOOD PROHIBITION ACT:  The 12th PWP passed the "Corporate Personhood Prohibition Act" which addresses the problem of multinational corporations given "personhood" status by a nation -- thus giving corporations powers to undermine democratic processes as when, for example, they are allowed unlimited political campaign contributions.  

NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS WARNING ALERT:  The 12th PWP passed model global regulations regarding decommissioning of nuclear power plants so that corporations are not financially rewarded for nuclear accidents or for the disposal of nuclear waste. 

WORLD BANKING AS PUBLIC UTILITY:  In a significant move to address global banking, the 12th PWP declared that banking should be considered a "public utility."   This new definition has enormous implications for public versus private banking.

THE NEW ECONOMIC MODEL:  The "Economic Prosperity Act" penetrates the obstacles in the modern economic system which prevent full prosperity for all, and outlines new solutions.    Banker speculation as in derivatives and hedge funds, for example, would be outlawed in this model legislation. 

MEDIA FOR "WE, THE PEOPLE":  The Earth Federation Movement is called to establish its own global media system on behalf of "we, the people."   Private media ownership of the public airways has not been favorable to authentic democracy and the world public interest.   




Want to register your approval to establish a world parliament?  A worldwide referendum has been launched using the Internet.   The web site is  Created by Vote World Parliament activists, it allows you to register your vote in favor of the establishment of a democratic world parliament.   Rationale is provided emphasizing the importance of this new governing structure to resolve global problems. 



A draft declaration of "foundational principles" of the Earth Federation Movement is close to completion.   The Movement is described as "an interactive network of world citizens, nongovernmental organizations, and peace thinkers dedicated to promoting planetary awareness of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth."  Ratification of the Earth Constitution is being sought from the people and nations of Earth.

The principles introduce the Earth Federation as a "universal free republic."  The Movement intends to defeat the current global system of violence, hatred, surveillance, war and more.  This emerging new global system is designed to return to citizens around the world the freedoms they have lost due to the domination of the old ways of governance and doing business which favor a privileged few. 

Another principle is "universality" which means that in the free republic there is respect for "all".   True universality honors certain moral principles which can no longer be given only token recognition.   "All men are created equal" for example, has been routinely ignored by many governments including those claiming to be democratic.  Universality will also mean that privileged elite individuals will no longer be above the law.  

This founded free republic, states the document, includes the principle that "living systems" establish freedom, peace, justice, and prosperity.  This seems to refer to the various departments and agencies of the Earth Federation government -- to be dynamic and responsive to "we, the people." 

But these goals cannot be reached by simply waiting for people to change their attitudes cautions readers of the document. The present global system itself must be fundamentally changed because it is inherently a war system.   Moreover, the economic system is also inherently flawed being destructive of people and the environment.  

The Earth Constitution, according to the document, provides a path to create a freedom system, a peace system, a justice system, and a prosperity system for the people of Earth.  

In addition, the Movement introduces the foundational principle of universal sustainability in order to protect the ecological integrity of the ecosystem of the planet into the future.  

The conclusion of this foundational document proclaims that the Earth Federation Movement represents the "most fundamental principles of ethical and political thought."  It states, "Our thought and action is directed toward the primacy of human freedom for every person and community on Earth." 

The document further pledges to maintain an unfailing commitment (to the principles of the Earth Federation Movement) while avoiding dogmatism and closed-mindedness.  "For we commit to the highest principles of dialogue, discussion, and communication with all willing persons." 


The 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament meets Dec. 27-31, 2010 in Kolkata, India in parallel with the World Peace Thinkers Meet

The Provisional World Parliament's  12th Session will be in conjunction with the World Peace Thinkers Meet organized by Dr. Santinath
   Full details can be found at   

Proposed world legislation for the Parliament includes a Bill on Corporate Responsibility, on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants, an amendment for World Legislative Act #40 on insider trading, and more.  Bills can be read ahead of time on line at  

There will also be a review of the "Conceptual Model of the Earth Federation" by Professor Glen Martin.  Also, there will be an assessment of the International Criminal Court. 

The World Constitution and Parliament Association, organizing agent for the Sessions of the Provisional World Parliament, will be deciding on a President for WCPA to replace the deceased Dr. Terence Amerasinghe.   Dr. Amerasinghe (1917-2007)  was a leading figure on behalf of the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement. 


      Earth Constitution to be Distributed to Government Leaders 

Professor Glen Martin's new book on the Constitution for the Federationof Earth is to be distributed to a large list of government leaders worldwide according to Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, founder of a leading educational institution in India.   Dr. Gandhi, who is known for his  concern for the world's children and the future of humanity, will write an additional commentary to go along with this important new book.


9/11 Truth Movement Breakthrough With Key Skeptic

A leading Leftist, William Blum (The Anti-Empire Report), has changed his mind about 9/11.  Although not yet willing to accept the possibility of 9/11 being an inside job from within by a rogue element of the American government itself (i.e., false flag operation), he nevertheless admits that, at a minimum, the U.S. government might have known about the attack ahead of time and decided to "let it happen." 

In his most recent Report (10-1-10) Blum takes a big step toward support of the 9/11 Truth Movement's efforts to get the real facts behind 9/11, rather than the now discredited 9/11 Commission's Report.  For example, he now concedes of "serious contradictions and apparent lies in the Official Government Version."

Mr. Blum also concludes that the 9/11 Truth Movement's analysis of the collapses of the buildings in New York is correct, that is, the buildings were dropped by "controlled demolition", not by burning aircraft.   

The success of the 9/11 Truth Movement in educating the public about the cover-up has led the Obama Administration to attempt a Psy Op method to quiet the movement's growing popularity.   President Obama appointed Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein to run what is titled the "White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs." 

An important sounding name, but as author David Ray Griffin reveals in his new book "Cognitive Infiltration" as reviewed by Tod Fletcher (Rock Creek Free Press, October, 2010), Sunstein's job will be to "cure" ("eliminate") conspiracy theories -- i.e., try to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Project Censored's most recent book "Censored 2011" includes a careful commentary by Griffin on 9/11, and also introduces a section announcing a "Truth Emergency" -- documenting media propaganda/censorship making it difficult for the public to obtain factual information.   "SCADS" stands for State Crimes Against Democracy.   An analysis by Lance deHaven-Smith is a sobering summary of suspected high crimes committed or allegedly committed by elements of the U.S. government.  Establishment media and in some cases progressive media have collaborated in misleading the public either by silence, censorship, or by accepting the official explanations without critical examination.       



[Editor's note:  The Earth Constitution (Article 12, Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth, 12.8) requires "Freedom for investigation, research and reporting."  Hence, Mr. Sunstein's propaganda efforts would be illegal under world law.  In this case of a possible national government cover-up on a matter which has caused war, the Earth Federation's Office of the World Ombudsmus would be available to investigate the 9/11 Truth Movement's allegations.]  


--Roger Kotila,  Earth Federation News & Views 
Editor's note:  A just released news story shows how leaders of nations can remain above the law.   Joel Greenberg of the Washington Post reports that Israel has established a panel looking into the deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and is looking into the raid's "legality."  [Editor's note -- An example of how nations avoid an honest investigation by investigating themselves.]
Prime Minister Netanyahu also informed a U.N. investigation that "Israel will not cooperate with the inquiry if the U.N. panel seeks the testimony of Israeli soldiers."  [Editor's note -- Another means to protect from prosecution those leaders who actually issued the orders to attack.] 
What did the General Review Conference for the International Criminal Court accomplish when analyzed from the eyes of two leading world federalist experts?

Drs. Glen Martin and Eugenia Almand attended the June, 2010 Conference held in Kampala, Uganda representing the Institute On World Problems -- an NGO and Earth Federation/Earth Constitution think tank and educational organization.

The original Rome Treaty which established the ICC authorized prosecution of individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  The first three have been in  force among signatory nations since 2002.  One goal of the Review Conference was to further define the crime of aggression and expand its jurisdiction to cover this crime.  However, not all nations, then and now, have agreed to subject themselves to ICC jurisdiction, and the idea of enforcing prohibition of aggression is particularly troublesome to certain nations. 
The Coalition for the International Criminal Court, thanks largely to the World Federalist Movement's Bill Pace, was allowed input by civil society to go along with the 111 nations who have signed the ICC accords. The coalition represents a large group of NGO's from many countries dedicated to strengthening the ICC.  Pace has stated that a key goal is "an end to impunity for all serious crimes," and there has been ongoing lobbying efforts to sign up more non signatory nations.

Dr. Martin, however, felt that the official results of the Conference itself were "miniscule and disappointing."  Even Bill Pace, notes Martin, was agreeing to the general feeling at the last day's Coalition meeting (June 11) "that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties were disappointing."

Avoiding Law and Order
According to Martin, the US was a big part of the problem, working to undermine adding ICC jurisdiction for the crime of aggression: "The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the Assembly of States Parties raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues."

An act of aggression was defined as the use of armed force by one State against another State without the jurisdiction of self-defense or authorization by the Security Council.   The individual
crime of aggression
was defined as the planning, preparation, initiation or execution by a person in a leadership position of an act of aggression.

However, the crime of aggression may or may not go into force starting in 2017, and there are loopholes which seriously reduce the likelihood of any actual enforcement, especially against leaders of the non cooperative nations -- such as non signatory nations who refuse ICC jurisdiction.   As to what would allow the ICC Prosecutor to actually prosecute an individual, appears shrouded in obstacles such as having to get Security Council approval that an act of aggression has occurred.

Restricting when a possible crime can be independently investigated by the ICC is a ploy used to protect the leaders of powerful countries (and their friends) from future prosecution.   The USA, for example, defiantly rejected the Goldstone Report thus shielding Israeli leaders from prosecution for possible crimes related to the vicious attack against a largely civilian Palestinian population in Gaza.
It seems clear that certain nations (USA, Great Britain, Russia, Israel, China, and others) have no intention of accepting ICC jurisdiction, and intend to avoid law and order for themselves while proclaiming it necessary for others.

Unequal Justice
Dr. Almand describes how certain nations use ICC concepts such as "Complementarity" and "Cooperation"  to avoid an honest criminal inquiry, and to insure their leaders are above international law.   Almand observes that in the ICC structure each nation "addresses the offences through the national enforcement" system (the principle of Complementarity)" and thus "enforcement will necessarily be unequal from one country to the next."

She explains further:  "The misuse of the term cooperation seems to partly coincide with the misuse of the term complementarity, except that it also refers to the supposedly sovereign cooperation of countries extending temporary agreement to give the World Court (ICC) certain permissions upon the Court's Requests."

"Of course, when the Court has to continually place Requests, there is no hope of equal protection under the law, because the law abiding people will comply and the law breaking people will not."  Dr. Almand, who has a degree in law, notes bluntly that  "properly the Court (should have) mandamus, compulsory jurisdiction" (which would mean that the ICC should not have to ask a nation for permission to investigate and to prosecute its leaders if suspected of world crimes).

We see then that the ICC Review Conference was unable to close or reduce loopholes which allow many leaders of nations to continue to be above the law and to avoid law and order for themselves.   No enforceable world law for them,  no matter what international crimes they may commit.

Can this lack of global law and order ever be changed?   What seems to be the problem?

"Colonized" Minds
Dr. Martin describes the officials and most NGO activists who attended the Conference as having minds that are essentially "colonized," so habituated to the Establishment's paradigm of the world that they are unable to stop swallowing the poison pill of national sovereignty.   Are we thus incapable of envisioning an alternative world which is unified, federated, and democratic?

Professor Martin's conclusions from the ICC Review Conference are blunt and penetrating, hitting upon a truth which every true world federalist has known since the Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima -- a criminal act which the United Nations (a collection of sovereign states) could not stop.   Dr. Martin observes:

"Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGO's present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table:  not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system.   They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations,..."

"The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself:  its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet."

Paradigm Shift
The ICC news was not all bad, says Martin.   He reports multiple opportunities to discuss with official delegates and NGO activists a true alternative to the present "world anti-system," providing a position paper as to why a democratic world federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is both necessary and practical if the ICC is to achieve its ultimate goal for a genuinely independent world judiciary. (This position paper can be found at
Dr. Martin remains optimistic:  "We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates.  This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there."   "Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states."

To contact author:   Roger Kotila   

Activists to Protest at American Nuclear Weapons Lab on August 6th  the Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

August 6, 2010 will see protests at Livermore Lab sponsored by a San Francisco Bay Area antinuclear group (  The Livermore Laboratory, located in Livermore, California is one of two sites that has developed every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal according to an announcement of the protests from a member of the group who also reported that the U.S. under President Obama has actually increased the budget for developing new and modified nuclear bombs.    

(Editor's note:  World Legislative Act #1 passed in 1982 by the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament outlaws nuclear weapons and makes the development and use of weapons of mass destruction illegal -- against world law.   Individuals who participate in developing, researching, maintaining, or using such weapons would be indicted by a World Judiciary and subject to prosecution under WLA #1.)  

A Leading Expert on 9/11 Challenges Leading Leftists and Progressives Who Refuse to Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

Why is the 9/11 attack important for the Earth Federation?  When a nation and some of its leading intellectuals refuse to look at contradictory and omitted testimony regarding an event which was possibly a "false flag operation" (dirty tricks -- doing a crime and blaming it on someone else), then citizens are denied the true facts.  In democracies, facts are vital in order for the citizenry to make good decisions.   

