September 4, 2024
UN Summit of the Future Needs the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila DWF NEWS
For world federalists like Einstein, it would be no surprise that the United Nations has been unable to do its primary job which is to end war. In this regard the UN has been a spectacular failure. Why? The UN Charter is wrong.
The Charter is treaty-based which is one of the core weaknesses. Treaty agreements are too easily broken. The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR, Brussels) points out that what is needed for the UN is a world constitution. CUNCR originated the movement for Article 109 to launch a legally required Charter Review, not yet conducted by the UN.
Will the upcoming UN Summit of the Future fix the UN so it can do its job? Most likely, no. Why? The Summit features over 50 "action items" none of which address the underlying fatal flaws in the Charter.
The World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) has analyzed the Charter and drafted over a period of 30 years a democratic world constitution, designed to correct the problems found in the outdated, Charter.
The UN is decidedly undemocratic with only 5 nations given meaningful voting rights. The UN Security Council P-5 have failed miserably because of their veto power, while there are 187 nations denied voting rights. The House of Nations from the Earth Constitution corrects that flaw.
The UN General Assembly lacks the vote except to make "recommendations" to the UN Security Council. If the General Assembly turns to the Earth Constitution (EC), the UNGA can give itself voting rights utilizing the authority of the EC.
The UN Charter lacks enforceable world law. There are no world federal marshals or police to enforce UN standards and conventions. As a result, Bully nations mock international law, and routinely commit world crimes. The leaders responsible for the crimes are above the Law and openly defy and ignore the International Criminal Court.
I would like to see the UN General Assembly move away from the Future Summit "action" items which mostly are a distraction which avoids the real problem -- the UN Charter. The General Assembly should instead launch a special 109 review which compares the UN Charter to the Earth Constitution. Which governing model is more democratic? Which one could end war? Eliminate nuclear weapons? Which one has a well thought-out world judiciary system with enforcement, thus able to end global anarchy?
Finally, should you and I have a vote on global affairs? One path underway is by the Earth Constitution Institute which is establishing a House of Peoples to give democratic representation to the Earth's 7.5 billion people. There will be 1000 electoral districts. Representatives are now being sought in these districts with a meeting of a Provisional World Parliament to be held in India in December, 2025.
-- R. Kotila, PhD
July 26,2024 UN Needs the Earth Constitution to Deal with World Criminals Roger Kotila Earth Federation News & Views |
As we watch helplessly, violators of international law go free, unable to be arrested by the UN, the International Court of Justice (ICJ, "World Court"), or the International Criminal Court (ICC. Leaders of Bully nations break the Law with impunity. There is no world federal enforcement to protect the citizenry. We are all world citizens by birth with certain inalienable rights per the Declaration of Human Rights and the Earth Constitution. The leaders of Bully nations have too often felt free to overthrow weaker governments, or invade militarily. They have used illegal sanctions to pressure weaker governments to submit. Sanctions are a form of indirect murder when a nation's population is denied needed products and services for survival -- such as needed medical supplies, etc. The leaders of the US, NATO and Israel are on the top of the list for many of these deadly violations of Law and Order. But other countries such as Russia, China and Iran, too, have mocked international law and violated universal basic human rights. The Earth Constitution's World Judiciary System should be reviewed by the UN General Assembly and compared to the UN Charter which lacks adequate means for enforceable world law. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights cannot be enforced due to the inadequate UN Charter. What to do? The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), a leading think tank based out of Brussels, has pointed out that the UN has yet to conduct a legally required Charter Review under Article 109. According to CUNCR the UN Charter is treaty-based, hence unreliable; a more reliable geopolitical system will require a world constitution. The World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), via the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI), offers a Two Track strategy to create a new world federal governing structure designed to end global anarchy and war itself. A Provisional World Parliament is being developed with 1000 Electoral Districts to represent "we, the people" (House of Peoples). Simultaneously an attempt is being made to join forces with the UN General Assembly (House of Nations) using the authority of the Earth Constitution for a "new UN". It is hard to imagine ending war or eliminating the nuclear nightmare until the geopolitical system adopts a new judiciary and enforcement system such as outlined in the Earth Constitution. Leaders of Bully nations currently mock the Law, and are unlikely to change their aggressive patterns until there is the equivalent of world federal marshal or police services to uphold the Law. No one, not even the leader of a nation, should be above the Law. ~ R. Kotila, PhD |
Invoke Article 6 of the United Nations Charter:
Expel the US to Rescue the UN
Fritz Pointer
Article 6 of the UN Charter states:
A member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
The invocation of Article 6 to expel the United States from the United Nations is a concrete action that should be taken by the 192 member states of the UN General Assembly as well as NGOs and political activists and groups globally. This action involves the removal of the single most malignant, cancerous, force in that organization. Once that malignant force is removed then the UN has some chance of being reformed or rehabilitated; to become a genuinely representative global international consultative council of countries an insurer of states, which is what it is purported to want to be, what it’s supposed to be.
The aim of the UN Charter is to save humanity from war; to reaffirm human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person (Palestinian, Jewish, African, European, Asian, Latin. Etc.). To proclaim the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small; and to promote the prosperity of all humankind. The UN Charter is the foundation of international peace and security.
The United States is the Greatest Threat to Global Peace and Security; the U.S. has consistently broken the principles of the UN Charter since the United Nations Security Council’s inception. For example, in October 2001, George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan, even thought Afghanistan had not attacked the United States. Two years later, Bush invaded Iraq to change its regime. Both of Bush’s wars – oin Afghanistan and Iraq – violated the UN Charter.
John Bolton, then Bush’s temporary ambassador to the United Nations admitted that the U.S. government considered the UN to be a tool of its foreign policy. Bolton declared: “There is no United Nations. There is an international community that occasionally can be led by the only real power left in the world, and that is the United States, when it suits our interest and when we can get others to go along.” Bolton added, consistent with U.S. arrogance, racism, hubris and stupidity, “When the United States leads, the United Nations will follow. When it suits our interest to do so, we will do so.”
Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton’s secretary of state called the UN “a tool of American foreign policy.” It was Albright who oversaw the US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, which also violated the UN Charter.
Barack Obama and his counterparts in France and Britain engaged in forcible regime change and murdered Libyan president Muammar Qaddafi. Here the US hid behind the doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect.” In accordance with Chapters VI and VIII of the UN Charter, this doctrine is intended to help protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic-cleansing, and crimes against humanity. It is not surprising that the US and its allies have not utilized the Responsibility to Protect doctrine to protect the people of Palestine from massacres and a genocide in progress by the United States /Israeli - Christian /Zionists (2023-2024).
Donald Trump followed suit by bombing Syria and Iraq and threatening to attack North Korea. In 2017 Trump sent 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles to attack Syria. Syria had not attacked the United States. The Security Council had not approved Trump’s use of force. It therefore violated the UN Charter. Invoking Article 6 of the UN Charter to expel the United States is a practical and expedient solution to pursue World Peace.
March 12, 2024
The Earth Constitution Could
Transform the UN General Assembly
Roger Kotila, PhD President of Democratic World Federalists
If both Russia and the US had not wielded Security Council vetoes in the last few years, the ugly wars in Ukraine and Gaza might never have happened. Anyone who has paid attention to such calamities knows that the UN Charter’s grant of the veto to the P5 powers (U.S., Russia, China, the UK, and France) is a mockery of the rule of law and democratic ideals.
Why should the five victors of a far-distant war hold so much power over the other 187 member nations of the UN—even including India, the world’s most populous country? Many now believe the P5 veto is grossly undemocratic, archaic, and too often destructive. Under the Earth Constitution (EC), this travesty would end. The EC, if adopted from within the UN system, would grant voting rights to all nations by the simple act of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) becoming the House of Nations, as further explained below.
Our Two-Track Strategy for Success
In light of our current global governance dilemma, the WCPA/ECI has recently adopted a two-track strategy to save the planet. Track 1 calls for a new world organization under the Earth Constitution that operates parallel to the United Nations. This grassroots strategy is necessary in the event that the UN is unwilling to transform itself into a democratic global organization. We can’t rule out this latter possibility of self-transformation, so WCPA’s Track 2 strategy aims to do just that by invoking Article 109 of the UN Charter for the purposes of bringing about a complete review of the charter. Several major steps are involved:
1. According to paragraph 3 of Article 109, a majority vote of both the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council can mandate a formal review conference. No veto can be applied to this decision.
2. Upon holding the comprehensive review, the UNGA may adopt structural changes to the charter by a two-thirds favorable vote; once again, the P5 can’t veto this outcome.
3. In the last step, the UN’s member states must ratify the adopted measures. At this stage, the P5 can potentially veto any decision made by the members. But many scholars believe that an exercise of the veto after such a lengthy process of the entire body of the UNGA would be unlikely. The great news is that the outcome of a review conference, once adopted and ratified, becomes binding on all member states.
The EC as Ideal Model for UN Restructuring
Consider this possibility: If and when the charter review process gets underway, ECI would be present at such a historic meeting. We would present our plan to merge the UN system with a genuine democratic world government operating under the authority of the Earth Constitution. We believe the EC is compelling enough that the UNGA may indeed use part, or all of it, as a guide, model, and authority for creating a “new UN.”
Under this scenario, the UNGA invokes Charter review, then turns to us for specific provisions. For example, it might adopt the EC’s plan for a House of Peoples so that “we, the people of Earth” gain voting rights. Or, the UNGA could borrow from the EC’s well-crafted articles on creating a World Judiciary. This alteration may be very compelling because most member nations are frustrated by the lack of enforceable global law in a world that is literally going up in flames. Or perhaps the EC could be used as the model for granting binding voting rights to all nations, thus turning the UN General Assembly into what the EC calls the House of Nations.
