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Earth Constitution EARTH FEDERATIONAs necessary for survival as food and water
Political satire still available "In the Shadows" with reporter Crud Radon. Mystery interview with person from Shadow Government. Does New World Order fear Earth Federation? See on You Tube at
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June 25, 2012 Will the Pentagon generals' "Full Spectrum Dominance" plans mean attacking Iran? Is FSD a warning signal of psychiatric disorder in our generals?
Could the generals, and a jingoistic Congress, endanger the country and the world?
Should a professional clinical inquiry be conducted of top Pentagon brass? Impaired judgment? Mentally unfit to serve?
May 6, 2012 The majority of countries belonging to the United Nations
have been restricted to second class citizenship. (Click on OPINION above on horizontal bar)
April 18, 2012 Quit kidding ourselves. The world must federate. From China to the Arctic, we see a steady stream of new conflicts. (Click on OPINION above on horizontal bar)
March 11, 2012 Education as a right or a privilege?
Families with money can afford to send their children to college, but what about the other 99%? The Earth Constitution's Bill of Rights calls for "free and adequate public education available to everyone," and equal opportunity for anyone who seeks a higher education.
Can the world community afford education as a right? Very easily with an end to massive military budgets.
With the Earth Federation's peace system, the Pentagon would not be buying "2,443 F-35 joint strike fighters" at $133 million each, a cost complained about in a recent AARP Bulletin for senior citizens. Strike fighters terroize, and educate no one.
-- Editor
February 23, 2012 Less Government or Good Government?
An AP story by Jenny Barchfield (2/2/12 SF Chronicle) describes how Rio De Janeiro is "crumbling" over the last year while Rio tries to get ready for the Olympics.
Editor's commentary: Rio's unregulated system amounts to having "less government" -- and it hurt Rio. (read on OPINION)
January 28, 2012 Twitter announces new way to censor individual tweets in specific countries reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Twitter, Facebook, and Google must deal with local laws, customs, and political agendas varying from nation to nation in regard to Internet content.
Editor's commentary: Attempts by countries to censor free speech have serious implications. Democracy requires that political speech, in particular, be protected. This issue will require thoughtful attention from the Earth Federation Movement.
January 16, 2012 Vulture's Picnic by investigative reporter Greg Palast is an important new source to understand international corruption in dirty financial deals, oil, and nuclear power. (Click on OPINION)
January 8, 2012 Will an Attack Against Iran be a War Crime?
Do the leaders of Israel and the U.S. risk prosecution by the International Criminal Court if they invade Iran? The answer is "no". The leaders of Empire are, in practice, above international law. (For more..see OPINION)
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Earth Constitution
"making the impossible,
• eliminate weapons of mass destruction
• from war system to
peace system
• universal human rights
• end poverty
Earth Constitution
" the first green
• protect Mother Earth
October 30. 2012
We are a global family world citizen world public interest journalism
October 30, 2012 Dinosaur Party presidential candidate Mitt Romney may be eating his words as "monster storm" Sandy chews up the East Coast. This "worst storm ever" may cause Romney to back off from energy policies calling for more oil, fracking, and coal.
Will the Dinosaur's finally decide to heed the warnings of scientists regarding climate change?
The Earth Federation's World Parliament under the green friendly Earth Constitution leads the way as a model for world governance since it would provide the means to regulate appropriately those nations and multinational corporations that avoid living up to needed environmental standards.
October 27, 2012 Presidential candidates Romney and Obama have no vision for a future bringing world peace. What's wrong with this picture? (Click on NEWS on tab at top - or click on any NEWS icon)
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October 16, 2012 Nobel peace prize to European Union signals recognition of the significance of federating for preventing war (Click on NEWS on horizontal bar above.)
October 7, 2012 Will the influence of the Earth Constitution grow in Central America? International Peace Week in Costa Rica includes lecture tour by Professor Glen Martin (Click on NEWS on horizontal bar above.)
September 26, 2012
"A moral and political answer to the problem of hidden evil"Part 3 of 3 pt series titled: Thoughts on Evil and Evil Empire [Click on OPINION on horizontal bar above and scroll down to Part 3 dated Sept. 26]
September 16, 2012 Melting Ice Worries Scientists while Earth Constitution Awaits Discovery (Click on NEWS icon or NEWS tab at top)
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September 11, 2012 "Godless capitalism, national security, empire, and religious extremism" Part 2 of a 3 part series titled Thoughts on Evil and Evil Empire
[click on OPINION on at tab at top or Opinion Icon below, and scroll down to Part 2 dated Sept. 11]
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September 4, 2012 Thoughts on Evil and Evil Empire Part 1 of a 3 part series looking at evil in our world but with new hope for the good [Click on OPINION TAP at top or on OPINION icon above and scroll down to Part 1 dated Sept. 4]
August 27, 2012 UN system cannot stop Syria or Israel: Terrorism shows need for a world federation (Click on NEWS)
August 24, 2012 Evil and Evil Empire The global political system has been unable to curb major evils haunting the world community and threatening the health and safety of our global family. There is a cure, but when will the world embrace it? (To be published soon in OPINION.)