Moreover, if 9/11 was a covert operation conducted from within, then  a false enemy has been invented which  has led to tragic wars -- perhaps against innocent parties and nations.    

If the Earth Federation were fully functional, then a brilliant investigator like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth Movement researchers could appeal to the World Ombudsmus.   The Earth Constitution created the World Ombudsmus Office with the idea that citizens would have another legal avenue to seek facts and justice when a government is corrupt, or the media fails to give honest information to the public.  (The United Nations lacks such an important legal office to investigate and prosecute crimes which adversely affect other nations.)

In Griffin's recent article ("Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement:  Do You Really Believe in Miracles?") in Global Research (July 6, 2010) found at he presents a strong case which refutes the key Leftist and Progressive intellectuals who have stubbornly refused to look at the contradictions and falsehoods in the 9/11 Commission Report. 

From the global perspective, this type of denial or cover-up prevents an objective investigation and allows a nation such as the USA to create a perpetual "enemy" subsequently invading two countries all based upon the 9/11 tragedy.   The fact of false flag operations are now well-documented, not just by the USA, but by Israel, and Russia, England, and other countries.  If asked to investigate, these countries essentially "investigate themselves" and, of course, find no culpability. 

In 9/11, scientists have discovered the real reason the twin towers fell so quickly.   It is clear that explosives (nanothermite) were used in a controlled demolition.   The jet airliners did not drop these buildings according to an extensive series of research investigations by citizen experts (professional scientists, engineers, and architects).
Moreover, there is physical evidence available which proves that nanothermite was used -- an explosive not available to the average person, but found for military use and for covert operations.   

(Editor's note:  If the 9/11 Truth Movement is correct, that 9/11 may indeed have been an "inside job", then there is a whole new radical political dynamic which comes into play on the world stage.   Muslims may be taking the blame for something they did not do.  

What the facts and logic seem to point at rather clearly  is that it is fair to expect a new, independent investigation of 9/11 with full revelations of all the facts, not just some, identification of contradictory evidence, omissions, and requiring all witnesses to testify under oath, including ex-President Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, the Pentagon Generals in charge at the time, and the owners of the twin towers as well as the security company which managed the twin towers.   The investigation must also include Building 7.   All videos must be released to this new investigation, e.g., the various videos which will show what really hit the Pentagon.) 



A surprising article found in the AARP Bulletin (July-August, 2010) by Joel Bourne, Jr. reports on an ongoing collaboration between medical professionals from the Islamic Republic of Iran and American health professionals attempting to improve primary health care in the poverty stricken rural American Mississippi Delta.

Iran, notes the article, has won recognition from the World Health Organization for its innovative primary health care system which has "eliminated disparities between rural and urban populations" and has reduced "infant mortality in rural areas by tenfold."  

American health care consultants visited Iran's rural "health houses" and believe that such a model could benefit rural Mississippi residents.   Iran trains "behvarzes" who are villagers trained to provide basic health services and who staff health houses located in villages in rural areas.  The behvarzes have a variety of duties such as assisting families to insure timely vaccinations and accurate medical histories.  They also consult with sanitation, water testing, and other environmental concerns notes Mr. Bourne.   

(Editor's Note --   This small example of constructive, positive engagement between Iran and America serves as an antidote to the war drums we continue to hear from Israeli Zionists eager to attack Iran.  Israel demands that Iran abandon attempts to secure nuclear weapons yet is unwilling to give up its own nukes,  or to allow UN inspectors free access to examine Israel's own weapons of mass mutilation.) 

  7/1/2010  (Dr. Martin's first hand report from the ICC Review Conference gives the reader a good feel for the frustrations and obstructions that the present global system presents to reformers.  Paradoxically, the failures of the Conference may ultimately advance the standing of the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution as the viable alternative to our stagnant and disastrous existing global political structure.  -- Editor)




The official results of the General Review Conference for the ICC itself were miniscule and disappointing, only reinforcing our message that under the system of sovereign nation-states nothing effective can really be done. For eleven days, delegates of nation-states made proposals and counter-proposals, jockeying for position, for postponements, for more time, for definitions on what constitutes "complementarity" or "aggression."

Meanwhile, the civil society sector of the ICC Conference was awash with victims of crimes committed in Uganda, DRC, Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa ? waiting for justice, asking for justice, disappointed at the inability of the ICC to even begin dispensing justice.

Even the Chairperson of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Bill Pace, was agreeing to the general feeling at the Coalition meeting that took place on the last day (June 11) which was that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties was disappointing. Three of the main issues considered by the ICC Review were those of "Cooperation," "Complementarity," and developing a definition for the "Crime of Aggression" that is mentioned but not defined in the Rome Statute.

There were not simply official state delegates from the 111 or so nations signatory to the Statute present, but also official reps from a number of other countries that have affiliated themselves in a way that gives them a voice in the proceedings if not a vote on the official documents considered. The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the ASP raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues (which I am sure Eugenia will go into on the final report). A definition of "aggression" was reached with the agreement that it will not enter into force until 2017 (unless a subsequent official meeting postpones this date).

Israel?s brutal attack on a humanitarian mission on its way to GAZA occurred while the Review Conference was in session. We heard from human rights groups connected with Palestine, Afghanistan, Burma, Columbia, Sudan, Unganda, DRC, and elsewhere, all hoping that a paralyzed and impotent ICC can move us toward some modicum of justice in the world.

Also occurring while the Review Conference was in session was the planetary-scale environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGOs present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table: not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system. They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations, to the massive destruction of the planetary environment by the multi-national corporations, to global militarism and human rights violations, to "development" of poor nations by ever-more intrusions of monopoly capitalism, etc.

Perhaps the only voice for a coherent, unified, and diverse world order of unity-in-diversity came from the delegation from the Institute on World Problems ( There were many good people at the conference and many NGOs from Uganda and other African countries representing the victims of the horrific cruelty and violence that has been happening in many African countries. But few understood that the root of the problem cannot be addressed through tinkering with the present system, e.g. slowly and painfully trying to empower an independent ICC. The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself: its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet.

As Eugenia Almand and I spoke with people, and discussed the problems with people from African NGOs who were present, a number of them began to see the problem clearly, and the result was the founding of a new WCPA chapter in Uganda and the establishing of a number of important contacts for our work in Africa.

behalfThe results of the participation of IOWP Representatives Eugenia Almand and Glen T. Martin for our work on behalf of the Earth Federation, I believe, were substantial in this and a number of other ways.

As mentioned above there were also many delegates there from NGOs around the world that are part of the CICC (as are IOWP and WCPA). Dr. Almand and I had a great deal of our literature with us as well as many copies of the newly published "A Constitution for the Federation of Earth ? With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion." Eugenia also had copies of our Provisional World Parliament work on the ICC Rome Statute and the Constitution itself in several different languages. Our literature also included announcements of the next session of the Provisional World Parliament this coming December in Kolkata, thus perhaps getting a few delegates but perhaps more important, making many people aware that this alternative is going on and has been going on since 1982.

Besides talking personally with many people and giving them copies of our literature as appropriate, we put our general literature out each day on the 5 or 6 literature tables that were in front of the various rooms reserved for the Review Conference meetings. Our literature was picked up and distributed among many people, including many States Parties reps.

A couple of days into the conference we also wrote an official statement from IOWP to the delegations at the Review Conference (a modification and elaboration of the "World Court Order" pamphlet). We printed this out (two pages back to back) and had 250 copies of it made and had it officially distributed to each delegate to the conference, which means that all official delegations from the nation-states also received it. I have attached a copy above.

We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates. This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there.

Eugenia and I also got scheduled to give a 2 hour Powerpoint presentation on our work. This was not very well attended (there were of course always many things going on) but our presentation was officially announced in the agenda of meetings and we distributed many flyers announcing it. Some people later told us they intended to come to our presentation but couldn't for this or that reason.

Finally, a new chapter of WCPA was founded in UGANDA. There were a number of refugees there from DRC political violence and they were part of a human rights organization from DRC. They became very interested in our work (it is very helpful that Eugenia speaks French), and on the last day, in the afternoon after lunch, they held their first official meeting of WCPA Uganda with EA and myself present. They had a chair a translator person when necessary, a secretary to take notes, etc. There were about 8 men and 3 women from DRC present at the meeting.

Finally, Eugenia and I learned a great deal about the political and human rights situation in Africa, in East Africa, in Uganda, and to some extent in the world. This knowledge and deepening understanding can only further empower our work. The upcoming session of the Provisional World Parliament in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010 will reexamine our work in relation to the ICC and make recommendation to the Parliament for further developing this work.

All in all, from our WCPA/IOWP point of view, our participation was very successful. Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress, is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states. Only a genuine world federal system can effectively address the many deadly problems faced by the world, from human rights to the environment to militarism to massive poverty and misery.

Just as we did at the General Review Conference for the ICC, the Constitution for the Federation of Earth must become known worldwide as offering the only real practical, sane, and effective hope to address these crises and established a decent future for humanity and our planet.




Received June 13, 2010

(Editor's note:  The Institute On World Problems studies the Earth Constitution/ Provisional World Parliament/Earth Federation in association with the World Constitution and Parliament Association.  IOWP's analysis submitted to the ICC Conference offers advanced concepts "outside the box" so to speak,  principles which, if adopted, could help the Assembly of States Parties reach the goal of an ICC which has the capacity for universal justice with no individual from any country being above the law.)   


 Towards the Effective Rule of Law ? Institute on World Problems Recommendations

to the General Review Conference for the ICC. 4 June 2010

Institute  On World Problems

Cooperating with the World Constitution and Parliament Association

President: Dr. Glen T. Martin

313 Seventh Ave., Radford VA 24141, USA Fax +540-831-5919 Phone +540-639-2320

Executive Director: Eugenia Almand, J.D.


The Institute on World Problems (IOWP) recognizes common goals and multiple links between the work of the Provisional World Parliament (PWP) that has met in eleven sessions to date and the work of the International Criminal Court developing under the Rome Statute of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). Among these common goals are the strengthening the rule of law in the world, developing a court at the world level that can hold all individuals accountable with regard to certain heinous crimes, and ending the impunity for these crimes associated with a system of nation-states often recognizing no enforceable law above themselves.

At its Seventh Session in Chennai, India in December 2003, the Parliament reviewed the Rome Statute and passed a strengthened version of the statute as World Legislative Act number 20. This act gave great independence and legitimacy to the ICC by providing the Court with a legislative basis for its operation and linking the Court with an emerging system of global institutions that point toward universality of jurisdiction and enforceability of Court decisions and orders.

If the ASP accepts the common goals indentified above, then the IOWP urges the decision-makers at the ASP to reexamine aspects of the principle of complementarity that appear to defeat these goals. The judicial systems of nations, of course, need to become and remain the first level of responsibility for addressing crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, or other serious offences covered by the Rome Statute. However, as the ICC now recognizes, these judicial systems need to develop into legal conformity with the provisions of the Rome Statute and attain to a consistency of procedures and practices that ultimately hold all individuals everywhere equally responsible before the law and subject to consistent, fair, and objective constraints of the due process of law.

This development of the rule of consistent, coherent law in the world requires an ICC that is truly independent and universal in its jurisdiction and not dependent for its operations on a variety of nation-state actors with differing internal political agendas, differing versions of due process, and differing responses to subpoenas, court initiatives, or court orders. Complementarity in its positive form requires coherent judicial and legal response at the national level prior to judicial action at the supranational level by the ICC. However, complementarity becomes seriously flawed and an impediment to strengthening the rule of enforceable law over individuals in the world if it is construed as requiring ICC dependence on national actors for the gathering of evidence, the carrying out of subpoenas, investigation, or the carrying out of court decisions.

The IOWP recommends that decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties consider two courses of action directed toward strengthening the ICC toward a truly independent status and thereby strengthening the regime of coherent criminal law for the world that moves in the direction of becoming universal over all individuals, consistent, and enforceable. The first course of action would be to link the ICC formally or informally with the work of the Provisional World Parliament, specifically with World Legislative Act #20, and the upcoming review of this act at the Twelfth Session of the PWP scheduled to meet in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010. This linking process would allow the court to access the strengthened wording of the Parliament version of the Rome Statute thereby empowering it further in the direction of universality and independence of the political variables within nation-state actors.

It would also associate the Court with parliamentary legislative practices and procedures at the supranational level that ultimately must be developed to provide the legitimacy and framework for statutes implemented by any court system. As the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear under Articles 7, 21.3, and 28, the protection of human rights through the rule of law in the world ultimately requires an emerging judicial, legislative, and executive framework applying equally to all citizens of the Earth.

The second course of action that the IOWP recommends to decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties is more far reaching and calls upon the goal expressed in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 28: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized." It should be clear that any such viable international order would need to develop not only a universal judicial system beginning with the ICC, but to move toward developing world legislative and executive processes required to lend universal legitimacy and enforceability to court functions.

In the light of these facts, the IOWP recommends that the Assembly of States Parties begin developing mechanisms that allow the ASP to evolve in the direction of becoming a legislative house (a "house of nations") within an emerging world parliament. The fact that the ASP has already developed the Rome Statute body of legislation suggests a nascent legislative role for the ASP. This needs to be developed toward a horizon that ultimately no longer sees the ASP as a treaty of sovereign nation-states but as an emerging House of Nations within a world parliament system that would ultimately include a complementary House of Peoples, directly elected.