I realize that all this may sound visionary or impractical, but how practical is the current method of global governance under the antiquated UN Charter? -- R. Kotila, PhD
January 14, 2024 Israel 'Owns' the US Congress & President, UN Falls Short
Roger Kotila The undemocratic United Nations is unable to protect the Palestinians from Israeli Zionist mass murder unfortunately also supported by the U.S. Congress and the President. Gaza genocide is ongoing in full view. South Africa is asking the UN's International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have Israel cease and desist. Israel will most likely ignore the ICJ -- which will illustrate why the UN Charter is too flawed to get the job done.
We need a "new UN" equipped to deal with world crimes committed by leaders of rogue nations. The UN Charter needs to be reviewed and replaced by utilizing the Earth Constitution which provides a well designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement as well as a democratic World Parliament.
A world federalist colleague, Fritz Pointer, rejects the notion that Israeli Zionists have a sacred, God-given right to the Promised Land. He points out that The Torah (first 5 book in the Bible) "is not proof of a deed to historic Palestine", nor "is it a real estate document thus making God (Yahweh) a real estate agent!"
Netanyahu and his generals (& possibly Biden) may eventually be found to be guilty of war crimes and genocide. However, in the current UN geopolitical system they will never go to jail, even if found guilty as charged. We need a new global system such as possible with the Earth Constitution. -- R. Kotila, PhD, editor, DWF NEWS Ray McGovern (former analyst with the CIA) ... "Well, you can’t get elected in the United States if the Israel lobby puts its money for your opponent. ... So, money is getting people elected. It’s getting people removed from Congress. Money is funding what remains of the mainstream media are heavily influenced by Zionism. And of course, if you go to our government, our president brags about being a Zionist. Does he know what that means? ... He’s got his head screwed on wrong on this, and it’s not going to be long before there’s a flare up in the Middle East, whether it’s in the Red Sea or whether it’s a false flag attack, blaming the Iranians ... The other people who are in this frame of mind, Secretary Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken. They’re all Zionists, and they’re going to try to persuade Biden well, okay, you said you’d defend Israel. You got to defend it against Iran. ... What I fear is there will be a false flag attack blamed on Iran against the carrier that we have now still in the area, the USS Eisenhower. That would be blamed on Iran and the impulse will be okay, Joe Biden, you said that you’d support Israel for as long as it takes. Now, we’ve got to go in with ground troops. We got to go in real big and defend Israel because they’re entitled to their own state and blah, blah, blah. ... From Ray McGovern: "The Imprisonment of the Palestinian People Was Not an Act of God"
Norman Solomon (author, anti-war activist, ran for Congress): The vast majority of Congress members have refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza during three months of slaughter by Israel’s military. Capitol Hill remains a friendly place for the Israeli government as it keeps receiving massive arms shipments courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. ... The impunity enjoyed by Israeli leaders is enabled by President Biden, who clearly does not want a ceasefire. The same can be said of the vast majority of Congress, with silences and equivocations if not outright zeal to voice support for the wholesale killing of civilians in the name of Israel’s “right to defend itself.” From Norman Solomon: "The Abject Failure of Nearly Every Member of Congress on Gaza"
December 14, 2023
Gazan Catastrophe Shows Why the UN Needs the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila DWF NEWS
The United Nations has been unable to free the Palestinians from Israeli occupation, and now it has been unable to stop the mass destruction and mass murder now underway in Gaza. Israel, with weapons and money supplied by the U.S. government, keeps on bombing Gaza and its Palestinians residents to death.
Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) votes by a wide margin calling for a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. But Israel ignores the UNGA. Because the UN is undemocratic, Israel has the "protection" of the U.S. which uses its permanent veto power from the UN Security Council to prevent UN intervention.
What must be done? The UN Charter should be replaced by the Earth Constitution (EC) drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association. The EC waits in the wings, ready to go. Unlike the current UN which time and time again is helpless when it counts the most, UN decisions under the EC would have real authority. No longer could Israel and the U.S. ignore the will of the world community. Moreover, this "new UN" under the Earth Constitution would contain enforceable law and order which is another fatal flaw of the current UN. No longer could the leaders of Bully nations ignore world law and commit world crimes with impunity.
In short, the EC brings to a "new UN" democratic rule by establishing a World Parliament, and has a well-designed world judiciary system with enforceable law and order.
- Roger Kotila, PhD, Editor DWF NEWS
October 18, 2023
Israel's Gaza Massacre: Are We Witnessing the DEMONIC?
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Are we witnessing the unleashing of unimaginable evil as Israel attempts to completely eliminate Hamas by violently making Gaza unlivable? Trapped Palestinian civilians plea for outside intervention, but the U.S. and European governments look the other way proclaiming full "support" for Israel no matter what.
About 40% of the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza are children. Death and destruction are everywhere. Has Israel's rage and grief over the Hamas attack on civilians opened the door to revenge and to the DEMONIC? President Biden announces he is going to Israel. Will meeting with Israel's Zionist leadership cause him to change his mind and to break the (evil) spell?
The irrational lust for the death and destruction of all things Gazan perhaps can be understood as the unconscious influence of an almost supernatural (demonic) force wherein good people accept and call for unimaginable evil telling themselves it is necessary and justified.
In "Truths about Evil, Sin, & the Demonic" (Byron Belitsos, 2023) we are warned by theologian David Ray Griffin that the demonic may be a real power which is driving the world in a direction "diametrically opposed to divine purposes."
It may seem strange to say that severe global crises may be due to the influence of "demonic power." Despite being a highly educated, smart people, Griffin argues that we may be possessed by a "demonic power that is leading us, trancelike, into self-destruction." What surprises me is Griffin's statement that we can experience the demonic both when hate leads to destructive actions, but also when "indifference" leads to a failure to take action against evil.
The seemingly senseless, immoral, violent catastrophes we are experiencing in Gaza/Palestine/Israel and Ukraine could erupt to WWIII dimensions, or to a nuclear war. Meanwhile, poverty, migrant misery, homelessness haunt even rich nations like the U.S. and Europe. Climate change adds another global threat.
Israel has announced its intention to bury Gaza to eliminate Hamas which it says is a "terrorist" organization. Yet for Palestinians Hamas militants may be seen as freedom fighters.
It occurs to me that the devil (Satan), if it exists, is the great trickster. Israel thinks it is morally justified to use collective punishment. How else can we understand Israel's stated intention to destroy all things Gaza in order to destroy Hamas ("terrorists") when Gaza has 2 million innocent civilians trapped in what is described as an "open air prison"?
Beware Israel: The Bible (2 Corinthians 11: 14-15) warns us of Satan as the great deceiver: "And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. "
Israel's spokespersons, with a wink and a nod, will claim they are doing their best to avoid killing civilians, while explaining that they must completely wipe out Gaza to wipe out Hamas. Hamas will argue that they had no choice but to attack Israel's civilians who are complicit in years of Israeli oppression, apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people.
Ironically, both Israel and the U.S. government have a lengthy documented history of extreme terrorism: Israel's ongoing forceful stealing of Palestinian lands and homes. The U.S. "shock & awe" military invasion of Iraq. Covert operations by the CIA and/or Mossad (e.g., 9/11 false flag operation, overthrowing legally elected governments, assassinations, and illegal economic warfare a form of indirect murder).
Later, after the widespread excitement of death and destruction (the demonic in action) has worn off, the gravity and sin of collective punishment (mass murder) will penetrate the mind and hearts of even some of the most ardent supporters of war, and then there will be demands for Nuremberg-like trials or the International Criminal Court to bring to justice the political and military leadership of both Israel and Hamas.
The wars in Israel and Ukraine could not be prevented (or stopped) by the United Nations.
Why? The UN Charter is wrong. The UN is frustrated, unable to carry out its most important task, ending war and eliminating nuclear weapons. World federalists have an intriguing solution:
The UN General Assembly can launch Charter Review under Article 109(c) and use the Earth Constitution as its guide, model and authority to transform to a "new UN" forming a democratic world federation (world union) with a governing design with the capacity to end war itself.
R. Kotila, Ph.D.
Psychologist (ret.)
World Public Interest Journalism
Earth Constitution advocate
July 24, 2023 Reduce Migration by Ending Economic Sanctions
Roger Kotila
In a recent book Sanctions, A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy (2022, World View Forum) we are informed that US sanctions "affect a third of humanity" impacting more than 40 countries. The sanctions, conclude the Forum, are a form of economic warfare and amount to Crimes Against Humanity. Meanwhile, both Europe and the United States struggle with excessive migration, immigrants seeking a better life for themselves and their families as they flee their impoverished home countries.
In the USA we find a large number of migrants from countries that the US government doesn't like -- nations preferring a socialist economic model. Their domestic economies have been devastated, not because of socialism, but because of sanctions -- a form of economic warfare which happens to be illegal under international law. But US foreign policy refuses to accept international law for itself, and continues to try to destroy targeted nations both by sanctions and by covert operations to overthrow these governments.
Targeted nations suffer immensely as the means to a healthy domestic economy are blocked. The US propaganda machine blames the targeted nation, not the sanctions which are the real cause. Countries under attack in Latin America include Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. Remove sanctions, and these countries would likely prosper like China prospers.
We see the same dynamic in Europe where migration appears out of control. Nations under sanctions include Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Syria. Because of the economic blockade they are unable to uplift their economies, and as a result desperate citizens, mired in poverty, flee to Europe or the USA.