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August 15, 2012
Who Should Jesus Bomb?
Are some Christian churches rejecting the teachings of the Prince of Peace? Supporting war in the Middle East? Encouraging fear and hate? Secretly hoping for Armageddon? (Click on OPINION)
August 7, 2012 Evidence mounts that the United Nations global system of governance is fatally inadequate for today's world
The UN has been unable to cope with growing geopolitical violence, lawlessness, and environmental crises. Bully nations, special interests, and Big Money plunder "we, the people" with impunity. (Click on OPINION)
July 24, 2012 Is the CIA Privatizing Death Squad Assassinations in Afghanistan?
When an innocent person is killed or "disappears" as a result of secret operations conducted either by mercenaries or by covert operation units, who is accountable? Is nation-state terrorism a world crime? What about those who carry out the orders to kill or abduct? (Click on NEWS)
July 13, 2012 "I believe that someday historians will recognize Philip Isely as one of the truly great figures of 20th century history." -- Professor Glen Martin
Editor's note: In 1995 Dr. Martin learned about the World Constitution & Parliament Association led by Philip Isely, and joined. Martin's "In Memory of Philip Isely" describes some of his personal experiences with Mr. Isely, and also explains why he believes that Isely's legacy toward establishing world government is unusually significant. (Click on OPINION)
July 6, 2012 Philip Isely, the future "father of modern democratic world government" dies at age 96 in Colorado, USA
Philip Isely, over a period of more than thirty years, was the driving force for the successful drafting of a modern democratic federal world constitution. Titled the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, it is now referred to simply as the Earth Constitution. (See NEWS PAGE)
July 1, 2012 Campaign for the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly to be presented at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco
Andreas Bummel, visiting from Germany, will be meeting with world federalists to discuss developments for the UN Parliamentary Assembly -- a strategy to begin the process of remaking the United Nations (Click on NEWS)
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June 24, 2012 Do We Live in a Democracy?
A local California newspaper columnist talks about the need for a democratic world federation while noting that the United States may be losing its democracy. (click on OPINION)
June 21, 2012 Rio's Earth Summit desperately needs the Earth Constitution
The UN Conference on Sustainable Development has the right ecological principle (sustainability), is doing a good job identifying global environmental issues via the UN Environment Program, but is fatally handicapped by the obsolete UN Charter which justifies national sovereignty no matter how dangerous it is to a healthy and safe planet earth. (click on OPINION)
June 9, 2012 Democratic World Federalists put forward "Paths" to establish a democratic world federation:
•Earth Constitution/Earth Federation/ Provisional World Parliament •Article 109 United Nations Charter Review •United Nations Parliamentary Assembly •World Community of Democracies •Global Peoples Assembly •Merger of Regional Organizations (Read more click on NEWS)
June 3, 2012 The recent criminal convictions of powerful individuals in positions of high authority in Egypt, Liberia, and the Philippines may be a sign that the mighty can no longer count on being above the law. (Click on NEWS)
June 3, 2012 (revised from May 31, 2012) Can the Earth Constitution provide a model of government which can prevent dictatorships while reducing political conflicts and enhancing democracy?
From Egypt to Libya to Mali and beyond uprisings have overthrown governments. They will need new constitutions of enlightened and thoughtful design in order to meet the needs and expectations of the citizenry.
(Click on OPINION)
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May 26, 2012
An important new book "Classified Woman" exposes how an unconstitutional "state secrets privilege" was invoked to cover-up crimes by high government officials and certain members of Congress. FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds refuses to remain silent having evidence of deep corruption in high places -- the Pentagon, State Department, Congress, and the FBI itself. The 9/11 truth movement appears to have been justified in its warning that the 9/11 Commission Report was full of omissions and the Report's conclusions could not be trusted.
Editor's comment: An advantage of having Earth Federation government is that in a nation with a corrupted judiciary and government, the Earth Federation's Office of World Ombudsmus could be utilized by whistleblowers to obtain an independent investigation, particularly important if authorities are attempting to cover-up criminal activities. The World Ombudsmus under the Earth Constitution is given authority to investigate and if justified, to prosecute.