The IOWP believes that acting on these recommendations could provide the ICC and the ASP with an emerging framework of goals that lift the work of these bodies out of an ad hoc response to a variety of horrendous situations in which atrocities are being carried out with apparent impunity in various parts of the world toward a program that coherently and consistently develops the ideal of the rule of democratically legislated, judicially administered, and impartially enforced laws over individuals everywhere upon the Earth.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Institute on World Problems,  Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin.


June 2, 2010


Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin have arrived at the ICC General Review Conference under the auspices of the Institute On World Problems, an educational and think tank institution which specializes in the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution and related Provisional World Parliament, the latter of which has passed world legislation with the intention of "strengthening the world court system" according to Dr. Almand.  

Delegates from more than 100 countries are attending the ICC Review.  

One highly significant issue will be a discussion and recommendation to formally broaden the scope of the ICC to include "crimes of aggression".   (Editor's note:   It will be interesting to see what is  the impact of the recent attack by Israel against the humanitarian peace activists on the high seas trying to bring supplies to Gaza.   Will this prod the ICC Assembly of States Parties to broaden the scope of its jurisdiction?)

Also of interest will be what response there will be to the distribution of the Earth Constitution to representatives, many of whom may not be aware of this important document or understand its political significance.   Will ICC attendee's grasp the potential for an Earth Federation movement under the Earth Constitution which contains what might be considered a model world judiciary system. 

Dr. Almand reports that Bills and decisions of the Review Conference are on the subsequent agenda for the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament to be held in December, 2010 in Kolkata, India.  



May 7, 2010



Uganda will host the Assembly of States Parties  General Review Conference (May 31 - June 11, 2010) for the International Criminal Court. 


An important position paper titled "the World Court Order," written by Earth Federation experts, will be circulated to General Review attendees.  It outlines a new political paradigm and strategy intended to give the ICC more legitimacy, independence, and strengthen its overall role for providing equal justice for all.      


The Earth Federation's Earth Constitution offers an

advanced world judiciary model for the ICC to consider in the context of an emerging democratic world federation in which individual human rights are paramount, as is equal justice for all.   


The implications of an "expanding" ICC using the Earth Constitution's authority include a means by which individual criminal offenders of world law would find it harder to be "above the law," even if such individuals had committed crimes against humanity or war crimes.  


The Federation's proposal will include an invitation for the attending Assembly of States Parties to consider assuming the role of "Upper House" within the Earth Federation World Parliament.   (The Earth Federation already has begun sessions of a Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution.)  They would become the "House of Nations" in the Federation's tricameral world parliament.


Quotes from the Federation's position paper reveal an unusual yet bold strategy to upgrade and legitimize the International Criminal  Court.  


 "...the (Earth Federation) Provisional World Parliament urges the Assembly of States Parties to carefully consider the merits of the Earth Constitution and of the World Legislation, which mirrors the work of the Assembly of States Parties." 


 "Unless the Criminal Court has the court order, that is, the mandamus, also called compulsory jurisdiction, the system fails to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR Article 28), to guarantee a social order in which human rights are universally protected." 


"In December of 2003, the Provisional World Parliament held a general stocktaking review of the Rome Statute.  The bill was designed to retain all possible features of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, yet was at the same time given a firm constitutional and legislative basis to the World Court System, with great strength and independence to the Court." 


(Editor's note:  For those citizens of earth who want a world justice system which takes equal rights for all seriously and who seek individual accountability so that no one is "above the law," then the proposed changes recommended to the ICC/Assembly of States Parties by the Earth Federation will be seen as both visionary and practical, and vitally necessary if we are to bring our world back from the brink of chaos and anarchy.)  


Dr. Glen T. Martin has been described by this editor as the
"most important unknown man in America."  His current book  reinforces this assessment of Dr. Martin's importance to the peace, human rights, and environmental movements.   Martin gives the reader a practical and clear understanding for what he considers to be the most important document of the 21st Century, the Earth Constitution.  

The new release is titled "Constitution for the Federation of Earth With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion."   

His explanatory writing about the Earth Constitution reminds one of the Federalist papers when the American constitution was presented to the people.   In this case, Martin's efforts can best be described as a World Federalist paper, defending in convincing fashion the need to replace the current global system and United Nations Charter with the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution -- a fundamental change which eliminates the global war system of sovereign nation-states and transforms them into a unified global peace system with a democratic world parliament and enforceable world law.    

He explains how the Earth Constitution came about, and why it is politically legitimate.   Democracy needs this new structure to be authentic.  The need and logic for establishing a democratic world federation has been well established by advanced thinkers for many years but ignored by politicians and the public despite its obvious potential effectiveness to be able to end wars, eliminate poverty, and quicken the pace to save the environment.  

The Earth Federation Movement is gaining adherents as more people learn of its existence and importance.   There have been a series of Provisional World Parliaments.  Heads of state and the public are being encouraged to study the Earth Constitution with a view to joining the emerging Earth Federation.

-- RK        




Although American's pride themselves in being free, they often do not realize that their freedoms are rather narrow when compared to world standards.  For example, Americans' are often seen "speaking their mind" and with pride speak of freedom of speech. What is not known by the public is the high degree of behind-the-scenes censorship which occurs especially as to what subject matter is allowed in mainstream media outlets. 

Hence, the near total silence in mainstream media since the discovery by scientists that the 9/11 buildings were not dropped by the aircraft striking them, but imploded using identified explosives.   Despite the scientific evidence, mainstream media is silent, and continues to try to discredit the 9/11 truth investigators. The fact that people in the USA have not had a basic "right" to health care (unless you have enough money) is another example of lack of freedom. 


President Obama and the Democrats have started to partially correct this violation of a basic civil right as is clearly stated in the EARTH CONSTITUTON in Article 13, # 5 which requires:  "Free and adequate public health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life under conditions of free choice." 

The new health legislation falls short in that it is not free for everyone although it does insure that poor people will be able to get medical services.   Moreover, the legislation fails to include nonregistered immigrants who are banned from even buying health coverage in the new insurance exchanges to be set-up.  The EARTH CONSTITUTION recognizes all people as "citizens of earth" with certain inalienable rights and hence the American government's new health care legislation remains too narrow to meet a world standard of civil rights.  


Nevertheless, it appears to be a sincere start toward arriving at a world class standard of care in this important area of basic human rights.   



A weekend conference (March 5 & 6) held at a large Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, California (near San Francisco) was packed to overflowing with mainstream Christians and other faiths to learn about the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and to get first hand reports of the carnage at Gaza by the Israeli military.

A Norwegian physician, Dr. Mads Gilbert, showed the evidence of the extensive death and destruction against what was basically an entrapped, civilian population -- 50% of whom are children.   Lost arms and legs, blown away sections of children's heads,  phosphorous burning of flesh, and more was highlighted in what was an emotional review of state directed terrorism which, according to many speakers,  has had the support of the American government including many members of Congress. 

Sponsored by "Friends of Sabeel -- North America" ("Sabeel" means "the Way"), there was an impressive array of activists, religious leaders, and political/miltary experts who outlined the devastation and imprisonment of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian Christians. 

There is an emerging strategy for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to start the process of separating the United States government from its support of Israel's violations of international law.   Growing pressure will be applied for the American government to cease funding Israel despite President Obama's promise of another 30 Billion dollars to be granted what some are now calling a "terrorist state" in view of the facts on the ground from neutral observers such as reflected in the Goldstone report. 

A number of participants at this Sabeel Conference were of the Jewish faith and who were concerned that the criminal behavior of the Israeli Zionists will destroy the good reputation of the Jewish religion. 

(Editor's note: The Israeli occupation and criminal treatment of Palestinians violate numerous sections of the Earth Constitution's Bill of Human Rights.   Under the Earth Federation, the authorities who ordered these crimes would be held individually accountable by the World Attorney General's Office, but nevertheless be granted legal due process as called for in the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary system.)




Dr. Tad Daley will be the featured speaker for this March 14th Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture Series.  Dr. Daley  will preview his soon to be released "Apocalypse Never." 


Is this a speech that President Obama and his Pentagon generals should hear?


The public is welcome.  Event to be held at UC Berkeley at the International House. The full program starts at 11:30 am with lunch, then lecture at l pm.   Full program costs $40.   Lecture only is $10.  


For registration/reservation call (415) 227-4880 or for more details go to


Sponsored by Democratic World Federalists a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational/think tank international peace organization.  



Global democracy and worldwide referendum subject of event in Brussels

The possibility of conducting a worldwide referendum with an equal vote for every person in the world will be among the subjects of an event in the European Parliament next week Tuesday, 23 February, that is hosted by European lawmaker Graham Watson, the EU Chapter of the Club of

Rome and the Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The occasion is planned to be used for the presentation of a "Brussels Declaration on Global Democracy."

The public event will begin with a special screening of the documentary "World Vote Now" that was produced over the span of eight years with field-tests in 26 countries in all world regions. "We are told that democracy creates stability and raising living standards. So why not introduce it on a worldwide scale," said filmmaker Joel Ben Marsden who will be present in Brussels. According to Marsden, he and his team of democracy activists so far got "a lot of enthusiastic response."


  San Francisco Progressive Conference, like the Earth Federation,  Proposes New U.S. Amendment to Take Away Corporate Personhood

Sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives (, over 500 progressive activists met in San Francisco on 2/15/10.  There was much concern about the direction of the Obama administration.   Expanded Pentagon budgets, corporate personhood,  the health care debacle, bailing out Big Money, and much more had these progressives confessing to both emotional pain, and indeed, anger.   

Similar to the recent discussion in Earth Federation ranks to pass a World Law to Prohibit Corporate Personhood, these progressives want an U.S. Constitutional Amendment to accomplish this same objective, albeit using a rather vague title:  "Environmental and Ethical Responsibility Amendment."  

Discussion on eliminating "corporate personhood" via an amendment recognized that, even if successful, would apply only here in the United States.   Most corporations are multinational.   Hence the importance of the Earth Federation's World Law proposal which will be discussed at the Provisonal World Parliament's 12th session this summer in Croatia. 

The present writer was highly impressed with the level of discussion of most participants at this Conference, and the inspired leadership with such individuals as Rabbi Michael Learner, Medea Benjamin, and Marianne Williamson, and others. 

There was also a proposal for a worldwide "Marshall Plan" in the belief that being kind and generous to others would be much more effective in global politics than using threats, intimidation, death and destruction.    American militarization has only made our world less safe, both for Americans and for others in the world.         

(The goals of this progressive group were very much in keeping with Earth Federation goals on almost all fronts -- ending war and poverty,  increasing human rights, and protecting the environment.  They continue, however, to think more in nationalistic terms rather than in terms of global structure change.   Many do not yet grasp the critical need for democratic world federation to replace the current global war system and the inadequate and ineffective United Nations.  -- Editor)    








A small, independent newspaper located in Bolinas, California printed the first commercial advertisement for the Earth Federation Movement.   The  ad in the Coastal Post hopes to attract peace, human rights, and environmental activists to learn more about the Earth Federation.    Five "talking points"  were listed including the Earth Constitution as the first "green" constitution ever drafted.   It also lists "Disarmageddon" a theme which resonates with the Coastal Post's history of bringing the Palestinian/Israel conflict into closer scrutiny.   Criticism of Israel has brought bullying from San Francisco Bay Area Zionists who have tried to put the Coastal Post out of business, but have been thwarted by local activists.  


-- editor 


Professor Martin's new book on the Constitution to be Distributed to Leaders Worldwide According to Dr. Jagdish Gandhi, Founder of a Leading Educational Institution in India


9/11 Truth Movement Breakthrough With Key Skeptic

A leading Leftist, William Blum (The Anti-Empire Report), has changed his mind about 9/11.  Although not yet willing to accept the possibility of 9/11 being an inside job from within by a rogue element of the American government itself (i.e., false flag operation), he nevertheless admits that, at a minimum, the U.S. government might have known about the attack ahead of time and decided to "let it happen." 

In his most recent Report (10-1-10) Blum takes a big step toward support of the 9/11 Truth Movement's efforts to get the real facts behind 9/11, rather than the now discredited 9/11 Commission's Report.  For example, he now concedes of "serious contradictions and apparent lies in the Official Government Version."

Mr. Blum also concludes that the 9/11 Truth Movement's analysis of the collapses of the buildings in New York is correct, that is, the buildings were dropped by "controlled demolition", not by burning aircraft.   

The success of the 9/11 Truth Movement in educating the public about the cover-up has led the Obama Administration to attempt a Psy Op method to quiet the movement's growing popularity.   President Obama appointed Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein to run what is titled the "White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs." 

An important sounding name, but as author David Ray Griffin reveals in his new book "Cognitive Infiltration" as reviewed by Tod Fletcher (Rock Creek Free Press, October, 2010), Sunstein's job will be to "cure" ("eliminate") conspiracy theories -- i.e., try to discredit the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Project Censored's most recent book "Censored 2011" includes a careful commentary by Griffin on 9/11, and also intoduces a section announcing a "Truth Emergency" -- documenting media propaganda/censorship making it difficult for the public to obtain factual information.   "SCADS" stands for State Crimes Against Democracy.   An analysis by Lance deHaven-Smith is a sobering summary of suspected high crimes committed or allegedly committed by elements of the U.S. government.  Establishment media and in some cases progressive media have collaborated in misleading the public either by silence, censorship, or by accepting the official explanations without critical examination.       