The underlying intention of US foreign policy according to Sanctions is to "choke the economies of developing nations." Specific conditions are described for Ethiopia, Eritrea, Chad, Zimbabwe, Yemen and more. We learn that millions are suffering and dying due to the illegal actions by the US and Europe.
What should be done? The United Nations is unable to enforce international laws, and hence the leaders of Bully nations routinely break the Law with impunity. The solution is for the UN General Assembly to replace the outdated UN Charter with the Earth Constitution, a modern world constitution/charter which has been designed with the capacity to end war in all of its forms, cope in an united way with climate change, and better protect human rights for all.
Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
Psychologist (ret.)
Editor, DWF NEWS
President, Democratic World Federalists
May 11. 2023
Subject: Call for UN Charter Review - THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE
Editor: THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for Charter Review has unexpectedly emerged in mainstream foreign policy circles as reported in DWF NEWS ("Important Omen for Leadership India, UN Charter Review, and a 'New UN' " 4/27/23). A review of the Charter, legally required since 1945 under UN Article 109, has yet to be conducted. The obsolete Charter is a major reason why the world continues to suffer war after war.
The PROMISE is a "save the world" strategy advanced by three NGO think tanks: The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), and Democratic World Federalists (DWF). World federalists have recognized that the UN can't do its primary job (ending war) because the Charter itself is wrong. WCPA's brilliantly drafted Earth Constitution waits in the wings, ready to go.
Watch carefully the reaction in the UN General Assembly. There are 188 nations without voting rights. Will they join forces with the PROMISE think tanks to launch a review?
--Roger Kotila, PhD, DWF NEWS, San Francisco
[I have permission to share the following CUNCR email sent to supporters. - RK]
Getting Attention- Article 109 Charter Review for UN Transformation! Thanks to the San Francisco Promise Team
[Dateline Brussels: May 6, 2023]
Dear CUNCR Supporters & Strivers for Peace:
A hearty congratulations to Professor Tim Murithi on his recent article in Foreign Affairs. Order of Oppression, Africa’s Quest for a New International System is a superb article about Africa and the UN and great proposition to transform the UN with Charter Review.
One of our board members, Roger Kotila, gave me the news and of course Tim and Roger were two of our about 12 dozen members of our San Francisco Promise team where we presented Charter Review concept at the first Paris Peace Forum (PPF) in 2019. Global Challenges Foundation had generously sponsored our work group for the event. Anyway being able to publish in Foreign Affairs, a relatively conservative but widely read publication, and still saying what he said deserves a hearty congratulations. Interestingly, Foreign Affairs had another article from the former Foreign Minister of India, Narasimha Rao, also calling for an overhaul of the Security Council and UN’s constitutional review. We had an amazing team in Paris that year, including honorable, Sukehiro Hasegawa, who is quietly but consistently working with the Diet, Japan Parliament, for transformational Security Council reform. Not to mention the young and energetic CUNCR fellows who were with us at the PPF Conference.
With the chaotic world since 2019 getting worse. With more wars and climate and human rights perils, it is time for us to get attention needed for system change. The Board has decided for us to start a citizens diplomacy with the countries that want UN constitutional change. I will be discussing feasibility with our partners in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and depending on funding and our human resources we might start this peace and justice journey soon.
With Very Best Wishes,
ShahrYar Sharei, PhD International Law Executive Director Center for UN Constitutional Research, Brussels Twitter: @Sharei_SM
Thank you very much for such important information and I would like to add that I had the honor to be part of CUNCR’s team, but also important is to mention that we were neighbors at the First Paris Peace Forum, Nov. 2018 with CEMERG from Mexico, which has been promoting as well the UN Charter Review Conference,(Art.109) since 2005 in NYC, and our fórmula, that instead of any proposals to “reform”, we have been insisting since then, to “transform the entity”, into a World Parliament with the same right used in 1945 by the Founders of the United Nations Organization. -- Francisco P. (Attorney at law)
Big News! Just a few days ago Ruchira Kamboj, India’s UN ambassador called for urgent UN Charter review. (Reported in the Hindustan Times, an Indian English language newspaper.)
April 13, 2023 Ready to die for Taiwan? Mark Thompson Project On Government Oversight |
EXCERPTS from POGO's The Bunker, April 12, 2023 War drums are getting louder. For 40 years, the U.S. tried to deter a Chinese move against the island by brandishing “strategic ambiguity” — resolutely refusing to declare if the U.S. military would join Taiwan in beating back a Chinese invasion. But President Biden has repeatedly said that the U.S. would come to Taiwan’s aid if China attacks. ...
... “If Washington policymakers are determined to defend Taiwan, they must be prepared to back their promises with Americans’ lives,” Doug Bandow of the Cato Institute wrote April 6. “Any conflict would be terrible at best and most likely catastrophic, setting East Asia aflame, triggering decades of strife, roiling the global economy, and endangering the U.S. homeland.”
EDITOR'S Commentary: This troubling assessment by Mark Thompson from the Project On Government Oversight (POGO), raises a good question: Will American soldiers be willing to die for Taiwan? The US government appears to be willing to have both Ukraine and Taiwan completely destroyed by pretending the fight is for "democracy," but with the real goal to weaken or overthrow the Russian and Chinese governments. (Ironically, the U.S. itself is not a real democracy. Big money is the primary governing factor for political office. The U.S. since post 1945 has become in reality an authoritarian oligarchy which thrives on the War Business.) Anti-war protest and networking strategies are very important, but inadequate. Activists should seek a working relationship with the UN General Assembly where there are 188 nations denied voting rights. These nations may be open to joining forces with peace activists. World federalists such as myself ( have explained that the UN Charter is obsolete and fatally flawed. It needs to be replaced if we are to have any hope to end perpetual war and to eliminate nuclear weapons. We must establish a democratic world federation. The World Constitution & Parliament Association's Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka EARTH CONSTITUTION) would be ideal for peace-seeking nations to rally around, -- using the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and authority to establish a "new UN" using Article 109-3 to launch Charter Review. The goal? A World Parliament and a new world judiciary system with enforcement. Good government. -- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. DWF NEWS |
March 16, 2023 WCPA's Two Track Strategy for Earth Federation Government or a "New UN"
Roger Kotila DWF NEWS The World Constitution & Parliament Association has adopted a plan for a global citizenship movement which they believe can "change the world." The goal is the establishment of a new geopolitical peace system to replace the failing United Nations global (war) system.
Since the signing of the UN Charter in 1945 world federalists have warned that the Charter's design was wrong, and that the UN would be unable to end war. So what is the solution? Only world government could do the job explains Albert Einstein in "Einstein on Peace." Einstein and other world federalists noted, among other defects, the absence of enforceable world law in the UN Charter. Bully nations routinely violate international law with impunity. Leaders of countries who are responsible for world crimes, especially those among the UN Security Council P-5 veto powers (U.S., Russia, China, UK, France), are never held accountable for what they've done. They are untouchable, even by the International Criminal Court or the World Court.
WCPA activists worldwide (India, Europe, US, South America, etc.) have adopted a Two Track Strategy to establish a democratic world federation with a charter/constitution (the Earth Constitution) which corrects the fatal defects in the present UN Charter:
Track A: Fulfillment of THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE. Under Article 109-3 the UN General Assembly is legally required to review the obsolete Charter. Such a review by the UNGA could open the door for introduction of the Earth Constitution as a model, guide and authority in actually forming a "new UN," one with the tools needed to end "the scourge of war."
Track B: If the UN is unable, or unwilling, to fix itself, then the building blocks for Earth Federation government are already being put in place. Adopting the Earth Constitution, activists are building an alternative world organization which is parallel to, but independent of, the UN.
Already Earth Federation activists have hosted Sessions of a Provisional World Parliament, and are developing a House of Peoples with 1000 electoral districts. At long last the world's 8 billion people would get democratic representation in a World Parliament.
WCPA's Two Track Strategy insures that if the UN fails to reform itself, then peace and human rights activists will already have in place an alternative, independent world organization with growing popular support for a global system change with the potential to end war.
Roger Kotila, PhD Psychologist (ret.) US Vice President, WCPA
February 16, 2023
Einstein & Freud Agree: Ending War Requires World Government
Roger Kotila DWF NEWS
A new form of global governance will be needed to end war between nations according to Einstein and Freud in their exchange of letters in 1932. They describe a governing system consistent with what world federalists describe as world government.
The United Nations is not a world government. It would be no surprise to Einstein and Freud that the UN has failed spectacularly to prevent wars. The UN is not constitution-based according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR), but instead is based upon treaties between the nations. Unfortunately, treaty agreements lack reliability, and are too readily broken.
The solution to ending wars between nations goes beyond establishing a world government with a world constitution. It cannot be just any world government. It must be a well-designed world constitution such as the Earth Constitution from the World Constitution & Parliament Association.
The UN system has been under criticism from world federalists who note the lack of enforceable Law in the UN Charter. Illegal covert and overt military invasions (eg, US/NATO) and economic warfare (eg, US) but also other Bully nations such as Israel and Russia), go without consequence to the leaders responsible. They remain above international Law no matter how bad their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Psychopathic leaders and the role of paranoia
The importance of the Earth Constitution includes the fact that it has a well-designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement, something absent in the UN Charter. Lacking law and order on the global stage, psychopathic leaders feel free to illegally invade or otherwise attack other nations without fear of criminal arrest and prosecution.
The UN Charter's "sovereignty" principle inherently produces paranoia in a global system which gives nations the right to hide their military preparations and covert operations. As a result of such secrecy, countries cannot trust each other and paranoia is widespread.