May 19,
Could the "we, the people" protests underway against
the G-8 and NATO gain the political and moral upper hand by turning to the Earth
Constitution? (Click on NEWS)
| | |
May 15, 2012 (Revised)
Activists are using Facebook and pictures of pets to inform their friends about the Earth Constitution, but the underlying message is very serious by making certain military-related activities universally outlawed and prohibited (Click on NEWS)
April 28,2012 China tries to silence outspoken Chen Guangcheng with a failed house arrest while the US warns whistleblowers to shut up or else by prosecuting Bradley Manning
April 23, 2012 Professor Glen Martin elected to Board of Directors of Democratic World Federalists based in San Francisco (Click on NEWS)
DWF Event on April 22, 2012 in San Francisco Make your reservations for the DWF Annual Good Government Luncheon & Lecture with author Kathleen Barry (Unmaking War, Remaking Men) in San Francisco on Sunday, April 22. Will "thinking like a man" get us all killed? Call (415) 227-4880
April 6, 2012
England and the US join totalitarian governments by throwing out the right to privacy. Secret domestic surveillance of all phone conversations, e mails, and even financial transactions now possible.
Earth Constitution would protect citizens from warrantless surveillance and invasion of privacy. (Click on NEWS)
April 3, 2012
Understanding militarization, war, core masculinity, and loss of empathy
Professor Kathleen Barry's latest book "Unmaking War, Remaking Men" offers a worldview which challenges the traditional masculine values seen in the world's fixation with violent solutions over peaceful cooperation and empathy.
Core masculinity is seen to harbor "contempt for women." Soldiers are taught sociopathic traits and are expendable. (Click on NEWS)
Democratic World Federalists will feature Dr. Kathleen Barry author of Unmaking War,Remaking Men" at their Annual Good Government Lecture & Luncheon on April 22, 2012 in San Francisco. Event is open to the public. For more information go to or call 415-227-4880
March 28, 2012 Why Americans need the Earth Constitution Despite the fact that health care is a "life or death" issue for many unlucky citizens, the US continues to debate if seeing the doctor, or the dentist for that matter, should be a public right, or another domain owned by private Money. Article 13.5 of the Earth Constitution requires "adequate pubic health services and medical care available to everyone throughout life..." (full editorial click on OPINION)
March 20, 2012
"Privateering" More profit centers for the 1%
We've seen the disastrous effects of privatization in US health care, education, and now the postal service is on its way out. (read more, click on NEWS)
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March 11, 2012 The AARP Bulletin for senior citizens reports that the Pentagon is buying "2,443 F-35 joint strike fighters". Cost? $133 million each. Is that why America can't afford free health care and education for all? -- Editor
March 9, 2012 Most nuclear reactors taken offline in Japan: Earth Constitution recognizes that hazards of nuclear power reach beyond national borders (See NEWS)
March 5, 2012 United Nations system can't stop Syria or Israel: Terrorism shows need for Earth Federation (click on OPINION)
February 25, 2012 Reflections on a change of heart from a former Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense (click on NEWS)
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February 24, 2012 Darkness of Empire: A system of domination subverting democracy? Why we need to embrace the Earth Constitution (click on OPINION)
February 8, 2012
Conflict between Israel and Iran leading to war?
Why we need world federal government
The headlines these days make it clear that the conflict between Israel and Iran may move beyond economic sanctions against Iran. Israel has stated it may attack Iranian nuclear facilities. Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has warned that any attack would be met with retaliation.
Without federal world government in place, an attack and invasion may soon be in the making creating a nightmare. (read more... click on OPINION)
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February 6, 2012 Crises in Syria, Iran, Israel, Greece, the USA and elsewhere are symptoms of a defective global political and economic system. EFM seeks to popularize the birth of a new global system with the Earth Constitution leading the way.
January 24, 2012 From Dictatorship to Democracy: Proposed Legislation to Join the Earth Federation (See NEWS)
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January 17, 2012 Conference of Chief Justices of the World Passes Resolution for United Nations Article 109 Charter Review (See NEWS)
January 9, 2012 Can a Democratic World Federation Government Include Dictatorships? (See OPINION)
Talking Points EARTH FEDERATION government ***** Read the
Earth Constitution at
Talking Points
#1 Replaces the global war system with a global peace system
#2 Disarmageddon: Elimination of weapons of mass destruction.
#3 Replaces the "new world order" with a democratic world order
#4 Saves beneficial United Nations agencies
#5 Protects and expands core values: freedom, liberty, independence, and democracy
#6 Love of family and country
#7 More local control with increased resources
#8 Freedom of religion
#9 First green constitution
#10 Ecological principles embedded in Earth Constitution
#11 Good government
#12 Protection against tyranny