[Editor's note:  The Earth Constitution (Article 12, Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth, 12.8) requires "Freedom for investigation, research and reporting."  Hence, Mr. Sunstein's propaganda efforts would be illegal under world law.  In this case of a possible national government cover-up on a matter which has caused war, the Earth Federation's Office of the World Ombudsmus would be available to investigate the 9/11 Truth Movement's allegations.]  


--Roger Kotila,  Earth Federation News & Views 
Editor's note:  A just released news story shows how leaders of nations can remain above the law.   Joel Greenberg of the Washington Post reports that Israel has established a panel looking into the deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and is looking into the raid's "legality."  [Editor's note -- An example of how nations avoid an honest investigation by investigating themselves.]
Prime Minister Netanyahu also informed a U.N. investigation that "Israel will not cooperate with the inquiry if the U.N. panel seeks the testimony of Israeli soldiers."  [Editor's note -- Another means to protect from prosecution those leaders who actually issued the orders to attack.] 
What did the General Review Conference for the International Criminal Court accomplish when analyzed from the eyes of two leading world federalist experts?

Drs. Glen Martin and Eugenia Almand attended the June, 2010 Conference held in Kampala, Uganda representing the Institute On World Problems -- an NGO and Earth Federation/Earth Constitution think tank and educational organization.

The original Rome Treaty which established the ICC authorized prosecution of individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  The first three have been in  force among signatory nations since 2002.  One goal of the Review Conference was to further define the crime of aggression and expand its jurisdiction to cover this crime.  However, not all nations, then and now, have agreed to subject themselves to ICC jurisdiction, and the idea of enforcing prohibition of aggression is particularly troublesome to certain nations. 
The Coalition for the International Criminal Court, thanks largely to the World Federalist Movement's Bill Pace, was allowed input by civil society to go along with the 111 nations who have signed the ICC accords. The coalition represents a large group of NGO's from many countries dedicated to strengthening the ICC.  Pace has stated that a key goal is "an end to impunity for all serious crimes," and there has been ongoing lobbying efforts to sign up more non signatory nations.

Dr. Martin, however, felt that the official results of the Conference itself were "miniscule and disappointing."  Even Bill Pace, notes Martin, was agreeing to the general feeling at the last day's Coalition meeting (June 11) "that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties were disappointing."

Avoiding Law and Order
According to Martin, the US was a big part of the problem, working to undermine adding ICC jurisdiction for the crime of aggression: "The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the Assembly of States Parties raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues."

An act of aggression was defined as the use of armed force by one State against another State without the jurisdiction of self-defense or authorization by the Security Council.   The individual
crime of aggression
was defined as the planning, preparation, initiation or execution by a person in a leadership position of an act of aggression.

However, the crime of aggression may or may not go into force starting in 2017, and there are loopholes which seriously reduce the likelihood of any actual enforcement, especially against leaders of the non cooperative nations -- such as non signatory nations who refuse ICC jurisdiction.   As to what would allow the ICC Prosecutor to actually prosecute an individual, appears shrouded in obstacles such as having to get Security Council approval that an act of aggression has occurred.

Restricting when a possible crime can be independently investigated by the ICC is a ploy used to protect the leaders of powerful countries (and their friends) from future prosecution.   The USA, for example, defiantly rejected the Goldstone Report thus shielding Israeli leaders from prosecution for possible crimes related to the vicious attack against a largely civilian Palestinian population in Gaza.
It seems clear that certain nations (USA, Great Britain, Russia, Israel, China, and others) have no intention of accepting ICC jurisdiction, and intend to avoid law and order for themselves while proclaiming it necessary for others.

Unequal Justice
Dr. Almand describes how certain nations use ICC concepts such as "Complementarity" and "Cooperation"  to avoid an honest criminal inquiry, and to insure their leaders are above international law.   Almand observes that in the ICC structure each nation "addresses the offences through the national enforcement" system (the principle of Complementarity)" and thus "enforcement will necessarily be unequal from one country to the next."

She explains further:  "The misuse of the term cooperation seems to partly coincide with the misuse of the term complementarity, except that it also refers to the supposedly sovereign cooperation of countries extending temporary agreement to give the World Court (ICC) certain permissions upon the Court's Requests."

"Of course, when the Court has to continually place Requests, there is no hope of equal protection under the law, because the law abiding people will comply and the law breaking people will not."  Dr. Almand, who has a degree in law, notes bluntly that  "properly the Court (should have) mandamus, compulsory jurisdiction" (which would mean that the ICC should not have to ask a nation for permission to investigate and to prosecute its leaders if suspected of world crimes).

We see then that the ICC Review Conference was unable to close or reduce loopholes which allow many leaders of nations to continue to be above the law and to avoid law and order for themselves.   No enforceable world law for them,  no matter what international crimes they may commit.

Can this lack of global law and order ever be changed?   What seems to be the problem?

"Colonized" Minds
Dr. Martin describes the officials and most NGO activists who attended the Conference as having minds that are essentially "colonized," so habituated to the Establishment's paradigm of the world that they are unable to stop swallowing the poison pill of national sovereignty.   Are we thus incapable of envisioning an alternative world which is unified, federated, and democratic?

Professor Martin's conclusions from the ICC Review Conference are blunt and penetrating, hitting upon a truth which every true world federalist has known since the Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima -- a criminal act which the United Nations (a collection of sovereign states) could not stop.   Dr. Martin observes:

"Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGO's present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table:  not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system.   They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations,..."

"The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself:  its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet."

Paradigm Shift
The ICC news was not all bad, says Martin.   He reports multiple opportunities to discuss with official delegates and NGO activists a true alternative to the present "world anti-system," providing a position paper as to why a democratic world federation under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth is both necessary and practical if the ICC is to achieve its ultimate goal for a genuinely independent world judiciary. (This position paper can be found at
Dr. Martin remains optimistic:  "We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates.  This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there."   "Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states."

To contact author:   Roger Kotila   

Activists to Protest at American Nuclear Weapons Lab on August 6th  the Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

August 6, 2010 will see protests at Livermore Lab sponsored by a San Francisco Bay Area antinuclear group (  The Livermore Laboratory, located in Livermore, California is one of two sites that has developed every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal according to an announcement of the protests from a member of the group who also reported that the U.S. under President Obama has actually increased the budget for developing new and modified nuclear bombs.    

(Editor's note:  World Legislative Act #1 passed in 1982 by the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament outlaws nuclear weapons and makes the development and use of weapons of mass destruction illegal -- against world law.   Individuals who participate in developing, researching, maintaining, or using such weapons wo
uld be indicted by a World Judiciary and subject to prosecution under WLA #1.)     

A Leading Expert on 9/11 Challenges Leading Leftists and Progressives Who Refuse to Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

Why is the 9/11 attack important for the Earth Federation?  When a nation and some of its leading intellectuals refuse to look at contradictory and omitted testimony regarding an event which was possibly a "false flag operation" (dirty tricks -- doing a crime and blaming it on someone else), then citizens are denied the true facts.  In democracies, facts are vital in order for the citizenry to make good decisions.   

Moreover, if 9/11 was a covert operation conducted from within, then  a false enemy has been invented which  has led to tragic wars -- perhaps against innocent parties and nations.    

If the Earth Federation were fully functional, then a brilliant investigator like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth Movement researchers could appeal to the World Ombudsmus.   The Earth Constitution created the World Ombudsmus Office with the idea that citizens would have another legal avenue to seek facts and justice when a government is corrupt, or the media fails to give honest information to the public.  (The United Nations lacks such an important legal office to investigate and prosecute crimes which adversely affect other nations.)

In Griffin's recent article ("Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement:  Do You Really Believe in Miracles?") in Global Research (July 6, 2010) found at he presents a strong case which refutes the key Leftist and Progressive intellectuals who have stubbornly refused to look at the contradictions and falsehoods in the 9/11 Commission Report. 

From the global perspective, this type of denial or cover-up prevents an objective investigation and allows a nation such as the USA to create a perpetual "enemy" subsequently invading two countries all based upon the 9/11 tragedy.   The fact of false flag operations are now well-documented, not just by the USA, but by Israel, and Russia, England, and other countries.  If asked to investigate, these countries essentially "investigate themselves" and, of course, find no culpability. 

In 9/11, scientists have discovered the real reason the twin towers fell so quickly.   It is clear that explosives (nanothermite) were used in a controlled demolition.   The jet airliners did not drop these buildings according to an extensive series of research investigations by citizen experts (professional scientists, engineers, and architects).
Moreover, there is physical evidence available which proves that nanothermite was used -- an explosive not available to the average person, but found for military use and for covert operations.   

(Editor's note:  If the 9/11 Truth Movement is correct, that 9/11 may indeed have been an "inside job", then there is a whole new radical political dynamic which comes into play on the world stage.   Muslims may be taking the blame for something they did not do.  

What the facts and logic seem to point at rather clearly  is that it is fair to expect a new, independent investigation of 9/11 with full revelations of all the facts, not just some, identification of contradictory evidence, omissions, and requiring all witnesses to testify under oath, including ex-President Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, the Pentagon Generals in charge at the time, and the owners of the twin towers as well as the security company which managed the twin towers.   The investigation must also include Building 7.   All videos must be released to this new investigation, e.g., the various videos which will show what really hit the Pentagon.) 



A surprising article found in the AARP Bulletin (July-August, 2010) by Joel Bourne, Jr. reports on an ongoing collaboration between medical professionals from the Islamic Republic of Iran and American health professionals attempting to improve primary health care in the poverty stricken rural American Mississippi Delta.

Iran, notes the article, has won recognition from the World Health Organization for its innovative primary health care system which has "eliminated disparities between rural and urban populations" and has reduced "infant mortality in rural areas by tenfold."  

American health care consultants visited Iran's rural "health houses" and believe that such a model could benefit rural Mississippi residents.   Iran trains "behvarzes" who are villagers trained to provide basic health services and who staff health houses located in villages in rural areas.  The behvarzes have a variety of duties such as assisting families to insure timely vaccinations and accurate medical histories.  They also consult with sanitation, water testing, and other environmental concerns notes Mr. Bourne.   

(Editor's Note --   This small example of constructive, positive engagement between Iran and America serves as an antidote to the war drums we continue to hear from Israeli Zionists eager to attack Iran.  Israel demands that Iran abandon attempts to secure nuclear weapons yet is unwilling to give up its own nukes,  or to allow UN inspectors free access to examine Israel's own weapons of mass mutilation.) 

  7/1/2010  (Dr. Martin's first hand report from the ICC Review Conference gives the reader a good feel for the frustrations and obstructions that the present global system presents to reformers.  Paradoxically, the failures of the Conference may ultimately advance the standing of the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution as the viable alternative to our stagnant and disastrous existing global political structure.  -- Editor)




The official results of the General Review Conference for the ICC itself were miniscule and disappointing, only reinforcing our message that under the system of sovereign nation-states nothing effective can really be done. For eleven days, delegates of nation-states made proposals and counter-proposals, jockeying for position, for postponements, for more time, for definitions on what constitutes "complementarity" or "aggression."

Meanwhile, the civil society sector of the ICC Conference was awash with victims of crimes committed in Uganda, DRC, Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa ? waiting for justice, asking for justice, disappointed at the inability of the ICC to even begin dispensing justice.

Even the Chairperson of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Bill Pace, was agreeing to the general feeling at the Coalition meeting that took place on the last day (June 11) which was that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties was disappointing. Three of the main issues considered by the ICC Review were those of "Cooperation," "Complementarity," and developing a definition for the "Crime of Aggression" that is mentioned but not defined in the Rome Statute.

There were not simply official state delegates from the 111 or so nations signatory to the Statute present, but also official reps from a number of other countries that have affiliated themselves in a way that gives them a voice in the proceedings if not a vote on the official documents considered. The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the ASP raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues (which I am sure Eugenia will go into on the final report). A definition of "aggression" was reached with the agreement that it will not enter into force until 2017 (unless a subsequent official meeting postpones this date).

Israel?s brutal attack on a humanitarian mission on its way to GAZA occurred while the Review Conference was in session. We heard from human rights groups connected with Palestine, Afghanistan, Burma, Columbia, Sudan, Unganda, DRC, and elsewhere, all hoping that a paralyzed and impotent ICC can move us toward some modicum of justice in the world.

Also occurring while the Review Conference was in session was the planetary-scale environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGOs present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table: not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system. They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations, to the massive destruction of the planetary environment by the multi-national corporations, to global militarism and human rights violations, to "development" of poor nations by ever-more intrusions of monopoly capitalism, etc.

Perhaps the only voice for a coherent, unified, and diverse world order of unity-in-diversity came from the delegation from the Institute on World Problems ( There were many good people at the conference and many NGOs from Uganda and other African countries representing the victims of the horrific cruelty and violence that has been happening in many African countries. But few understood that the root of the problem cannot be addressed through tinkering with the present system, e.g. slowly and painfully trying to empower an independent ICC. The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself: its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet.

As Eugenia Almand and I spoke with people, and discussed the problems with people from African NGOs who were present, a number of them began to see the problem clearly, and the result was the founding of a new WCPA chapter in Uganda and the establishing of a number of important contacts for our work in Africa.

The results of the participation of IOWP Representatives Eugenia Almand and Glen T. Martin for our work on behalf of the Earth Federation, I believe, were substantial in this and a number of other ways.