The combination of paranoia and psychopathic leaders produce fear of war, threats of war, and war itself. The UN stands by helplessly as national sovereignty blocks preventative action.
Psychopaths and sociopaths are a reality
There is always some nation or multinational corporation, somewhere, ruled by a psychopath or sociopaths. Psychopaths lack conscience and remorse, while excessive secrecy is used by these potential predators to gain advantage "by any means necessary" in order to dominate other nations or to take advantage of the world's citizenry.
Removing psychopaths and reducing global paranoia does not require psychotherapy (although it might help), it requires a new geopolitical (UN) system. The UN General Assembly should work with the World Constitution & Parliament Association to introduce its Earth Constitution which can provide the UNGA with a guide and model to establish the urgently needed world federal government -- a "new UN."
Trust but verify. That's why "open inspections everywhere" is a must for successful global disarmament, and which can be accomplished by establishing world federal government. The Earth Constitution is waiting in the wings, ready to go.
-- Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, Democratic World Federalists
Editor, DWF NEWS and Earth Federation News & Views
December 22, 2022
Roger Kotila
Mr. Jeffrey Sachs offers a well-reasoned approach to end the war in Ukraine (see "Mediator's Guide to Ukraine"). Ideally, a peace deal should be accomplished in early year 2023. Winter hardships in Ukraine will only worsen as its infrastructure is increasingly destroyed by Russia. Likewise, Europe's economy, missing Russian energy and natural resources, faces shortages and a crushing inflationary blow.
OK, but what if a peace deal in Ukraine occurs? Then what? Unfortunately the U.S. is already at war elsewhere. For example, deadly U.S. economic sanctions , a form of warfare, are underway, currently applied illegally against 40 nations (see the SanctionsKill Campaign at
The United Nations stands by, helpless to prevent this economic form of indirect murder/warfare despite fatally harming civilian populations as is well documented, for example in Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, and Iraq to name just a few of its victims.
The UN will also be unable to prevent the U.S. and China from going to war over Taiwan. (The U.S. has repeatedly made it clear that it intends to prepare to fight China over Taiwan.)
Earth Constitution to end the global war system
Even before Ukraine/Russia/US finally make a peace deal, activists should consider the movement to form a "new UN" as inspired and organized by the World Constitution & Parliament Association's EARTH CONSTITUTION movement. The goal? A change from our current global war system to a peace system. The world community needs a democratic world federation with a constitution that corrects the fatal flaws found in the UN Charter, the reason the UN can't do its primary job.
THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE activist strategy leans on Article 109-3 in the UN Charter in order for the UN General Assembly to launch an urgently needed review of the obsolete UN Charter. This procedure if used by the 188 nations denied UN voting rights could potentially open the door to the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and authority to replace the Charter and to establish a democratic World Parliament including enforceable world law absent in the present UN Charter.
Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist (ret.) and the President of Democratic World Federalists. He is a V.P. of WCPA and a Board member of the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR). Contact -
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October 27, 2022
Strategy to Open the Door for a New UN and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, PhD
The United Nation's primary job is to end war. It hasn't worked. It could not prevent the devastating criminal invasion of Iraq by the US, and now it's Russia against US/Ukraine. To add to the frustrating madness, US/NATO promises a future war against China over Taiwan. And despite the new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, nuclear war is feared over the Ukraine crisis.
The articles selected for DWF NEWS in this edition illustrate serious problems that the UN cannot fix. Take the Cuba story. Despite years and years of the UN majority declaring that the US economic blockade is illegal and wrong, nothing has changed and the people of Cuba continue to suffer. The same situation with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians.
Despite a new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, a number of nations refuse to comply. And multinational corporations/Big Money greed appears to be one of the causes of inflation hurting people around the world. Shutting off Russian gas and oil to Europe is another factor. The UN lacks the authority to supervise and regulate opportunistic private capitalism taking advantage of the Ukraine situation.
The current UN geopolitical system has reached crisis levels
What is the solution to these dilemmas? A small core of world federalist think tanks has developed a strategy which evaluates the flawed UN Charter and compares it to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution).
THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE is the strategy now underway which draws upon the fact that the UN has yet to fulfill the legal requirement of Article 109-3 which requires a review of the UN Charter (see the Center for UN Constitutional Research).
The launching of a General Review Conference can occur in two different ways: (1) A handful of nations informally begin evaluating the Charter by comparing it to the Earth Constitution; or (2) postponing a Review until a 2/3s majority is reached in both the General Assembly (128 needed out of 193 nations) and also the Security Council (9 out of 15).
A serious flaw in the Charter includes the fact that there is no enforceable world law. When nations are in conflict the final arbiter is war, not the UN. In a world federal union, nations in conflict resolve the problem nonviolently by going either to a World Court or to an elected UN World Parliament. For countries plagued by criminal leaders, under the Earth Constitution they can be held accountable as individuals. No longer will the leaders of Bully nations remain free to plunder, kill and overthrow other governments.
The chaos and paranoia caused by covert agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6, FSB and the ilk should become illegal. These secret agencies should no longer be allowed to function above international law. In a UN world federal union, these intelligence agencies can be utilized for universal inspections to ensure disarmament.
The World Constitution & Parliament Association, working with Democratic World Federalists, are educating government officials and politicians on the need for a review of the Charter. WCPA's brilliant Constitution for the Federation of Earth is being proposed as a guide and model for a "new UN" once the Charter review is launched.
The Ukraine crisis would have never happened if we had a different United Nations Charter. The UN needs a world federal constitution.
-- Roger Kotila, PhD -- DWF NEWS
September 27, 2022
A New UN to Prevent the Sacrifice of Europe to the Nuclear Gods
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. Earth Federation News & Views 5/23/16 (Update 9/27/22)
Would the US/NATO military establishment risk sacrificing Europe to the nuclear gods if a conventional armed conflict broke out with Russia, and local North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commanders believed that tactical nuclear weapons would be required to win? [Year 2022: Russia, alarmed by US/NATO in Ukraine, threatens to use nuclear weapons. The USA over the past few years has increased its nuclear weapons budget, by billions of dollars.]
Europe faces the possibility of such a regional conflict. Tensions have risen. Russia is getting suspicious of US/NATO’s intentions, feeling encircled as NATO expands militarily into Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.
It seems unthinkable, but if a tactical nuclear war erupts, the European nations would be the ones sacrificed, not America, -- the United States lies thousands of ocean miles away.
The world community watches in frustration as the United Nations, supposedly in existence to prevent wars, is unable to do its job. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, and Palestine are all subject to violent military aggression with the vast majority of victims being civilians and families. Could Europe be added to the list, a victim of its own involvement with NATO?
The European Union already struggles with the multitudes of refugees fleeing the fighting in the Middle East, wars that the US/NATO or allies started in the first place, and which the UN was unable to prevent.
The UN is stymied by its fatally flawed Charter. Despite the fact that the original purpose of the UN is to end “the scourge of war,” it has failed time and time again. While the UN has done much good, the world has seen over 250 wars since the Charter was signed. [The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) offers a legal opening for the UN General Assembly to launch Charter review.]
Despite reassurances by President Obama, nuclear disarmament is nowhere in sight. For US military contractors, present and future funding for nuclear weapons systems is “full speed ahead.” [President Biden, like Obama, is supporting the Pentagon's big budget nuclear "modernization" Life Extinction Program.]
“Despite committing the US to ‘seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons,’ Obama’s record on nuclear disarmament is dismal, having supported spending $1 trillion over the next 3 decades to modernize the US nuclear arsenal.” (Cabasso, United for Peace & Justice, 5/22/16) [While the Pentagon has described its nuclear weapons program as a modernization Life Extension Program, it is actually a Life Extinction Program.]
A recent survey of the American public (Wall Street Journal, 5/21/16) asks “Would We Drop the Bomb Again?” “Yes,” according to the professors who did the study: “When provoked, we don’t seem to consider the use of nuclear weapons a taboo, and our commitment to the immunity of civilians from deliberate attack in wartime, even with vast casualties, is shallow.”
The US Congress refuses to admit the obvious fact that militarism and nuclear weaponry are a dead end. Moreover, they treat the UN as if it was of secondary importance, even though without a UN (or a new world organization) with the power to outlaw nukes and war, we will never be safe.
Frustrated by the American government’s obstructionism and its worship of all things military, a small contingent of NGO world federalists from the US and Canada is traveling to Brussels in early June, 2016 to meet with select members of the European Parliament. [Outreach to European politicians so far has failed. Rather than opposing US/NATO especially in Ukraine, Europe has made the tragic mistake of expanding NATO on behalf of American Empire. Ironically, the economic sanctions against Russia will weaken, if not destroy, Germany's economy, and possibly other European nations.]
Led by the NGO nonpartisan CUNCR (Brussels) and Democratic World Federalists (San Francisco), an international campaign is being launched to demand a review of the UN Charter. It’s called “The San Francisco Promise” and describes the legal fact that at the original signing of the Charter a review was promised, even written into the Charter itself, but never carried out.
Currently the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is being foiled by the nuclear powers who are saying “no” to nuclear disarmament. But UNGA’s “Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) on nuclear disarmament” is not taking “no” for an answer, and appears determined to find a way to ban nuclear weapons. [On 1/22/22 the UN's Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - TPNW, went into legal force. But the nuclear powers refuse to abide by this new international law. The UN Charter lacks an enforcement mechanism.]