As mentioned above there were also many delegates there from NGOs around the world that are part of the CICC (as are IOWP and WCPA). Dr. Almand and I had a great deal of our literature with us as well as many copies of the newly published "A Constitution for the Federation of Earth ? With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion." Eugenia also had copies of our Provisional World Parliament work on the ICC Rome Statute and the Constitution itself in several different languages. Our literature also included announcements of the next session of the Provisional World Parliament this coming December in Kolkata, thus perhaps getting a few delegates but perhaps more important, making many people aware that this alternative is going on and has been going on since 1982.

Besides talking personally with many people and giving them copies of our literature as appropriate, we put our general literature out each day on the 5 or 6 literature tables that were in front of the various rooms reserved for the Review Conference meetings. Our literature was picked up and distributed among many people, including many States Parties reps.

A couple of days into the conference we also wrote an official statement from IOWP to the delegations at the Review Conference (a modification and elaboration of the "World Court Order" pamphlet). We printed this out (two pages back to back) and had 250 copies of it made and had it officially distributed to each delegate to the conference, which means that all official delegations from the nation-states also received it. I have attached a copy above.

We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates. This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there.

Eugenia and I also got scheduled to give a 2 hour Powerpoint presentation on our work. This was not very well attended (there were of course always many things going on) but our presentation was officially announced in the agenda of meetings and we distributed many flyers announcing it. Some people later told us they intended to come to our presentation but couldn't for this or that reason.

Finally, a new chapter of WCPA was founded in UGANDA. There were a number of refugees there from DRC political violence and they were part of a human rights organization from DRC. They became very interested in our work (it is very helpful that Eugenia speaks French), and on the last day, in the afternoon after lunch, they held their first official meeting of WCPA Uganda with EA and myself present. They had a chair a translator person when necessary, a secretary to take notes, etc. There were about 8 men and 3 women from DRC present at the meeting.

Finally, Eugenia and I learned a great deal about the political and human rights situation in Africa, in East Africa, in Uganda, and to some extent in the world. This knowledge and deepening understanding can only further empower our work. The upcoming session of the Provisional World Parliament in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010 will reexamine our work in relation to the ICC and make recommendation to the Parliament for further developing this work.

All in all, from our WCPA/IOWP point of view, our participation was very successful. Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress, is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states. Only a genuine world federal system can effectively address the many deadly problems faced by the world, from human rights to the environment to militarism to massive poverty and misery.

Just as we did at the General Review Conference for the ICC, the Constitution for the Federation of Earth must become known worldwide as offering the only real practical, sane, and effective hope to address these crises and established a decent future for humanity and our planet.




Received June 13, 2010

(Editor's note:  The Institute On World Problems studies the Earth Constitution/ Provisional World Parliament/Earth Federation in association with the World Constitution and Parliament Association.  IOWP's analysis submitted to the ICC Conference offers advanced concepts "outside the box" so to speak,  principles which, if adopted, could help the Assembly of States Parties reach the goal of an ICC which has the capacity for universal justice with no individual from any country being above the law.)   


 Towards the Effective Rule of Law ? Institute on World Problems Recommendations

to the General Review Conference for the ICC. 4 June 2010

Institute  On World Problems

Cooperating with the World Constitution and Parliament Association

President: Dr. Glen T. Martin

313 Seventh Ave., Radford VA 24141, USA Fax +540-831-5919 Phone +540-639-2320

Executive Director: Eugenia Almand, J.D.


The Institute on World Problems (IOWP) recognizes common goals and multiple links between the work of the Provisional World Parliament (PWP) that has met in eleven sessions to date and the work of the International Criminal Court developing under the Rome Statute of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). Among these common goals are the strengthening the rule of law in the world, developing a court at the world level that can hold all individuals accountable with regard to certain heinous crimes, and ending the impunity for these crimes associated with a system of nation-states often recognizing no enforceable law above themselves.

At its Seventh Session in Chennai, India in December 2003, the Parliament reviewed the Rome Statute and passed a strengthened version of the statute as World Legislative Act number 20. This act gave great independence and legitimacy to the ICC by providing the Court with a legislative basis for its operation and linking the Court with an emerging system of global institutions that point toward universality of jurisdiction and enforceability of Court decisions and orders.

If the ASP accepts the common goals indentified above, then the IOWP urges the decision-makers at the ASP to reexamine aspects of the principle of complementarity that appear to defeat these goals. The judicial systems of nations, of course, need to become and remain the first level of responsibility for addressing crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, or other serious offences covered by the Rome Statute. However, as the ICC now recognizes, these judicial systems need to develop into legal conformity with the provisions of the Rome Statute and attain to a consistency of procedures and practices that ultimately hold all individuals everywhere equally responsible before the law and subject to consistent, fair, and objective constraints of the due process of law.

This development of the rule of consistent, coherent law in the world requires an ICC that is truly independent and universal in its jurisdiction and not dependent for its operations on a variety of nation-state actors with differing internal political agendas, differing versions of due process, and differing responses to subpoenas, court initiatives, or court orders. Complementarity in its positive form requires coherent judicial and legal response at the national level prior to judicial action at the supranational level by the ICC. However, complementarity becomes seriously flawed and an impediment to strengthening the rule of enforceable law over individuals in the world if it is construed as requiring ICC dependence on national actors for the gathering of evidence, the carrying out of subpoenas, investigation, or the carrying out of court decisions.

The IOWP recommends that decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties consider two courses of action directed toward strengthening the ICC toward a truly independent status and thereby strengthening the regime of coherent criminal law for the world that moves in the direction of becoming universal over all individuals, consistent, and enforceable. The first course of action would be to link the ICC formally or informally with the work of the Provisional World Parliament, specifically with World Legislative Act #20, and the upcoming review of this act at the Twelfth Session of the PWP scheduled to meet in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010. This linking process would allow the court to access the strengthened wording of the Parliament version of the Rome Statute thereby empowering it further in the direction of universality and independence of the political variables within nation-state actors.

It would also associate the Court with parliamentary legislative practices and procedures at the supranational level that ultimately must be developed to provide the legitimacy and framework for statutes implemented by any court system. As the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear under Articles 7, 21.3, and 28, the protection of human rights through the rule of law in the world ultimately requires an emerging judicial, legislative, and executive framework applying equally to all citizens of the Earth.

The second course of action that the IOWP recommends to decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties is more far reaching and calls upon the goal expressed in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 28: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized." It should be clear that any such viable international order would need to develop not only a universal judicial system beginning with the ICC, but to move toward developing world legislative and executive processes required to lend universal legitimacy and enforceability to court functions.

In the light of these facts, the IOWP recommends that the Assembly of States Parties begin developing mechanisms that allow the ASP to evolve in the direction of becoming a legislative house (a "house of nations") within an emerging world parliament. The fact that the ASP has already developed the Rome Statute body of legislation suggests a nascent legislative role for the ASP. This needs to be developed toward a horizon that ultimately no longer sees the ASP as a treaty of sovereign nation-states but as an emerging House of Nations within a world parliament system that would ultimately include a complementary House of Peoples, directly elected.

The IOWP believes that acting on these recommendations could provide the ICC and the ASP with an emerging framework of goals that lift the work of these bodies out of an ad hoc response to a variety of horrendous situations in which atrocities are being carried out with apparent impunity in various parts of the world toward a program that coherently and consistently develops the ideal of the rule of democratically legislated, judicially administered, and impartially enforced laws over individuals everywhere upon the Earth.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Institute on World Problems,  Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin.


June 2, 2010


Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin have arrived at the ICC General Review Conference under the auspices of the Institute On World Problems, an educational and think tank institution which specializes in the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution and related Provisional World Parliament, the latter of which has passed world legislation with the intention of "strengthening the world court system" according to Dr. Almand.  

Delegates from more than 100 countries are attending the ICC Review.  

One highly significant issue will be a discussion and recommendation to formally broaden the scope of the ICC to include "crimes of aggression".   (Editor's note:   It will be interesting to see what is  the impact of the recent attack by Israel against the humanitarian peace activists on the high seas trying to bring supplies to Gaza.   Will this prod the ICC Assembly of States Parties to broaden the scope of its jurisdiction?)

Also of interest will be what response there will be to the distribution of the Earth Constitution to representatives, many of whom may not be aware of this important document or understand its political significance.   Will ICC attendee's grasp the potential for an Earth Federation movement under the Earth Constitution which contains what might be considered a model world judiciary system. 

Dr. Almand reports that Bills and decisions of the Review Conference are on the subsequent agenda for the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament to be held in December, 2010 in Kolkata, India.  



May 7, 2010



Uganda will host the Assembly of States Parties  General Review Conference (May 31 - June 11, 2010) for the International Criminal Court. 


An important position paper titled "the World Court Order," written by Earth Federation experts, will be circulated to General Review attendees.  It outlines a new political paradigm and strategy intended to give the ICC more legitimacy, independence, and strengthen its overall role for providing equal justice for all.      


The Earth Federation's Earth Constitution offers an

advanced world judiciary model for the ICC to consider in the context of an emerging democratic world federation in which individual human rights are paramount, as is equal justice for all.   


The implications of an "expanding" ICC using the Earth Constitution's authority include a means by which individual criminal offenders of world law would find it harder to be "above the law," even if such individuals had committed crimes against humanity or war crimes.  


The Federation's proposal will include an invitation for the attending Assembly of States Parties to consider assuming the role of "Upper House" within the Earth Federation World Parliament.   (The Earth Federation already has begun sessions of a Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution.)  They would become the "House of Nations" in the Federation's tricameral world parliament.


Quotes from the Federation's position paper reveal an unusual yet bold strategy to upgrade and legitimize the International Criminal  Court.  


 "...the (Earth Federation) Provisional World Parliament urges the Assembly of States Parties to carefully consider the merits of the Earth Constitution and of the World Legislation, which mirrors the work of the Assembly of States Parties." 


 "Unless the Criminal Court has the court order, that is, the mandamus, also called compulsory jurisdiction, the system fails to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR Article 28), to guarantee a social order in which human rights are universally protected." 


"In December of 2003, the Provisional World Parliament held a general stocktaking review of the Rome Statute.  The bill was designed to retain all possible features of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, yet was at the same time given a firm constitutional and legislative basis to the World Court System, with great strength and independence to the Court." 


(Editor's note:  For those citizens of earth who want a world justice system which takes equal rights for all seriously and who seek individual accountability so that no one is "above the law," then the proposed changes recommended to the ICC/Assembly of States Parties by the Earth Federation will be seen as both visionary and practical, and vitally necessary if we are to bring our world back from the brink of chaos and anarchy.)  


Dr. Glen T. Martin has been described by this editor as the
"most important unknown man in America."  His current book  reinforces this assessment of Dr. Martin's importance to the peace, human rights, and environmental movements.   Martin gives the reader a practical and clear understanding for what he considers to be the most important document of the 21st Century, the Earth Constitution.  

The new release is titled "Constitution for the Federation of Earth With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion."   

His explanatory writing about the Earth Constitution reminds one of the Federalist papers when the American constitution was presented to the people.   In this case, Martin's efforts can best be described as a World Federalist paper, defending in convincing fashion the need to replace the current global system and United Nations Charter with the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution -- a fundamental change which eliminates the global war system of sovereign nation-states and transforms them into a unified global peace system with a democratic world parliament and enforceable world law.    

He explains how the Earth Constitution came about, and why it is politically legitimate.   Democracy needs this new structure to be authentic.  The need and logic for establishing a democratic world federation has been well established by advanced thinkers for many years but ignored by politicians and the public despite its obvious potential effectiveness to be able to end wars, eliminate poverty, and quicken the pace to save the environment.  

The Earth Federation Movement is gaining adherents as more people learn of its existence and importance.   There have been a series of Provisional World Parliaments.  Heads of state and the public are being encouraged to study the Earth Constitution with a view to joining the emerging Earth Federation.

-- RK        




Although American's pride themselves in being free, they often do not realize that their freedoms are rather narrow when compared to world standards.  For example, Americans' are often seen "speaking their mind" and with pride speak of freedom of speech. What is not known by the public is the high degree of behind-the-scenes censorship which occurs especially as to what subject matter is allowed in mainstream media outlets. 

Hence, the near total silence in mainstream media since the discovery by scientists that the 9/11 buildings were not dropped by the aircraft striking them, but imploded using identified explosives.   Despite the scientific evidence, mainstream media is silent, and continues to try to discredit the 9/11 truth investigators. The fact that people in the USA have not had a basic "right" to health care (unless you have enough money) is another example of lack of freedom. 


President Obama and the Democrats have started to partially correct this violation of a basic civil right as is clearly stated in the EARTH CONSTITUTON in Article 13, # 5 which requires:  "Free and adequate public health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life under conditions of free choice." 

The new health legislation falls short in that it is not free for everyone although it does insure that poor people will be able to get medical services.   Moreover, the legislation fails to include nonregistered immigrants who are banned from even buying health coverage in the new insurance exchanges to be set-up.  The EARTH CONSTITUTION recognizes all people as "citizens of earth" with certain inalienable rights and hence the American government's new health care legislation remains too narrow to meet a world standard of civil rights.  


Nevertheless, it appears to be a sincere start toward arriving at a world class standard of care in this important area of basic human rights.   



A weekend conference (March 5 & 6) held at a large Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, California (near San Francisco) was packed to overflowing with mainstream Christians and other faiths to learn about the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and to get first hand reports of the carnage at Gaza by the Israeli military.