In Europe OEWG has information revealing that NATO has nukes in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. According to documentation by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), these countries host from 160 – 200 nuclear weapons (OEWG Report, Vol. 2, No. 9, 4 May 2016).
OEWG’s efforts are vitally important but they remain stuck within the parameters of the outdated UN Charter. The UN General Assembly must find a way to break free of the Charter’s restrictions that prevent the UN from ending the nuclear nightmare.
World federalists like Einstein and many other top thinkers have concluded that the only way to end the danger of nuclear annihilation is to form a democratic world federal union government with enforceable world law. These critical features are missing in the present UN Charter.
That is why the Earth Constitution drafted by the World Constitution and Parliament Association takes on such importance. It is ready to go, designed to shut down the nuclear gods once and for all. The nations and the world community must make the decision that they want world peace more than they want a world in perpetual war.
There is an urgent need to reverse the downward course of militarism that is destroying the Middle East and endangering the European Union. The European Parliament could play a crucial role by supporting Charter Review. The Parliament could also challenge NATO’s ever expanding military posture, a policy that is stirring up fears in both Russia and China and causing an arms build-up.
UN Charter Review opens the door to compare the present Charter to the Earth Constitution. The Earth Constitution brings an inspired yet practical democratic governing structure that includes a democratically elected World Parliament, a well-designed judiciary system with enforcement powers, and the opportunity for world federal union.
Will the upcoming meetings in Brussels between world federalists and members of the European Parliament mark a turning point which ends the death spiral caused by misplaced faith in the nuclear gods? [No. Europe continues to cling to US/NATO which is militarily encircling Russia. Like the Russians, US military policy includes first strike.]
-Roger Kotila, Ph.D., Editor - Earth Federation News & Views, 9/27/22
Strategy to Open the Door for a New UN and the Earth Constitution Roger Kotila |
The United Nation's primary job is to end war. It hasn't worked. It could not prevent the devastating criminal invasion of Iraq by the US, and now it's Russia against US/Ukraine. To add to the frustrating madness, US/NATO promises a future war against China over Taiwan. And despite the new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, nuclear war is feared over the Ukraine crisis. The articles selected for DWF NEWS in this edition illustrate serious problems that the UN cannot fix. Take the Cuba story. Despite years and years of the UN majority declaring that the US economic blockade is illegal and wrong, nothing has changed and the people of Cuba continue to suffer. The same situation with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians. Despite a new international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, a number of nations refuse to comply. And multinational corporations/Big Money greed appears to be one of the causes of inflation hurting people around the world. Shutting off Russian gas and oil to Europe is another factor. The UN lacks the authority to supervise and regulate opportunistic private capitalism taking advantage of the Ukraine situation. The current UN geopolitical system has reached crisis levels What is the solution to these dilemmas? A small core of world federalist think tanks has developed a strategy which evaluates the flawed UN Charter and compares it to the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution). THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE is the strategy now underway which draws upon the fact that the UN has yet to fulfill the legal requirement of Article 109-3 which requires a review of the UN Charter (see the Center for UN Constitutional Research). The launching of a General Review Conference can occur in two different ways: (1) A handful of nations informally begin evaluating the Charter by comparing it to the Earth Constitution; or (2) postponing a Review until a 2/3s majority is reached in both the General Assembly (128 needed out of 193 nations) and also the Security Council (9 out of 15). A serious flaw in the Charter includes the fact that there is no enforceable world law. When nations are in conflict the final arbiter is war, not the UN. In a world federal union, nations in conflict resolve the problem nonviolently by going either to a World Court or to an elected UN World Parliament. For countries plagued by criminal leaders, under the Earth Constitution they can be held accountable as individuals. No longer will the leaders of Bully nations remain free to plunder, kill and overthrow other governments. The chaos and paranoia caused by covert agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6, FSB and the ilk should become illegal. These secret agencies should no longer be allowed to function above international law. In a UN world federal union, these intelligence agencies can be utilized for universal inspections to ensure disarmament. The World Constitution & Parliament Association, working with Democratic World Federalists, are educating government officials and politicians on the need for a review of the Charter. WCPA's brilliant Constitution for the Federation of Earth is being proposed as a guide and model for a "new UN" once the Charter review is launched.
The Ukraine crisis would have never happened if we had a different United Nations Charter. The UN needs a world federal constitution. -- Roger Kotila, PhD -- DWF NEWS |
Why the U.S. Is the Main Obstacle to Nuclear Disarmament
Roger Kotila, PhD DWF NEWS August 18, 2022
With the most powerful and dangerous military/industrial/covert operations complex on earth, it seems likely that, until the U.S. changes its foreign policy, all other nations must be on alert. The Pentagon has made no secret of its goal of military "full spectrum dominance," with the added delusional claim by American politicians that the U.S. is "exceptional" and justified in its quest to establish and maintain American Empire.
What's wrong with this picture? What's wrong is that the U.S. shows no interest whatsoever in world peace. Instead, the U.S. is the leading weapons dealer in the world. It is in the War Business. Furthermore, it can be argued that, since 1945, the U.S. government is also the leading international criminal offender, guilty of more world crimes than any other nation on earth.
America's criminal behavior includes frequent use of illegal sanctions, military invasions via US/NATO, covert invasions, black sites, torture, overthrowing governments, domestic propaganda to demonize adversaries, and the incarceration of journalists and whistleblowers for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes and crimes against humanity.
U.S. violations of international law have been ongoing and well documented (Zuesse, America's Empire of Evil, 2022). The United Nations is afraid to talk about it, or to hold the U.S. accountable. Why? One reason is that the U.S. is a major financial benefactor for the UN.
The American military/industrial/propaganda/covert operations complex has virtually an unlimited budget with over 800 military bases worldwide, and an expanded, bloated budget for so-called nuclear modernization (Life Extinction Program) for tactical nuclear warfare, first strike capability and more.
The U.S. government religiously insists that MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) is a rational and sane military policy. Deterrence. But in this delusional mindset the U.S. refuses to support laws to outlaw nuclear weapons. In fact, the U.S. vigorously opposes the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) now in force via the United Nations.
To top it off, the U.S. has expanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and has placed nuclear weapons in Europe and elsewhere. Russia fears having NATO in Ukraine. China eyes AUKUS (a military pact with Australia, United Kingdom and the U.S. against China) with alarm. It is no wonder that Russia (and China) feel threatened. They fear military encirclement.
The U.S. continues to expand its military and nuclear arsenal. It brazenly threatens Russia and China. The U.S. openly increases its nuclear war budget instead of supporting the new law passed at the UN which outlaws nuclear weapons.
U.S. clings to nuclear weapons, even if against International Law. The report from Reaching Critical Will (RCW) sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, reflects deep frustration and disappointment, a view shared by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
Nothing will change if the U.S. refuses to abandon its bad guy ways (international crime, secret operations, bullying, etc.) and become an honest and sincere good guy on the world's geopolitical stage.
If the all powerful U.S. refuses to outlaw nuclear weapons, we can be sure the other nuclear nations will also refuse. Once the U.S. decides to support the life protecting Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the other nuclear nations will follow.
That is why I argue that the U.S. is the main obstacle to eliminating the danger of a nuclear nightmare, but also offers hope if it adopts a radically different foreign policy.
Because the U.S. and other nuke nations continue to say "no" to disarmament treaties or anything else sensible, it is time for a new, unique strategy. A review of the UN Charter (Article 109-3) should be launched at once by the UN General Assembly. Calling for a "new UN" will get the attention of the MAD nuclear powers who are psychologically fixated in a dance of death.
The UN General Assembly in its Charter review should use the authority of the EARTH CONSTITUTION developed by the World Constitution & Parliament Association. The General Assembly, using the EARTH CONSTITUTION as a guide and model, can start the process for a democratic UN World Parliament, and to establish a well designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement.
Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, Democratic World Federalists
Co-editor - DWF NEWS
July 7, 2022
Quotes on War and Peace, the UN, and the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, PhD DWF NEWS
>You can smell it. US Empire doubling down on war preparations.
>Ukraine is now armed with over 40 billion US dollars (and more) in order for Ukrainians to die to the last man to weaken Russia. American promises for military support to Taiwan so they too, can die for weaken China.
>Hitler's Nazis wanted to conquer the world, and the US ruling regime, claiming to be the "Exceptional" nation, has picked up where Hitler left off.
>Throughout history there are nations whose (sociopathic) leadership out of greed or lust for power, attempt to take advantage of the Other. We saw this with Hitler and the Nazis. The US deep state government has a long history of criminal aggression by direct military invasion, by illegal economic warfare (sanctions), or by covert operations to overthrow governments it doesn't like, often aimed at countries that prefer a socialist economic model.
What to do to avert World War?
>Peace activists should consider joining forces with the United Nations General Assembly which needs outside help to be empowered. HOW? They could follow the Earth Constitution's design which would for the first time give voting rights to the 188 nations in the UN who have been deprived of this basic democratic process.
>A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution would give the world hope for avoiding wars and nuclear war. While many nations are not really "democratic" (including the USA which is an oligarchy where money rules), under the Earth Constitution there would be democratic voting on global issues where all nations get a vote (House of Nations) on global affairs.
Coping with paranoia and sociopaths on the world stage
>Because of the "sovereign equality" principle in the UN Charter (Article 2-1), each nation has the right of control within its borders including privacy and secrecy. Such extreme sovereignty is a natural breeding ground for paranoia, justified and unjustified. Although most nations live peacefully with each other, there are always a "few bad apples." In the UN system if a nation happens to be ruled by sociopaths or psychopaths, other nations become understandably fearful. They are not sure such a nation can be trusted, and so the nations spy on each other and build up their armed forces.
>Only in a democratic world federation will the nations accept open inspections everywhere with no exceptions. Hence, a world federal union governing structure is an absolute necessity. Psychologically we need to dissolve paranoia and build trust. This will require abolishing intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and FSB whose secret operations cause havoc and fear rather than trust.
>We must constitutionalize the UN. The Charter's Article 109-3 opens that door by requiring a review of the UN Charter according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research. The legally required review which has yet to be conducted can be launched by the UN General Assembly.
Demanding an end to endless wars (Where's the UN?)
>Why cannot the United Nations intervene when U.S. foreign policy (or any other government) violates international law? The generals at the Pentagon, the President, and the CIA are not held accountable for illegally overthrowing governments, or for military invasions of other nations. They are above the law even when responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why? The problem lies in the obsolete and defective UN Charter.
>The Permanent-5 nations who hold veto voting power on the UN Security Council (which includes the U.S. and Russia) are able to veto any attempt to legally prosecute them for world crimes. In addition, the P-5 avoid prosecution for themselves by refusing to participate in the International Criminal Court.
>The UN General Assembly must be honest about this disgraceful situation with the P-5. It is long past time for the UNGA to launch a review of the Charter to identify what's wrong. Democratic World Federalists, a peace activist think tank, calls the strategy demanding UN Charter Review THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.
The Earth Constitution provides a wisely designed World Judiciary with Enforcement Powers, a critical feature the UN Charter lacks. Let the UN compare the features of the Earth Constitution to those in the present UN Charter. A "new UN" under the Earth Constitution could be born, one with the tools needed to end war and eliminate the danger of a nuclear nightmare.
-- R. Kotila, PhD (Quotes lightly edited from and reflect the views of the author.)
June 9, 2022
Legendary E P Menon to Go to UN with Earth Constitution by Roger Kotila LEGENDARY E P MENON OF 8000 MILE PEACE WALK FAME
The President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, Dr. Glen T. Martin, is meeting E. P. Menon in New York City on June 15, 2022. Menon plans to go to the United Nations with the EARTH CONSTITUTION. WCPA visionaries spent 30 years to draft the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka EARTH CONSTITUTION) which is being proposed to replace the defective UN Charter in order to form a "new UN" with the capacity to end war between nations, eliminate nuclear weapons, and retire militarism. Menon, along with his friend Shri Satish Kumar, walked 8000 miles for world peace and nuclear disarmament between 1962-1964. Obviously, more is needed to accomplish peace, so Menon will make a stop at the United Nations carrying with him copies of the EARTH CONSTITUTION. In Kuensel (India newspaper, 9/18/21) we offer from "Pilgrimage for Peace: The Long Walk from India to Washington: Some Personal Reflection" a few EXCERPTS regarding the amazing 8000 mile peace walk. >It was an ordinary 1961-afternoon in Bangalore when two friends decided to go for a cup of coffee that led them to a discussion on the most monumental challenge facing the world then – nuclear weapons. Ninety-year old Nobel Laureate Lord Bertrand Russell had been imprisoned for protesting against the bomb and refusing to pay the fine ‘for disturbing the peace!’ >Deeply unsettled by the incident, E P Menon and Satish Kumar resolved to do the craziest thing in the world – walk from Delhi to Washington to urge the nuclear powers to undertake a complete ban on nuclear weapons and work for peace instead! [Pilgrimage for Peace: The Long Walk from India to Washington (2021), written by devout Gandhian, founder of the iconic Schumacher College in Devon, England, and the foremost holistic education global thought-leader today, Shri Satish Kumar, is an incredible account of the 8000-mile peace-mission that would be forbidding beyond words for ordinary mortals.] >What is more? The pilgrims vowed not to touch money or carry any food with them throughout the entire journey. Acharya Vinobha Bhave had assured them that human goodwill and native generosity would see them through from end to end. >On 1st June 1962, my friend E P Menon and I stood at Mahatma Gandhi’s grave in New Delhi. We had decided to walk to Moscow, Paris, London and finally to Washington DC, hoping to meet the ‘peace president’, John F Kennedy. And, >On 6th January [1964], we arrived in Washington and, instead of stopping at the White House, we walked on to Arlington Cemetery and concluded our long walk to Washington. It was a walk from Gandhi’s grave to Kennedy’s. >Finally, on 2nd October 1964, we arrived in Delhi and went to Gandhi’s grave at Rajghat. Again, a big crowd of Delhites joined us to celebrate the final moment of our 28-month-long journey of ‘Jai Jagat’, long live the world. READ MORE...
May 28, 2022
US Empire Doubles Down On War Preparations
Roger Kotila, PhD
You can smell it. US Empire doubling down on war preparations.
Ukraine is now armed with over 40 billion US dollars in order for Ukrainians to die to the last man to weaken Russia. American promises for military support to Taiwan so they too, can die for weaken China.
Hitler's Nazis wanted to conquer the world, and the US ruling regime, claiming to be the "Exceptional" nation, has picked up where Hitler left off.
Colonel (ret.) Ann Wright's extensive analysis (see the attached URL) on the "Abolition of Foreign Military Bases" concludes:
"While global attention is focused on the horrific war destruction of Ukraine by Russia, the western Pacific continues to be a very dangerous place for global peace with the U.S. using military war exercises to inflame the hot spots of North Korea and Taiwan."
What to do to avert World War?
Peace activists should consider joining forces with the United Nations General Assembly which needs our help to be "empowered." HOW? They could follow the EARTH CONSTITUTION'S design which would for the first time give voting rights to the 188 nations in the UN who have been deprived of this basic democratic process.
India, the second most populated country in the world, could help lead the way for the urgently needed UN transformation to a democratic world federal union where all nations get a vote, and where "we, the people" also get voting rights. India is in an ideal situation to lead at the UN as it is independent of US Empire and Russia, and is highly supportive of One World and democratic ideals.
I truly believe that if the UN General Assembly had power, they would reject the war ambitions of US/NATO Empire. Military invasions, economic warfare and covert operations to overthrow governments would be outlawed as crimes against peace. No longer would leaders of bully nations be above the Law.
A "new UN" under the EARTH CONSTITUTION would give the world hope for avoiding wars and nuclear war. While many nations are not really "democratic" (including the USA which is an oligarchy where money rules), under the EARTH CONSTITUTION there would be democratic voting on global issues where all nations get a vote (House of Nations), not just the P-5 veto nations.
In addition, "we, the people" will be included in this new democracy. There will be 1000 Electoral Districts to represent the world's 7.8 billion population. The EARTH CONSTITUTION'S plan for this "House of Peoples" is being prepared by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.
I am convinced that we can find daylight if only activists look to join forces with the UN General Assembly and use the EARTH CONSTITUTION as its model and guide -- a living symbol to inspire for good government and a safe and prosperous world.
Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist (ret.), peace activist, and the President of Democratic World Federalists. He is the editor of DWF NEWS, and an advocate for the establishment of a democratic world federal government.
For Colonel Wright's analysis go to:
March 3, 2022
The Curse of NATO Roger Kotila Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is getting adoration from Western media for bravely leading his nation in the war against Russia, rather than accepting that Russia absolutely does not want NATO in its neighborhood. Instead of neutrality, Zelensky opted for the "right" for eventual admittance to NATO, a position that Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear was unacceptable. Putin was also tired of the Russian speaking separatists getting routinely attacked by an alleged Ukrainian neo-Nazi battalion. As a result, a frustrated Putin chose to invade Ukraine. Putin accuses the US as being an "Empire of Lies." What Zelensky, a political neophyte, may not have known, is that the U.S. has a history of using other governments to further its own aims, and that America's oligarchy rulers appear to want to weaken Russia and achieve regime change. The war over Ukraine is an example of the curse of NATO. Russia reacted to the possibility of Ukraine being in NATO. This is not irrational in that US/NATO has over 750 military bases around the world, and many of these bases appear to be there to militarily encircle Russia (and China). Journalist John Pilger writes: "Since the first Cold War, NATO has effectively marched right up to Russia’s most sensitive border having demonstrated its bloody aggression in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and broken solemn promises to pull back. Having dragged European “allies” into American wars that do not concern them, the great unspoken is that NATO itself is the real threat to European security." [From "War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda" John Pilger, 2/26/22. ] Too bad that it is too late for Zelensky to realize that his beloved country is being sacrificed to further the goals of the U.S. deep state government. Ukraine and its people have been sold out. Zelensky, probably believing that he's doing the right thing to protect his country's freedom and honor, is leading them to a horrible, bloody ending, not realizing that his country is another sacrificial victim of the U.S. ruling oligarchy and that Russia has good reason to fear NATO. US/NATO has a proven history of military invasion against nations it doesn't like. There are signs that the US, like the Nazi's of WWII, seek to conquer the world. Why else maintain over 750 military bases around the world, and why else appear to be encircling Russia and China, perceived as America's main "adversaries" (i.e., "enemies")? Most Americans and Europeans have been conditioned by mainstream media to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a good thing, protecting "democracies." Few see US/NATO as a threat to world peace, or as a leading criminal organization on the world stage, one which routinely violates international law and intends to rule the world. Unthinkable! Or is it? Students of U.S. foreign policy, for example, frequently quote American authorities and politicians who openly brag about U.S. "exceptionalism" as justification for its status as the world's "hegemon." "Hegemony" is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over other states. -- Wikipedia U.S. and US/NATO is so powerful that the United Nations and the International Criminal Court keep hands off. The UN is hostage to US government funding. The US government, like Russia, has refused to submit itself to the ICC -- knowing that its frequent violations of international law would land many U.S. generals and other government officials in the criminal court, prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity (see Gordon, American Nuremberg, 2016). The unnecessary war in the Ukraine will one day in the future be followed by a US/NATO war against China over Taiwan. Unfortunately for the world community which really only wants peace, again and again they get war.