A Norwegian physician, Dr. Mads Gilbert, showed the evidence of the extensive death and destruction against what was basically an entrapped, civilian population -- 50% of whom are children.   Lost arms and legs, blown away sections of children's heads,  phosphorous burning of flesh, and more was highlighted in what was an emotional review of state directed terrorism which, according to many speakers,  has had the support of the American government including many members of Congress. 

Sponsored by "Friends of Sabeel -- North America" ("Sabeel" means "the Way"), there was an impressive array of activists, religious leaders, and political/miltary experts who outlined the devastation and imprisonment of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian Christians. 

There is an emerging strategy for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to start the process of separating the United States government from its support of Israel's violations of international law.   Growing pressure will be applied for the American government to cease funding Israel despite President Obama's promise of another 30 Billion dollars to be granted what some are now calling a "terrorist state" in view of the facts on the ground from neutral observers such as reflected in the Goldstone report. 

A number of participants at this Sabeel Conference were of the Jewish faith and who were concerned that the criminal behavior of the Israeli Zionists will destroy the good reputation of the Jewish religion. 

(Editor's note: The Israeli occupation and criminal treatment of Palestinians violate numerous sections of the Earth Constitution's Bill of Human Rights.   Under the Earth Federation, the authorities who ordered these crimes would be held individually accountable by the World Attorney General's Office, but nevertheless be granted legal due process as called for in the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary system.)




Dr. Tad Daley will be the featured speaker for this March 14th Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture Series.  Dr. Daley  will preview his soon to be released "Apocalypse Never." 


Is this a speech that President Obama and his Pentagon generals should hear?


The public is welcome.  Event to be held at UC Berkeley at the International House. The full program starts at 11:30 am with lunch, then lecture at l pm.   Full program costs $40.   Lecture only is $10.  


For registration/reservation call (415) 227-4880 or for more details go to


Sponsored by Democratic World Federalists a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational/think tank international peace organization.  



Global democracy and worldwide referendum subject of event in Brussels

The possibility of conducting a worldwide referendum with an equal vote for every person in the world will be among the subjects of an event in the European Parliament next week Tuesday, 23 February, that is hosted by European lawmaker Graham Watson, the EU Chapter of the Club of

Rome and the Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The occasion is planned to be used for the presentation of a "Brussels Declaration on Global Democracy."

The public event will begin with a special screening of the documentary "World Vote Now" that was produced over the span of eight years with field-tests in 26 countries in all world regions. "We are told that democracy creates stability and raising living standards. So why not introduce it on a worldwide scale," said filmmaker Joel Ben Marsden who will be present in Brussels. According to Marsden, he and his team of democracy activists so far got "a lot of enthusiastic response."


  San Francisco Progressive Conference, like the Earth Federation,  Proposes New U.S. Amendment to Take Away Corporate Personhood

Sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives (, over 500 progressive activists met in San Francisco on 2/15/10.  There was much concern about the direction of the Obama administration.   Expanded Pentagon budgets, corporate personhood,  the health care debacle, bailing out Big Money, and much more had these progressives confessing to both emotional pain, and indeed, anger.   

Similar to the recent discussion in Earth Federation ranks to pass a World Law to Prohibit Corporate Personhood, these progressives want an U.S. Constitutional Amendment to accomplish this same objective, albeit using a rather vague title:  "Environmental and Ethical Responsibility Amendment."  

Discussion on eliminating "corporate personhood" via an amendment recognized that, even if successful, would apply only here in the United States.   Most corporations are multinational.   Hence the importance of the Earth Federation's World Law proposal which will be discussed at the Provisonal World Parliament's 12th session this summer in Croatia. 

The present writer was highly impressed with the level of discussion of most participants at this Conference, and the inspired leadership with such individuals as Rabbi Michael Learner, Medea Benjamin, and Marianne Williamson, and others. 

There was also a proposal for a worldwide "Marshall Plan" in the belief that being kind and generous to others would be much more effective in global politics than using threats, intimidation, death and destruction.    American militarization has only made our world less safe, both for Americans and for others in the world.         

(The goals of this progressive group were very much in keeping with Earth Federation goals on almost all fronts -- ending war and poverty,  increasing human rights, and protecting the environment.  They continue, however, to think more in nationalistic terms rather than in terms of global structure change.   Many do not yet grasp the critical need for democratic world federation to replace the current global war system and the inadequate and ineffective United Nations.  -- Editor)    








A small, independent newspaper located in Bolinas, California printed the first commercial advertisement for the Earth Federation Movement.   The  ad in the Coastal Post hopes to attract peace, human rights, and environmental activists to learn more about the Earth Federation.    Five "talking points"  were listed including the Earth Constitution as the first "green" constitution ever drafted.   It also lists "Disarmageddon" a theme which resonates with the Coastal Post's history of bringing the Palestinian/Israel conflict into closer scrutiny.   Criticism of Israel has brought bullying from San Francisco Bay Area Zionists who have tried to put the Coastal Post out of business, but have been thwarted by local activists.  


-- editor 

Activists to Protest at American Nuclear Weapons Lab on August 6th  the Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

August 6, 2010 will see protests at Livermore Lab sponsored by a San Francisco Bay Area antinuclear group (  The Livermore Laboratory, located in Livermore, California is one of two sites that has developed every nuclear weapon in the U.S. arsenal according to an announcement of the protests from a member of the group who also reported that the U.S. under President Obama has actually increased the budget for developing new and modified nuclear bombs.    

(Editor's note:  World Legislative Act #1 passed in 1982 by the Earth Federation's Provisional World Parliament outlaws nuclear weapons and makes the development and use of weapons of mass destruction illegal -- against world law.   Individuals who participate in developing, researching, maintaining, or using such weapons would be indicted by a World Judiciary and subject to prosecution under WLA #1.)     

A Leading Expert on 9/11 Challenges Leading Leftists and Progressives Who Refuse to Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

Why is the 9/11 attack important for the Earth Federation?  When a nation and some of its leading intellectuals refuse to look at contradictory and omitted testimony regarding an event which was possibly a "false flag operation" (dirty tricks -- doing a crime and blaming it on someone else), then citizens are denied the true facts.  In democracies, facts are vital in order for the citizenry to make good decisions.   

Moreover, if 9/11 was a covert operation conducted from within, then  a false enemy has been invented which  has led to tragic wars -- perhaps against innocent parties and nations.    

If the Earth Federation were fully functional, then a brilliant investigator like David Ray Griffin and other 9/11 Truth Movement researchers could appeal to the World Ombudsmus.   The Earth Constitution created the World Ombudsmus Office with the idea that citizens would have another legal avenue to seek facts and justice when a government is corrupt, or the media fails to give honest information to the public.  (The United Nations lacks such an important legal office to investigate and prosecute crimes which adversely affect other nations.)

In Griffin's recent article ("Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement:  Do You Really Believe in Miracles?") in Global Research (July 6, 2010) found at he presents a strong case which refutes the key Leftist and Progressive intellectuals who have stubbornly refused to look at the contradictions and falsehoods in the 9/11 Commission Report. 

From the global perspective, this type of denial or cover-up prevents an objective investigation and allows a nation such as the USA to create a perpetual "enemy" subsequently invading two countries all based upon the 9/11 tragedy.   The fact of false flag operations are now well-documented, not just by the USA, but by Israel, and Russia, England, and other countries.  If asked to investigate, these countries essentially "investigate themselves" and, of course, find no culpability. 

In 9/11, scientists have discovered the real reason the twin towers fell so quickly.   It is clear that explosives (nanothermite) were used in a controlled demolition.   The jet airliners did not drop these buildings according to an extensive series of research investigations by citizen experts (professional scientists, engineers, and architects).
Moreover, there is physical evidence available which proves that nanothermite was used -- an explosive not available to the average person, but found for military use and for covert operations.   

(Editor's note:  If the 9/11 Truth Movement is correct, that 9/11 may indeed have been an "inside job", then there is a whole new radical political dynamic which comes into play on the world stage.   Muslims may be taking the blame for something they did not do.  

What the facts and logic seem to point at rather clearly  is that it is fair to expect a new, independent investigation of 9/11 with full revelations of all the facts, not just some, identification of contradictory evidence, omissions, and requiring all witnesses to testify under oath, including ex-President Bush, Jr., Dick Cheney, the Pentagon Generals in charge at the time, and the owners of the twin towers as well as the security company which managed the twin towers.   The investigation must also include Building 7.   All videos must be released to this new investigation, e.g., the various videos which will show what really hit the Pentagon.) 



A surprising article found in the AARP Bulletin (July-August, 2010) by Joel Bourne, Jr. reports on an ongoing collaboration between medical professionals from the Islamic Republic of Iran and American health professionals attempting to improve primary health care in the poverty stricken rural American Mississippi Delta.

Iran, notes the article, has won recognition from the World Health Organization for its innovative primary health care system which has "eliminated disparities between rural and urban populations" and has reduced "infant mortality in rural areas by tenfold."  

American health care consultants visited Iran's rural "health houses" and believe that such a model could benefit rural Mississippi residents.   Iran trains "behvarzes" who are villagers trained to provide basic health services and who staff health houses located in villages in rural areas.  The behvarzes have a variety of duties such as assisting families to insure timely vaccinations and accurate medical histories.  They also consult with sanitation, water testing, and other environmental concerns notes Mr. Bourne.   

(Editor's Note --   This small example of constructive, positive engagement between Iran and America serves as an antidote to the war drums we continue to hear from Israeli Zionists eager to attack Iran.  Israel demands that Iran abandon attempts to secure nuclear weapons yet is unwilling to give up its own nukes,  or to allow UN inspectors free access to examine Israel's own weapons of mass mutilation.) 

  7/1/2010  (Dr. Martin's first hand report from the ICC Review Conference gives the reader a good feel for the frustrations and obstructions that the present global system presents to reformers.  Paradoxically, the failures of the Conference may ultimately advance the standing of the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution as the viable alternative to our stagnant and disastrous existing global political structure.  -- Editor)




The official results of the General Review Conference for the ICC itself were miniscule and disappointing, only reinforcing our message that under the system of sovereign nation-states nothing effective can really be done. For eleven days, delegates of nation-states made proposals and counter-proposals, jockeying for position, for postponements, for more time, for definitions on what constitutes "complementarity" or "aggression."

Meanwhile, the civil society sector of the ICC Conference was awash with victims of crimes committed in Uganda, DRC, Kenya, and elsewhere in Africa ? waiting for justice, asking for justice, disappointed at the inability of the ICC to even begin dispensing justice.

Even the Chairperson of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, Bill Pace, was agreeing to the general feeling at the Coalition meeting that took place on the last day (June 11) which was that the results of the conference from the Assembly of States Parties was disappointing. Three of the main issues considered by the ICC Review were those of "Cooperation," "Complementarity," and developing a definition for the "Crime of Aggression" that is mentioned but not defined in the Rome Statute.

There were not simply official state delegates from the 111 or so nations signatory to the Statute present, but also official reps from a number of other countries that have affiliated themselves in a way that gives them a voice in the proceedings if not a vote on the official documents considered. The US Delegation (very large and, true to form, obstructive of progress) and some others both in and out of the ASP raised all kinds of impediments and caveats regarding the crime of aggression (for obvious reasons) that resulted in nothing significant coming from ASP on this or the other issues (which I am sure Eugenia will go into on the final report). A definition of "aggression" was reached with the agreement that it will not enter into force until 2017 (unless a subsequent official meeting postpones this date).

Israel?s brutal attack on a humanitarian mission on its way to GAZA occurred while the Review Conference was in session. We heard from human rights groups connected with Palestine, Afghanistan, Burma, Columbia, Sudan, Unganda, DRC, and elsewhere, all hoping that a paralyzed and impotent ICC can move us toward some modicum of justice in the world.

Also occurring while the Review Conference was in session was the planetary-scale environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Yet, for the official representatives of the nation-states, and most of the NGOs present, fundamental changes in the structure of our fragmented world disorder were off the table: not even conceivable to most, so colonized are their minds and lives by the present world anti-system. They see no alternative to the unworkable system of sovereign nations, to the massive destruction of the planetary environment by the multi-national corporations, to global militarism and human rights violations, to "development" of poor nations by ever-more intrusions of monopoly capitalism, etc.

Perhaps the only voice for a coherent, unified, and diverse world order of unity-in-diversity came from the delegation from the Institute on World Problems ( There were many good people at the conference and many NGOs from Uganda and other African countries representing the victims of the horrific cruelty and violence that has been happening in many African countries. But few understood that the root of the problem cannot be addressed through tinkering with the present system, e.g. slowly and painfully trying to empower an independent ICC. The root of the problem is in the deeply flawed world system itself: its economic system predicated on elite control, exploitation, and domination of the vast majority and its sovereign nation-state political system causing war, violence, and social chaos everywhere on the planet.

As Eugenia Almand and I spoke with people, and discussed the problems with people from African NGOs who were present, a number of them began to see the problem clearly, and the result was the founding of a new WCPA chapter in Uganda and the establishing of a number of important contacts for our work in Africa.

The results of the participation of IOWP Representatives Eugenia Almand and Glen T. Martin for our work on behalf of the Earth Federation, I believe, were substantial in this and a number of other ways.

As mentioned above there were also many delegates there from NGOs around the world that are part of the CICC (as are IOWP and WCPA). Dr. Almand and I had a great deal of our literature with us as well as many copies of the newly published "A Constitution for the Federation of Earth ? With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion." Eugenia also had copies of our Provisional World Parliament work on the ICC Rome Statute and the Constitution itself in several different languages. Our literature also included announcements of the next session of the Provisional World Parliament this coming December in Kolkata, thus perhaps getting a few delegates but perhaps more important, making many people aware that this alternative is going on and has been going on since 1982.

Besides talking personally with many people and giving them copies of our literature as appropriate, we put our general literature out each day on the 5 or 6 literature tables that were in front of the various rooms reserved for the Review Conference meetings. Our literature was picked up and distributed among many people, including many States Parties reps.

A couple of days into the conference we also wrote an official statement from IOWP to the delegations at the Review Conference (a modification and elaboration of the "World Court Order" pamphlet). We printed this out (two pages back to back) and had 250 copies of it made and had it officially distributed to each delegate to the conference, which means that all official delegations from the nation-states also received it. I have attached a copy above.

We handed copies of the Earth Constitution book personally to many people, including many official nation-state delegates. This means awareness of a genuine option and the need for a real paradigm shift got to many people from around the world who were assembled there.

Eugenia and I also got scheduled to give a 2 hour Powerpoint presentation on our work. This was not very well attended (there were of course always many things going on) but our presentation was officially announced in the agenda of meetings and we distributed many flyers announcing it. Some people later told us they intended to come to our presentation but couldn't for this or that reason.

Finally, a new chapter of WCPA was founded in UGANDA. There were a number of refugees there from DRC political violence and they were part of a human rights organization from DRC. They became very interested in our work (it is very helpful that Eugenia speaks French), and on the last day, in the afternoon after lunch, they held their first official meeting of WCPA Uganda with EA and myself present. They had a chair a translator person when necessary, a secretary to take notes, etc. There were about 8 men and 3 women from DRC present at the meeting.

Finally, Eugenia and I learned a great deal about the political and human rights situation in Africa, in East Africa, in Uganda, and to some extent in the world. This knowledge and deepening understanding can only further empower our work. The upcoming session of the Provisional World Parliament in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010 will reexamine our work in relation to the ICC and make recommendation to the Parliament for further developing this work.

All in all, from our WCPA/IOWP point of view, our participation was very successful. Perhaps even the widely perceived failure of the Assembly of States Parties to make any progress, is ultimately to our benefit, for our argument, as we have made very clear for many years, is precisely that the real problems of the world cannot be addressed under a system of so-called sovereign nation-states. Only a genuine world federal system can effectively address the many deadly problems faced by the world, from human rights to the environment to militarism to massive poverty and misery.

Just as we did at the General Review Conference for the ICC, the Constitution for the Federation of Earth must become known worldwide as offering the only real practical, sane, and effective hope to address these crises and established a decent future for humanity and our planet.




Received June 13, 2010

(Editor's note:  The Institute On World Problems studies the Earth Constitution/ Provisional World Parliament/Earth Federation in association with the World Constitution and Parliament Association.  IOWP's analysis submitted to the ICC Conference offers advanced concepts "outside the box" so to speak,  principles which, if adopted, could help the Assembly of States Parties reach the goal of an ICC which has the capacity for universal justice with no individual from any country being above the law.)   


 Towards the Effective Rule of Law ? Institute on World Problems Recommendations

to the General Review Conference for the ICC. 4 June 2010

Institute  On World Problems

Cooperating with the World Constitution and Parliament Association

President: Dr. Glen T. Martin

313 Seventh Ave., Radford VA 24141, USA Fax +540-831-5919 Phone +540-639-2320

Executive Director: Eugenia Almand, J.D.


The Institute on World Problems (IOWP) recognizes common goals and multiple links between the work of the Provisional World Parliament (PWP) that has met in eleven sessions to date and the work of the International Criminal Court developing under the Rome Statute of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). Among these common goals are the strengthening the rule of law in the world, developing a court at the world level that can hold all individuals accountable with regard to certain heinous crimes, and ending the impunity for these crimes associated with a system of nation-states often recognizing no enforceable law above themselves.

At its Seventh Session in Chennai, India in December 2003, the Parliament reviewed the Rome Statute and passed a strengthened version of the statute as World Legislative Act number 20. This act gave great independence and legitimacy to the ICC by providing the Court with a legislative basis for its operation and linking the Court with an emerging system of global institutions that point toward universality of jurisdiction and enforceability of Court decisions and orders.

If the ASP accepts the common goals indentified above, then the IOWP urges the decision-makers at the ASP to reexamine aspects of the principle of complementarity that appear to defeat these goals. The judicial systems of nations, of course, need to become and remain the first level of responsibility for addressing crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes, or other serious offences covered by the Rome Statute. However, as the ICC now recognizes, these judicial systems need to develop into legal conformity with the provisions of the Rome Statute and attain to a consistency of procedures and practices that ultimately hold all individuals everywhere equally responsible before the law and subject to consistent, fair, and objective constraints of the due process of law.

This development of the rule of consistent, coherent law in the world requires an ICC that is truly independent and universal in its jurisdiction and not dependent for its operations on a variety of nation-state actors with differing internal political agendas, differing versions of due process, and differing responses to subpoenas, court initiatives, or court orders. Complementarity in its positive form requires coherent judicial and legal response at the national level prior to judicial action at the supranational level by the ICC. However, complementarity becomes seriously flawed and an impediment to strengthening the rule of enforceable law over individuals in the world if it is construed as requiring ICC dependence on national actors for the gathering of evidence, the carrying out of subpoenas, investigation, or the carrying out of court decisions.

The IOWP recommends that decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties consider two courses of action directed toward strengthening the ICC toward a truly independent status and thereby strengthening the regime of coherent criminal law for the world that moves in the direction of becoming universal over all individuals, consistent, and enforceable. The first course of action would be to link the ICC formally or informally with the work of the Provisional World Parliament, specifically with World Legislative Act #20, and the upcoming review of this act at the Twelfth Session of the PWP scheduled to meet in Kolkata, India, December 27-31, 2010. This linking process would allow the court to access the strengthened wording of the Parliament version of the Rome Statute thereby empowering it further in the direction of universality and independence of the political variables within nation-state actors.

It would also associate the Court with parliamentary legislative practices and procedures at the supranational level that ultimately must be developed to provide the legitimacy and framework for statutes implemented by any court system. As the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes clear under Articles 7, 21.3, and 28, the protection of human rights through the rule of law in the world ultimately requires an emerging judicial, legislative, and executive framework applying equally to all citizens of the Earth.

The second course of action that the IOWP recommends to decision-makers within the Assembly of States Parties is more far reaching and calls upon the goal expressed in the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 28: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized." It should be clear that any such viable international order would need to develop not only a universal judicial system beginning with the ICC, but to move toward developing world legislative and executive processes required to lend universal legitimacy and enforceability to court functions.

In the light of these facts, the IOWP recommends that the Assembly of States Parties begin developing mechanisms that allow the ASP to evolve in the direction of becoming a legislative house (a "house of nations") within an emerging world parliament. The fact that the ASP has already developed the Rome Statute body of legislation suggests a nascent legislative role for the ASP. This needs to be developed toward a horizon that ultimately no longer sees the ASP as a treaty of sovereign nation-states but as an emerging House of Nations within a world parliament system that would ultimately include a complementary House of Peoples, directly elected.

The IOWP believes that acting on these recommendations could provide the ICC and the ASP with an emerging framework of goals that lift the work of these bodies out of an ad hoc response to a variety of horrendous situations in which atrocities are being carried out with apparent impunity in various parts of the world toward a program that coherently and consistently develops the ideal of the rule of democratically legislated, judicially administered, and impartially enforced laws over individuals everywhere upon the Earth.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Institute on World Problems,  Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin.


June 2, 2010


Drs. Eugenia Almand and Glen Martin have arrived at the ICC General Review Conference under the auspices of the Institute On World Problems, an educational and think tank institution which specializes in the Earth Federation/Earth Constitution and related Provisional World Parliament, the latter of which has passed world legislation with the intention of "strengthening the world court system" according to Dr. Almand.  

Delegates from more than 100 countries are attending the ICC Review.  

One highly significant issue will be a discussion and recommendation to formally broaden the scope of the ICC to include "crimes of aggression".   (Editor's note:   It will be interesting to see what is  the impact of the recent attack by Israel against the humanitarian peace activists on the high seas trying to bring supplies to Gaza.   Will this prod the ICC Assembly of States Parties to broaden the scope of its jurisdiction?)

Also of interest will be what response there will be to the distribution of the Earth Constitution to representatives, many of whom may not be aware of this important document or understand its political significance.   Will ICC attendee's grasp the potential for an Earth Federation movement under the Earth Constitution which contains what might be considered a model world judiciary system. 

Dr. Almand reports that Bills and decisions of the Review Conference are on the subsequent agenda for the 12th Session of the Provisional World Parliament to be held in December, 2010 in Kolkata, India.  



May 7, 2010



Uganda will host the Assembly of States Parties  General Review Conference (May 31 - June 11, 2010) for the International Criminal Court. 


An important position paper titled "the World Court Order," written by Earth Federation experts, will be circulated to General Review attendees.  It outlines a new political paradigm and strategy intended to give the ICC more legitimacy, independence, and strengthen its overall role for providing equal justice for all.      


The Earth Federation's Earth Constitution offers an

advanced world judiciary model for the ICC to consider in the context of an emerging democratic world federation in which individual human rights are paramount, as is equal justice for all.   


The implications of an "expanding" ICC using the Earth Constitution's authority include a means by which individual criminal offenders of world law would find it harder to be "above the law," even if such individuals had committed crimes against humanity or war crimes.  


The Federation's proposal will include an invitation for the attending Assembly of States Parties to consider assuming the role of "Upper House" within the Earth Federation World Parliament.   (The Earth Federation already has begun sessions of a Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution.)  They would become the "House of Nations" in the Federation's tricameral world parliament.


Quotes from the Federation's position paper reveal an unusual yet bold strategy to upgrade and legitimize the International Criminal  Court.  


 "...the (Earth Federation) Provisional World Parliament urges the Assembly of States Parties to carefully consider the merits of the Earth Constitution and of the World Legislation, which mirrors the work of the Assembly of States Parties." 


 "Unless the Criminal Court has the court order, that is, the mandamus, also called compulsory jurisdiction, the system fails to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR Article 28), to guarantee a social order in which human rights are universally protected." 


"In December of 2003, the Provisional World Parliament held a general stocktaking review of the Rome Statute.  The bill was designed to retain all possible features of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, yet was at the same time given a firm constitutional and legislative basis to the World Court System, with great strength and independence to the Court." 


(Editor's note:  For those citizens of earth who want a world justice system which takes equal rights for all seriously and who seek individual accountability so that no one is "above the law," then the proposed changes recommended to the ICC/Assembly of States Parties by the Earth Federation will be seen as both visionary and practical, and vitally necessary if we are to bring our world back from the brink of chaos and anarchy.)  


Dr. Glen T. Martin has been described by this editor as the
"most important unknown man in America."  His current book  reinforces this assessment of Dr. Martin's importance to the peace, human rights, and environmental movements.   Martin gives the reader a practical and clear understanding for what he considers to be the most important document of the 21st Century, the Earth Constitution.  

The new release is titled "Constitution for the Federation of Earth With Historical Introduction, Commentary and Conclusion."   

His explanatory writing about the Earth Constitution reminds one of the Federalist papers when the American constitution was presented to the people.   In this case, Martin's efforts can best be described as a World Federalist paper, defending in convincing fashion the need to replace the current global system and United Nations Charter with the Earth Federation under the Earth Constitution -- a fundamental change which eliminates the global war system of sovereign nation-states and transforms them into a unified global peace system with a democratic world parliament and enforceable world law.    

He explains how the Earth Constitution came about, and why it is politically legitimate.   Democracy needs this new structure to be authentic.  The need and logic for establishing a democratic world federation has been well established by advanced thinkers for many years but ignored by politicians and the public despite its obvious potential effectiveness to be able to end wars, eliminate poverty, and quicken the pace to save the environment.  

The Earth Federation Movement is gaining adherents as more people learn of its existence and importance.   There have been a series of Provisional World Parliaments.  Heads of state and the public are being encouraged to study the Earth Constitution with a view to joining the emerging Earth Federation.

-- RK        




Although American's pride themselves in being free, they often do not realize that their freedoms are rather narrow when compared to world standards.  For example, Americans' are often seen "speaking their mind" and with pride speak of freedom of speech. What is not known by the public is the high degree of behind-the-scenes censorship which occurs especially as to what subject matter is allowed in mainstream media outlets. 

Hence, the near total silence in mainstream media since the discovery by scientists that the 9/11 buildings were not dropped by the aircraft striking them, but imploded using identified explosives.   Despite the scientific evidence, mainstream media is silent, and continues to try to discredit the 9/11 truth investigators. The fact that people in the USA have not had a basic "right" to health care (unless you have enough money) is another example of lack of freedom. 


President Obama and the Democrats have started to partially correct this violation of a basic civil right as is clearly stated in the EARTH CONSTITUTON in Article 13, # 5 which requires:  "Free and adequate public health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life under conditions of free choice." 

The new health legislation falls short in that it is not free for everyone although it does insure that poor people will be able to get medical services.   Moreover, the legislation fails to include nonregistered immigrants who are banned from even buying health coverage in the new insurance exchanges to be set-up.  The EARTH CONSTITUTION recognizes all people as "citizens of earth" with certain inalienable rights and hence the American government's new health care legislation remains too narrow to meet a world standard of civil rights.  