Want to end war? Think World Union Now, Earth Constitution, and a "new UN". Think THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE for UN Charter Review to launch the development of a geopolitical peace system to replace the present global war system. Roger Kotila, PhD is a psychologist, peace activist, co-editor of DWF NEWS and editor of Earth Federation News & Views at Contact Dr. Kotila at
January 20, 2022 UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons Now Needs the Earth Constitution
Roger Kotila, PhD 1/20/22 Earth Federation News & Views
The Earth Constitution, drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), is the next step forward from the activation at the United Nations of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Frustration mounts among peace loving people as the nuclear war powers refuse to heed this new international law prohibiting nukes. Worse yet, some of these nuclear weapons-possessed countries are increasing(!) their budgets in support of a nuclear arms race.
To succeed in eliminating nukes, we will have to consider both geopolitical system change (a "new UN"), and powerful psychological factors. For the nations to give up their weapons of mass destruction it will require a geopolitical system with the capability to end war itself. World federalists like the famous physicist Albert Einstein concluded that only world government could do the job.
Ending war will require transforming the UN into a democratic world federal union government -- precisely what the Earth Constitution is designed to accomplish. Since wars are almost perpetual under the UN system, nations take measures to protect themselves ("national security"), while some nations attempt to gain advantage over the Other. Nations and their leaders are trapped in a global war system and locked in extra tight when we add the potency of important psychological issues which can only be resolved with a new geopolitical system (i.e., a "new UN").
Coping with paranoia and psychopaths on the world stage
Because of the "sovereign equality" principle in the UN Charter (Article 2-1), each nation has the right of control, including privacy and secrecy within its borders. Such extreme sovereignty is a natural breeding ground for paranoia, justified and unjustified. Although most nations live peacefully with each other, there are always a "few bad apples." In our UN system if a nation happens to be ruled by sociopaths or psychopaths, other nations become understandably fearful. They are not sure such a nation can be trusted, and so the nations spy on each other and build up their armed forces.
Only in a democratic world federation will the nations accept open inspections everywhere with no exceptions. Hence, a world federal union is an absolute necessity if we are to end war between nations since psychologically we need to dissolve paranoia and build trust.
The likelihood of toxic conflict somewhere between sovereign nations in our current world is almost 100%. The good news? If the nations Federate under a well-written constitution, there will no longer be a need for large militaries.
We see how it works in nations that have federal constitutions like the USA. When states like Texas and California have a conflict, they don't go to war, they go to Court or to Congress to nonviolently resolve the problem. In the newly proposed world system being advocated, if for example Russia and the USA have a conflict, they resolve it peacefully through the Court system or a UN World Parliament, with no need for war.
Throughout history there are nations whose (psychopathic) leadership out of greed or lust for power, attempt to take advantage of the Other. We saw this with Hitler and the Nazis. The US deep state government has a long history of illegal aggression by direct military invasion, by economic warfare (sanctions), or by covert operations to overthrow governments it doesn't like, often aimed at countries that prefer a socialist economy.
Treaty-based agreements are a first step
Treaty-based agreements between nations, like the UN Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, are useful as a first step. But the whole history of treaties is a history of broken treaties. Unfortunately, the UN Charter itself is not a world constitution, but is only a multilateral treaty-based agreement, hence subject to nations violating the agreements in the Charter.
In the present system Bully nations may at any time withhold funding if the UN doesn't do what they want. Another problem is that the most powerful nations routinely violate international laws knowing that they are above the UN and the International Criminal Court. The rulers of nations responsible for world crimes do so with impunity, knowing they will never be held accountable -- especially if they are part of the Security Council's P-5 veto powers. The UN governing system lacks a World Judiciary System with Enforcement, a fatal flaw which is corrected in the Earth Constitution.
UN General Assembly needs to turn to the Earth Constitution
The UN General Assembly must take more responsibility for saving the world. It cannot depend upon the UN Security Council's P-5 who are the leading weapons dealers in the world. I would argue that the UN Security Council is not only illegitimate, it is a proven failure. It is not democratic, and it has not been able, or willing, to eliminate nuclear weapons, end wars, or bring world peace.
It is time for the world community and the UN to turn to the Earth Constitution. If we had a "new UN" under the Earth Constitution, I believe that Ukraine and Russia would not go to war; the European Union would not have to fear a NATO-caused nuclear war radiating over Europe. China would not go to war against the US. India and China would not go to war. Taiwan and China could exist in peace.
BUT HOW DO WE GET THERE? I would like to see the UN General Assembly get directly involved with Earth Constitution advocates. It is obvious that the Security Council is not interested in world peace. The 188 nations denied voting rights in the General Assembly should work with WCPA peace activists and bring in the Earth Constitution as a potential replacement for the Charter. They would find that under the Earth Constitution, unlike the Charter, they would have voting rights.
The Center for UN Constitutional Research indicates that under UN Article 109-3 the General Assembly could launch the long legally overdue Review of the Charter. I believe that comparing the benefits of the Earth Constitution to the obsolete Charter could be launched by the General Assembly at any time, nor does it need "permission" from the Security Council.
-- Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
Editor, Earth Federation News & Views
President, Democratic World Federalists
December 28, 2021
Learning Something New About Desmond Tutu
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. Earth Federation News & Views
You are unlikely to learn about it in the media tributes to Archbishop Rev. Desmond Tutu who died recently at 90 y/o (1931-2021). But Tutu, like the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., was morally and spiritually a true world citizen -- better yet, a World Patriot. Tutu was among a large list of VIP's who supported the drafting of a new world constitution - what is now known as the Earth Constitution.
Archbishop Tutu must have known that the United Nations could not fulfill its promise for world peace due to its defective Charter, and hence became a supporter for the drafting of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (now known simply as the Earth Constitution).
Approached by the indefatigable and brilliant Philip Isely of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, Archbishop of Cape Town Desmond M.B. Tutu on October 11, 1989 signed on as an Honorary Sponsor to support the World Constituent Assembly convened to finalize the drafting of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth (aka Earth Constitution), and also to support subsequent Sessions of its Provisional World Parliament.
Rev. Tutu, a Nobel Prize winner, was joined as Honorary Sponsors of the Earth Constitution by nine other Nobel Prize winners in a WCPA document I have in my possession dated 12th December 1990. Other notables offering their support for the creation of the Earth Constitution included Ramsey Clark, a famous human rights lawyer; Ed Asner, well known Hollywood actor; Dr. Max Habicht, advisor to the League of Nations; Dr. Benjamin Ferencz, a Nuremberg war crimes prosecutor; and Dennis Brutus, poet in exile from South Africa.
There is a long list of Honorary Sponsors from all over the world, VIP's such as the former Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Egil Aarvik; a former leader of the U.K. Labor party, Tony Benn; former Speaker of India's Lok Sahba, Bal Ram Jakhar; Israel's famous novelist, Amoz Oz; and former publisher/editor of the Scientific American, Gerard Piel.
The Provisional World Parliament just completed its 15th Session which was held in New Delhi, India in early December, 2021. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was forced to meet virtually but with over 100 participants from around the world.
There is a growing movement to expand the Provisional World Parliament with the assumption that the United Nations may be unable, or unwilling, to significantly change and hence will continue to fail to end war, eliminate nuclear weapons, restore the environment, or adequately protect human rights -- Tutu spoke out not only about South African apartheid, but also Israel's apartheid and oppression of the Palestinians.
Democratic World Federalists are popularizing THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE which calls for the UN General Assembly to launch a review of the outdated UN Charter as legally required and promised under Article 109-3. Such a review could open the door for the Earth Constitution -- our world's best, perhaps only, hope to save the world.
-- Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist, peace activist, and President of Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco. He is the co-editor of DWF NEWS and editor of Earth Federation News & Views.
December 10-12, 2021 INVITATION 15th Provisional World Parliament
Honorable Peace Partner:
You are cordially invited to the 15th Session of the Provisional World Parliament, sponsored by the Earth Constitution Institute and the World Constitution and Parliament Association.
This historic event will open on Human Rights Day and take place December 10-12, 2021 in New Delhi at the historic United Service Institution of India.
The event also will be broadcast virtually and accessible remotely for those unable to attend in person.
The Provisional World Parliament (PWP) is an international body that meets under the authority of Article 19 of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, .
The Earth Constitution is a completed framework that incorporates world democracy, ensures global human rights, ends corruption and war, and preserves our precious planet.
It is a holistic document based on systems theory, and it will serve to unify the people of Earth and meet the unprecedented challenges of the 21st Century.
National representatives, NGOs, and advocacy groups are welcome to attend the PWP, either as Delegates or Observers.
Delegates must be signatories to the Earth Constitution and represent a nation, an embassy, an NGO or other non-profit constituency, and they are authorized to vote on World Law proposals at the PWP.
In addition, Delegates are qualified to become members of the World Electoral District in which they reside.
Observers may participate as moderated by the Chairperson of the PWP.
The Peace Pentagon is the U.S. headquarters for WCPA and the Earth Constitution Institute, a 501(c)(3) educational charity dedicated to ratifying the Earth Constitution.
We support global democracy and the right of the people to help solve planetary problems such as climate change.
The Earth Constitution also mandates the peaceful settlement of international disputes through a binding world court system.