Nevertheless, it appears to be a sincere start toward arriving at a world class standard of care in this important area of basic human rights.   



A weekend conference (March 5 & 6) held at a large Presbyterian Church in San Anselmo, California (near San Francisco) was packed to overflowing with mainstream Christians and other faiths to learn about the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and to get first hand reports of the carnage at Gaza by the Israeli military.

A Norwegian physician, Dr. Mads Gilbert, showed the evidence of the extensive death and destruction against what was basically an entrapped, civilian population -- 50% of whom are children.   Lost arms and legs, blown away sections of children's heads,  phosphorous burning of flesh, and more was highlighted in what was an emotional review of state directed terrorism which, according to many speakers,  has had the support of the American government including many members of Congress. 

Sponsored by "Friends of Sabeel -- North America" ("Sabeel" means "the Way"), there was an impressive array of activists, religious leaders, and political/miltary experts who outlined the devastation and imprisonment of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian Christians. 

There is an emerging strategy for boycott, divestment, and sanctions to start the process of separating the United States government from its support of Israel's violations of international law.   Growing pressure will be applied for the American government to cease funding Israel despite President Obama's promise of another 30 Billion dollars to be granted what some are now calling a "terrorist state" in view of the facts on the ground from neutral observers such as reflected in the Goldstone report. 

A number of participants at this Sabeel Conference were of the Jewish faith and who were concerned that the criminal behavior of the Israeli Zionists will destroy the good reputation of the Jewish religion. 

(Editor's note: The Israeli occupation and criminal treatment of Palestinians violate numerous sections of the Earth Constitution's Bill of Human Rights.   Under the Earth Federation, the authorities who ordered these crimes would be held individually accountable by the World Attorney General's Office, but nevertheless be granted legal due process as called for in the Earth Constitution's World Judiciary system.)




Dr. Tad Daley will be the featured speaker for this March 14th Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture Series.  Dr. Daley  will preview his soon to be released "Apocalypse Never." 


Is this a speech that President Obama and his Pentagon generals should hear?


The public is welcome.  Event to be held at UC Berkeley at the International House. The full program starts at 11:30 am with lunch, then lecture at l pm.   Full program costs $40.   Lecture only is $10.  


For registration/reservation call (415) 227-4880 or for more details go to www.dwfed.orgSponsored by Democratic World Federalists a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational/think tank international peace organization.  



Global democracy and worldwide referendum subject of event in Brussels

The possibility of conducting a worldwide referendum with an equal vote for every person in the world will be among the subjects of an event in the European Parliament next week Tuesday, 23 February, that is hosted by European lawmaker Graham Watson, the EU Chapter of the Club of

Rome and the Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The occasion is planned to be used for the presentation of a "Brussels Declaration on Global Democracy."

The public event will begin with a special screening of the documentary "World Vote Now" that was produced over the span of eight years with field-tests in 26 countries in all world regions. "We are told that democracy creates stability and raising living standards. So why not introduce it on a worldwide scale," said filmmaker Joel Ben Marsden who will be present in Brussels. According to Marsden, he and his team of democracy activists so far got "a lot of enthusiastic response."


  San Francisco Progressive Conference, like the Earth Federation,  Proposes New U.S. Amendment to Take Away Corporate Personhood

Sponsored by the Network of Spiritual Progressives (, over 500 progressive activists met in San Francisco on 2/15/10.  There was much concern about the direction of the Obama administration.   Expanded Pentagon budgets, corporate personhood,  the health care debacle, bailing out Big Money, and much more had these progressives confessing to both emotional pain, and indeed, anger.   

Similar to the recent discussion in Earth Federation ranks to pass a World Law to Prohibit Corporate Personhood, these progressives want an U.S. Constitutional Amendment to accomplish this same objective, albeit using a rather vague title:  "Environmental and Ethical Responsibility Amendment."  

Discussion on eliminating "corporate personhood" via an amendment recognized that, even if successful, would apply only here in the United States.   Most corporations are multinational.   Hence the importance of the Earth Federation's World Law proposal which will be discussed at the Provisonal World Parliament's 12th session this summer in Croatia. 

The present writer was highly impressed with the level of discussion of most participants at this Conference, and the inspired leadership with such individuals as Rabbi Michael Learner, Medea Benjamin, and Marianne Williamson, and others. 

There was also a proposal for a worldwide "Marshall Plan" in the belief that being kind and generous to others would be much more effective in global politics than using threats, intimidation, death and destruction.    American militarization has only made our world less safe, both for Americans and for others in the world.         

(The goals of this progressive group were very much in keeping with Earth Federation goals on almost all fronts -- ending war and poverty,  increasing human rights, and protecting the environment.  They continue, however, to think more in nationalistic terms rather than in terms of global structure change.   Many do not yet grasp the critical need for democratic world federation to replace the current global war system and the inadequate and ineffective United Nations.  -- Editor)    








A small, independent newspaper located in Bolinas, California printed the first commercial advertisement for the Earth Federation Movement.   The  ad in the Coastal Post hopes to attract peace, human rights, and environmental activists to learn more about the Earth Federation.    Five "talking points"  were listed including the Earth Constitution as the first "green" constitution ever drafted.   It also lists "Disarmageddon" a theme which resonates with the Coastal Post's history of bringing the Palestinian/Israel conflict into closer scrutiny.   Criticism of Israel has brought bullying from San Francisco Bay Area Zionists who have tried to put the Coastal Post out of business, but have been thwarted by local activists.  


-- editor 

May, 2010


Africa Office: Lome, Togo. Dr. Dominique Balouki phone 228-900-0578

Asia Office: New No. 40, Old No 212/1, St.Mary�s Road, Mandaveli, Chennai � 600 028, Tamil Nadu, India.

North American Office: 313 7th Avenue, Radford, VA 24141, USA. Dr. Glen T. Martin email:

Secretary General: Dr. Glen T. Martin Parliament Secretary: Dr. Eugenia Almand, email:


Call to the

Twelfth Session of the Provisional World Parliament

In conjunction with the 13th International Conference of

International Philosophers for Peace

December 27-31, Kolkata, India

To all world citizens and persons concerned about the future of humanity:


The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA), organizing agent for the Provisional World Parliament, has arranged the Twelfth Session of the Parliament to meet  in India,  December 27-31, 2010 in conjunction with International Philosophers for Peace 13th International Conference.

We issue this call in conformance with Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth that grants the people of Earth the legal right to begin Provisional World Government until such time as the Earth Constitution has been fully ratified under the provisions set forth in Article 17.

Both Observers to the parliament and Delegates are welcome! Both may participate actively in the proceedings. The developing Earth Federation Movement (EFM) is expressed in these historic sessions held in Brighton, England (1982), New Delhi, India (1985), Miami Beach, USA (1987), Barcelona, Spain (1996), Malta (2001), Bangkok, Thailand (March 2003), Chennai, India (December 2003), Lucknow, India (2004), Tripoli, Libya (2006), Lome, Togo (2007), and Nainital, India (2009). The Twelfth Session will be another such historic event: we are building a truly new world order within the shell of the old!!

Today�s world situation calls for a World Parliament to continually build the body of world law, modeling for the rest of the world the way human problems are properly addressed. It also demands immediate action to establish democratic world government in accordance with the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Global climate change continues to create disaster for peoples everywhere and is getting worse each day. Global weapons of mass destruction continue to threaten the existence of life on Earth. Depleted uranium weapons used massively in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to poison our planetary environment forever. Global tyranny under the world�s superpower increases daily. The resources of the Earth (land, forests, fisheries, clean water) disappear at astonishing rates. Pollution and toxic waste contaminate ever larger portions of the Earth. We must act now!


Reserve the dates. Begin planning now! Details of registration are below. These will also be posted on the and,, and websites. Registration details will be forthcoming soon.



Dr.Glen T. Martin Professor Dominique Balouki Sir Dr. Reinhart Ruge

USA, Secretary-General Togo, Coordinator for Africa Mexico, President Emeritus

Dr. Dauji Gupta Eugenia Almand, J.D.

India, Vice-President Earth, Secretary for Provisional World Parliament





January 14, 2010 was a big day for the World Constitution & Parliament Association. WCPA Secretary-General

1/18/2010Glen Martin had spent three weeks in Costa Rica meeting people, promoting the Earth Federation, and studying Spanish.


Near the end of this period, on January 14, Martin spoke to two groups concerning the Earth Constitution and the Earth Federation Movement, the first was an all-day seminar in the College de Abogados (the College of Lawyers) in San Jose. The second was at a meeting of Casa Infinita, an organization devoted to human spiritual transformation. Spanish versions of both the Earth Constitution and the Manifesto of the Earth Federation were given to all participants. A number of copies of Martin�s new book Triumph of Civilization: Democracy, Nonviolence and the Piloting of Spaceship Earth were also sold to various participants.


The meeting with Casa Infinita was arranged by Ana Orozco and the meeting at the Collegio de Abagados by Celina Garcia, both WCPA members and advocates in Costa Rica. Ana Orozco is a prominent social activist in San Jose and Celina Garcia is Director of an organization well-known in Costa Rica called Funcacion CEPPA: the Center for the Study of Peace and Nonviolence, also located in San Jose.


The culmination of the all-day seminar at the College of Lawyers was the founding of a new WCPA chapter in Costa Rica with the ceremonial signing of a charter for the new chapter by all 20 people present. The chapter is named the "Rodrigo Carazo Odio WCPA Chapter" after the recently deceased former President of Costa Rica, who was a great leader for world peace and world law. The wife of former President Carazo was present for the ceremony and the group was honored to have her as the first signatory on the Charter for the new chapter.


The new chapter has scheduled its first meeting for the second week in February and intends to become a major center for the promotion of the Earth Federation Movement both in Costa Rica and Latin America.





Chief Justices of the World receive copies of the Earth Constitution

The World Constitution and Parliament Association was again a major presence at the 10th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World that took place December 12-14, 2009 in Lucknow, India.  Approximately 20 WCPA activists from various countries (and a number of cities in India) came to Lucknow to promote the Earth Federation among the justices and participants.  They personally gave all the justices copies of the Earth Constitution in Hindi, English, French, or Spanish, depending on their native language.   Copies of the Constitution were also available in Esperanto for those who wished to have one. The Justices assembled in Lucknow also voted a resolution demanding a �World Parliament� and the beginnings of a genuinely democratic government for the people of Earth.

Earth Federation to be a Presence at the Upcoming ICC Review Conference
Between 31 May and 11 June 2010, the first Review Conference on the Rome Statute that guides the operations of the International Criminal Court (ICC) will be held in Kampala, Uganda. This meeting is to be distinguished from the annual meetings of the Assembly of States Parties: the nations who have signed the treaty empowering the ICC. The Review Conference will consider amendments and elaborations of the Rome Statute as recommended by various nations in the Assembly of States Parties.
The Provisional World Parliament has studied some of the excellent statutes of the ICC (such as its statutes on human rights, its penal code, and its rules of procedure and evidence) and rewritten them in the language of a true, constitutionally empowered court.   In other words, rather than stating that the Court will �request� of a national government that it turn over a suspect for trial, a true court issues a binding warrant for arrest. A true court has the power of mandamus: the court order. The ICC as it now exists remains hamstrung by the system of sovereign nation-state that has thus far empowered it.
Dr. Eugenia Almand and Dr. Glen T. Martin intend to be present for this review conference in order to show the justices and nations supporting the ICC how to truly empower the work of the court.  The court should encourage the members of the Assembly of States Parties to reflect on affiliating themselves with the Earth Constitution under which the ICC can be empowered as one bench of the World Supreme Court.
The host for the ICC review conference in Kampala, head of the Uganda Supreme Court, Hon Justice Benjamin Odoki, supports the work for Earth Federation and has already read documents sent to him by WCPA.  He and one member of the ICC present in at the 10th Annual Conference of Chief Justices of the World in Lucknow (December 2009)said they would welcome a WCPA presence in Kampala. At the very least this will be the opportunity for the nations in the Assembly of States Parties to become more aware of the Earth Constitution as a viable option for creating a lawful world order.


The 11th Session of the  Provisional World Parliament at its recent meetings (July, 2009) in Nainital, India passed World Legislative Act #47 titled "International Integration, including United Nations Integration, and Integration of Federation Member Missions, Embassies and Consulates within the Earth Federation."  

The Act notes that the Earth Constitution calls for the integration of viable United Nations' agencies, but with the definition of "viable" left open to a "negotiable selection" process.   The Act assumes a future where enough nations join the Earth Federation that it supercedes the UN, but where useful agencies and trained UN staff are preserved. 

In addition to saving worthwhile UN agencies, the Act also provides for a transfer of UN personnel to the Earth Federation acknowledging that "...officials and staffs of the United Nations ...comprise a considerable pool of skilled administrators and staff whose training and experience will greatly strengthen the Earth Federation."                               

In addition to UN personnel becoming part of the Earth Federation, the Act also includes integration of staff from embassies and consulates. The primary condition for conversion of posts is that the individual gives personal ratification and affirmation to the 
Earth Constitution. 
Such a commitment would "automatically deputize" ambassadors and respective staffs to the world federal level (i.e., the Earth Federation). 


An official of the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) reported recently that the Earth Constitution has now been translated into Bengali.   One can now read the Earth Constitution in twenty-three languages including such diverse languages as Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.