In sum, we believe humanity is ready to federate the nations of Earth, codify universal rights to all people, and celebrate Unity in Diversity.
You can REGISTER HERE for the 15th Provisional World Parliament.
If you have questions, please contact me or Dr. Glen T. Martin, President of the Earth Constitution Institute:
I hope you will join me at the PWP, vote as a World Citizen, and become an active supporter of the Earth Constitution Movement!
In Truth, Love, and Light,
Rev. Laura M. George, J.D.,
Executive Director of The Oracle Institute & Peace Pentagon HUB
Director of the Earth Constitution Institute
October 28, 2021
The New Generation as World Patriots: Climate Change, Nukes & War
Roger Kotila, Ph.D. Earth Federation News & Views
Young people are increasingly becoming world citizens and World Patriots. They want to save the world.
We are all world citizens with certain inalienable rights. The Earth Constitution and the UN's Declaration of Human Rights list these basic rights which are for everybody, everywhere. They are universal.
We consider ourselves to be a global family.
World Patriots know that what's good for the world is good for them, because they are part of the world. Similarly, what's good for the world is good for their country because their country is part of the world.
We see their national patriotism (love of country) elevated to world patriotism as they urge all nations at the COP26 climate change meetings to act quickly and responsibly to deal with climate change. Some of these leading activist groups include: Extinction Rebellion, Climate Justice Alliance, Sunrise Movement, Indigenous Environmental Network, and CUNCR's Youth Climate Ambassadors.
COP26 is a United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31 through November 12, 2021. (COP stands for Conference of the Parties.)
The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) brings the most advanced message to COP26. Its youth climate ambassadors will spread the word that a global system change must be part of the solution. This means opening up the obsolete UN Charter to a review under Article 109. Democratic World Federalists call it THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.
CUNCR youth ambassadors in a Climate Democracy Declaration seek a "UN Parliament representing everyone," and a "world court prosecute environmental crimes." The Declaration calls for the SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE to be upheld, meaning that the UN is legally required to convene a review of the Charter, but has yet to do so.
Currently the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA) and Earth Constitution Institute are the organizers of the 15th Provisional World Parliament (PWP) which offers model world legislative acts using the Earth Constitution (which is the first green constitution ever drafted) as its foundation. WCPA-India is hosting the PWP (December 10-12, 2021) in New Delhi.
While the Earth Constitution is designed to end war between nations, the UN's defective Charter has prevented the UN from performing its primary mission -- "ending the scourge of war."
The biggest mistake by climate change activists is a failure to demand an end to war as one of its top priorities. US/NATO with over 700 foreign military bases is one of the largest polluters in the world while also illegally attacking a number of nations. Nations destroyed, or with the threat of invasion, will not be able to have climate change as a top priority. For example, nations like Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya -- victims of illegal aggression, will not have the time, money or resources to worry about climate change.
Fear of military aggression will also reduce the ability of key major nations to respond adequately to climate change. China and Russia, fearful that the US military is attempting to encircle them, will prioritize military needs over climate change.
The US, attempting to establish "full spectrum military dominance" over all other nations, has an almost unlimited budget for conducting war and has increased spending on its nuclear modernization Life Extinction Program. The massive US military budget will make it difficult for the US to do its share to deal with climate change.
UNFOLD ZERO (10/24/21) states that "Climate change and nuclear weapons pose two existential threats to humanity and are two key issues for the UN." "The impacts of both climate change and nuclear explosions are trans-border..."
"The Psychology of Nuclear Disarmament: Only A Democratic World Federal Union Is Realistic" (Kotila, 2/2/21 explains why to eliminate nuclear weapons we must also end war. To end war we must Federate. In a Federation the nations will no longer have to be paranoid -- worried that the Other is secretly preparing to attack.
Nukes are too dangerous and must be eliminated, but nations will not give up their weapons of mass destruction until a United Federation of Nations is formed -- a "new UN" established by replacing the fatally flawed UN Charter with the Earth Constitution as a model and guide to form a democratic world federation with a World Parliament and World Judiciary System with Enforcement powers.
In summary, the new generation of climate change activists, by also addressing war and the nuclear nightmare, will rise to the level of World Patriot.
Roger Kotila, PhD
Psychologist (ret.)
President, Democratic World Federalists
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[*This is an original article written for the Great Transition Initiative program titled "An Earth Constitution: Has Its Time Come?"] September 16, 2021 Breakthrough Strategy: The Earth Constitution & the United Nations* Roger Kotila, Ph.D.
The public is largely unaware that forming a world federal union government is the solution to critical world problems, or that the EARTH CONSTITUTION is the key to the needed changes. The United Nations, hampered by its fatally flawed Charter, is trying to resolve global problems with one hand tied behind its back.
The drawbacks in the UN Charter are similar to those found in the original US Articles of Confederation. Conflicts grew between the 13 states. In response, the founding framers abruptly abandoned the Articles and replaced them with a federal constitution. Although not all of the states immediately accepted this new type of governance, eventually they all joined the federal union.
Much like the Articles of Confederation failed, the UN Charter has failed. The UN has not been able to save the world from wars, weapons of mass destruction, climate change, or human and environmental injustices.
The Charter's defects have been no mystery to world federalists who know what's wrong, and know what changes are necessary. And YES, the time for the EARTH CONSTITUTION is NOW. It can serve as a guide and model for the UN General Assembly to transform the UN to a democratic world federal union with enforceable world law.
The Earth Constitution is specifically designed to correct the defects which prevent the UN from doing what is needed to resolve life threatening global problems. It represents a "fast track" strategy similar to the adoption of the US federal constitution. Some world federalists prefer a "slow track" which models its strategy after the gradual development of the European Union.
BREAKTHROUGH A breakthrough strategy is already underway thanks to the visionary work of the World Constitution & Parliament Association. WCPA's Earth Constitution is waiting in the wings, ready to go. I have described Glen T. Martin's "The Earth Constitution Solution: Design for a Living Planet" as the 'Big Idea' and have argued that the book "rivals the famous Federalist Papers drafted to gain support for the US Constitution." The Earth Constitution represents a potentially powerful living symbol to inspire, lead, and guide our troubled world out of danger. A real breakthrough is possible. It will be possible to explain concretely how global challenges can be handled by the UN under the Earth Constitution compared to the UN Charter.
The potential breakthrough comes through Article 109-3 which legally requires Charter review, but which has yet to be completed according to the Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR). The UN General Assembly could launch Charter review opening the door for the Earth Constitution. Democratic World Federalists call this strategy THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE.
Despite the urgency of a world out of control, many world federalist organizations have held back from fully embracing the Earth Constitution. Part of this reluctance may have to do with insecurity caused by unproven assumptions, what I believe are "myths."
Myth 1: We don't need to change. We can handle the world's problems with the present UN and its 193 sovereign, independent nations. [Wishful thinking.] Myth 2: We cannot succeed until we have "unity." [But there will always be doubters.]
Myth 3: We must first gain a large membership before we can hope to make the necessary changes. [The history of revolutions (change) is full of the unexpected, of surprise, of the unlikely often brought about by a small group of people.]
Myth 4: "The process that leads to a constitution is no less important than the constitution itself." [The quality of a (world) constitution must be judged on its own merits regardless if an individual drafted it, a group drafted it, or a drunk wrote it. Even a well designed constitutional convention could write a bad constitution.]
Myth 5: "World federal government according to a 'Theory of Change' is not possible until the Year 2045." [We can't wait this long. The psychological error here is the danger of a self-fulfilling prophecy.]
TIME MATTERS The Earth Constitution strategy allows us to move quickly. We cannot wait 25 to 50 years for the UN to become a world federal government as proponents of the European Union model advocate. That is unrealistic. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has the doomsday clock close to midnight. During the signing of the Charter the US government made a mockery of the UN's ideals by dropping the horrendous atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The other Permanent 5 veto powers on the UN Security Council have also betrayed the UN's core mission, and like the US, have refused to accept international law for themselves.
The US is the leading weapons dealer in the world. Its foreign policy is based on militarism, secret operations, economic warfare and nuclear weapons rather than on cooperation, respect, and true caring. The P-5 powers all have used threats of violence or violence and refuse to accept for themselves the International Criminal Court and international law. The world community and the UN General Assembly must take over from the Security Council P-5 whose undemocratic status lacks legitimacy. The P-5 should no longer be allowed to remain above the Law and to commit world crimes with impunity.
There comes a time when the dangers to our beloved world become too much for the existing UN geopolitical system, -- it's time for system change. A decisive and bold strategy highlighting the Earth Constitution could make the difference and become the inspiration for a worldwide peace and justice movement for a "new UN" and the establishment of a democratic world federal union. Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist and the President of Democratic World Federalists. He is the co-editor of DWF NEWS, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views.
August 24, 2021
New ICC Prosecutor on Afghanistan and the Holy Quran
EARTH FEDERATION NEWS & VIEWS: The new International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan quotes the Holy Quran in an appeal for "all parties to the hostilities" for restraint and justice and peaceful reconciliation. Unfortunately, the ICC lacks the full authority and resources it would need to have more of an impact.
The ICC, a product of the Rome Statute which is treaty based, has been under attack by the US government which refuses to place itself under international law, as do some other major nations. The EARTH CONSTITUTION to replace the UN Charter could change that, as such a "new UN" would have a well designed, complete World Judiciary System with actual Enforcement capabilities which would greatly strengthen the ICC. Enforceable world law, which is lacking in the UN's Charter, is one of the vital elements for a fully successful ICC and democratic world federation. -- R. Kotila, PhD, editor
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